Fri Dec 16 15:07:22 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Compile erros in gk_ad.c were fixed to build. 

Fri Dec 16 10:49:53 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Checked in for changes in ADLib for Add-Modify-Delete for 
	KWallet and Gnome Keyring.

Fri Dec 16 08:55:06 MST 2005 - jluciani@novell.com

-Fixed compiler warnings in auth-token stuff.

Wed Dec 14 10:57:46 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

-Bug 138355. Delay persistence until home directory is created.
 prevent closing session prematurely (pam_sscs.c)

Wed Dec 14 10:22:46 MST 2005 - jluciani@novell.com

-Added authentication token stuff into the mix.

Tue Dec  6 15:43:46 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

-Added AssemblyInfo files to all DotNET modules 

Tue Dec  6 09:43:46 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

-Reverting back to build 166 changes and updating the CASA.spec 
	to run pre and post script. 

Mon Dec  5 13:32:23 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 136523.  Fix KWallet code to show KWallet secrets. 
	fix made in kwallets_rw.cpp 

Fri Dec  2 16:35:38 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 136527.  Add handlers on KDEStore and GNOME Store code 

Fri Dec  2 15:11:49 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Bug 136221, workaround in CASA.spec file were removed because
	they were not changes for supported intended use of the
	product. Instead the readme was updated.

Fri Dec 02 10:34:02 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 134096, add CASAManager.exe.config.
- Bug 136224, Document Readme for random crash on 64 bit. 
- Bug 136226, Launch kde-open on kde desktops, and gnome-open on 
	gnome for help files
- Bug 136221, Attempt to prevent installing 32bit rpms on 
	64 bit platforms as a workaround.
- Added CASA_dbg.spec file to build debug RPMs on autobuild

Wed Nov 30 10:34:02 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 134096, Fixed Wrapper code for proper structure marshaling. 

Tue Nov 29 17:01:09 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug: 134096 Fix CASA gui for 64 bit 

Wed Nov 24 14:09:19 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug fixes: 135387, 135393


Wed Nov 23 07:18:23 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- c_gui/CASAManager.sh was fixed to support lib64 directory.
- c_micasad/startup/micasad.sh was fixed to support lib64.

Wed Nov 23 16:09:19 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- changed PAM Capture to find libmicasa in path

Wed Nov 18 14:09:19 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Change GUI dependency from gtk2-devel to gtk2.

Wed Nov 16 13:42:19 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Bug 133479.  Clear Native information when destroying secrets or refreshing

Tue Nov 15 14:54:19 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Added gtk2-devel dependency to CASA-gui rpm 

Mon Nov 14 15:56:59 MST 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com

- Bug 133705 having to do with licenses in the source files
  was fixed. 
- CASA.spec was modified to accomodate for auto build scripts.
Fri Nov 11 08:26:50 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Added help files, and code to launch help files to GUI 

Thu Nov 10 12:32:38 MST 2005 - jnorman@novell.com

- Replaced changes.log with CASA.changes in the src tree to be
  consistent with autobuild

Mon Nov  7 16:44:00 MST 2005 - cameron@novell.com

- CASA.spec and versioning number was modified to support build
  number as a part of the rpm version.
- lib*.so versioning was changed to support linux format versioning
  numbers. CASA libs are at 1.1.1 now.
	- Build scripts were modified to support $RPM_OPT_FLAGS.
	- Added persistence without desktop credentials.
	- Bug 130336 -- resevered escaped chars was fixed.
	- Bug 130518 -- invalid param exception handling was 
	- Support for extended ascii and double byte chars in 
	  GUI was added.
	- Finalized GUI cosmetic changes.

Thu Oct 27 11:40:20 MDT 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com
-The image version to 1.5.0
   -   Work area was cleaned up for the final build.
   -   CASA.spec was modified to requirement.
   -   Minor bug fixes were applied.
Thu Oct 19 14:46:33 MDT 2005 - cmashayekhi@novell.com
-The image version to 1.5.0
   -   Moving from version 1.0.0 to 1.5.0 as per PRD.