/*********************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, Novell, Inc. * * To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail, * you may find current contact information at www.novell.com. * ***********************************************************************/ #include "MiCASAKeys.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MODULE_NAME "MiCASAKeys.so" #define VERSION "" void _xpcom_log (int error, const char *format, ...) { char buffer [1024]; char identification [32]; va_list args; sprintf (identification, "%s %s ", MODULE_NAME, VERSION); va_start (args, format); vsprintf (buffer, format, args); openlog (identification, LOG_PID, LOG_AUTH); setlogmask (LOG_UPTO (LOG_DEBUG)); syslog (error, buffer); closelog (); //printf("%i\t%s\t%s\n", error, identification, buffer); } /* Implementation file */ NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(MiCASAKeys, IMiCASAKeys) MiCASAKeys::MiCASAKeys() { m_bLibraryLoaded = FALSE; m_pCASAOpen = NULL; m_pCASAClose = NULL; m_pCASAWriteKey = NULL; m_pCASAReadKey = NULL; _xpcom_log (LOG_INFO, "MiCASAKeys::MiCASAKeys constructor called."); /* member initializers and constructor code */ m_hCASALibrary = dlopen("libmicasa.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (m_hCASALibrary) { _xpcom_log (LOG_INFO, "libmicasa.so opened successfully."); m_pCASAOpen = (PCASAOPEN)dlsym(m_hCASALibrary, "miCASAOpenSecretStoreCache"); m_pCASAClose = (PCASACLOSE)dlsym(m_hCASALibrary, "miCASACloseSecretStoreCache"); m_pCASAWriteKey = (PCASAWRITEKEY)dlsym(m_hCASALibrary, "miCASAWriteKey"); m_pCASAReadKey = (PCASAREADKEY)dlsym(m_hCASALibrary, "miCASAReadKey"); m_bLibraryLoaded = TRUE; } else { _xpcom_log(LOG_ERR, "dlopen on libmicasa.so failed, errno - %d.", errno); } } MiCASAKeys::~MiCASAKeys() { /* destructor code */ // if (m_bLibraryLoaded == TRUE) // { // dlclose(hMod); // m_bLibraryLoaded = FALSE; // } } /* PRInt32 miCASAWriteKey (in string secretId, in string key, in string value); */ //NS_IMETHODIMP MiCASAKeys::MiCASAWriteKey(const char *secretId, const char *key, const char *value, PRInt32 *_retval) /* PRInt32 miCASAWriteKey (in AUTF8String secretId, in AUTF8String key, in AUTF8String value); */ NS_IMETHODIMP MiCASAKeys::MiCASAWriteKey(const nsACString & secretId, const nsACString & key, const nsACString & value, PRInt32 *_retval) { _xpcom_log (LOG_INFO, "MiCASAKeys::MiCASAWriteKey called."); if (m_bLibraryLoaded == TRUE) { nsresult result; SSCS_KEYCHAIN_ID_T sessionKeyChain = {26, "SSCS_SESSION_KEY_CHAIN_ID"}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T sharedId; SSCS_SECRETSTORE_T ssId; HANDLE context; ssId.version = NSSCS_VERSION_NUMBER; strncpy((char *)ssId.ssName, (char *)SSCS_DEFAULT_SECRETSTORE_ID, sizeof(ssId.ssName)); result = NSSCS_E_SYSTEM_FAILURE; if (m_pCASAOpen) { context = (*m_pCASAOpen)( &ssId, 0, NULL); if (context) { sharedId.len = secretId.Length() + 1; strncpy((char *)sharedId.id, secretId.BeginReading(), sizeof(sharedId.id)); if (m_pCASAReadKey) { result = (*m_pCASAWriteKey)( context, 0, &sessionKeyChain, &sharedId, (unsigned char *)key.BeginReading(), key.Length() + 1, (unsigned char *)value.BeginReading(), value.Length() + 1, NULL, NULL); } else { _xpcom_log (LOG_INFO, "MiCASAKeys::MiCASAWriteKey - m_pCASAWriteKey is NULL."); } (*m_pCASAClose)( context, 0, NULL); } else { _xpcom_log (LOG_INFO, "MiCASAKeys::MiCASAWriteKey - miCASAOpenSecretStoreCache failed."); } } else { _xpcom_log (LOG_INFO, "MiCASAKeys::MiCASAWriteKey - m_pCASAOpen is NULL."); } *_retval = result; return result; } else { _xpcom_log (LOG_INFO, "MiCASAKeys::MiCASAWriteKey library not loaded."); return NSSCS_E_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND; } } /* PRInt32 miCASAReadKey (in string secretId, in string key, out string value); */ //NS_IMETHODIMP MiCASAKeys::MiCASAReadKey(const char *secretId, const char *key, char **value, PRInt32 *_retval) /* PRInt32 miCASAReadKey (in AUTF8String secretId, in AUTF8String key, out AUTF8String value); */ NS_IMETHODIMP MiCASAKeys::MiCASAReadKey(const nsACString & secretId, const nsACString & key, nsACString & value, PRInt32 *_retval) { _xpcom_log (LOG_INFO, "MiCASAKeys::MiCASAReadKey called."); if (m_bLibraryLoaded == TRUE) { nsresult result; SSCS_KEYCHAIN_ID_T sessionKeyChain = {26, "SSCS_SESSION_KEY_CHAIN_ID"}; SSCS_SECRET_ID_T sharedId; SSCS_SECRETSTORE_T ssId; uint32_t bytesRequired; HANDLE context; ssId.version = NSSCS_VERSION_NUMBER; strncpy((char *)ssId.ssName, (char *)SSCS_DEFAULT_SECRETSTORE_ID, sizeof(ssId.ssName)); result = NSSCS_E_SYSTEM_FAILURE; if (m_pCASAOpen) { context = (*m_pCASAOpen)( &ssId, 0, NULL); if (context) { uint32_t valueLength = 256; unsigned char tempValue[257]; sharedId.len = secretId.Length() + 1; strncpy((char *)sharedId.id, secretId.BeginReading(), sizeof(sharedId.id)); if (m_pCASAReadKey) { result = (*m_pCASAReadKey)( context, 0, &sessionKeyChain, &sharedId, (unsigned char *)key.BeginReading(), key.Length() + 1, tempValue, &valueLength, NULL, &bytesRequired, NULL); value.Assign((char *)tempValue, valueLength - 1); } else { _xpcom_log (LOG_INFO, "MiCASAKeys::MiCASAReadKey - m_pCASAReadKey is NULL."); } (*m_pCASAClose)( context, 0, NULL); } else { _xpcom_log (LOG_INFO, "MiCASAKeys::MiCASAReadKey - miCASAOpenSecretStoreCache failed."); } } else { _xpcom_log (LOG_INFO, "MiCASAKeys::MiCASAReadKey - m_pCASAOpen is NULL."); } *_retval = result; return result; } else { _xpcom_log (LOG_INFO, "MiCASAKeys::MiCASAReadKey library not loaded."); return NSSCS_E_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND; } }