<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.');
 * Adds useful information to the bottom of the current page for debugging and optimization purposes.
 * Benchmarks   - The times and memory usage of benchmarks run by the Benchmark library.
 * Database     - The raw SQL and number of affected rows of Database queries.
 * Session Data - Data stored in the current session if using the Session library.
 * POST Data    - The name and values of any POST data submitted to the current page.
 * Cookie Data  - All cookies sent for the current request.
 * $Id: Profiler.php 4383 2009-06-03 00:17:24Z ixmatus $
 * @package    Profiler
 * @author     Kohana Team
 * @copyright  (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
 * @license    http://kohanaphp.com/license.html
class Profiler_Core {

	protected $profiles = array();
	protected $show;

	public function __construct()
		// Add all built in profiles to event
		Event::add('profiler.run', array($this, 'benchmarks'));
		Event::add('profiler.run', array($this, 'database'));
		Event::add('profiler.run', array($this, 'session'));
		Event::add('profiler.run', array($this, 'post'));
		Event::add('profiler.run', array($this, 'cookies'));

		// Add profiler to page output automatically
		Event::add('system.display', array($this, 'render'));

		Kohana::log('debug', 'Profiler Library initialized');

	 * Magic __call method. Creates a new profiler section object.
	 * @param   string   input type
	 * @param   string   input name
	 * @return  object
	public function __call($method, $args)
		if ( ! $this->show OR (is_array($this->show) AND ! in_array($args[0], $this->show)))
			return FALSE;

		// Class name
		$class = 'Profiler_'.ucfirst($method);

		$class = new $class();

		$this->profiles[$args[0]] = $class;

		return $class;

	 * Disables the profiler for this page only.
	 * Best used when profiler is autoloaded.
	 * @return  void
	public function disable()
		// Removes itself from the event queue
		Event::clear('system.display', array($this, 'render'));

	 * Render the profiler. Output is added to the bottom of the page by default.
	 * @param   boolean  return the output if TRUE
	 * @return  void|string
	public function render($return = FALSE)
		$start = microtime(TRUE);

		$get = isset($_GET['profiler']) ? explode(',', $_GET['profiler']) : array();
		$this->show = empty($get) ? Kohana::config('profiler.show') : $get;

		Event::run('profiler.run', $this);

		$styles = '';
		foreach ($this->profiles as $profile)
			$styles .= $profile->styles();

		// Don't display if there's no profiles
		if (empty($this->profiles))

		// Load the profiler view
		$data = array
			'profiles' => $this->profiles,
			'styles'   => $styles,
			'execution_time' => microtime(TRUE) - $start
		$view = new View('kohana_profiler', $data);

		// Return rendered view if $return is TRUE
		if ($return === TRUE)
			return $view->render();

		// Add profiler data to the output
		if (stripos(Kohana::$output, '</body>') !== FALSE)
			// Closing body tag was found, insert the profiler data before it
			Kohana::$output = str_ireplace('</body>', $view->render().'</body>', Kohana::$output);
			// Append the profiler data to the output
			Kohana::$output .= $view->render();

	 * Benchmark times and memory usage from the Benchmark library.
	 * @return  void
	public function benchmarks()
		if ( ! $table = $this->table('benchmarks'))

		$table->add_column('kp-column kp-data');
		$table->add_column('kp-column kp-data');
		$table->add_column('kp-column kp-data');
		$table->add_row(array('Benchmarks', 'Time', 'Count', 'Memory'), 'kp-title', 'background-color: #FFE0E0');

		$benchmarks = Benchmark::get(TRUE);

		// Moves the first benchmark (total execution time) to the end of the array
		$benchmarks = array_slice($benchmarks, 1) + array_slice($benchmarks, 0, 1);

		foreach ($benchmarks as $name => $benchmark)
			// Clean unique id from system benchmark names
			$name = ucwords(str_replace(array('_', '-'), ' ', str_replace(SYSTEM_BENCHMARK.'_', '', $name)));

			$data = array($name, number_format($benchmark['time'], 3), $benchmark['count'], number_format($benchmark['memory'] / 1024 / 1024, 2).'MB');
			$class = text::alternate('', 'kp-altrow');

			if ($name == 'Total Execution')
				$class = 'kp-totalrow';

			$table->add_row($data, $class);

	 * Database query benchmarks.
	 * @return  void
	public function database()
		if ( ! $table = $this->table('database'))

		$table->add_column('kp-column kp-data');
		$table->add_column('kp-column kp-data');
		$table->add_row(array('Queries', 'Time', 'Rows'), 'kp-title', 'background-color: #E0FFE0');

		$queries = Database::$benchmarks;

		$total_time = $total_rows = 0;
		foreach ($queries as $query)
			$data = array($query['query'], number_format($query['time'], 3), $query['rows']);
			$class = text::alternate('', 'kp-altrow');
			$table->add_row($data, $class);
			$total_time += $query['time'];
			$total_rows += $query['rows'];

		$data = array('Total: ' . count($queries), number_format($total_time, 3), $total_rows);
		$table->add_row($data, 'kp-totalrow');

	 * Session data.
	 * @return  void
	public function session()
		if (empty($_SESSION)) return;

		if ( ! $table = $this->table('session'))

		$table->add_row(array('Session', 'Value'), 'kp-title', 'background-color: #CCE8FB');

		foreach($_SESSION as $name => $value)
			if (is_object($value))
				$value = get_class($value).' [object]';

			$data = array($name, $value);
			$class = text::alternate('', 'kp-altrow');
			$table->add_row($data, $class);

	 * POST data.
	 * @return  void
	public function post()
		if (empty($_POST)) return;

		if ( ! $table = $this->table('post'))

		$table->add_row(array('POST', 'Value'), 'kp-title', 'background-color: #E0E0FF');

		foreach($_POST as $name => $value)
			$data = array($name, $value);
			$class = text::alternate('', 'kp-altrow');
			$table->add_row($data, $class);

	 * Cookie data.
	 * @return  void
	public function cookies()
		if (empty($_COOKIE)) return;

		if ( ! $table = $this->table('cookies'))

		$table->add_row(array('Cookies', 'Value'), 'kp-title', 'background-color: #FFF4D7');

		foreach($_COOKIE as $name => $value)
			$data = array($name, $value);
			$class = text::alternate('', 'kp-altrow');
			$table->add_row($data, $class);