2006-05-10 22:25:18 +02:00
* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1
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* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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2006-04-13 18:12:23 +02:00
// copyright 2003 Don Kackman - mailto:dkackman_2000@yahoo.com
// no warranty expressed or implied
// use however you'd like
using System;
namespace VersionVDProj
/// <summary>
/// This is the class that has the Main method. This class is responsible for parsing command line
/// arguments and dispatching them to the correct classes
/// </summary>
class App
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static int Main(string[] args)
if ( args.Length != 0 )
ArgumentParser arguments = new ArgumentParser( args );
VDProjectVersioner versioner = null;
switch ( arguments.Command )
case "msi":
versioner = new MSIProjectVersioner( arguments.ProjectFile );
case "msm":
versioner = new MSMProjectVersioner( arguments.ProjectFile );
throw new Exception( string.Format( "Unrecognized command {0}", arguments.Command ) );
versioner.UpdateFile( arguments.Options );
return 0;
catch ( Exception e )
Console.WriteLine( "ERROR" );
Console.WriteLine( e.Message );
return 1;
// with no arguments show the usage
return 0;
private static void ShowUsage()
Console.WriteLine( "VersionVDProj -msi <PATH> version=<VERSION> [package=<PACKAGECODE>]" );
Console.WriteLine( "\t[product=<PRODUCTCODE>] [upgrade=<UPGRADECODE>]" );
Console.WriteLine( "The -msi switch is used for updating MSI installer projects" );
Console.WriteLine( "" );
Console.WriteLine( "<PATH> is the path to the vdproj file (without braces)" );
Console.WriteLine( "<VERSION> is the version to use in format #.#.# (without braces)" );
Console.WriteLine( "<PACKAGECODE> Optional package guid (if not specified will be auto-generated)" );
Console.WriteLine( "<PRODUCTCODE> Optional product guid (if not specified will be set to the" );
Console.WriteLine( "\tsame value used to set the package guid)" );
Console.WriteLine( "<UPGRADECODE> Optional upgrade guid (if not specified the upgrade code will" );
Console.WriteLine( "\tnot be modified)" );
Console.WriteLine( "" );
Console.WriteLine( "VersionVDProj -msm <PATH> version=<VERSION> [signature=<SIGNATURE>]" );
Console.WriteLine( "The -msm switch is used for updating merge module projects" );
Console.WriteLine( "" );
Console.WriteLine( "<PATH> is the path to the vdproj file (without braces)" );
Console.WriteLine( "<VERSION> is the version to use in format #.#.# (without braces)" );
Console.WriteLine( "<SIGNATURE> Optional unique id for the merge module (if not specified a guid" );
Console.WriteLine( "\tbased signature will be auto-generated)" );
Console.WriteLine( "" );
Console.WriteLine( "Named arguments can be specified in any order" );