#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # To get your development machine to work with the SecretStore make files, # set the following environment variables on your local machine: # # TOOLS : the directory under which all your development tools are # located. # GNU : the directory that contains the GNU make utility, and # the Microsoft's old CVPack utility. # MSC : the directory containing Microsoft's Visual C++ tools. # MSVS : the directory containing Microsoft's Visual Studio tools. # WATCOM : the directory containing Watcom's C/C++ compiler. # # Variables useful only to the build manager: # # CONTINUUS : the Continuus installation directory. # CCM_WORK_AREA : the location on your local drive where the Continuus # project is located. # # You need only set as many of these environment variables as differ from # the default. So, for example, if the directory structure of your tools # directory is exactly the same as on the network, but located on a local # drive, all you need to do is set the TOOLS environment variable. # # This file will set defaults if you have not defined the environment # variables listed above. The defaults assume that you have drive P: # mapped to the network; specifically, PRV-DEV17/USR: (minus the Continuus # tool) or PRV-TNW/USR:. Both servers contain the tools needed to build # (except for the Continuus tool mentioned previously). # # NOTE: By convention in this and other make files in this project, all # macros defining paths to tools include the traling slash. Your # environment variables should, as well. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq ($(TOOLS),) export TOOLS = p:/tools/ export tools = $(subst $(fs),$(bs),$(TOOLS)) else export tools = $(subst $(fs),$(bs),$(TOOLS)) endif #ifeq ($(PLAT),sux) # export PATH = .:/opt/SUNWspro/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:$PATH #endif ifeq ($(PLAT),lux) export PATH = .:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH endif #ifeq ($(PLAT),aix) # export PATH = .:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/vac/bin:$PATH #endif #ifeq ($(PLAT),hux) # export PATH = .:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/vac/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH #endif #ifeq ($(PLAT),390) # PATH = /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/vac/bin:$PATH #endif #************************************************************************************************** # Path to the Continuus configuration management tool (necessary for build # manager builds only) SHOULD BE DEFINED IN THE ENVIRONMENT c:/"Program Files"/CMSynergy/ccm62/bin/ # #ifeq ($(CONTINUUS),) # CONTINUUS = c:/"Program Files"/CMSynergy/ccm62/bin/ #endif #*************************************************************************************************** # # Path to the Continuus configuration management tool for internal scripts. # ifeq ($(CCM_DIR),) export CCM_DIR = c:/"Program Files"/Telelogic/"CM Synergy 6.3"/bin/ endif # # Path to the configuration management build area (necessary for build # manager builds only). Defaults to build manager's machine. # ifeq ($(CCM_WORK_AREA),) export CCM_WORK_AREA = d:/SecretStore_main~PREP/SecretStore_main/ endif # # Path to the open source gnumake utility. # ifeq ($(GNU_I),) export GNU_I = dependencies/cygwin/gnu/ endif # # Path to the open source gnumake utility. # #ifeq ($(GNU),) # export GNU = ../dependencies/cygwin/gnu/ #endif # # # Path to Microsoft's Visual C++ compiler main directory. # ifeq ($(MSC),) export MSC = $(TOOLS)msc7.00/vc7/ endif ######### NOTE ON HOW TO SETUP VC7 ENVIRONMENT ################# # From the Visual Studio directory you need to find vsvar32.bat and load the environment # parameters in it on your mache permanently. # # Path to Microsoft's Visual Studio common components directory. On the # network (hence, on many developer's machines) this has been copied to # the same location as the Visual C++ executables. However, Microsoft's # installation puts it in the Visual Studio common components directory # structure. Either way you installed it, it should still work. # # If the .NET Framework changes, the following export needs to be changed # ifeq ($(MSCS),) export MSCS = c:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v1.1.4322/ endif # # Path to Watcom's C/C++ compiler for building NLMs. # #ifeq ($(WATCOM),) # export WATCOM = $(TOOLS)wcc/v11.0a/ #endif