using System; using System.Collections; using System.Xml; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Specialized; using Novell.CASA.DataEngines.Common; using Novell.CASA.CASAPolicy; #if LINUX using Novell.CASA.GUI; #endif namespace Novell.CASA.DataEngines { public class AD { private miCASAEngine micasaengine; #if LINUX private GKEngine gkEngine = null; private KWalletEngine kwEngine = null; #endif private AggregationPol aggPol; public AD() { // Always Aggregate miCASA. micasaengine = new miCASAEngine(); kwEngine = new KWalletEngine(); gkEngine = new GKEngine(); /* // Reading Policy to see what else needs to be Aggregated. aggPol = (AggregationPol) ICASAPol.GetPolicy(CASAPolType.AGGREGATION_POL); if (aggPol != null ) { ArrayList stores = aggPol.StoreList; IEnumerator enumerator = stores.GetEnumerator(); while(enumerator.MoveNext()) { string storeID = (((Store)(enumerator.Current)).StoreName); if(storeID.Equals(ConstStrings.KW)) { Logger.DbgLog("A-D Lib: KWallet Set up for Aggregation"); kwEngine = new KWalletEngine(); } else if(storeID.Equals(ConstStrings.GK)) { Logger.DbgLog("A-D Lib:Gnome Keyring Set up for Aggregation"); gkEngine = new GKEngine(); } // Console.WriteLine("StoreName = " + ((Store)(enumerator.Current)).StoreName + "StoreId = " + ((Store)(enumerator.Current)).StoreId); } } */ } public XmlDocument Aggregate() { #if LINUX gkEngine = null; kwEngine = null; #endif //Read the Policy Just before you aggregate // Reading Policy to see what else needs to be Aggregated. aggPol = (AggregationPol) ICASAPol.GetPolicy(CASAPolType.AGGREGATION_POL); if (aggPol != null ) { ArrayList stores = aggPol.StoreList; IEnumerator enumerator = stores.GetEnumerator(); while(enumerator.MoveNext()) { string storeID = (((Store)(enumerator.Current)).StoreName); #if LINUX if(storeID.Equals(ConstStrings.KW)) { Logger.DbgLog("A-D Lib: KWallet Set up for Aggregation"); kwEngine = new KWalletEngine(); } else if(storeID.Equals(ConstStrings.GK)) { Logger.DbgLog("A-D Lib:Gnome Keyring Set up for Aggregation"); gkEngine = new GKEngine(); } #endif // Console.WriteLine("StoreName = " + ((Store)(enumerator.Current)).StoreName + "StoreId = " + ((Store)(enumerator.Current)).StoreId); } } XmlDocument ccf = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement elem = ccf.CreateElement("CCF"); ccf.AppendChild(elem); // TBD: Lookup Policy here and maybe send it via constructors XmlNode micasaEnum = micasaengine.Aggregate(); if (micasaEnum != null) //Atleast should come incase of no secrets { XmlNode gotit = ccf.ImportNode(micasaEnum,true); ccf.DocumentElement.AppendChild(gotit); } else { // Null comes only when it failed to talk to miCASA. #if LINUX Logger.DbgLog("A-D Lib:Failed to Connect to miCASA"); #endif } #if LINUX if (gkEngine != null) { XmlNode gkSecrets = gkEngine.Aggregate(); if( null != gkSecrets ) { XmlNode gkImportedNode = ccf.ImportNode(gkSecrets,true); ccf.DocumentElement.AppendChild(gkImportedNode); } else { Logger.DbgLog("A-D Lib:Failed to Connect to Gnome Keyring"); } } if(kwEngine != null ) { XmlNode KwEnum = kwEngine.Aggregate(); if (KwEnum != null) //Atleast should come incase of no secrets { XmlNode kwImported = ccf.ImportNode(KwEnum,true); ccf.DocumentElement.AppendChild(kwImported); } else { // Null comes only when it failed to talk to Kwallet. Logger.DbgLog("A-D Lib:Failed to Connect to KWallet"); } } #endif return ccf; } public int SetSecret(XmlNode secret, int StoreID) { if (StoreID == ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_MICASA) return micasaengine.SetSecret(secret); if (StoreID == ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_KWALLET) return kwEngine.SetSecret(secret); if (StoreID == ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_GK) return gkEngine.SetSecret(secret); else { #if LINUX Logger.DbgLog("A-D Lib:Failed to Set Secret in to miCASA"); #endif return -1; } } public int GetSecret(XmlNode secret, int StoreID) { //TBD: Check for Store ID and call the right DataEngine. if (StoreID == ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_MICASA) return micasaengine.GetSecret(secret); else { #if LINUX Logger.DbgLog("A-D Lib: Failed to Get Secret in to miCASA"); #endif return -1; } } public int Remove(XmlNode secret, int StoreID) { if (StoreID == ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_MICASA) return micasaengine.Remove(secret); if (StoreID == ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_KWALLET) return kwEngine.Remove(secret); if (StoreID == ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_GK) return gkEngine.Remove(secret); return -1; } public int AggregateStore(XmlDocument outDoc, int StoreID) { // This need not be policy aware. GUI knows what its doing. XmlNode secEnum; DataEngine engine; XmlNode toproot = outDoc.DocumentElement; if (toproot == null) { XmlElement elem = outDoc.CreateElement("CCF"); outDoc.AppendChild(elem); } if ( StoreID == ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_MICASA ) // If its miCASA { engine = micasaengine; secEnum = engine.Aggregate(); if (secEnum != null ) { XmlNode root = outDoc.DocumentElement; XmlNodeList miCASANodes = root.SelectNodes("descendant::miCASA"); // Console.WriteLine("ADLIB: Count is " + miCASANodes.Count); if (miCASANodes.Count != 0) // If there is something remove it { root.RemoveChild(miCASANodes[0]); } XmlNode gotit = outDoc.ImportNode(secEnum,true); root.AppendChild(gotit); return ConstStrings.CASA_SUCCESS; } else return ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } #if LINUX else if( StoreID == ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_GK ) { gkEngine = new GKEngine(); secEnum = gkEngine.Aggregate(); if (secEnum != null ) { XmlNode root = outDoc.DocumentElement; XmlNodeList gkNode = root.SelectNodes("descendant::GK"); if (gkNode.Count != 0) // If there is something remove it { root.RemoveChild(gkNode[0]); } XmlNode gkImportNode = outDoc.ImportNode(secEnum,true); root.AppendChild(gkImportNode); return ConstStrings.CASA_SUCCESS; } else return ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } else if(StoreID == ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_KWALLET) { kwEngine = new KWalletEngine(); secEnum = kwEngine.Aggregate(); if (secEnum != null ) { XmlNode root = outDoc.DocumentElement; XmlNodeList gkNode = root.SelectNodes("descendant::KWallet"); if (gkNode.Count != 0) // If there is something remove it { root.RemoveChild(gkNode[0]); } XmlNode kwImportNode = outDoc.ImportNode(secEnum,true); root.AppendChild(kwImportNode); return ConstStrings.CASA_SUCCESS; } else { Console.WriteLine("KWallet some issue"); return ConstStrings.CASA_STORE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } Logger.DbgLog("A-D Lib: Unknown Operation Requested"); #endif return ConstStrings.CASA_OPERATION_FAILED; } public int InitAD() { return ConstStrings.CASA_SUCCESS; } public int CleanUP_AD() { return ConstStrings.CASA_SUCCESS; } } }