@echo on rem setup for calling nmake rem setlocal set casa_root_dir=%cd% rem Do a free (retail) build setlocal call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 2005\VC\bin\amd64\vcvarsamd64.bat" rem VS 2005 crashed when building solution file, so right now building project level. rem Also, it has the same problem with rebuild option, so I am cleaning binaries in my scripts. cd /d %casa_root_dir% devenv authclient.sln /clean Release devenv authclient.sln /build Release /project library\windows\client.vcproj devenv authclient.sln /build Release /project package\windows\authtokenclient_msi\authtokenclient_msi.vdproj devenv authclient.sln /build Release /project package\windows\authtokenclientdevel_msi\authtokenclientdevel_msi.vdproj devenv authclient.sln /clean Debug devenv authclient.sln /build Debug /project library\windows\client.vcproj devenv authclient.sln /build Debug /project package\windows\authtokenclient_msi\authtokenclient_msi.vdproj devenv authclient.sln /build Debug /project package\windows\authtokenclientdevel_msi\authtokenclientdevel_msi.vdproj endlocal