diff --git a/CASA-auth-token/yast2-casa-ats/src/CasaAts.ycp b/CASA-auth-token/yast2-casa-ats/src/CasaAts.ycp
index 5bc35b23..b02bf41f 100644
--- a/CASA-auth-token/yast2-casa-ats/src/CasaAts.ycp
+++ b/CASA-auth-token/yast2-casa-ats/src/CasaAts.ycp
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
- * File: modules/CasaAts.ycp
- * Package: Configuration of casa-ats
- * Summary: CasaAts settings, input and output functions
- * Authors: Juan Carlos Luciani
- * Ryan Partridge
+ * File: modules/CasaAts.ycp
+ * Package: Configuration of casa-ats
+ * Summary: CasaAts settings, input and output functions
+ * Authors: Juan Carlos Luciani
+ * Ryan Partridge
* $Id: CasaAts.ycp 27914 2006-02-13 14:32:08Z locilka $
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ global boolean() AbortFunction = Modified;
global define boolean Abort() ``{
if(AbortFunction != nil)
- return AbortFunction () == true;
+ return AbortFunction () == true;
return false;
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ boolean ModifyFirewallPort()
global boolean Read() {
- y2milestone("Read Executing");
+ y2milestone("Read Executing");
- string cmd = "";
- map ret = $[];
- integer exit = -1;
+ string cmd = "";
+ map ret = $[];
+ integer exit = -1;
/* CasaAts read dialog caption */
string caption = _("Initializing CASA ATS Configuration");
@@ -171,263 +171,263 @@ global boolean Read() {
// We do not set help text here, because it was set outside
Progress::New( caption, " ", steps, [
- /* Progress stage 1/2 */
- _("Read the previous settings"),
- /* Progress stage 2/2 */
- _("Read the firewall status")
- ], [
- /* Progress step 1/2 */
- _("Reading the settings file..."),
- /* Progress step 2/2 */
- _("Reading the firewall status..."),
- /* Progress finished */
- _("Finished")
- ],
- ""
+ /* Progress stage 1/2 */
+ _("Read the previous settings"),
+ /* Progress stage 2/2 */
+ _("Read the firewall status")
+ ], [
+ /* Progress step 1/2 */
+ _("Reading the settings file..."),
+ /* Progress step 2/2 */
+ _("Reading the firewall status..."),
+ /* Progress finished */
+ _("Finished")
+ ],
+ ""
// Read settings
if (Abort()) return false;
- // Set defaults
- Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"] = false;
- Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_WEB_ACCESS"] = false;
+ // Set defaults
+ Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"] = false;
+ Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_WEB_ACCESS"] = false;
if (FileUtils::Exists("/etc/sysconfig/casa-ats")) {
Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"] = tolower((string)SCR::Read(.sysconfig.casa-ats.CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE)) == "yes";
- if ((Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"]:false) == true) {
- cmd = svcSettingsEditor + " -get ReconfigureInterval -file " + svcSettingsFile;
- ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
- integer exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
- if (exit == 0) {
- string cmd_output = ret["stdout"]:"";
- list output_lines = splitstring(cmd_output, "\n");
- list reconfigIntervalLineComponents = splitstring(output_lines[0]:"ReconfigureInterval=60", "=");
- Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_RECONFIG_INTERVAL"] = tointeger(reconfigIntervalLineComponents[1]:"60");
- }
- }
+ if ((Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"]:false) == true) {
+ cmd = svcSettingsEditor + " -get ReconfigureInterval -file " + svcSettingsFile;
+ ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
+ integer exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
+ if (exit == 0) {
+ string cmd_output = ret["stdout"]:"";
+ list output_lines = splitstring(cmd_output, "\n");
+ list reconfigIntervalLineComponents = splitstring(output_lines[0]:"ReconfigureInterval=60", "=");
+ Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_RECONFIG_INTERVAL"] = tointeger(reconfigIntervalLineComponents[1]:"60");
+ }
+ }
if (false) Report::Error(_("Cannot read settings file."));
- // Read the trusted server config
- y2milestone("Reading trusted server config");
- list trustedServerList = [];
+ // Read the trusted server config
+ y2milestone("Reading trusted server config");
+ list trustedServerList = [];
if (SCR::Read(.target.size, trustedServerConfigFile) > 0) {
- string trustedServerListString = (string) SCR::Read(.target.string, trustedServerConfigFile);
- if (trustedServerListString != nil) {
- trustedServerList = splitstring(trustedServerListString, "\n");
- }
- else {
- y2error("Failed to read from " + trustedServerConfigFile);
- }
- }
- Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_TRUSTED"] = trustedServerList;
+ string trustedServerListString = (string) SCR::Read(.target.string, trustedServerConfigFile);
+ if (trustedServerListString != nil) {
+ trustedServerList = splitstring(trustedServerListString, "\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ y2error("Failed to read from " + trustedServerConfigFile);
+ }
+ }
+ Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_TRUSTED"] = trustedServerList;
- // Check if we need to read the server configuration
- if ((Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"]:false) == true) {
+ // Check if we need to read the server configuration
+ if ((Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"]:false) == true) {
- // Read the auth.policy information
- cmd = sformat("%1 -list -file %2", authPolicyEditor, authPolicyFile);
- ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
- map authPolicy = $[];
- exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
- if (exit != 0)
- y2error("Failed to read realm info from " + iaRealmsFile);
- else {
- string cmd_output = ret["stdout"]:"";
- list authPolicyLines = splitstring(cmd_output, "\n");
- string realmId = "";
- string mechanism = "";
- foreach(string line, authPolicyLines, {
- if (tolower(line) == "auth_source:") {
- realmId = "";
- mechanism = "";
- }
- else
- {
- list lineComponents = splitstring(line, "\t");
- foreach(string component, lineComponents, {
- if (component != "") {
- list settingValue = splitstring(component, ":");
- if (tolower(settingValue[0]:"") == "identity source") {
- realmId = settingValue[1]:"";
- }
- else if (tolower(settingValue[0]:"") == "authentication mechanism") {
- mechanism = settingValue[1]:"";
- }
- }
- });
- }
+ // Read the auth.policy information
+ cmd = sformat("%1 -list -file %2", authPolicyEditor, authPolicyFile);
+ ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
+ map authPolicy = $[];
+ exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
+ if (exit != 0)
+ y2error("Failed to read realm info from " + iaRealmsFile);
+ else {
+ string cmd_output = ret["stdout"]:"";
+ list authPolicyLines = splitstring(cmd_output, "\n");
+ string realmId = "";
+ string mechanism = "";
+ foreach(string line, authPolicyLines, {
+ if (tolower(line) == "auth_source:") {
+ realmId = "";
+ mechanism = "";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ list lineComponents = splitstring(line, "\t");
+ foreach(string component, lineComponents, {
+ if (component != "") {
+ list settingValue = splitstring(component, ":");
+ if (tolower(settingValue[0]:"") == "identity source") {
+ realmId = settingValue[1]:"";
+ }
+ else if (tolower(settingValue[0]:"") == "authentication mechanism") {
+ mechanism = settingValue[1]:"";
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
- if (realmId != "" && mechanism != "") {
- map authMechs = (map) authPolicy[realmId]:$[];
- authMechs[mechanism] = true;
- authPolicy[realmId] = authMechs;
- }
- });
- }
+ if (realmId != "" && mechanism != "") {
+ map authMechs = (map) authPolicy[realmId]:$[];
+ authMechs[mechanism] = true;
+ authPolicy[realmId] = authMechs;
+ }
+ });
+ }
- // Get a list of the configured realms in the iaRealms.xml file
- cmd = iaRealmsEditor + " -list -file " + iaRealmsFile;
- ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
- exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
- if (exit != 0)
- y2error("Failed to read configured realms from " + iaRealmsFile);
- else {
- string cmd_output = ret["stdout"]:"";
- list realmIdList = splitstring(cmd_output, "\n");
- map realms = $[];
+ // Get a list of the configured realms in the iaRealms.xml file
+ cmd = iaRealmsEditor + " -list -file " + iaRealmsFile;
+ ret = (map) SCR::Execute(.target.bash_output, cmd);
+ exit = ret["exit"]:-1;
+ if (exit != 0)
+ y2error("Failed to read configured realms from " + iaRealmsFile);
+ else {
+ string cmd_output = ret["stdout"]:"";
+ list realmIdList = splitstring(cmd_output, "\n");
+ list
integer max = 0;
integer items = 0;
list table_items = [];
- list searchRootList = realmSearchRootList;
+ list searchRootList = realmSearchRootList;
- // Read list of search roots already configured for this realm
- foreach (string value, searchRootList, {
- term context = `item(`id(items));
- context = add(context, value);
- table_items = add(table_items, context);
- items = items + 1;
- max = max + 1;
- });
+ // Read list of search roots already configured for this realm
+ foreach (string value, searchRootList, {
+ term context = `item(`id(items));
+ context = add(context, value);
+ table_items = add(table_items, context);
+ items = items + 1;
+ max = max + 1;
+ });
/* Dialog contents */
term contents = `HBox(
- `HSpacing(5),
- `VBox(
- `VStretch(),
- `Frame(_("Search Roots"),
- `VBox(
- `Table(`id(`table), `opt(`notify), `header(_("Context")), []),
- `HBox(`PushButton(`id(`add), _("Ad&d")),
- `PushButton(`id(`edit), `opt(`disabled), _("&Edit")),
- `PushButton(`id(`delete), `opt(`disabled), _("De&lete"))))),
- `VStretch()
- ),
- `HSpacing(5)
+ `HSpacing(5),
+ `VBox(
+ `VStretch(),
+ `Frame(_("Search Roots"),
+ `VBox(
+ `Table(`id(`table), `opt(`notify), `header(_("Context")), []),
+ `HBox(`PushButton(`id(`add), _("Ad&d")),
+ `PushButton(`id(`edit), `opt(`disabled), _("&Edit")),
+ `PushButton(`id(`delete), `opt(`disabled), _("De&lete"))))),
+ `VStretch()
+ ),
+ `HSpacing(5)
Wizard::SetContentsButtons(caption, contents, help,
- Label::BackButton(), Label::OKButton());
+ Label::BackButton(), Label::OKButton());
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
@@ -165,79 +165,79 @@ searches while trying to authenticate an entity.
any ret = nil;
while (true) {
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`edit), `Enabled, items > 0);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`delete), `Enabled, items > 0);
- y2milestone("AuthRealmEditSearchRootsDialog waiting for user input");
- ret = UI::UserInput();
- /* abort? */
- if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel || ret == `back) {
- if (Popup::ReallyAbort(true)) break;
- else continue;
- }
- /* edit context */
- else if (ret == `edit) {
- y2milestone("Edit Search Root Entry Invoked");
- integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
- list cur_item = filter(term e, table_items, {
- return cur == e[0, 0]:nil;
- });
- y2debug("cur=%1", cur);
- y2debug("cur_item=%1", cur_item);
- term item = cur_item[0]:nil;
- item = SearchRootEditDialog(cur, item);
- if(item == nil) continue;
- table_items = maplist(term e, table_items, {
- if(cur == e[0, 0]:-1)
- return item;
- return e;
- });
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, cur);
- continue;
- }
- /* add context */
- else if (ret == `add) {
- y2milestone("Add Search Root Entry Invoked");
- term item = SearchRootEditDialog(max, `empty());
- if (item == nil) continue;
- table_items = add(table_items, item);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, max);
- items = items + 1;
- max = max + 1;
- continue;
- }
- /* delete context */
- else if (ret == `delete) {
- y2milestone("Delete Search Root Entry Invoked");
- items = items - 1;
- integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
- table_items = filter(term e, table_items, {
- return cur != e[0, 0]:nil;
- });
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `next) {
- realmSearchRootList = [];
- foreach (term value, table_items,{
- realmSearchRootList = add(realmSearchRootList, value[1]:"");
- });
- break;
- }
- else {
- y2error("unexpected retcode: %1", ret);
- continue;
- }
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`edit), `Enabled, items > 0);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`delete), `Enabled, items > 0);
+ y2milestone("AuthRealmEditSearchRootsDialog waiting for user input");
+ ret = UI::UserInput();
+ /* abort? */
+ if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel || ret == `back) {
+ if (Popup::ReallyAbort(true)) break;
+ else continue;
+ }
+ /* edit context */
+ else if (ret == `edit) {
+ y2milestone("Edit Search Root Entry Invoked");
+ integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
+ list cur_item = filter(term e, table_items, {
+ return cur == e[0, 0]:nil;
+ });
+ y2debug("cur=%1", cur);
+ y2debug("cur_item=%1", cur_item);
+ term item = cur_item[0]:nil;
+ item = SearchRootEditDialog(cur, item);
+ if(item == nil) continue;
+ table_items = maplist(term e, table_items, {
+ if(cur == e[0, 0]:-1)
+ return item;
+ return e;
+ });
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, cur);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* add context */
+ else if (ret == `add) {
+ y2milestone("Add Search Root Entry Invoked");
+ term item = SearchRootEditDialog(max, `empty());
+ if (item == nil) continue;
+ table_items = add(table_items, item);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, max);
+ items = items + 1;
+ max = max + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* delete context */
+ else if (ret == `delete) {
+ y2milestone("Delete Search Root Entry Invoked");
+ items = items - 1;
+ integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
+ table_items = filter(term e, table_items, {
+ return cur != e[0, 0]:nil;
+ });
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `next) {
+ realmSearchRootList = [];
+ foreach (term value, table_items,{
+ realmSearchRootList = add(realmSearchRootList, value[1]:"");
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ y2error("unexpected retcode: %1", ret);
+ continue;
+ }
- y2milestone("AuthRealmEditSearchRootsDialog Exiting");
+ y2milestone("AuthRealmEditSearchRootsDialog Exiting");
return ret;
@@ -251,54 +251,54 @@ searches while trying to authenticate an entity.
define term LDAPUrlEditDialog(integer id, term currVal) {
- y2milestone("LDAPUrlEditDialog Executing");
+ y2milestone("LDAPUrlEditDialog Executing");
term url = nil;
url = `item(`id(id));
- `VBox(
- `HSpacing(1),
- `VBox(
- `TextEntry(`id(`url), _("&Url (i.e. ldaps://ats1.novell.com)"), currVal[1]:"")
- ),
- `HSpacing(1),
- `HBox(
- `PushButton(`id(`ok), `opt(`default), Label::OKButton()),
- `PushButton(`id(`cancel), Label::CancelButton())
- )
+ `VBox(
+ `HSpacing(1),
+ `VBox(
+ `TextEntry(`id(`url), _("&Url (i.e. ldaps://ats1.novell.com)"), currVal[1]:"")
+ ),
+ `HSpacing(1),
+ `HBox(
+ `PushButton(`id(`ok), `opt(`default), Label::OKButton()),
+ `PushButton(`id(`cancel), Label::CancelButton())
+ )
any ret = nil;
while (true) {
- ret = UI::UserInput();
- if (ret != `ok) break;
+ ret = UI::UserInput();
+ if (ret != `ok) break;
- string value = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`url), `Value);
+ string value = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`url), `Value);
- // Check the Url
- if (URL::Check(value) == true) {
- map urlComponents = URL::Parse(value);
- string scheme = tolower(urlComponents["scheme"]:"");
- if (scheme == "ldaps" || scheme == "ldap") {
- if (urlComponents["host"]:"" != "") {
- url = add(url, value);
+ // Check the Url
+ if (URL::Check(value) == true) {
+ map urlComponents = URL::Parse(value);
+ string scheme = tolower(urlComponents["scheme"]:"");
+ if (scheme == "ldaps" || scheme == "ldap") {
+ if (urlComponents["host"]:"" != "") {
+ url = add(url, value);
- // Report warning if not using SSL
- if (scheme == "ldap")
- Report::Warning(_("Not using LDAPS is a security risk"));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- Report::Error(_("URL entered is not valid"));
+ // Report warning if not using SSL
+ if (scheme == "ldap")
+ Report::Warning(_("Not using LDAPS is a security risk"));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Report::Error(_("URL entered is not valid"));
- y2milestone("LDAPUrlEditDialog Exiting");
+ y2milestone("LDAPUrlEditDialog Exiting");
if (ret != `ok) return nil;
y2debug("url=%1", url);
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ define term LDAPUrlEditDialog(integer id, term currVal) {
any AuthRealmEditLDAPUrlsDialog() {
- y2milestone("AuthRealmEditLDAPUrlsDialog Executing");
+ y2milestone("AuthRealmEditLDAPUrlsDialog Executing");
string caption = _("CASA Authentication LDAP Server URL Configuration");
@@ -329,38 +329,38 @@ multiple LDAP Server resources improves fault tolerance.
integer max = 0;
integer items = 0;
list table_items = [];
- list ldapUrlList = realmLdapUrlList;
+ list ldapUrlList = realmLdapUrlList;
- // Read list of ldap urls already configured for this realm
- foreach (string value, ldapUrlList, {
- term context = `item(`id(items));
- context = add(context, value);
- table_items = add(table_items, context);
- items = items + 1;
- max = max + 1;
- });
+ // Read list of ldap urls already configured for this realm
+ foreach (string value, ldapUrlList, {
+ term context = `item(`id(items));
+ context = add(context, value);
+ table_items = add(table_items, context);
+ items = items + 1;
+ max = max + 1;
+ });
/* Dialog contents */
term contents = `HBox(
- `HSpacing(5),
- `VBox(
- `VStretch(),
- `Frame(_("LDAP Server URLs"),
- `VBox(
- `Table(`id(`table), `opt(`notify), `header(_("Url") + " "), []),
- `HBox(`PushButton(`id(`add), _("Ad&d")),
- `PushButton(`id(`edit), `opt(`disabled), _("&Edit")),
- `PushButton(`id(`delete), `opt(`disabled), _("De&lete"))
- )
- )),
- `VStretch()
- ),
- `HSpacing(5)
+ `HSpacing(5),
+ `VBox(
+ `VStretch(),
+ `Frame(_("LDAP Server URLs"),
+ `VBox(
+ `Table(`id(`table), `opt(`notify), `header(_("Url") + " "), []),
+ `HBox(`PushButton(`id(`add), _("Ad&d")),
+ `PushButton(`id(`edit), `opt(`disabled), _("&Edit")),
+ `PushButton(`id(`delete), `opt(`disabled), _("De&lete"))
+ )
+ )),
+ `VStretch()
+ ),
+ `HSpacing(5)
Wizard::SetContentsButtons(caption, contents, help,
- Label::BackButton(), Label::OKButton());
+ Label::BackButton(), Label::OKButton());
UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
@@ -368,80 +368,80 @@ multiple LDAP Server resources improves fault tolerance.
any ret = nil;
while (true) {
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`edit), `Enabled, items > 0);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`delete), `Enabled, items > 0);
- y2milestone("AuthRealmEditLDAPUrlsDialog waiting for user input");
- ret = UI::UserInput();
- /* abort? */
- if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel || ret == `back) {
- if (Popup::ReallyAbort(true)) break;
- else continue;
- }
- /* edit context */
- else if (ret == `edit) {
- y2milestone("Edit LDAP Url Entry Invoked");
- integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
- list cur_item = filter(term e, table_items, {
- return cur == e[0, 0]:nil;
- });
- y2debug("cur=%1", cur);
- y2debug("cur_item=%1", cur_item);
- term item = cur_item[0]:nil;
- item = LDAPUrlEditDialog(cur, item);
- if(item == nil) continue;
- table_items = maplist(term e, table_items, {
- if(cur == e[0, 0]:-1)
- return item;
- return e;
- });
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, cur);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`edit), `Enabled, items > 0);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`delete), `Enabled, items > 0);
+ y2milestone("AuthRealmEditLDAPUrlsDialog waiting for user input");
+ ret = UI::UserInput();
+ /* abort? */
+ if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel || ret == `back) {
+ if (Popup::ReallyAbort(true)) break;
+ else continue;
+ }
+ /* edit context */
+ else if (ret == `edit) {
+ y2milestone("Edit LDAP Url Entry Invoked");
+ integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
+ list cur_item = filter(term e, table_items, {
+ return cur == e[0, 0]:nil;
+ });
+ y2debug("cur=%1", cur);
+ y2debug("cur_item=%1", cur_item);
+ term item = cur_item[0]:nil;
+ item = LDAPUrlEditDialog(cur, item);
+ if(item == nil) continue;
+ table_items = maplist(term e, table_items, {
+ if(cur == e[0, 0]:-1)
+ return item;
+ return e;
+ });
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, cur);
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `add) {
- y2milestone("Add LDAP Url Entry Invoked");
- term item = LDAPUrlEditDialog(max, `empty());
- if (item == nil) continue;
- table_items = add(table_items, item);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, max);
- items = items + 1;
- max = max + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `add) {
+ y2milestone("Add LDAP Url Entry Invoked");
+ term item = LDAPUrlEditDialog(max, `empty());
+ if (item == nil) continue;
+ table_items = add(table_items, item);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, max);
+ items = items + 1;
+ max = max + 1;
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `delete) {
- y2milestone("Delete LDAP Url Entry Invoked");
- items = items - 1;
- integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
- table_items = filter(term e, table_items, {
- return cur != e[0, 0]:nil;
- });
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `delete) {
+ y2milestone("Delete LDAP Url Entry Invoked");
+ items = items - 1;
+ integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
+ table_items = filter(term e, table_items, {
+ return cur != e[0, 0]:nil;
+ });
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `next) {
- realmLdapUrlList = [];
- foreach (term value, table_items,{
- realmLdapUrlList = add(realmLdapUrlList, value[1]:"");
- });
- break;
- }
- else {
- y2error("unexpected retcode: %1", ret);
- continue;
- }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `next) {
+ realmLdapUrlList = [];
+ foreach (term value, table_items,{
+ realmLdapUrlList = add(realmLdapUrlList, value[1]:"");
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ y2error("unexpected retcode: %1", ret);
+ continue;
+ }
- y2milestone("AuthRealmEditLDAPUrlsDialog Exiting");
+ y2milestone("AuthRealmEditLDAPUrlsDialog Exiting");
return ret;
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ multiple LDAP Server resources improves fault tolerance.
define map AuthRealmEditDialog(map currVal) {
- y2milestone("AuthRealmEditDialog Executing");
+ y2milestone("AuthRealmEditDialog Executing");
map realm = $[];
@@ -497,200 +497,200 @@ _("
The Search Roots button allows you to configure the
LDAP contexts containing entities that can be authenticated.
- // Setup realm parameters with default values in variables that
- // can be easily used.
- string realm_id = "";
+ // Setup realm parameters with default values in variables that
+ // can be easily used.
+ string realm_id = "";
boolean edir_type = true;
boolean ad_type = false;
boolean passwd_mech = true;
boolean krb_mech = false;
- string proxy_username = "";
- string proxy_passwd = "";
- string reentered_passwd = "";
- realmLdapUrlList = [];
- realmSearchRootList = [];
+ string proxy_username = "";
+ string proxy_passwd = "";
+ string reentered_passwd = "";
+ realmLdapUrlList = [];
+ realmSearchRootList = [];
- // Update the variables with the parameters passed-in
- if (currVal != nil) {
- realm_id = currVal["REALM_ID"]:"";
- edir_type = currVal["EDIR_TYPE"]:true;
- ad_type = currVal["AD_TYPE"]:false;
- passwd_mech = currVal["PASSWD_MECH"]:true;
- krb_mech = currVal["KRB_MECH"]:true;
- proxy_username = currVal["PROXY_USERNAME"]:"";
- proxy_passwd = currVal["PROXY_PASSWD"]:"";
- reentered_passwd = proxy_passwd;
- realmLdapUrlList = currVal["LDAP_URL_LIST"]:[];
- realmSearchRootList = currVal["SEARCH_ROOT_LIST"]:[];
- }
+ // Update the variables with the parameters passed-in
+ if (currVal != nil) {
+ realm_id = currVal["REALM_ID"]:"";
+ edir_type = currVal["EDIR_TYPE"]:true;
+ ad_type = currVal["AD_TYPE"]:false;
+ passwd_mech = currVal["PASSWD_MECH"]:true;
+ krb_mech = currVal["KRB_MECH"]:true;
+ proxy_username = currVal["PROXY_USERNAME"]:"";
+ proxy_passwd = currVal["PROXY_PASSWD"]:"";
+ reentered_passwd = proxy_passwd;
+ realmLdapUrlList = currVal["LDAP_URL_LIST"]:[];
+ realmSearchRootList = currVal["SEARCH_ROOT_LIST"]:[];
+ }
/* Dialog contents */
term contents = `HBox(
- `HSpacing(3),
- `VBox(
- `VStretch(),
- `TextEntry(`id(`realmid), _("Real&m Id"), realm_id),
- `VSpacing(1),
- `HBox(
+ `HSpacing(3),
+ `VBox(
+ `VStretch(),
+ `TextEntry(`id(`realmid), _("Real&m Id"), realm_id),
+ `VSpacing(1),
+ `HBox(
- `VBox(
- `Left(`Label("Directory Type?")),
- `Left(`RadioButton(`id(`edir), "eDirector&y")),
- `Left(`RadioButton(`id(`ad), "Acti&ve Directory" ))
- )
- ),
- `VBox(
- `VStretch(),
- `Frame(_("Authentication Mechanisms"),
+ `VBox(
+ `Left(`Label("Directory Type?")),
+ `Left(`RadioButton(`id(`edir), "eDirector&y")),
+ `Left(`RadioButton(`id(`ad), "Acti&ve Directory" ))
+ )
+ ),
+ `VBox(
+ `VStretch(),
+ `Frame(_("Authentication Mechanisms"),
- `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`passwdmech), _("U&sername/Password"))),
- `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`krbmech), _("&Kerberos V")))
- )
- ),
- `VStretch()
- )
- ),
- `VSpacing(1),
- `VBox(
- `Frame(_("Proxy User Credentials"),
- `VBox(
- `Left(`TextEntry(`id(`username), _("&Username (i.e. cn=admin,o=novell)"))),
- `Left(`Password(`id(`passwd), (_("&Password") + " "))),
- `Left(`Password(`id(`repasswd), (_("&Confirm Password") + " ")))
- )
- ),
- `VStretch()
- ),
- `VSpacing(1),
- `PushButton(`id(`urls), _("LDAP Server URLs")),
- `VSpacing(1),
- `PushButton(`id(`ctxs), _("Search Roots")),
- `VStretch()
- ),
- `HSpacing(3)
+ `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`passwdmech), _("U&sername/Password"))),
+ `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`krbmech), _("&Kerberos V")))
+ )
+ ),
+ `VStretch()
+ )
+ ),
+ `VSpacing(1),
+ `VBox(
+ `Frame(_("Proxy User Credentials"),
+ `VBox(
+ `Left(`TextEntry(`id(`username), _("&Username (i.e. cn=admin,o=novell)"))),
+ `Left(`Password(`id(`passwd), (_("&Password") + " "))),
+ `Left(`Password(`id(`repasswd), (_("&Confirm Password") + " ")))
+ )
+ ),
+ `VStretch()
+ ),
+ `VSpacing(1),
+ `PushButton(`id(`urls), _("LDAP Server URLs")),
+ `VSpacing(1),
+ `PushButton(`id(`ctxs), _("Search Roots")),
+ `VStretch()
+ ),
+ `HSpacing(3)
- boolean set_initial_focus = true;
+ boolean set_initial_focus = true;
any ret = nil;
while (true) {
- Wizard::SetContentsButtons(caption, contents, help,
- Label::BackButton(), Label::OKButton());
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`realmid), `Value, realm_id);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`edir), `Value, edir_type);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`ad), `Value, ad_type);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`krbmech), `Value, krb_mech);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`passwdmech), `Value, passwd_mech);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`username), `Value, proxy_username);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`passwd), `Value, proxy_passwd);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`repasswd), `Value, reentered_passwd);
+ Wizard::SetContentsButtons(caption, contents, help,
+ Label::BackButton(), Label::OKButton());
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`realmid), `Value, realm_id);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`edir), `Value, edir_type);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`ad), `Value, ad_type);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`krbmech), `Value, krb_mech);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`passwdmech), `Value, passwd_mech);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`username), `Value, proxy_username);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`passwd), `Value, proxy_passwd);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`repasswd), `Value, reentered_passwd);
- if (set_initial_focus == true) {
- UI::SetFocus(`id(`realmid));
- set_initial_focus = false;
- }
+ if (set_initial_focus == true) {
+ UI::SetFocus(`id(`realmid));
+ set_initial_focus = false;
+ }
- y2milestone("AuthRealmEditDialog waiting for user input");
- ret = UI::UserInput();
+ y2milestone("AuthRealmEditDialog waiting for user input");
+ ret = UI::UserInput();
- // Refresh the local variables with the information in the widgets
- realm_id = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`realmid), `Value);
- edir_type = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`edir), `Value);
- ad_type = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`ad), `Value);
- passwd_mech = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`passwdmech), `Value);
- krb_mech = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`krbmech), `Value);
- proxy_username = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`username), `Value);
- proxy_passwd = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`passwd), `Value);
- reentered_passwd = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`repasswd), `Value);
- /* abort? */
- if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel || ret == `back) {
- // Update the local variables with
- if (Popup::ReallyAbort(true)) break;
- else
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `next) {
- y2milestone("Next entered");
+ // Refresh the local variables with the information in the widgets
+ realm_id = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`realmid), `Value);
+ edir_type = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`edir), `Value);
+ ad_type = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`ad), `Value);
+ passwd_mech = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`passwdmech), `Value);
+ krb_mech = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`krbmech), `Value);
+ proxy_username = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`username), `Value);
+ proxy_passwd = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`passwd), `Value);
+ reentered_passwd = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`repasswd), `Value);
+ /* abort? */
+ if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel || ret == `back) {
+ // Update the local variables with
+ if (Popup::ReallyAbort(true)) break;
+ else
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `next) {
+ y2milestone("Next entered");
- // Do some parameter checking
- if (realm_id == "") {
- Report::Error(_("You must specify an Id for the realm."));
- continue;
- }
- if (size(realmLdapUrlList) == 0) {
- Report::Error(_("You must at least configure one LDAP URL."));
- continue;
- }
- if (passwd_mech == false && krb_mech == false) {
- Report::Error(_("You must specify at least one authentication mechanism."));
- continue;
- }
- if (proxy_username == "") {
- Report::Error(_("You must specify a Proxy Username for the realm."));
- continue;
- }
- if (proxy_passwd == "") {
- Report::Error(_("You must specify a Proxy Password for the realm."));
- continue;
- }
- if (proxy_passwd != reentered_passwd) {
- Report::Error(_("The specified Proxy Passwords do not match."));
- proxy_passwd = "";
- reentered_passwd = "";
- continue;
- }
- if (ad_type == true && size(realmSearchRootList) == 0) {
- Report::Error(_("You must specify a base search root for the realm."));
- continue;
- }
+ // Do some parameter checking
+ if (realm_id == "") {
+ Report::Error(_("You must specify an Id for the realm."));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (size(realmLdapUrlList) == 0) {
+ Report::Error(_("You must at least configure one LDAP URL."));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (passwd_mech == false && krb_mech == false) {
+ Report::Error(_("You must specify at least one authentication mechanism."));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (proxy_username == "") {
+ Report::Error(_("You must specify a Proxy Username for the realm."));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (proxy_passwd == "") {
+ Report::Error(_("You must specify a Proxy Password for the realm."));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (proxy_passwd != reentered_passwd) {
+ Report::Error(_("The specified Proxy Passwords do not match."));
+ proxy_passwd = "";
+ reentered_passwd = "";
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (ad_type == true && size(realmSearchRootList) == 0) {
+ Report::Error(_("You must specify a base search root for the realm."));
+ continue;
+ }
- break;
- }
- else if (ret == `urls) {
- y2milestone("Edit LDAP Urls Invoked");
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `urls) {
+ y2milestone("Edit LDAP Urls Invoked");
- /* Invoke the edit ldap urls dialog */
- ret = AuthRealmEditLDAPUrlsDialog();
- if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel)
- break;
+ /* Invoke the edit ldap urls dialog */
+ ret = AuthRealmEditLDAPUrlsDialog();
+ if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel)
+ break;
- continue;;
- }
- else if (ret == `ctxs) {
- y2milestone("Edit Search Roots Invoked");
+ continue;;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `ctxs) {
+ y2milestone("Edit Search Roots Invoked");
- /* Invoke the edit search roots dialog */
- ret = AuthRealmEditSearchRootsDialog();
- if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel)
- break;
+ /* Invoke the edit search roots dialog */
+ ret = AuthRealmEditSearchRootsDialog();
+ if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel)
+ break;
- continue;;
- }
- else {
- y2error("unexpected retcode: %1", ret);
- continue;
- }
+ continue;;
+ }
+ else {
+ y2error("unexpected retcode: %1", ret);
+ continue;
+ }
- y2milestone("AuthRealmEditDialog Exiting");
+ y2milestone("AuthRealmEditDialog Exiting");
- if (ret != `next) {
- realm = nil;
- }
- else {
- realm["REALM_ID"] = realm_id;
- realm["EDIR_TYPE"] = edir_type;
- realm["AD_TYPE"] = ad_type;
- realm["PASSWD_MECH"] = passwd_mech;
- realm["KRB_MECH"] = krb_mech;
- realm["PROXY_USERNAME"] = proxy_username;
- realm["PROXY_PASSWD"] = proxy_passwd;
- realm["LDAP_URL_LIST"] = realmLdapUrlList;
- realm["SEARCH_ROOT_LIST"] = realmSearchRootList;
- }
+ if (ret != `next) {
+ realm = nil;
+ }
+ else {
+ realm["REALM_ID"] = realm_id;
+ realm["EDIR_TYPE"] = edir_type;
+ realm["AD_TYPE"] = ad_type;
+ realm["PASSWD_MECH"] = passwd_mech;
+ realm["KRB_MECH"] = krb_mech;
+ realm["PROXY_USERNAME"] = proxy_username;
+ realm["PROXY_PASSWD"] = proxy_passwd;
+ realm["LDAP_URL_LIST"] = realmLdapUrlList;
+ realm["SEARCH_ROOT_LIST"] = realmSearchRootList;
+ }
return realm;
@@ -736,220 +736,216 @@ zero means that the server only reads its configuration during start up.
integer max = 0;
integer items = 0;
- map realms = (map) CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_REALMS"]:$[];
+ list realms = (list) CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_REALMS"]:[];
list table_items = [];
boolean direct_access = CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_DIRECT_ACCESS"]:false;
boolean web_access = CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_WEB_ACCESS"]:false;
integer reconfig_interval = CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_RECONFIG_INTERVAL"]:60;
- // Read list of search roots already configured for this realm
- foreach (string key, map realm, realms, {
- term item = `item(`id(max));
- item = add(item, realm["REALM_ID"]:"");
- table_items = add(table_items, item);
- items = items + 1;
- max = max + 1;
- });
+ // Read list of realms already configured
+ foreach (map realm, realms, {
+ term item = `item(`id(max));
+ item = add(item, realm["REALM_ID"]:"");
+ table_items = add(table_items, item);
+ items = items + 1;
+ max = max + 1;
+ });
/* Dialog contents */
- term contents = nil;
- if (CasaAts::Settings["WEB_SERVER_AVAILABLE"]:false == true)
- {
- contents = `HBox(
- `HSpacing(5),
- `VBox(
- `VStretch(),
- `Frame(_("Authentication Realms"),
- `VBox(
- `Table(`id(`table), `opt(`notify), `header(_("Realm")), []),
- `HBox(`PushButton(`id(`add), _("Ad&d")),
- `PushButton(`id(`edit), `opt(`disabled), _("&Edit")),
- `PushButton(`id(`delete), `opt(`disabled), _("De&lete"))
- )
- )
- ),
- `VSpacing(1),
- `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`direct), `opt(`notify), _("Direc&t Access"))),
- `VSpacing(1),
- `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`web), _("&Web Server Access"))),
- `VSpacing(1),
- `Left(`TextEntry(`id(`interval), _("Recon&figure Interval"))),
- `VStretch()
- ),
- `HSpacing(5)
- );
- }
- else
- {
- contents = `HBox(
- `HSpacing(5),
- `VBox(
- `VStretch(),
- `Frame(_("Authentication Realms"),
- `VBox(
- `Table(`id(`table), `opt(`notify), `header(_("Realm")), []),
- `HBox(`PushButton(`id(`add), _("Ad&d")),
- `PushButton(`id(`edit), `opt(`disabled), _("&Edit")),
- `PushButton(`id(`delete), `opt(`disabled), _("De&lete"))
- )
- )
- ),
- `VSpacing(1),
- `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`direct), `opt(`notify), _("Direc&t Access"))),
- `VSpacing(1),
- `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`web), `opt(`disabled), _("&Web Server Access"))),
- `VSpacing(1),
- `Left(`TextEntry(`id(`interval), _("Recon&figure Interval"))),
- `VStretch()
- ),
- `HSpacing(5)
- );
- }
+ term contents = nil;
+ if (CasaAts::Settings["WEB_SERVER_AVAILABLE"]:false == true)
+ {
+ contents = `HBox(
+ `HSpacing(5),
+ `VBox(
+ `VStretch(),
+ `Frame(_("Authentication Realms"),
+ `VBox(
+ `Table(`id(`table), `opt(`notify), `header(_("Realm")), []),
+ `HBox(`PushButton(`id(`add), _("Ad&d")),
+ `PushButton(`id(`edit), `opt(`disabled), _("&Edit")),
+ `PushButton(`id(`delete), `opt(`disabled), _("De&lete"))
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ `VSpacing(1),
+ `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`direct), `opt(`notify), _("Direc&t Access"))),
+ `VSpacing(1),
+ `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`web), _("&Web Server Access"))),
+ `VSpacing(1),
+ `Left(`TextEntry(`id(`interval), _("Recon&figure Interval"))),
+ `VStretch()
+ ),
+ `HSpacing(5)
+ );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ contents = `HBox(
+ `HSpacing(5),
+ `VBox(
+ `VStretch(),
+ `Frame(_("Authentication Realms"),
+ `VBox(
+ `Table(`id(`table), `opt(`notify), `header(_("Realm")), []),
+ `HBox(`PushButton(`id(`add), _("Ad&d")),
+ `PushButton(`id(`edit), `opt(`disabled), _("&Edit")),
+ `PushButton(`id(`delete), `opt(`disabled), _("De&lete"))
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ `VSpacing(1),
+ `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`direct), `opt(`notify), _("Direc&t Access"))),
+ `VSpacing(1),
+ `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`web), `opt(`disabled), _("&Web Server Access"))),
+ `VSpacing(1),
+ `Left(`TextEntry(`id(`interval), _("Recon&figure Interval"))),
+ `VStretch()
+ ),
+ `HSpacing(5)
+ );
+ }
- boolean set_initial_focus = true;
+ boolean set_initial_focus = true;
any ret = nil;
while (true) {
- Wizard::SetContentsButtons(caption, contents, help,
- Label::BackButton(), Label::OKButton());
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`direct), `Value, direct_access);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`web), `Value, web_access);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`interval), `Value, tostring(reconfig_interval));
+ Wizard::SetContentsButtons(caption, contents, help,
+ Label::BackButton(), Label::OKButton());
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`direct), `Value, direct_access);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`web), `Value, web_access);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`interval), `Value, tostring(reconfig_interval));
- if (set_initial_focus == true) {
- UI::SetFocus(`id(`table));
- set_initial_focus = false;
- }
+ if (set_initial_focus == true) {
+ UI::SetFocus(`id(`table));
+ set_initial_focus = false;
+ }
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`edit), `Enabled, items > 0);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`delete), `Enabled, items > 0);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`cert), `Enabled, direct_access);
- y2milestone("ServerConfig waiting for user input");
- ret = UI::UserInput();
- // Refresh the local variables with the information in the widgets
- direct_access = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`direct), `Value);
- web_access = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`web), `Value);
- reconfig_interval = tointeger((string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`interval), `Value));
- if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel || ret == `back) {
- y2milestone("Abort, Cancel, or Back Invoked");
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`edit), `Enabled, items > 0);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`delete), `Enabled, items > 0);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`cert), `Enabled, direct_access);
+ y2milestone("ServerConfig waiting for user input");
+ ret = UI::UserInput();
+ // Refresh the local variables with the information in the widgets
+ direct_access = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`direct), `Value);
+ web_access = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`web), `Value);
+ reconfig_interval = tointeger((string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`interval), `Value));
+ if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel || ret == `back) {
+ y2milestone("Abort, Cancel, or Back Invoked");
- if (Popup::ReallyAbort(true)) break;
- else continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `edit) {
- y2milestone("Edit Authentication Realm Entry Invoked");
+ if (Popup::ReallyAbort(true)) break;
+ else continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `edit) {
+ y2milestone("Edit Authentication Realm Entry Invoked");
- integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
- list cur_item = filter(term e, table_items, {
- return cur == e[0, 0]:nil;
- });
- y2debug("cur=%1", cur);
- y2debug("cur_item=%1", cur_item);
- term item = cur_item[0]:nil;
+ integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
+ list cur_item = filter(term e, table_items, {
+ return cur == e[0, 0]:nil;
+ });
+ y2debug("cur=%1", cur);
+ y2debug("cur_item=%1", cur_item);
+ term item = cur_item[0]:nil;
- // Find the realm associated with this item
- map realm = lookup(realms, item[1]:"", nil);
- if (realm == nil) continue;
+ // Find the realm associated with this item
+ map realm = realms[cur]:nil;
+ if (realm == nil) continue;
- y2milestone("Realm id : %1", realm["REALM_ID"]:"");
+ y2milestone("Realm id : %1", realm["REALM_ID"]:"");
- map editedRealm = AuthRealmEditDialog(realm);
- if (editedRealm == nil) continue;
+ map editedRealm = AuthRealmEditDialog(realm);
+ if (editedRealm == nil) continue;
- // Update the realm map and the table
- realms = remove(realms, realm["REALM_ID"]:"");
- realms = add(realms, editedRealm["REALM_ID"]:"", editedRealm);
- item[1] = editedRealm["REALM_ID"]:"";
- table_items = maplist(term e, table_items, {
- if(cur == e[0, 0]:-1)
- return item;
- return e;
- });
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, cur);
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `add) {
- y2milestone("Add Authentication Realm Entry Invoked");
+ // Update the realm list and the table
+ realms[cur] = editedRealm;
+ item[1] = editedRealm["REALM_ID"]:"";
+ table_items = maplist(term e, table_items, {
+ if(cur == e[0, 0]:-1)
+ return item;
+ return e;
+ });
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, cur);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `add) {
+ y2milestone("Add Authentication Realm Entry Invoked");
- map realm = AuthRealmEditDialog(nil);
- if (realm == nil) continue;
+ map realm = AuthRealmEditDialog(nil);
+ if (realm == nil) continue;
- y2milestone("Realm id : %1", realm["REALM_ID"]:"");
+ y2milestone("Realm id : %1", realm["REALM_ID"]:"");
- // Add the realm to the realm map and the table
- realms = add(realms, realm["REALM_ID"]:"", realm);
- term item = nil;
- item = `item(`id(max));
- item = add(item, realm["REALM_ID"]:"");
- table_items = add(table_items, item);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, max);
- items = items + 1;
- max = max + 1;
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `delete) {
- y2milestone("Delete Authentication Realm Entry Invoked");
+ // Add the realm to the realm map and the table
+ realms = add(realms, realm);
+ term item = nil;
+ item = `item(`id(max));
+ item = add(item, realm["REALM_ID"]:"");
+ table_items = add(table_items, item);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, max);
+ items = items + 1;
+ max = max + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `delete) {
+ y2milestone("Delete Authentication Realm Entry Invoked");
- items = items - 1;
- integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
- list cur_item = filter(term e, table_items, {
- return cur == e[0, 0]:nil;
- });
- table_items = filter(term e, table_items, {
- return cur != e[0, 0]:nil;
- });
+ items = items - 1;
+ integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
+ list cur_item = filter(term e, table_items, {
+ return cur == e[0, 0]:nil;
+ });
+ table_items = filter(term e, table_items, {
+ return cur != e[0, 0]:nil;
+ });
- term item = cur_item[0]:nil;
- map realm = lookup(realms, item[1]:"", nil);
- if (realm == nil) continue;
- realms = remove(realms, realm["REALM_ID"]:"");
+ realms = remove(realms, cur);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `next) {
- y2milestone("Next Invoked");
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `next) {
+ y2milestone("Next Invoked");
- /* Verify that a valid reconfigure interval has been entered */
- reconfig_interval = tointeger(UI::QueryWidget(`id(`interval), `Value));
- if (reconfig_interval == nil || reconfig_interval < 0) {
- Report::Error(_("The reconfigure interval needs to be a non-negative number."));
- reconfig_interval = CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_RECONFIG_INTERVAL"]:60;
- continue;
- }
- /* Verify that the server can be accessed */
- if (direct_access != true && web_access != true) {
- Report::Error(_("Specify server access type."));
- continue;
- }
- /* Verify that at least one realm has been configured */
- if (size(table_items) == 0) {
- Report::Error(_("You must at least configure one Authentication Realm."));
- continue;
- }
+ /* Verify that a valid reconfigure interval has been entered */
+ reconfig_interval = tointeger(UI::QueryWidget(`id(`interval), `Value));
+ if (reconfig_interval == nil || reconfig_interval < 0) {
+ Report::Error(_("The reconfigure interval needs to be a non-negative number."));
+ reconfig_interval = CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_RECONFIG_INTERVAL"]:60;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Verify that the server can be accessed */
+ if (direct_access != true && web_access != true) {
+ Report::Error(_("Specify server access type."));
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Verify that at least one realm has been configured */
+ if (size(table_items) == 0) {
+ Report::Error(_("You must at least configure one Authentication Realm."));
+ continue;
+ }
- // Save the server variables
- CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_REALMS"] = realms;
- CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_DIRECT_ACCESS"] = direct_access;
- CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_WEB_ACCESS"] = web_access;
- CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_RECONFIG_INTERVAL"] = reconfig_interval;
- CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_REALMS"] = realms;
- break;
- }
- else {
- y2error("unexpected retcode: %1", ret);
- continue;
- }
+ // Save the server variables
+ CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_REALMS"] = realms;
+ CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_DIRECT_ACCESS"] = direct_access;
+ CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_WEB_ACCESS"] = web_access;
+ CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_RECONFIG_INTERVAL"] = reconfig_interval;
+ CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_REALMS"] = realms;
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ y2error("unexpected retcode: %1", ret);
+ continue;
+ }
@@ -961,44 +957,44 @@ zero means that the server only reads its configuration during start up.
define term TrustedATSEditDialog(integer id, term currVal) {
- y2milestone("TrustedATSEditDialog Executing");
+ y2milestone("TrustedATSEditDialog Executing");
term address = nil;
address = `item(`id(id));
- `HSpacing(1),
- `VBox(
- /* TextEntry label */
- `TextEntry(`id(`address), _("D&NS Name or Dotted IP Address"), currVal[1]:"")
- ),
- `HSpacing(1),
- `HBox(
- `PushButton(`id(`ok), `opt(`default), Label::OKButton()),
- `PushButton(`id(`cancel), Label::CancelButton())
- )
+ `HSpacing(1),
+ `VBox(
+ /* TextEntry label */
+ `TextEntry(`id(`address), _("D&NS Name or Dotted IP Address"), currVal[1]:"")
+ ),
+ `HSpacing(1),
+ `HBox(
+ `PushButton(`id(`ok), `opt(`default), Label::OKButton()),
+ `PushButton(`id(`cancel), Label::CancelButton())
+ )
any ret = nil;
while (true) {
- ret = UI::UserInput();
- if(ret != `ok) break;
+ ret = UI::UserInput();
+ if(ret != `ok) break;
- string value = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`address), `Value);
+ string value = (string) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`address), `Value);
- // Check the address
- if (Address::Check4(value) == true) {
- address = add(address, value);
- break;
- }
- Report::Error(_("Address entered is not valid"));
+ // Check the address
+ if (Address::Check4(value) == true) {
+ address = add(address, value);
+ break;
+ }
+ Report::Error(_("Address entered is not valid"));
- y2milestone("TrustedATSEditDialog Exiting");
+ y2milestone("TrustedATSEditDialog Exiting");
if (ret != `ok) return nil;
y2debug("address=%1", address);
@@ -1012,7 +1008,7 @@ define term TrustedATSEditDialog(integer id, term currVal) {
any StartConfigDialog() {
- y2milestone("StartConfigDialog Executing");
+ y2milestone("StartConfigDialog Executing");
string caption = _("Casa Authentication Token Service Configuration");
@@ -1034,155 +1030,155 @@ from this device. Please, Configure Server if enabled.
integer max = 0;
integer items = 0;
- list trustedServerList = CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_TRUSTED"]:[];
+ list trustedServerList = CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_TRUSTED"]:[];
list table_items = [];
boolean server_enabled = CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"]:false;
- // Ready list of Trusted ATSs already configured to be
- // used with our table.
- foreach (string value, trustedServerList, {
- term address = `item(`id(items));
- address = add(address, value);
- table_items = add(table_items, address);
- items = items + 1;
- max = max + 1;
- });
+ // Ready list of Trusted ATSs already configured to be
+ // used with our table.
+ foreach (string value, trustedServerList, {
+ term address = `item(`id(items));
+ address = add(address, value);
+ table_items = add(table_items, address);
+ items = items + 1;
+ max = max + 1;
+ });
/* Dialog contents */
term contents = `HBox(
- `HSpacing(5),
- `VBox(
- `VStretch(),
- `Frame(_("Trusted Authentication Token Servers"),
- `VBox(
- `Table(`id(`table), `opt(`notify), `header(_("Address")), []),
- `HBox(
- `PushButton(`id(`add), _("Ad&d")),
- `PushButton(`id(`edit), `opt(`disabled), _("&Edit")),
- `PushButton(`id(`delete), `opt(`disabled), _("De&lete"))
- )
- )),
- `VSpacing(1),
- `HBox(
- `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`enablesvc),`opt(`notify), _("Enable &Server"))),
- `PushButton(`id(`srvconfig), `opt(`disabled), _("Confi&gure Server"))
- ),
- `VStretch()
- ),
- `HSpacing(5)
+ `HSpacing(5),
+ `VBox(
+ `VStretch(),
+ `Frame(_("Trusted Authentication Token Servers"),
+ `VBox(
+ `Table(`id(`table), `opt(`notify), `header(_("Address")), []),
+ `HBox(
+ `PushButton(`id(`add), _("Ad&d")),
+ `PushButton(`id(`edit), `opt(`disabled), _("&Edit")),
+ `PushButton(`id(`delete), `opt(`disabled), _("De&lete"))
+ )
+ )),
+ `VSpacing(1),
+ `HBox(
+ `Left(`CheckBox(`id(`enablesvc),`opt(`notify), _("Enable &Server"))),
+ `PushButton(`id(`srvconfig), `opt(`disabled), _("Confi&gure Server"))
+ ),
+ `VStretch()
+ ),
+ `HSpacing(5)
- boolean set_initial_focus = true;
+ boolean set_initial_focus = true;
any ret = nil;
while (true) {
- Wizard::SetContentsButtons(caption, contents, help,
- Label::BackButton(), Label::FinishButton());
+ Wizard::SetContentsButtons(caption, contents, help,
+ Label::BackButton(), Label::FinishButton());
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`enablesvc), `Value, server_enabled);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`enablesvc), `Value, server_enabled);
- if (set_initial_focus == true) {
- UI::SetFocus(`id(`table));
- set_initial_focus = false;
- }
+ if (set_initial_focus == true) {
+ UI::SetFocus(`id(`table));
+ set_initial_focus = false;
+ }
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`edit), `Enabled, items > 0);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`delete), `Enabled, items > 0);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`srvconfig), `Enabled, server_enabled == true);
- y2milestone("StartConfigDialog waiting for user input");
- ret = UI::UserInput();
- // Refresh the local variables with the information in the widgets
- server_enabled = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`enablesvc), `Value);
- if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel || ret == `back) {
- y2milestone("Abort, Cancel, or Back Invoked");
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`edit), `Enabled, items > 0);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`delete), `Enabled, items > 0);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`srvconfig), `Enabled, server_enabled == true);
+ y2milestone("StartConfigDialog waiting for user input");
+ ret = UI::UserInput();
+ // Refresh the local variables with the information in the widgets
+ server_enabled = (boolean) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`enablesvc), `Value);
+ if (ret == `abort || ret == `cancel || ret == `back) {
+ y2milestone("Abort, Cancel, or Back Invoked");
- if (Popup::ReallyAbort(true)) break;
- else continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `edit) {
- y2milestone("Edit Trusted ATS Entry Invoked");
+ if (Popup::ReallyAbort(true)) break;
+ else continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `edit) {
+ y2milestone("Edit Trusted ATS Entry Invoked");
- integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
- list cur_item = filter(term e, table_items, {
- return cur == e[0, 0]:nil;
- });
- y2debug("cur=%1", cur);
- y2debug("cur_item=%1", cur_item);
- term item = cur_item[0]:nil;
- item = TrustedATSEditDialog(cur, item);
- if (item == nil) continue;
- table_items = maplist(term e, table_items, {
- if(cur == e[0, 0]:-1)
- return item;
- return e;
- });
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, cur);
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `add) {
- y2milestone("Add Trusted ATS Entry Invoked");
+ integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
+ list cur_item = filter(term e, table_items, {
+ return cur == e[0, 0]:nil;
+ });
+ y2debug("cur=%1", cur);
+ y2debug("cur_item=%1", cur_item);
+ term item = cur_item[0]:nil;
+ item = TrustedATSEditDialog(cur, item);
+ if (item == nil) continue;
+ table_items = maplist(term e, table_items, {
+ if(cur == e[0, 0]:-1)
+ return item;
+ return e;
+ });
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, cur);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `add) {
+ y2milestone("Add Trusted ATS Entry Invoked");
- term item = TrustedATSEditDialog(max, `empty());
- if (item == nil) continue;
- table_items = add(table_items, item);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, max);
- items = items + 1;
- max = max + 1;
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `delete) {
- y2milestone("Delete Trusted ATS Entry Invoked");
+ term item = TrustedATSEditDialog(max, `empty());
+ if (item == nil) continue;
+ table_items = add(table_items, item);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem, max);
+ items = items + 1;
+ max = max + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `delete) {
+ y2milestone("Delete Trusted ATS Entry Invoked");
- items = items - 1;
- integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
- table_items = filter(term e, table_items, {
- return cur != e[0, 0]:nil;
- });
- UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `enablesvc) {
- y2milestone("Enabled Server changed");
+ items = items - 1;
+ integer cur = (integer) UI::QueryWidget(`id(`table), `CurrentItem);
+ table_items = filter(term e, table_items, {
+ return cur != e[0, 0]:nil;
+ });
+ UI::ChangeWidget(`id(`table), `Items, table_items);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `enablesvc) {
+ y2milestone("Enabled Server changed");
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `srvconfig) {
- y2milestone("Config Server Invoked");
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `srvconfig) {
+ y2milestone("Config Server Invoked");
- ServerConfigDialog();
- continue;
- }
- else if (ret == `next) {
- y2milestone("Next Invoked");
+ ServerConfigDialog();
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (ret == `next) {
+ y2milestone("Next Invoked");
- // Save the variables
- trustedServerList = [];
- foreach (term value, table_items,{
- trustedServerList = add(trustedServerList, value[1]:"");
- });
+ // Save the variables
+ trustedServerList = [];
+ foreach (term value, table_items,{
+ trustedServerList = add(trustedServerList, value[1]:"");
+ });
- CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_TRUSTED"] = trustedServerList;
- CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"] = server_enabled;
- break;
- }
- else {
- y2error("unexpected retcode: %1", ret);
- continue;
- }
+ CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_TRUSTED"] = trustedServerList;
+ CasaAts::Settings["CONFIG_CASAATS_ENABLE"] = server_enabled;
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ y2error("unexpected retcode: %1", ret);
+ continue;
+ }
- y2milestone("StartConfigDialog Exiting");
+ y2milestone("StartConfigDialog Exiting");
return ret;
@@ -1201,18 +1197,18 @@ any Configure1Dialog () {
term contents = `Label (_("First part of configuration of casa-ats"));
Wizard::SetContentsButtons(caption, contents, HELPS["c1"]:"",
- Label::BackButton(), Label::NextButton());
+ Label::BackButton(), Label::NextButton());
any ret = nil;
while(true) {
- ret = UI::UserInput();
+ ret = UI::UserInput();
- /* abort? */
- if(ret == `abort || ret == `cancel) {
- if(Popup::ReallyAbort(true)) break;
- else continue;
- }
+ /* abort? */
+ if(ret == `abort || ret == `cancel) {
+ if(Popup::ReallyAbort(true)) break;
+ else continue;
+ }
else if(ret == `next || ret == `back) {