'The %s group is not defined in your configuration.', 'error' => 'There was an SQL error: %s', 'connection' => 'There was an error connecting to the database: %s', 'invalid_dsn' => 'The DSN you supplied is not valid: %s', 'must_use_set' => 'You must set a SET clause for your query.', 'must_use_where' => 'You must set a WHERE clause for your query.', 'must_use_table' => 'You must set a database table for your query.', 'table_not_found' => 'Table %s does not exist in your database.', 'not_implemented' => 'The method you called, %s, is not supported by this driver.', 'result_read_only' => 'Query results are read only.' );