stunnel Unix install notes 1. If your machine supports POSIX threads make sure your SSL library is compiled with -DTHREADS. 2. Compile the software: ./configure make make install (see potential options for 'configure' at the end of this file) 3. Create stunnel configuration file (stunnel.conf). 4. Add stunnel invocation to your system's startup files. For SysV-compatible init you can use stunnel.init script. or Modify /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf, restart inetd (inetd mode). See the manual for details. 5. There are a variety of compile-time options you may supply when running configure. Most commonly used are: --with-ssl=DIR where your SSL libraries and include files are installed --with-random=FILE read randomness from FILE for PRNG seeding --with-egd-socket=FILE location of Entropy Gathering Daemon socket, if running EGD (for example on a machine that lacks a /dev/urandom device) Use `./configure --help' to see all the options.