=pod =head1 NAME SSL_get_ciphers, SSL_get_cipher_list, SSL_get_shared_ciphers - get list of available SSL_CIPHERs =head1 SYNOPSIS #include STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *SSL_get_ciphers(const SSL *ssl); const char *SSL_get_cipher_list(const SSL *ssl, int priority); char *SSL_get_shared_ciphers(const SSL *s, char *buf, int size); =head1 DESCRIPTION SSL_get_ciphers() returns the stack of available SSL_CIPHERs for B, sorted by preference. If B is NULL or no ciphers are available, NULL is returned. SSL_get_cipher_list() returns a pointer to the name of the SSL_CIPHER listed for B with B. If B is NULL, no ciphers are available, or there are less ciphers than B available, NULL is returned. SSL_get_shared_ciphers() creates a colon separated and NUL terminated list of SSL_CIPHER names that are available in both the client and the server. B is the buffer that should be populated with the list of names and B is the size of that buffer. A pointer to B is returned on success or NULL on error. If the supplied buffer is not large enough to contain the complete list of names then a truncated list of names will be returned. Note that just because a ciphersuite is available (i.e. it is configured in the cipher list) and shared by both the client and the server it does not mean that it is enabled (for example some ciphers may not be usable by a server if there is not a suitable certificate configured). This function will return available shared ciphersuites whether or not they are enabled. This is a server side function only and must only be called after the completion of the initial handshake. =head1 NOTES The details of the ciphers obtained by SSL_get_ciphers() can be obtained using the L family of functions. Call SSL_get_cipher_list() with B starting from 0 to obtain the sorted list of available ciphers, until NULL is returned. =head1 RETURN VALUES See DESCRIPTION =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =cut