Mon Apr  2 17:13:28 MDT 2007 - jluciani@novell.com

- Cleaned up 64bit platform issues.

- Fixed BUG245588 which dealt with the devel package windows

- Fixed BUG258123 which dealt with recovery from errors in a
  multi-ATS environment using the same REALMS. 

Wed Mar 21 17:16:22 MDT 2007 - jluciani@novell.com

- Fixed BUG256571. The changes allows the server to instruct the
  Pwd authentication mechanism to only utilize credentials that
  match the specified REALM. 

Mon Mar  5 11:28:46 MST 2007 - jluciani@novell.com

- Fixed BUG 251374. The changes allow us to get around issues where
  DNS is not setup correctly and forward lookups fail on names
  that where obtained using a reverse DNS lookup.

- Added the capability to log debug messages to a file
  under windows. 

Fri Feb 16 17:58:14 MST 2007 - schoi@novell.com

- fix build failure on x86_64 

Wed Feb 14 12:01:58 MST 2007 - jluciani@novell.com

- Fixed BUG225485.

- Added code to indicate that Authentication/Session tokens
  should not be persisted in miCASA. 

Mon Feb 12 11:58:41 CET 2007 - aj@suse.de

- Remove unneeded dependency on glade-sharp.

Wed Feb  7 16:02:39 MST 2007 - jluciani@novell.com

- Resolved Bugs 242890, 242893, 242894, 242895, 242896, 242898,
  242899, 242900, 242901, 242902, 242903, 242906, 242908, 242909,
  242911, 242913, 242914, 242915, 242916, 242919. 

Wed Jan 24 11:21:12 MST 2007 - jluciani@novell.com

- Resolved BUG233226 (CASA Authtoken Client library needs to
  un-initialize itself when unloaded).

- Changed the files included in the client RPM to allow applications
  to more easily dynamically link our libraries without neededing to
  deal with library version changes. 

Fri Jan 12 16:59:36 MST 2007 - jluciani@novell.com

- Resolved BUG234411. The issue involved the client crashing
  when receiving a response from an ATS with a successful
  status but no payload. 

Fri Jan  5 12:24:06 MST 2007 - jluciani@novell.com

- Resolved BUG232243. The issue involved clearing memory used by the
  client library to hold tokens since the tokens contain security
  sensitive data. 

Fri Dec  1 10:32:57 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Resolved BUG225118.

- Made changes to issues found during self-code review. 

Tue Nov 21 15:21:47 MST 2006 - schoi@novell.com

- FateID 301736 : Submit CASA_auth_token_client to sled10-sp1 

Mon Nov 13 11:24:21 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Separated the non-java project into client and server projects in
  order to better support distributions that target desktops.
  From now on, this changes file will only contain information
  that applies to the client project. 

Thu Nov  9 17:16:36 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Finished the changes to enable client/ATS communications
  over SSL. 

Tue Nov  7 16:01:11 MST 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Made changes to enable client/ats communication over SSL. (Not quite
  done with this yet).

- Updated the make system to allow Windows builds to be made from
  the command line using Cygwin. 

Thu Oct 19 09:20:24 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Created client-devel RPM.

- Made changes to conform to updates made to the Java components
  with regard to the layout of files.

Tue Oct 10 08:46:22 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Brought up to date the README and TODO files. 

Mon Oct  9 09:28:37 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Cleaned up compiler warnings that were present in some of the

Fri Oct  6 14:22:54 MDT 2006 - schoi@novell.com

- Add the CASA build check as dependency in spec file 

Thu Oct  5 15:21:39 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Ported the client to Linux and created the CASA_auth_token_client package. 

Mon Oct  2 11:47:16 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Made spec file modifications suggested by SuSE. The changes entailed
  leveraging RPM macros instead of using my own scripts to make the
  RPM more solid. 

Thu Sep 14 17:41:40 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Added rc script for Validate AuthToken Service. 

Thu Sep 14 09:48:54 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Created the Validate AuthToken Service and made all of the necessary changes
  to allow it to be consumed by the AuthTokenValidate library.

- Also made necessary spec file changes to support our configuration. 

Tue Sep  5 08:37:35 MDT 2006 - jluciani@novell.com

- Created client/server IPC libraries that will be utilized by libcasa_s_authtoken
  to communicate with the Java Validate AuthToken Service (yet to be created) over
  DOMAIN sockets. The service will utilize the libraries via JNI to be able to
  process requests sent using DOMAIN sockets.

Tue Aug 15 10:09:32 MDT 2006 - schoi@novell.com
- Fixed CASA_auth_token_devel build requirement for CASA_auth_token_svc 

Mon Aug 7 10:28:32 MDT 2006 - schoi@novell.com
- This file has been created for CASA_auth_token_native project for the first
