#!@PERL@ ## @PKG_NAME@–@PKG_VERSION@ rrd_convert.pl ## Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Joerg Linge (http://www.pnp4nagios.org) ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ## of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. @PERL_LIB_PATH_CODE@ use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use File::Find; use File::Copy; if( $< == 0 ){ print "dont try this as root \n"; exit 1; } # # Some global Vars # my %conf = ( CFG_DIR => "@sysconfdir@/", RRDPATH => "@PERFDATA_DIR@", RRDTOOL => "@RRDTOOL@", LOG_LEVEL => 0, DRY_RUN => 0, FORCE => 0, RRD_BACKUP => 1, RRD_STORAGE_TYPE => "SINGLE", TMP_DIR => '/tmp/rrd_convert', RRD_DAEMON_OPTS => "", XML_MAX_AGE => 3600, ); Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); my ( $opt_V, $opt_h, $opt_c, $opt_l, $opt_x, $opt_p ); # defaults $opt_x = 1; GetOptions( "V|version" => \$opt_V, "h|help" => \$opt_h, "c|check_command=s" => \$opt_c, "p|cfg_dir=s" => \$opt_p, "l|list_commands" => \$opt_l, "x|no_structure_check" => \$opt_x, "d|dry-run" => \$conf{DRY_RUN}, "t|tmp_dir=s" => \$conf{TMP_DIR}, "force" => \$conf{FORCE}, ); print_help() if $opt_h; print_help_opt_p() if !$opt_p; print_help() if !$opt_c and !$opt_l; print_version() if $opt_V; if($opt_p){ $conf{CFG_DIR} = $opt_p; } parse_config($conf{CFG_DIR}."/process_perfdata.cfg"); if ( $conf{RRD_DAEMON_OPTS} ){ $conf{RRD_DAEMON_OPTS} = "--daemon=".$conf{RRD_DAEMON_OPTS}; } my @STRUCT; my %FILEHANDLE; my @commands; # list of commands my @worklist; # list of found xml files my %ds_list; my %original_ds_list; my $max_age = time() - $conf{XML_MAX_AGE}; my %stats = ( 'rrd_in' => 0, 'rrd_out' => 0, 'old_xml' => 0, 'xml_without_rrd' => 0, 'runtime' => 0, ); main(); sub main{ check_storage_type(); find(\&wanted_xml_files, $conf{RRDPATH}); summary(); if($opt_l){ # List commands and exit summary_command_list(); exit; } if($#worklist+1 > 0 ){ my $answer = read_choice("Start Converter [n|y]?"); unless ( $answer =~ m/^y$/i ){ print "Exit...\n"; exit; } }else{ print "Check Command '".$opt_c."' not found in any XML File\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; summary_command_list(); exit; } check_custom_template(); write_custom_template(); my $t0 = [gettimeofday]; my $i = 0; foreach my $xmlfile ( @worklist ) { $i++; undef %ds_list; undef %original_ds_list; my($host,$service) = parse_xml_filename($xmlfile); my ($rrdfile) = $xmlfile =~ /^(.*)\.xml$/; $rrdfile .= ".rrd"; if(-r $rrdfile){ create_dir($conf{TMP_DIR}); my $dumpfile = sprintf("%s/%s-%s.dump",$conf{TMP_DIR},$host,$service); print "File ".$i."/".($#worklist+1)."\n"; rrdtool_dump($rrdfile,$dumpfile); parse_pnp_xml($xmlfile); build_ds_list($rrdfile); next if check_ds_list(); open_files($host,$service); manipulate_rrd_dump($dumpfile); close_files(); restore_files($host,$service); backup_rrd_file($rrdfile); } } my $t1 = [gettimeofday]; $stats{runtime} = tv_interval $t0, $t1; print "DONE\n"; stats(); } sub build_ds_list{ my $rrdfile = shift; my @info; @info = `$conf{'RRDTOOL'} info $rrdfile`; if( $? > 0 ){ print "ERROR: $conf{'RRDTOOL'} info $rrdfile returns with $?\n"; exit 1; } foreach(@info){ if(m/ds\[(\d+)\]\.type/ ) { $ds_list{$1} = $1; } } my $test = keys %ds_list; %original_ds_list = %ds_list; } sub check_ds_list{ my $rrd_ds_count = keys %ds_list; my $xml_ds_count = $#STRUCT; if($rrd_ds_count == $xml_ds_count){ return 0; }elsif($rrd_ds_count <= $xml_ds_count && $opt_x){ printf("OK: RRD contains '%s' DS but XML contains '%s'. Convert forced by --no_structure_check\n",$rrd_ds_count,$xml_ds_count); return 0; }else{ printf ("ERROR: RRD Structure mismatch. DS Count is '%s' but should be '%s'\n",$rrd_ds_count,$xml_ds_count); return 1; } } sub wanted_xml_files{ if(m/.xml$/){ #printf("File: %s\n",$File::Find::name); my $xmlfile = $File::Find::name; my ($rrdfile) = $xmlfile =~ /^(.*)\.xml$/; $rrdfile .= ".rrd"; my $mtime = (stat($xmlfile))[9]; if ( $mtime < $max_age ){ $stats{old_xml}++; return; } open(XML, $xmlfile); while () { if(/TEMPLATE>(.*) $seen{$a} } keys %seen ) { printf " |- %-36s %5s\n",$key,$seen{$key}; } } sub stats{ print "\n\n \\Statistics:\n"; foreach my $key (sort { $stats{$b} cmp $stats{$a} } keys %stats ) { printf " |- %-15s %s\n",$key,$stats{$key}; } } sub create_dir{ my $dir = shift; unless ( -d "$dir" ) { unless ( mkdir "$dir" ) { print "ERROR: $dir is not writable\n"; exit 1; } } } sub open_files(){ my $host = shift; my $service = shift; foreach my $ds (keys %ds_list){ my $file = sprintf("%s/%s-%s-%s.restore",$conf{TMP_DIR},$host,$service,$STRUCT[$ds]{NAME}); #print "Open Filehandle ".$file."\n"; open($FILEHANDLE{$ds}, ">", $file); } } sub close_files(){ foreach my $ds (keys %ds_list){ #$ds--; #print "Close Filehandle ".$STRUCT[$ds]{NAME}."\n"; close($FILEHANDLE{$ds}); } } sub write_to_files{ my $data = shift; foreach my $ds (keys %ds_list){ print { $FILEHANDLE{$ds} } $data; } } sub restore_files(){ my $host = shift; my $service = shift; my $err; $| = 1; print "Restoring File\n"; foreach my $ds (keys %ds_list){ my $rrdfile = ''; my $restorefile = sprintf("%s/%s-%s-%s.restore",$conf{TMP_DIR},$host,$service,$STRUCT[$ds]{NAME}); if( $conf{'DRY_RUN'} == 1 ){ $rrdfile = sprintf("%s/%s/%s_%s.rrd",$conf{TMP_DIR},$host,$service,$STRUCT[$ds]{NAME}); create_dir(sprintf("%s/%s", $conf{TMP_DIR},$host )); }else{ $rrdfile = sprintf("%s/%s/%s_%s.rrd",$conf{RRDPATH},$host,$service,$STRUCT[$ds]{NAME}); } print "$rrdfile\n"; $err = system("$conf{'RRDTOOL'} restore -f '$restorefile' '$rrdfile'"); if($err){ printf("RRDtool Error: %s\n",$err); exit; } unlink($restorefile); $stats{rrd_out}++; } print "... done\n"; $| = 0; } sub backup_rrd_file{ my $rrdfile = shift; if ( $conf{RRD_BACKUP} == 1 ){ move($rrdfile, $rrdfile.".backup"); } } sub parse_pnp_xml{ my $xmlfile = shift; undef @STRUCT; #print "reading $xmlfile\n"; open(XML, $xmlfile); my $DATASOURCE = 0; while () { if(//){ $DATASOURCE++; } if(//){ $DATASOURCE = 0; } if(/<([A-Z_]+)>(.*)<\/[A-Z_]+>/ && $DATASOURCE != -1){ $STRUCT[$DATASOURCE]{$1} = $2; } } close(XML); return @STRUCT; } sub rrdtool_dump{ my $rrdfile = shift; my $dumpfile = shift; my $err; print "RRDtool dump to $dumpfile\n"; if ( $conf{RRD_DAEMON_OPTS} ){ $err = system("$conf{'RRDTOOL'} dump $conf{RRD_DAEMON_OPTS} $rrdfile > $dumpfile"); }else{ $err = system("$conf{'RRDTOOL'} dump $rrdfile > $dumpfile"); } if($err){ printf("RRDtool Error: %s\n",$err); exit; } $stats{rrd_in}++; return $dumpfile; } sub manipulate_rrd_dump{ my $tmpfile = shift; my $i = 0; open (XML,$tmpfile); my @ROW = (); my $tmpds = 1; my $inside_ds_block = 0; print "Manipulating $tmpfile\n"; while (){ $i++; unless ( $i % 5000 ){ $| = 1; print "."; $| = 0; } my $d = $_; # # A Data Row if(m//){ m/(.*)/; my $rowstart = $1; @ROW = m{([^<].*?)<\/v>}gc; my $fh = 1; foreach my $VAL (@ROW){ undef %ds_list; $ds_list{$fh} = $fh; write_to_files($rowstart."".$VAL."\n"); $fh++; } next; } if(m//){ $inside_ds_block = 1; undef %ds_list; $ds_list{$tmpds} = $tmpds; write_to_files($d); $tmpds++; next; } if(m//){ write_to_files($d); $inside_ds_block = 0; $tmpds = 1; %ds_list = %original_ds_list; next; } if(m/<\/ds>/){ write_to_files($d); $inside_ds_block = 0; # write to all files alter %ds_list = %original_ds_list; next; } if(m/<\/database>/){ # write to all files alter %ds_list = %original_ds_list; write_to_files($d); next; } if($inside_ds_block == 1){ # rename DS $d =~ s/(.*)<\/name>/ 1 <\/name>/; } write_to_files($d); } close(XML); print "... done $i lines\n"; unlink($tmpfile); } # # Parse process_perfdata.cfg # sub parse_config { my $config_file = shift; my $line = 0; if( ! -e $config_file ){ print "$config_file not found\n"; exit; } if ( -e $config_file ) { open CFG, '<', "$config_file"; while () { $line++; chomp; s/ //g; next if /^#/; next if /^$/; s/#.*//; if (/^(.*)=(.*)$/) { if ( defined $conf{$1} ) { $conf{$1} = $2; } } } close CFG; } } # # Change RRD_STORAGE_TYPE to MULTIPLE # sub change_config { my $cfg_file = $conf{'CFG_DIR'}."/process_perfdata.cfg"; my $error = system("sed -i -e ".'s/\s*RRD_STORAGE_TYPE\s*=\s*SINGLE/RRD_STORAGE_TYPE=MULTIPLE/i'." $cfg_file"); } sub check_storage_type{ if($conf{'RRD_STORAGE_TYPE'} eq "MULTIPLE"){ print "RRD_STORAGE_TYPE is already set to ".$conf{'RRD_STORAGE_TYPE'}."\n"; } } sub check_custom_template { my $command = $opt_c; if ( $conf{DRY_RUN} == 1 ){ print "No config check while DRY_RUN = 1\n"; return; } if ( $command eq "ALL" ){ return; } my $config_file = $conf{'CFG_DIR'}."/check_commands/".$command.".cfg"; my $storage_type = "MULTIPLE"; if ( -e $config_file && $conf{'FORCE'} == 0 ) { print "\nConfig for command $command does already exist ($config_file)\n\n"; exit 0; } } sub write_custom_template { my $command = $opt_c; if ( $conf{DRY_RUN} == 1 ){ print "No config check while DRY_RUN = 1\n"; return; } if ( $opt_c eq "ALL"){ change_config(); return; } my $config_file = $conf{'CFG_DIR'}."/check_commands/".$command.".cfg"; my $storage_type = "MULTIPLE"; open(CFG, ">", $config_file); print CFG "# Generated by rrd_convert.pl @PKG_VERSION@\n"; print CFG "RRD_STORAGE_TYPE = MULTIPLE\n"; close(CFG); if ( -s $config_file ) { print "\nConfig for command $command created ($config_file)\n"; } } sub read_choice{ my $question = shift; print $question.":"; my $answer = ; chomp $answer; return $answer; } sub print_help{ print "Usage: $0 --check_command=\n"; print " --cfg_dir=\n"; print " [ --list_commands ]\n"; print " [ --dry-run ]\n"; print " [ --tmp_dir= ]\n"; print " [ --no_structure_check ]\n"; print "\n"; print "This script is used to switch to RRD_STORAGE_TYPE = MULTIPLE for a given Nagios Check Command\n"; print "More info online http://docs.pnp4nagios.org/pnp-0.6/rrd_convert\n"; exit; } sub print_help_opt_p{ print "\n"; print "--cfg_dir not set\n"; print "Please provide the path to your PNP4Nagios config directory\n"; print "\n"; print_help(); } sub print_version{ print "Version @PKG_VERSION@\n"; exit; }