2017-05-20 15:26:21 +02:00

53 lines
1.5 KiB

<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.');
// Get the day names
$days = Calendar::days(2);
// Previous and next month timestamps
$next = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year);
$prev = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 1, 1, $year);
// Import the GET query array locally and remove the day
$qs = $_GET;
// Previous and next month query URIs
$prev = Router::$current_uri.'?'.http_build_query(array_merge($qs, array('month' => date('n', $prev), 'year' => date('Y', $prev))));
$next = Router::$current_uri.'?'.http_build_query(array_merge($qs, array('month' => date('n', $next), 'year' => date('Y', $next))));
<table class="calendar">
<tr class="controls">
<td class="prev"><?php echo html::anchor($prev, '&laquo;') ?></td>
<td class="title" colspan="5"><?php echo strftime('%B %Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)) ?></td>
<td class="next"><?php echo html::anchor($next, '&raquo;') ?></td>
<?php foreach ($days as $day): ?>
<th><?php echo $day ?></th>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php foreach ($weeks as $week): ?>
<?php foreach ($week as $day):
list ($number, $current, $data) = $day;
if (is_array($data))
$classes = $data['classes'];
$output = empty($data['output']) ? '' : '<ul class="output"><li>'.implode('</li><li>', $data['output']).'</li></ul>';
$classes = array();
$output = '';
<td class="<?php echo implode(' ', $classes) ?>"><span class="day"><?php echo $day[0] ?></span><?php echo $output ?></td>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>