# Example: conf['allowed_for_all_services'] = "nagiosadmin,operator"; # This option is used while $conf['auth_enabled'] = TRUE $conf['allowed_for_all_services'] = ""; $conf['allowed_for_all_hosts'] = ""; # Which user is allowed to see additional service links ? # Keywords: EVERYONE NONE # Example: conf['allowed_for_service_links'] = "nagiosadmin,operator"; # $conf['allowed_for_service_links'] = "EVERYONE"; # # Who can use the host search function ? # Keywords: EVERYONE NONE # $conf['allowed_for_host_search'] = "EVERYONE"; # # Who can use the host overview ? # This function is called if no Service Description is given. # $conf['allowed_for_host_overview'] = "EVERYONE"; # # Who can use the Pages function? # Keywords: EVERYONE NONE # Example: conf['allowed_for_pages'] = "nagiosadmin,operator"; # $conf['allowed_for_pages'] = "EVERYONE"; # # Which timerange should be used for the host overview site ? # use a key from array $views[] # $conf['overview-range'] = 1 ; # # Scale the preview images used in /popup # $conf['popup-width'] = "300px"; # # jQuery UI Theme # http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/ # Possible values are: lightness, smoothness, redmond, multisite $conf['ui-theme'] = 'smoothness'; # Language definitions to use. # valid options are en_US, de_DE, es_ES, ru_RU, fr_FR # $conf['lang'] = "en_US"; # # Date format # $conf['date_fmt'] = "d.m.y G:i"; # # This option breaks down the template name based on _ and then starts to # build it up and check the different template directories for a suitable template. # # Example: # # Template to be used: check_esx3_host_net_usage you create a check_esx3.php # # It will find and match on check_esx3 first in templates dir then in templates.dist # $conf['enable_recursive_template_search'] = 1; # # Direct link to the raw XML file. # $conf['show_xml_icon'] = 1; # # Use FPDF Lib for PDF creation ? # $conf['use_fpdf'] = 1; # # Use this file as PDF background. # $conf['background_pdf'] = '@sysconfdir@/background.pdf' ; # # Enable Calendar # $conf['use_calendar'] = 1; # # Define default views with title and start timerange in seconds # # remarks: required escape on " with backslash # #$views[] = array('title' => 'One Hour', 'start' => (60*60) ); $views[] = array('title' => '4 Hours', 'start' => (60*60*4) ); $views[] = array('title' => '25 Hours', 'start' => (60*60*25) ); $views[] = array('title' => 'One Week', 'start' => (60*60*25*7) ); $views[] = array('title' => 'One Month', 'start' => (60*60*24*32) ); $views[] = array('title' => 'One Year', 'start' => (60*60*24*380) ); # # rrdcached support # Use only with rrdtool svn revision 1511+ # # $conf['RRD_DAEMON_OPTS'] = 'unix:/tmp/rrdcached.sock'; $conf['RRD_DAEMON_OPTS'] = ''; # A list of directories to search for templates # @datarootdir@/templates.dist is always the last directory to be searched for templates # # Add your own template directories here # First match wins! #$conf['template_dirs'][] = '/usr/local/check_mk/pnp-templates'; $conf['template_dirs'][] = '@datarootdir@/templates'; $conf['template_dirs'][] = '@datarootdir@/templates.dist'; # # Directory to search for special templates # $conf['special_template_dir'] = '@datarootdir@/templates.special'; # # Regex to detect mobile devices # This regex is evaluated against the USER_AGENT String # $conf['mobile_devices'] = 'iPhone|iPod|iPad|android'; # # additional colour schemes # values taken from www.colorbrewer2.org # for details on usage refer to the documentation of the helper functions # $scheme['Reds'] = array ('#FEE0D2','#FCBBA1','#FC9272','#FB6A4A','#EF3B2C','#CB181D','#A50F15','#67000D'); $scheme['Greens'] = array ('#E5F5E0','#C7E9C0','#A1D99B','#74C476','#41AB5D','#23AB45','#006D2C','#00441B'); $scheme['Blues'] = array ('#DEEBF7','#C6DBEF','#9ECAE1','#6BAED6','#4292C6','#2171B5','#08519C','#08306B'); $scheme['Oranges'] = array ('#FEE6CE','#FDD0A2','#FDAE6B','#FD8D3C','#F16913','#D94801','#A63603','#7F2704'); $scheme['Purples'] = array ('#EFEDF5','#DADAEB','#BDBDDC','#9E9AC8','#807DBA','#6A51A3','#54278F','#3F007A'); $scheme['RdPu'] = array ('#FDE0DD','#FCC5C0','#FA9FB5','#F768A1','#DD3497','#AE017E','#7A0177','#49006A'); $scheme['Dark2'] = array ('#1B9E77','#D95F02','#7570B3','#E7298A','#66A61E','#E6ab02','#a6761d','#666666'); $scheme['BrBG'] = array ('#543005','#8C510A','#BF812D','#DFC27D','#F6E8C3','#C7EAE5','#80CDC1','#35978F','#01665E','#003C30'); $scheme['PiYG'] = array ('#8E0152','#C51B7D','#DE77AE','#F1B6DA','#FDE0EF','#E6F5D0','#B8E186','#7FBC41','#4D9221','#276419'); $scheme['PRGn'] = array ('#40004B','#762A83','#9970AB','#C2A5CF','#E7D4E8','#D9F0D3','#A6DBA0','#5AAE61','#1B7837','#00441B'); $scheme['PuOr'] = array ('#7F3B08','#B35806','#E08214','#FDB863','#FEE0B6','#D8DAEB','#B2ABD2','#8073AC','#542788','#2D004B'); $scheme['RdBu'] = array ('#67001F','#B2182B','#D6604D','#F4A582','#FDDBC7','#D1E5F0','#92C5DE','#4393C3','#2166AC','#053061'); $scheme['RdGy'] = array ('#67001F','#B2182B','#D6604D','#F4A582','#FDDBC7','#E0E0E0','#BABABA','#878787','#4D4D4D','#1A1A1A'); $scheme['RdYlBu'] = array ('#A50026','#D73027','#F46D43','#FDAE61','#FEE090','#E0F3F8','#ABD9E9','#74ADD1','#4575B4','#313695'); $scheme['RdYlGn'] = array ('#A50026','#D73027','#F46D43','#FDAE61','#FEE08B','#D9EF8B','#A6D96A','#66BD63','#1A9850','#006837'); $scheme['Spectral'] = array ('#9E0142','#D53E4F','#F46D43','#FDAE61','#FEE08B','#E6F598','#ABDDA4','#66C2A5','#3288BD','#5E4FA2'); $scheme['Paired'] = array ('#A6CEE3','#1F78B4','#B2DF8A','#33A02C','#FB9A99','#E31A1C','#FDBF6F','#FF7F00','#CAB2D6','#6A3D9A'); $scheme['mixed1'] = array ('#8C510A','#2166ac','#BF812D','#4393c3','#DFC27D','#92c5de','#F6E8C3','#d1e5f0', '#fddbc7','#C7EAE5','#f4a582','#80CDC1','#d6604d','#35978F','#b2182b','#01665E'); $scheme['mixed2'] = array ('#b2182b','#2166ac','#d6604d','#4393c3','#f4a582','#92c5de','#fddbc7','#d1e5f0', '#F6E8C3','#C7EAE5','#DFC27D','#80CDC1','#BF812D','#35978F','#8C510A','#01665E'); $scheme['mixed3'] = array ('#67001F','#80CDC1','#B2182B','#35978F','#D6604D','#01665E','#F4A582','#003C30', '#FDDBC7','#92C5DE','#D1E5F0','#2166AC','#4393C3','#8C510A','#053061','#BF812D'); ?>