#!/usr/bin/perl use v5.14; use strict; use warnings; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::Handle; use AnyEvent::Socket qw(tcp_connect tcp_server); use AnyEvent::Util qw(portable_socketpair); use Fcntl qw(F_GETFD F_SETFD FD_CLOEXEC); use IO::Handle; use Path::Tiny 0.097; use POSIX qw(WNOHANG); use Socket; # AnyEvent's TLS support seems to require this... use threads; my %children; my $child_reaper_w; my $greeting = 'Well hello there!'; sub reap_leftover_children(); sub child_reaper(); sub register_child_reaper() { $child_reaper_w = AnyEvent->signal( signal => 'CHLD', cb => \&child_reaper, ); $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { my ($msg) = @_; warn "__DIE__ handler invoked: ".($msg =~ s/[\r\n]*$//sr)."\n"; reap_leftover_children; }; } sub unregister_child_reaper() { undef $child_reaper_w; } sub child_reaper() { while (1) { my $pid = waitpid -1, WNOHANG; my $status = $?; if (!defined $pid) { die "Could not waitpid() in a SIGCHLD handler: $!\n"; } elsif ($pid == 0 || $pid == -1) { last; } else { $children{$pid}{cv} //= AnyEvent->condvar; $children{$pid}{cv}->send($status); } } } sub register_child($ $) { my ($pid, $desc) = @_; # Weird, but we want it to be at least reasonably atomic-like $children{$pid}{cv} //= AnyEvent->condvar; my $ch = $children{$pid}; $ch->{pid} = $pid; $ch->{desc} = $desc; } sub dump_children() { join '', map { my $ch = $children{$_}; "\t$ch->{pid}\t". ($ch->{cv}->ready ? $ch->{cv}->recv : '(none)' ). "\t$ch->{desc}\n" } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %children } sub wait_for_child($) { my ($pid) = @_; if (!defined $children{$pid}) { die "Internal error: wait_for_child() invoked for ". "unregistered pid $pid\n".dump_children; } my $status = $children{$pid}{cv}->recv; delete $children{$pid}; return $status; } sub reap_leftover_children() { say 'Oof, let us see if there are any children left'; if (!%children) { say 'Everyone has been accounted for; great!'; return; } for my $pid (keys %children) { my $ch = $children{$pid}; if ($ch->{cv}->ready) { my $status = wait_for_child $pid; say "Hm, child $pid seems to have finished already, status $status"; } } if (!%children) { say 'Everyone has actually been accounted for; great!'; return; } for my $pid (keys %children) { say "Pffth, sending a SIGKILL to $pid"; kill 'KILL', $pid; } for my $pid (keys %children) { my $ch = $children{$pid}; if ($ch->{cv}->ready) { wait_for_child $pid; say "OK, $pid done"; } } # Bah, figure out some way to let the loop run even if we're within the loop... if (%children) { say 'Some children remaining, laying low for a second...'; sleep 1; for my $pid (keys %children) { say "- waiting for $pid ($children{$pid}{desc})"; wait_for_child $pid; say "- OK, $pid done"; } } if (%children) { say 'Something really weird happened, why are there still children around?'; say dump_children; } } sub close_on_exec($ $) { my ($fh, $close) = @_; my $flags = fcntl $fh, F_GETFD, 0 or die "Could not obtain a file descriptor's flags: $!\n"; my $nflags = $close ? ($flags | FD_CLOEXEC) : ($flags & ~FD_CLOEXEC); fcntl $fh, F_SETFD, $nflags or die "Could not set a file descriptor's flags: $!\n"; } sub anyevent_socketpair($) { my ($name) = @_; my ($fh1, $fh2) = portable_socketpair; if (!defined $fh1) { die "Could not create the $name socketpair: $!\n"; } $fh1->autoflush(1); $fh2->autoflush(1); return (AnyEvent::Handle->new(fh => $fh1), AnyEvent::Handle->new(fh => $fh2)); } sub find_listening_port($ $ $ $ $) { my ($address, $port_start, $step, $count, $cb) = @_; my $res; my $port = $port_start; for (1..$count) { eval { $res = tcp_server $address, $port, $cb; }; last if $res; say "Could not listen on $address:$port: $@"; $port += $step; } if (!defined $res) { die "Could not find a listening port on $address\n"; } return ($port, $res); } my %conns; sub register_client_connection($) { my ($fh) = @_; my $sockaddr = getsockname $fh; if (!defined $sockaddr) { die "Could not obtain the local address of the just-connected socket: $!\n"; } my ($port, $addr_num) = sockaddr_in $sockaddr; if (!defined $port || !defined $addr_num) { die "Could not decode the address and port from a sockaddr_in structure: $!\n"; } my $addr = inet_ntoa $addr_num; if (!defined $addr) { die "Could not decode a numeric address: $!\n"; } my $id = "$addr:$port"; $conns{$id}{cv} //= AnyEvent->condvar; $conns{$id}{fh} //= $fh; return $id; } sub await_client_connection($ $; $) { my ($lis_main, $cv, $skip_register) = @_; my $die = sub { warn "@_"; $cv->send(undef); }; $lis_main->rtimeout(10); $lis_main->on_rtimeout(sub { $die->("The listener's accept message timed out\n") }); $lis_main->push_read(line => sub { my ($handle, $line) = @_; if ($line !~ m{^ accept \s+ (? \S+ ) $}x) { return $die->("The accept server did not send an 'accept' message: $line\n"); } my ($id) = $+{id}; $conns{$id}{cv} //= AnyEvent->condvar unless $skip_register; $lis_main->rtimeout(10); $lis_main->on_rtimeout(sub { $die->("The listener's close message timed out\n") }); $lis_main->push_read(line => sub { my ($handle, $line) = @_; if ($line !~ m{^ close \s+ (? \S+ ) $}x) { return $die->("The accept server did not send an 'close' message: $line\n"); } my ($cid) = $+{id}; if ($cid ne $id) { return $die->("The accept server's 'close' message had id '$cid' instead of the accepted one '$id'\n"); } $lis_main->rtimeout(0); $cv->send($id); }); }); } sub adopt_client_connection($ $) { my ($id, $opts) = @_; my $w; my $do_close = sub { my ($err) = @_; $w->push_shutdown; $w->destroy; undef $w; undef $conns{$id}{handle}; #close $conns{$id}{fh}; if (defined $err) { warn "$err\n"; $conns{$id}{cv}->send(undef); } else { $conns{$id}{cv}->send(1); } }; $w = AnyEvent::Handle->new( fh => $conns{$id}{fh}, %{$opts}, # TLS or something? on_error => sub { my ($handle, $fatal, $message) = @_; if (!$fatal) { warn "A non-fatal error occurred reading from the $id connection: $message\n"; } else { $do_close->("A fatal error occurred reading from the $id connection: $message"); } }, rtimeout => 10, on_rtimeout => sub { $do_close->("Reading from the $id connection timed out"); }, ); $w->push_read(line => sub { my ($handle, $line) = @_; $w->rtimeout(0); if ($line ne $greeting) { $do_close->("The $id connection sent us a line that was not the greeting: expected '$greeting', got '$line'"); } else { $do_close->(undef); } }); $conns{$id}{handle} = $w; } sub client_connect($ $ $) { my ($address, $port, $cv) = @_; return tcp_connect $address, $port, sub { my ($fh) = @_; if (!defined $fh) { die "Could not connect to the cleartext listening socket on $address:$port: $!\n"; } my $id = register_client_connection $fh; say "Connected to $address:$port, local $id"; $cv->send($id); adopt_client_connection($id, {}); }; } MAIN: { my $stunnel = $ENV{TEST_STUNNEL} // 'stunnel4'; my $test_done = AnyEvent->condvar; my ($certsdir, $certfile, $keyfile); for my $name (qw(certs debian/tests/certs)) { my $dir = path($name); if (-d $dir) { $certfile = $dir->child('certificate.pem'); $keyfile = $dir->child('key.pem'); if (-f $certfile && -f $keyfile) { $certsdir = path($dir); last; } } } die "Could not locate the test certificates directory\n" unless defined $certsdir; say "Found the certificate at $certfile and the private key at $keyfile"; my $tempdir = Path::Tiny->tempdir; say "Using the $tempdir temporary directory"; register_child_reaper; { say 'About to get the stunnel version information'; pipe my $s_in, my $s_out or die "Could not create an fd pair: $!\n"; close_on_exec $s_in, 0; close_on_exec $s_out, 0; my $pid = fork; if (!defined $pid) { die "Could not fork for stunnel: $!\n"; } elsif ($pid == 0) { open STDERR, '>&', $s_out or die "Could not reopen stderr in the child process: $!\n"; close STDIN or die "Could not close stdin in the child process: $!\n"; close STDOUT or die "Could not close stdout in the child process: $!\n"; close $s_in or die "Could not close the reader fd in the child process: $!\n"; exec $stunnel, '-version'; die "Could not execute '$stunnel': $!\n"; } register_child $pid, "$stunnel -version"; close $s_out or die "Could not close the writer fd in the parent process: $!\n"; my ($got_version, $before_version) = (undef, ''); my $eof = AnyEvent->condvar; my $f_out = AnyEvent->io( fh => $s_in, poll => 'r', cb => sub { my $line = <$s_in>; if (!defined $line) { $eof->send($got_version); } elsif (!$got_version) { if ($line =~ m{^ stunnel \s+ (? \d+ \. \S+) \s+ on \s+ }x) { $got_version = $+{version}; } else { $before_version .= $line; } } }); $eof->recv; if ($before_version ne '') { warn "stunnel produced output before the version number:\n$before_version\n"; } if (!defined $got_version) { die "Could not get the stunnel version number\n"; } say "Got stunnel version $got_version"; my $status = wait_for_child $pid; if ($status != 0) { die "stunnel -version did not exit successfully, status $status\n"; } } my ($lis_listener, $lis_main) = anyevent_socketpair 'listener'; my $listen_address = ''; my %listen_clear_conns; my ($listen_clear_port, $listen_clear) = find_listening_port $listen_address, 6502, 200, 100, sub { my ($fh, $host, $port) = @_; my $id = "$host:$port"; say "Accepted a connection from $id"; $lis_listener->push_write("accept $id\n"); my $w; my $do_close = sub { $w->destroy; delete $listen_clear_conns{$id}; }; $w = AnyEvent::Handle->new( fh => $fh, on_error => sub { my ($handle, $fatal, $message) = @_; warn "A ".($fatal ? 'fatal' : 'non-fatal'). "error occurred writing to the $id connection: $message\n"; $do_close->(); }, timeout => 10, on_timeout => sub { my ($handle) = @_; warn "Writing to the $id connection timed out\n"; $do_close->(); }, on_read => sub { my ($handle) = @_; warn "The $id connection sent data to the server?!\n"; $do_close->(); }, on_eof => sub { my ($handle) = @_; say "Got an eof from $id, all seems well"; $do_close->(); $lis_listener->push_write("close $id\n"); }, ); $w->push_write("$greeting\n"); $w->push_shutdown; $listen_clear_conns{$id} = $w; }; say "Listening for cleartext connections on $listen_address:$listen_clear_port"; { my $listener_test_id_cv = AnyEvent->condvar; my $check_listen_clear = client_connect $listen_address, $listen_clear_port, $listener_test_id_cv; my $id = $listener_test_id_cv->recv; if (!defined $id) { die "Could not connect to the cleartext server\n"; } say "Got a local connection id $id"; my $listener_test_done = AnyEvent->condvar; await_client_connection $lis_main, $listener_test_done; say 'Waiting for the server to acknowledge a completed client connection'; my $sid = $listener_test_done->recv; if (!defined $sid) { die "The listener did not acknowledge the connection\n"; } elsif ($sid ne $id) { die "The listener did not acknowledge the same connection: expected '$id', got '$sid'\n"; } say 'Waiting for the client connection itself to report completion'; my $res = $conns{$id}{cv}->recv; if (!defined $res) { die "The client connection did not complete the chat with the cleartext server\n"; } say 'Looks like we are done with the test cleartext connection!'; } my $st_server_port; { my $dummy; ($st_server_port, $dummy) = find_listening_port $listen_address, 8086, 200, 100, sub { my ($fh) = @_; say "Eh, we really didn't expect a connection here, did we now..."; $fh->close; }; say "Got listening port $st_server_port for the stunnel server"; undef $dummy; say 'Let us hope this was enough to get stunnel to listen there...'; } my ($st_pid, $st_logfile); { my $st_config = $tempdir->child('stunnel.conf'); $st_logfile = $tempdir->child('stunnel.log'); my $st_pidfile = $tempdir->child('stunnel.pid'); $st_config->spew_utf8(<<"EOCONF") or die "Could not create the $st_config stunnel config file: $!\n"; pid = $st_pidfile foreground = yes output = $st_logfile cert = $certfile key = $keyfile [test] accept = $listen_address:$st_server_port connect = $listen_address:$listen_clear_port EOCONF say "Created the stunnel config file $st_config:\n======\n".$st_config->slurp_utf8.'======'; $st_pid = fork; if (!defined $st_pid) { die "Could not fork for the stunnel server: $!\n"; } elsif ($st_pid == 0) { my @cmd = ($stunnel, $st_config); exec { $cmd[0] } @cmd; die "Could not execute '@cmd': $!\n"; } say "Started the stunnel server, pid $st_pid"; register_child $st_pid, "stunnel server ($listen_address:$st_server_port)"; } { for my $iter (1..10) { say "Trying a connection through stunnel, iteration $iter"; my $st_conn_cv = AnyEvent->condvar; my $st_conn; { my $st_conn_attempts = 10; my $st_conn_timer; $st_conn_timer = AnyEvent->timer(after => 0.1, interval => 1, cb => sub { say "Trying to connect to the stunnel server at $listen_address:$st_server_port"; $st_conn = tcp_connect $listen_address, $st_server_port, sub { my ($fh) = @_; if (!defined $fh) { # FIXME: Eh, well, reschedule, right? say "Could not connect to $listen_address:$st_server_port: $!"; if ($children{$st_pid}{cv}->ready) { say 'Err, the stunnel process seems to have terminated'; undef $st_conn_timer; $st_conn_cv->send(undef); return; } $st_conn_attempts--; if ($st_conn_attempts == 0) { say 'Time after time...'; undef $st_conn_timer; $st_conn_cv->send(undef); return; } say 'Will retry in a little while'; return; } say '...connected!'; $st_conn_timer = undef; $st_conn_cv->send($fh); }; }); } my $st_conn_fh = $st_conn_cv->recv; if (!defined $st_conn_fh) { my $log_text = (-f $st_logfile) ? "$st_logfile contents:\n".$st_logfile->slurp_utf8 : "(no log information)"; $log_text .= "\n" unless $log_text =~ /\n\Z/ms; die "Could not connect to the stunnel service:\n$log_text"; } my $id = register_client_connection $st_conn_fh; say "Registered a client connection as $id"; adopt_client_connection $id, { tls => 'connect', }; say 'Waiting for the cleartext listener to receive this connection'; my $stunnel_test_done = AnyEvent->condvar; await_client_connection $lis_main, $stunnel_test_done, 1; my $sid = $stunnel_test_done->recv; if (!defined $sid) { die "The listener did not acknowledge the connection\n"; } elsif ($sid eq $id) { die "The listener reported the same connection ID '$id'?!\n"; } say "The server reported a completed connection: $sid"; my $res = $conns{$id}{cv}->recv; if (!defined $res) { die "The connection to stunnel did not report a successful chat\n"; } say "The stunnel connection seems to have gone through for iteration $iter"; } } { say "Trying to stop stunnel at pid $st_pid"; kill 'TERM', $st_pid or die "Could not send a terminate signal to the stunnel at pid $st_pid: $!\n"; my $status = wait_for_child $st_pid; if ($status != 0) { die "The stunnel process terminated with exit status $status\n"; } else { say 'The stunnel process terminated successfully'; } } { say 'Checking for leftover children'; if (%children) { # Our 'die' handler will kill and reap them. die "Child processes left over:\n". dump_children; } else { say 'No child processes left over'; } unregister_child_reaper; }; { say 'Making sure the AnyEvent loop is still sane'; if ($test_done->ready) { die "The AnyEvent loop raised the flag prematurely\n"; } $test_done->send(42); my $res = $test_done->recv; if ($res != 42) { die "The AnyEvent loop does not seem to be quite alive and sane, got a result of '$res' instead of 42\n"; } say 'Fine!'; }; }