2019-04-17 11:40:50 +02:00

2449 lines
114 KiB

// NagiosQL
// (c) 2005-2018 by Martin Willisegger
// Project : NagiosQL
// Component : Configuration Class
// Website :
// Version : 3.4.0
// GIT Repo :
// Class: Configuration class
// Includes all functions used for handling configuration files with NagiosQL
// Name: NagConfigClass
namespace functions;
class NagConfigClass
// Define class variables
/** @var resource $resConnectId */
public $resConnectId; // Connection id for FTP and SSH connections
public $resSFTP; // SFTP ressource id
public $arrSession = array(); // Session content
public $strRelTable = ''; // Relation table name
public $strErrorMessage = ''; // String including error messages
public $strInfoMessage = ''; // String including information messages
public $strPicPath = 'none'; // Picture path string
public $intNagVersion = 0; // Nagios version id
public $intDomainId = 0; // Configuration domain ID
private $arrSettings = array(); // Array includes all global settings
private $resConnectServer = ''; // Connection server name for FTP and SSH connections
private $resConnectType = 'none'; // Connection type for FTP and SSH connections
private $arrRelData = ''; // Relation data
// Class includes
/** @var MysqliDbClass */
public $myDBClass; // Database class reference
/** @var NagDataClass */
public $myDataClass; // Data processing class reference
* NagConfigClass constructor.
* @param array $arrSession PHP Session array
public function __construct($arrSession)
if (isset($arrSession['SETS'])) {
// Read global settings
$this->arrSettings = $arrSession['SETS'];
if (isset($arrSession['domain'])) {
$this->intDomainId = $arrSession['domain'];
$this->arrSession = $arrSession;
* Get domain configuration parameters.
* @param string $strConfigItem Configuration key
* @param string $strValue Configuration value (by reference)
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
public function getDomainData($strConfigItem, &$strValue)
// Variable definition
$intReturn = 0;
// Request domain data from database
$strSQL = 'SELECT `' .$strConfigItem. '` FROM `tbl_datadomain` WHERE `id` = ' .$this->intDomainId;
$strValue = $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL);
if ($strValue == '') {
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
* Get last modification date of a database table and any configuration files inside a directory.
* @param string $strTableName Name of the database table
* @param string $strConfigName Name of the configuration file
* @param int $intDataId ID of the dataset for service table
* @param array $arrTimeData Array with the timestamps of the files and the DB table (by reference)
* @param int $intTimeInfo Time status value (by reference)
* 0 = all files are newer than the database item
* 1 = some file are older than the database item
* 2 = one file is missing
* 3 = any files are missing
* 4 = no configuration targets defined
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
* Status messages are stored in class variables
public function lastModifiedDir($strTableName, $strConfigName, $intDataId, &$arrTimeData, &$intTimeInfo)
// Variable definitions
$intReturn = 0;
// Create file name
$strFileName = $strConfigName. '.cfg';
// Get table times
$strActive = 0;
$arrTimeData = array();
$arrTimeData['table'] = 'unknown';
// Clear status cache
// Get last change on dataset
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_host') {
$strSQL1 = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`last_modified`,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') FROM `tbl_host` ".
"WHERE `host_name`='$strConfigName' AND `config_id`=".$this->intDomainId;
$strSQL2 = "SELECT `active` FROM `tbl_host` WHERE `host_name`='$strConfigName' ".
'AND `config_id`=' .$this->intDomainId;
$arrTimeData['table'] = $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL1);
$strActive = $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL2);
} elseif ($strTableName == 'tbl_service') {
$strSQL1 = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`last_modified`,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') FROM `tbl_service` ".
"WHERE `id`='$intDataId' AND `config_id`=".$this->intDomainId;
$strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM `$strTableName` WHERE `config_name`='$strConfigName' ".
'AND `config_id`=' .$this->intDomainId." AND `active`='1'";
$arrTimeData['table'] = $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL1);
$intServiceCount = $this->myDBClass->countRows($strSQL2);
if ($intServiceCount != 0) {
$strActive = 1;
} else {
$intReturn = 1;
// Get config sets
$arrConfigId = array();
$strTarget = '';
$strBaseDir = '';
$intTimeInfo = -1;
$intRetVal2 = $this->getConfigTargets($arrConfigId);
if ($intRetVal2 == 0) {
foreach ($arrConfigId as $intConfigId) {
// Get configuration file data
$this->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'target', $strTarget);
// Get last change on dataset
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_host') {
$this->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'hostconfig', $strBaseDir);
} elseif ($strTableName == 'tbl_service') {
$this->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'serviceconfig', $strBaseDir);
$arrTimeData[$strTarget] = 'unknown';
$intFileStampTemp = -1;
// Get time data
$intReturn = $this->getFileDate(
if (($intFileStampTemp == 0) && ($strActive == '1')) {
$intTimeInfo = 2;
if (($strActive == '1') && (strtotime($arrTimeData['table']) > $intFileStampTemp)) {
$intTimeInfo = 1;
$intItems = \count($arrTimeData) - 1;
$intUnknown = 0;
$intUpToDate = 0;
foreach ($arrTimeData as $key) {
if ($key == 'unknown') {
if (strtotime($arrTimeData['table']) < strtotime($key)) {
if ($intUnknown == $intItems) {
$intTimeInfo = 3;
if ($intUpToDate == $intItems) {
$intTimeInfo = 0;
} else {
$intTimeInfo = 4;
return $intReturn;
* Get configuration target IDs
* @param array $arrConfigId Configuration target IDs (by reference)
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
public function getConfigTargets(&$arrConfigId)
// Variable definition
$arrData = array();
$arrConfigId = array();
$intDataCount = 0;
$intReturn = 1;
// Request target ID
$strSQL = 'SELECT `targets` FROM `tbl_datadomain` WHERE `id`=' .$this->intDomainId;
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCount != 0)) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$arrConfigId[] = $elem['targets'];
$intReturn = 0;
return $intReturn;
* Get configuration domain values
* @param int $intConfigId Configuration ID
* @param string $strConfigKey Configuration key
* @param string $strValue Configuration value (by reference)
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
public function getConfigValues($intConfigId, $strConfigKey, &$strValue)
// Define variables
$intReturn = 1;
// Read database
$strSQL = 'SELECT `' .$strConfigKey. '` FROM `tbl_configtarget` WHERE `id`=' .$intConfigId;
$strValue = $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL);
if ($strValue != '') {
$intReturn = 0;
return $intReturn;
* Get last modification date of a configuration file.
* @param int $intConfigId Configuration ID
* @param string $strFile Configuration file name
* @param string $strBaseDir Base directory with configuration file
* @param int|bool $intFileStamp File timestamp (by reference)
* @param string $strTimeData Human readable string of file time stamp (by reference)
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
public function getFileDate($intConfigId, $strFile, $strBaseDir, &$intFileStamp, &$strTimeData)
$strMethod = 1;
$intReturn = 0;
// Get configuration file data
$this->getConfigValues($intConfigId, 'method', $strMethod);
$strTimeData = 'unknown';
$intFileStamp = -1;
// Lokal file system
if (($strMethod == 1) && file_exists($strBaseDir. '/' .$strFile)) {
$intFileStamp = filemtime($strBaseDir. '/' .$strFile);
$strTimeData = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $intFileStamp);
} elseif ($strMethod == 2) { // FTP file system
// Check connection
$intReturn = $this->getFTPConnection($intConfigId);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$intFileStamp = ftp_mdtm($this->resConnectId, $strBaseDir . '/' . $strFile);
if ($intFileStamp != -1) {
$strTimeData = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $intFileStamp);
} elseif ($strMethod == 3) { // SSH file system
// Check connection
$intReturn = $this->getSSHConnection($intConfigId);
// Check file date
$strFilePath = str_replace('//', '/', $strBaseDir.'/'.$strFile);
$strCommand = 'ls '.$strFilePath;
$arrResult = array();
if (($intReturn == 0) && ($this->sendSSHCommand($strCommand, $arrResult) == 0) &&
isset($arrResult[0]) && ($arrResult[0] == $strFilePath)) {
$arrInfo = ssh2_sftp_stat($this->resSFTP, $strFilePath);
$intFileStamp = $arrInfo['mtime'];
if ($intFileStamp != -1) {
$strTimeData = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $intFileStamp);
return $intReturn;
* Open an FTP connection
* @param int $intConfigID Configuration ID
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
* Status messages are stored in class variables
public function getFTPConnection($intConfigID)
// Define variables
$intReturn = 0;
$arrError = array();
// Already connected?
if (empty($this->resConnectId) || !\is_resource($this->resConnectId) || ($this->resConnectType != 'FTP')) {
// Define variables
$booLogin = false;
$this->getConfigValues($intConfigID, 'server', $strServer);
$this->getConfigValues($intConfigID, 'ftp_secure', $intFtpSecure);
// Set up basic connection
$this->resConnectServer = $strServer;
$this->resConnectType = 'FTP';
// Secure FTP?
if ($intFtpSecure == 1) {
$this->resConnectId = ftp_ssl_connect($strServer);
} else {
$this->resConnectId = ftp_connect($strServer);
// Login with username and password
if ($this->resConnectId) {
$this->getConfigValues($intConfigID, 'user', $strUser);
$this->getConfigValues($intConfigID, 'password', $strPasswd);
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
$booLogin = ftp_login($this->resConnectId, $strUser, $strPasswd);
$arrError = error_get_last();
if ($booLogin == false) {
$this->resConnectServer = '';
$this->resConnectType = 'none';
$this->resConnectId = null;
$intReturn = 1;
} else {
// Change to PASV mode
ftp_pasv($this->resConnectId, true);
// Check connection
if ((!$this->resConnectId) || (!$booLogin)) {
$this->myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Connection to remote system failed (FTP connection):') .
' ' . $strServer);
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Connection to remote system failed (FTP connection):') .
' <b>' . $strServer . '</b>::', $this->strErrorMessage);
if ($arrError !== null && ($arrError['message'] != '')) {
$this->processClassMessage($arrError['message'] . '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
return $intReturn;
* Open an SSH connection
* @param int $intConfigID Configuration ID
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
* Status messages are stored in class variables
public function getSSHConnection($intConfigID)
// Define variables
$intReturn = 0;
$strPasswordNote = '';
// Already connected?
if (empty($this->resConnectId) || !\is_resource($this->resConnectId) || ($this->resConnectType != 'SSH')) {
// SSH Possible
if (!\function_exists('ssh2_connect')) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('SSH module not loaded!'). '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
return 1;
// Define variables
$booLogin = false;
$this->getConfigValues($intConfigID, 'server', $strServer);
$this->resConnectServer = $strServer;
$this->resConnectType = 'SSH';
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
$this->resConnectId = ssh2_connect($strServer);
$arrError = error_get_last();
// Check connection
if ($this->resConnectId) {
// Login with username and password
$this->getConfigValues($intConfigID, 'user', $strUser);
$this->getConfigValues($intConfigID, 'password', $strPasswd);
$this->getConfigValues($intConfigID, 'ssh_key_path', $strSSHKeyPath);
if ($strSSHKeyPath != '') {
$strPublicKey = str_replace('//', '/', $strSSHKeyPath.'/');
$strPrivatKey = str_replace('//', '/', $strSSHKeyPath.'/id_rsa');
// Check if ssh key file are readable
if (!file_exists($strPublicKey) || !is_readable($strPublicKey)) {
$this->myDataClass->writeLog(translate('SSH public key does not exist or is not readable')
. ' ' . $strSSHKeyPath.$strPublicKey);
$this->processClassMessage(translate('SSH public key does not exist or is not readable')
. ' <b>' . $strSSHKeyPath.$strPublicKey. '</b>::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
if (!file_exists($strPrivatKey) || !is_readable($strPrivatKey)) {
$this->myDataClass->writeLog(translate('SSH private key does not exist or is not readable')
. ' ' . $strPrivatKey);
$this->processClassMessage(translate('SSH private key does not exist or is not readable'). ' ' .
$strPrivatKey. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
if ($strPasswd == '') {
$booLogin = ssh2_auth_pubkey_file(
$strSSHKeyPath. '/',
$strSSHKeyPath. '/id_rsa'
} else {
$booLogin = ssh2_auth_pubkey_file(
$strSSHKeyPath. '/',
$strSSHKeyPath. '/id_rsa',
$arrError = error_get_last();
} else {
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
$booLogin = ssh2_auth_password($this->resConnectId, $strUser, $strPasswd);
$arrError = error_get_last();
$strPasswordNote = 'If you are using ssh2 with user/password - you have to enable ' .
'PasswordAuthentication in your sshd_config';
} else {
$this->myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Connection to remote system failed (SSH2 connection):').
' ' .$strServer);
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Connection to remote system failed (SSH2 connection):').
' <b>' .$strServer. '</b>::', $this->strErrorMessage);
if ($arrError['message'] != '') {
$this->processClassMessage($arrError['message']. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
// Check connection
if ((!$this->resConnectId) || (!$booLogin)) {
$this->myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Connection to remote system failed (SSH2 connection):').
' ' .$strServer);
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Connection to remote system failed (SSH2 connection):')
. ' ' .$strServer. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
if ($arrError['message'] != '') {
$this->processClassMessage($arrError['message']. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
if ($strPasswordNote !== null) {
$this->processClassMessage($strPasswordNote. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$this->resConnectServer = '';
$this->resConnectType = 'none';
$this->resConnectId = null;
$intReturn = 1;
} else {
// Etablish an SFTP connection ressource
$this->resSFTP = ssh2_sftp($this->resConnectId);
return $intReturn;
* Sends a command via SSH and stores the result in an array
* @param string $strCommand Command string
* @param array $arrResult Output as array (by reference)
* @param int $intLines Maximal length of output to read
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
public function sendSSHCommand($strCommand, &$arrResult, $intLines = 100)
// Define variables
$intCount1 = 0; // empty lines
$intCount2 = 0; // data lines
$booBreak = false;
// Check connection
$intReturn = $this->getSSHConnection($arrConfigSet[0]);
if (\is_resource($this->resConnectId)) {
// Send command
$resStream = ssh2_exec($this->resConnectId, $strCommand.'; echo __END__');
if ($resStream) {
// read result
stream_set_blocking($resStream, true);
stream_set_timeout($resStream, 2);
do {
$strLine = stream_get_line($resStream, 1024, "\n");
if ($strLine == '') {
} elseif (substr_count($strLine, '__END__') != 1) {
$arrResult[] = $strLine;
$intReturn = 0;
} elseif (substr_count($strLine, '__END__') == 1) {
$booBreak = true;
$arrStatus = stream_get_meta_data($resStream);
} while ($resStream && !feof($resStream) && ($intCount1 <= 10) && ($intCount2 <= $intLines) &&
($arrStatus['timed_out'] != true) && $booBreak == false);
// Close SSH connection because of timing problems
return $intReturn;
* Merge message strings and check for duplicate messages
* @param string $strNewMessage New message to add
* @param string $strOldMessage Modified message string (by reference)
public function processClassMessage($strNewMessage, &$strOldMessage)
$strNewMessage = str_replace('::::', '::', $strNewMessage);
if (($strOldMessage != '') && ($strNewMessage != '') && (substr_count($strOldMessage, $strNewMessage) == 0)) {
$strOldMessage .= $strNewMessage;
} elseif ($strOldMessage == '') {
$strOldMessage .= $strNewMessage;
* Get configuration target IDs
* @param array $arrConfigId Configuration target IDs (by reference)
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
public function getConfigSets(&$arrConfigId)
// Variable definition
$arrData = array();
$arrConfigId = array();
$intDataCount = 0;
$intReturn = 1;
// Request target ID
$strSQL = 'SELECT `targets` FROM `tbl_datadomain` WHERE `id`=' .$this->intDomainId;
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCount != 0)) {
foreach ($arrData as $elem) {
$arrConfigId[] = $elem['targets'];
$intReturn = 0;
return $intReturn;
* Moves an existing configuration file to the backup directory and removes then the original file
* @param string $strType Type of the configuration file
* @param string $strName Name of the configuration file
* @param int $intConfigID Configuration target ID
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
* Status message is stored in message class variables
public function moveFile($strType, $strName, $intConfigID)
// Variable definitions
$strConfigDir = '';
$strBackupDir = '';
$intReturn = 0;
// Get directories
switch ($strType) {
case 'host':
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'hostconfig', $strConfigDir);
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'hostbackup', $strBackupDir);
case 'service':
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'serviceconfig', $strConfigDir);
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'servicebackup', $strBackupDir);
case 'basic':
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'basedir', $strConfigDir);
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'backupdir', $strBackupDir);
case 'nagiosbasic':
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'nagiosbasedir', $strConfigDir);
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'backupdir', $strBackupDir);
$intReturn = 1;
if ($intReturn == 0) {
// Variable definition
$intMethod = 1;
$strDate = date('YmdHis');
$strSourceFile = $strConfigDir. '/' .$strName;
$strDestinationFile = $strBackupDir. '/' .$strName. '_old_' .$strDate;
$booRetVal = false;
// Get connection method
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'method', $intMethod);
// Local file system
if ($intMethod == 1) {
// Save configuration file
if (file_exists($strSourceFile)) {
if (is_writable($strBackupDir) && is_writable($strConfigDir)) {
copy($strSourceFile, $strDestinationFile);
} else {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot backup the old file because the permissions are '
.'wrong - destination file: ').$strDestinationFile. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} else {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot backup the old file because the source file is '
. 'missing - source file: ') . $strSourceFile . '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) { // Remote file (FTP)
// Check connection
$intReturn = $this->getFTPConnection($intConfigID);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$strSourceFile = str_replace('//', '/', $strSourceFile);
$strDestinationFile = str_replace('//', '/', $strDestinationFile);
// Save configuration file
$intFileStamp = ftp_mdtm($this->resConnectId, $strSourceFile);
if ($intFileStamp > -1) {
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
$booRetVal = ftp_rename($this->resConnectId, $strSourceFile, $strDestinationFile);
} else {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot backup the old file because the source file is '
.'missing (remote FTP) - source file: '). $strSourceFile. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
if (($booRetVal == false) && ($intReturn == 0)) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot backup the old file because the permissions are '
.'wrong (remote FTP) - destination file: ').$strDestinationFile. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) { // Remote file (SFTP)
// Check connection
$intReturn = $this->getSSHConnection($intConfigID);
// Save configuration file
$arrResult = array();
$strSourceFile = str_replace('//', '/', $strSourceFile);
$strDestinationFile = str_replace('//', '/', $strDestinationFile);
$strCommand = 'ls '.$strSourceFile;
if (($intReturn == 0) && ($this->sendSSHCommand($strCommand, $arrResult) == 0)) {
if (isset($arrResult[0]) && $arrResult[0] == $strSourceFile) {
$arrInfo = ssh2_sftp_stat($this->resSFTP, $strSourceFile);
if ($arrInfo['mtime'] > -1) {
$booRetVal = ssh2_sftp_rename($this->resSFTP, $strSourceFile, $strDestinationFile);
} else {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot backup the old file because the source file is '
.'missing (remote SFTP) - source file: '). $strSourceFile. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
if (($booRetVal == false) && ($intReturn == 0)) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot backup the old file because the permissions are '
.'wrong (remote SFTP) - destination file: ').$strDestinationFile. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
* Remove a file
* @param string $strFileName Filename including path to remove
* @param int $intConfigID Configuration target ID
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
* Status message is stored in message class variables
public function removeFile($strFileName, $intConfigID)
// Variable definitions
$intMethod = 1;
$intReturn = 0;
$booRetVal = false;
// Get connection method
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'method', $intMethod);
// Local file system
if ($intMethod == 1) {
// Save configuration file
if (file_exists($strFileName)) {
if (is_writable($strFileName)) {
} else {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot delete the file (wrong permissions)!').'::'.
$strFileName. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} else {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot delete the file (file does not exist)!').'::'.
$strFileName. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) { // Remote file (FTP)
// Check connection
$intReturn = $this->getFTPConnection($intConfigID);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
// Save configuration file
$intFileStamp = ftp_mdtm($this->resConnectId, $strFileName);
if ($intFileStamp > -1) {
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
$booRetVal = ftp_delete($this->resConnectId, $strFileName);
} else {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot delete file because it does not exists (remote '
. 'FTP)!'). '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
if ($booRetVal == false) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot delete file because the permissions are incorrect '
. '(remote FTP)!'). '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) { // Remote file (SFTP)
// Check connection
$intReturn = $this->getSSHConnection($intConfigID);
// Save configuration file
if (($intReturn == 0) && ($this->sendSSHCommand('ls '.$strFileName, $arrResult) == 0)) {
if (isset($arrResult[0])) {
$booRetVal = ssh2_sftp_unlink($this->resSFTP, $strFileName);
} else {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot delete file because it does not exists (remote '
. 'SSH/SFTP)!'). '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
if (($intReturn == 0) && ($booRetVal == false)) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot delete file because the permissions are incorrect '
. '(remote SSH/SFTP)!'). '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
* Get configuration domain parameters
* @param int $intConfigId Configuration ID
* @param string $strConfigItem Configuration key
* @param string $strValue Configuration value (by reference)
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
public function getConfigData($intConfigId, $strConfigItem, &$strValue)
$intReturn = 1;
$strSQL = 'SELECT `' .$strConfigItem. '` FROM `tbl_configtarget` WHERE `id` = ' .$intConfigId;
$strValue = $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL);
if ($strValue != '') {
$intReturn = 0;
return $intReturn;
* Check a directory for write access
* @param string $strPath Physical path
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
public function isDirWriteable($strPath)
// Define variables
$intReturnFile = 1;
$intReturnDir = 1;
$intReturn = 1;
// Is input path a file?
if (file_exists($strPath) && is_file($strPath)) {
$resFile = fopen($strPath, 'ab');
if ($resFile) {
$intReturnFile = 0;
} else {
$intReturnFile = 0;
if (is_file($strPath)) {
$strDirectory = \dirname($strPath);
} else {
$strDirectory = $strPath;
$strFile = $strDirectory.'/'.uniqid(mt_rand(), true).'.tmp';
// Check writing in directory directly
if (is_dir($strDirectory) && is_writable($strDirectory)) {
$resFile = fopen($strFile, 'wb');
if ($resFile) {
$intReturnDir = 0;
} else {
$intReturnDir = 0;
if (($intReturnDir == 0) && ($intReturnFile == 0)) {
$intReturn = 0;
return $intReturn;
* Copy a remote file
* @param string $strFileRemote Remote file name
* @param int $intConfigID Configuration target id
* @param string $strFileLocal Local file name
* @param int $intDirection 0 = from remote to local / 1 = from local to remote
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
* Status message is stored in message class variables
public function remoteFileCopy($strFileRemote, $intConfigID, $strFileLocal, $intDirection = 0)
// Variable definitions
$intMethod = 3;
$intReturn = 0;
$arrTemp = array();
// Get method
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'method', $intMethod);
if ($intMethod == 2) {
// Check connection
$intReturn = $this->getFTPConnection($intConfigID);
if (($intReturn == 0) && ($intDirection == 0)) {
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
if (!ftp_get($this->resConnectId, $strFileLocal, $strFileRemote, FTP_ASCII)) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot get the remote file (it does not exist or is not '
. 'readable) - remote file: '). $strFileRemote. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} elseif (($intReturn == 0) && ($intDirection == 1)) {
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
if (!ftp_put($this->resConnectId, $strFileRemote, $strFileLocal, FTP_ASCII)) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot write the remote file (remote file is not writeable)'
. '- remote file: ').$strFileRemote. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) { // Remote file (SFTP)
$intReturn = $this->getSSHConnection($intConfigID);
if (($intReturn == 0) && ($intDirection == 0)) {
// Copy file
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
if (!ssh2_scp_recv($this->resConnectId, $strFileRemote, $strFileLocal)) {
if ($this->sendSSHCommand('ls ' . $strFileRemote, $arrTemp) != 0) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot get the remote file (it does not exist or is not '
. 'readable) - remote file: ') .$strFileRemote. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
} else {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Remote file is not readable - remote file: ')
. $strFileRemote. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} elseif (($intReturn == 0) && ($intDirection == 1)) {
if (file_exists($strFileLocal) && is_readable($strFileLocal)) {
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
if (!ssh2_scp_send($this->resConnectId, $strFileLocal, $strFileRemote, 0644)) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot write a remote file (remote file is not writeable)'
.' - remote file: '). $strFileRemote . '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} else {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot copy a local file to remote because the local file '.
'does not exist or is not readable - local file: ').
$strFileLocal . '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
* Add files of a given directory to an array
* @param string $strSourceDir Source directory
* @param string $strIncPattern Include file pattern
* @param string $strExcPattern Exclude file pattern
* @param array $arrOutput Output array (by reference)
* @param string $strErrorMessage Error messages (by reference)
public function storeDirToArray($strSourceDir, $strIncPattern, $strExcPattern, &$arrOutput, &$strErrorMessage)
// Define variables
$arrDir = array();
while (substr($strSourceDir, -1) == '/' or substr($strSourceDir, -1) == "\\") {
$strSourceDir = substr($strSourceDir, 0, -1);
$resHandle = opendir($strSourceDir);
if ($resHandle === false) {
if ($this->intDomainId != 0) {
$strErrorMessage .= translate('Could not open directory'). ': ' .$strSourceDir;
} else {
$booBreak = true;
while ($booBreak) {
if (!$arrDir[] = readdir($resHandle)) {
$booBreak = false;
/** @var string $file */
foreach ($arrDir as $file) {
/** @noinspection StrlenInEmptyStringCheckContextInspection */
if (!preg_match("/^\.{1,2}/", $file) && \strlen($file)) {
if (is_dir($strSourceDir. '/' .$file)) {
$strSourceDir. '/' .$file,
} else {
if (preg_match('/' .$strIncPattern. '/', $file) && (($strExcPattern == '') ||
!preg_match('/' .$strExcPattern. '/', $file))) {
if (0 === stripos(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) {
$strSourceDir=str_replace('/', "\\", $strSourceDir);
$arrOutput [] = $strSourceDir."\\".$file;
} else {
$arrOutput [] = $strSourceDir. '/' .$file;
* Determines the dates of the last data table change and the last modification to the configuration files
* @param string $strTableName Name of the data table
* @param array $arrTimeData Array with time data of table and all config files
* @param string $strCheckConfig Information string (text message)
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
* Status message is stored in message class variables
public function lastModifiedFile($strTableName, &$arrTimeData, &$strCheckConfig)
// Variable definitions
$intEnableCommon = 0;
$arrDataset = array();
$strFileName = '';
$strCheckConfig = '';
$intReturn = 0;
// Get configuration filename based on table name
$arrConfigData = $this->getConfData();
if (isset($arrConfigData[$strTableName])) {
$strFileName = $arrConfigData[$strTableName]['filename'];
} else {
$intReturn = 1;
// Get table times
$arrTimeData = array();
$arrTimeData['table'] = 'unknown';
// Clear status cache
$intRetVal1 = $this->getDomainData('enable_common', $intEnableCommon);
// Get last change of date table
if ($intRetVal1 == 0) {
$strSQLAdd = '';
if ($intEnableCommon == 1) {
$strSQLAdd = 'OR `domainId`=0';
$strSQL = 'SELECT `updateTime` FROM `tbl_tablestatus` '
. 'WHERE (`domainId`=' .$this->intDomainId." $strSQLAdd) AND `tableName`='".$strTableName."' "
. 'ORDER BY `updateTime` DESC LIMIT 1';
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataset);
if ($booReturn && isset($arrDataset['updateTime'])) {
$arrTimeData['table'] = $arrDataset['updateTime'];
} else {
$strSQL = 'SELECT `last_modified` FROM `' .$strTableName. '` '
. 'WHERE `config_id`=' .$this->intDomainId. ' ORDER BY `last_modified` DESC LIMIT 1';
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasSingleDataset($strSQL, $arrDataset);
if (($booReturn == true) && isset($arrDataset['last_modified'])) {
$arrTimeData['table'] = $arrDataset['last_modified'];
// Get config sets
$arrConfigId = array();
$strTarget = '';
$strBaseDir = '';
$intFileStampTemp = 0;
$intRetVal2 = $this->getConfigSets($arrConfigId);
if ($intRetVal2 == 0) {
foreach ($arrConfigId as $intConfigId) {
// Get configuration file data
$this->getConfigData($intConfigId, 'target', $strTarget);
$this->getConfigData($intConfigId, 'basedir', $strBaseDir);
// Get time data
$intReturn = $this->getFileDate(
if ($intFileStampTemp != 0 && strtotime($arrTimeData['table']) > $intFileStampTemp) {
$strCheckConfig = translate('Warning: configuration file is out of date!');
if ($arrTimeData[$strTarget] == 'unknown') {
$strCheckConfig = translate('Warning: configuration file is out of date!');
} else {
$strCheckConfig = translate('Warning: no configuration target defined!');
return $intReturn;
* Writes a configuration file including all datasets of a configuration table or returns the output as a text
* file for download. (Public master function)
* @param string $strTableName Table name
* @param int $intMode 0 = Write file to filesystem
* 1 = Return Textfile for download test
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
* Status message is stored in message class variables
public function createConfig($strTableName, $intMode = 0)
// Define Variables
$intReturn = 0;
// Do not create configs in common domain
if ($this->intDomainId == 0) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('It is not possible to write config files directly from the common '
. 'domain!'). '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
if ($intReturn == 0) {
// Get configuration targets
if (($arrConfigID != 1) && \is_array($arrConfigID)) {
foreach ($arrConfigID as $intConfigID) {
$intReturn = $this->writeConfTemplate($intConfigID, $strTableName, $intMode);
} else {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Warning: no configuration target defined!').
'::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
* Writes a configuration file including one single datasets of a configuration table or returns the output as
* a text file for download.
* @param string $strTableName Table name
* @param int $intDbId Data ID
* @param int $intMode 0 = Write file to filesystem
* 1 = Return Textfile for download test
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
* Status message is stored in message class variables
public function createConfigSingle($strTableName, $intDbId = 0, $intMode = 0)
// Define Variables
$arrData = array();
$intDataCount = 0;
$setEnableCommon = 0;
$intReturn = 0;
$strDomainWhere = ' (`config_id`=' .$this->intDomainId. ') ';
// Read some settings and informations
$this->getDomainData('enable_common', $setEnableCommon);
// Variable rewritting
if ($setEnableCommon != 0) {
$strDomainWhere = str_replace(')', ' OR `config_id`=0)', $strDomainWhere);
// Do not create configs in common domain
if ($this->intDomainId == 0) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('It is not possible to write config files directly from the common '
. 'domain!'). '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
if ($intReturn == 0) {
if ($intDbId == 0) {
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `' .$strTableName."` WHERE $strDomainWhere AND `active`='1' ORDER BY `id`";
} else {
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `' .$strTableName."` WHERE $strDomainWhere AND `active`='1' AND `id`=$intDbId";
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if (($booReturn != false) && ($intDataCount != 0)) {
/** @noinspection ForeachInvariantsInspection */
for ($i = 0; $i < $intDataCount; $i++) {
// Process form POST variable
$strChbName = 'chbId_' .$arrData[$i]['id'];
// Check if this POST variable exists or the data ID parameter matches
if ((($intDbId != 0) && ($intDbId == $arrData[$i]['id'])) ||
(filter_input(INPUT_POST, $strChbName) !== null)) {
// Get configuration targets
if (($arrConfigID != 1) && \is_array($arrConfigID)) {
foreach ($arrConfigID as $intConfigID) {
$intReturn = $this->writeConfTemplate(
} else {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Warning: no configuration target defined!').
'::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} else {
$this->myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Writing of the configuration failed - no dataset or not '
. 'activated dataset found'));
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Writing of the configuration failed - no dataset or not '
. 'activated dataset found'). '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
// PRIVATE functions
* Determines the configuration data for each database table
* @return array filename (configuration file name)
* order_field (database order field)
public function getConfData()
$arrConfData['tbl_timeperiod'] = array('filename' => 'timeperiods.cfg',
'order_field' => 'timeperiod_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_command'] = array('filename' => 'commands.cfg',
'order_field' => 'command_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_contact'] = array('filename' => 'contacts.cfg',
'order_field' => 'contact_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_contacttemplate'] = array('filename' => 'contacttemplates.cfg',
'order_field' => 'template_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_contactgroup'] = array('filename' => 'contactgroups.cfg',
'order_field' => 'contactgroup_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_hosttemplate'] = array('filename' => 'hosttemplates.cfg',
'order_field' => 'template_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_servicetemplate'] = array('filename' => 'servicetemplates.cfg',
'order_field' => 'template_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_hostgroup'] = array('filename' => 'hostgroups.cfg',
'order_field' => 'hostgroup_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_servicegroup'] = array('filename' => 'servicegroups.cfg',
'order_field' => 'servicegroup_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_hostdependency'] = array('filename' => 'hostdependencies.cfg',
'order_field' => 'dependent_host_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_servicedependency'] = array('filename' => 'servicedependencies.cfg',
'order_field' => 'config_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_hostescalation'] = array('filename' => 'hostescalations.cfg',
'order_field' => 'host_name`,`hostgroup_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_serviceescalation'] = array('filename' => 'serviceescalations.cfg',
'order_field' => 'config_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_hostextinfo'] = array('filename' => 'hostextinfo.cfg',
'order_field' => 'host_name');
$arrConfData['tbl_serviceextinfo'] = array('filename' => 'serviceextinfo.cfg',
'order_field' => 'host_name');
return $arrConfData;
* Writes a configuration file including all datasets of a configuration table or returns the output as a text
* file for download. (Private worker function)
* @param int $intConfigID Configuration target ID
* @param string $strTableName Table name
* @param int $intMode 0 = Write file to filesystem
* 1 = Return Textfile for download test
* @param array $arrTableData Dataset array for host and services only
* @param int $intID Key for dataset array
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
* Status message is stored in message class variables
/** @noinspection ArrayTypeOfParameterByDefaultValueInspection */
private function writeConfTemplate($intConfigID, $strTableName, $intMode, $arrTableData = array(), $intID = 0)
// Variable definitions
$strSQL = '';
$strOrderField = '';
$strFileString = '';
$arrTplOptions = array('use_preg' => false);
$strDomainWhere = ' (`config_id`=' . $this->intDomainId . ') ';
$intType = 0;
$intReturn = 0;
// Read some settings and informations
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'utf8_decode', $setUTF8Decode);
$this->getDomainData('enable_common', $setEnableCommon);
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'version', $intNagiosVersion);
$arrConfigData = $this->getConfData();
if (isset($arrConfigData[$strTableName])) {
$strFileString = str_replace('.cfg', '', $arrConfigData[$strTableName]['filename']);
$strOrderField = $arrConfigData[$strTableName]['order_field'];
// Variable rewritting
if ($setEnableCommon != 0) {
$strDomainWhere = str_replace(')', ' OR `config_id`=0)', $strDomainWhere);
// Special processing for table host and service
$setTemplate = $strFileString. '.tpl.dat';
if (($strTableName == 'tbl_host') || ($strTableName == 'tbl_service')) {
// Define variable names based on table name
switch ($strTableName) {
case 'tbl_host':
$strFileString = $arrTableData[$intID]['host_name'];
$intDomainId = $arrTableData[$intID]['config_id'];
$setTemplate = 'hosts.tpl.dat';
$intType = 1;
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $strTableName . "` WHERE `host_name`='$strFileString' "
. "AND `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$intDomainId";
case 'tbl_service':
$strFileString = $arrTableData[$intID]['config_name'];
$intDomainId = $arrTableData[$intID]['config_id'];
$setTemplate = 'services.tpl.dat';
$intType = 2;
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $strTableName . "` WHERE `config_name`='$strFileString' "
. "AND `active`='1' AND `config_id`=$intDomainId ORDER BY `service_description`";
} else {
$strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM `' .$strTableName."` WHERE $strDomainWhere AND `active`='1' ".
'ORDER BY `' .$strOrderField. '`';
$strFile = $strFileString. '.cfg';
// Load configuration template file
$tplConf = new \HTML_Template_IT($this->arrSettings['path']['base_path']. '/templates/files/');
$tplConf->loadTemplatefile($setTemplate, true, true);
$tplConf->setVariable('CREATE_DATE', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$tplConf->setVariable('NAGIOS_QL_VERSION', $this->arrSettings['db']['version']);
$tplConf->setVariable('VERSION', $this->getVersionString($intConfigID));
// Write data from configuration table
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQL, $arrData, $intDataCount);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCount != 0) && ($strFileString != '')) {
// Process every data set
/** @noinspection ForeachInvariantsInspection */
for ($i = 0; $i < $intDataCount; $i++) {
$intDataId = 0;
/** @noinspection ForeachSourceInspection */
foreach ($arrData[$i] as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'id') {
$intDataId = $value;
if ($key == 'config_name') {
// UTF8 decoded vaules
if ($setUTF8Decode == 1) {
$value = utf8_decode($value);
// Pass special fields (NagiosQL data fields not used by Nagios itselves)
if ($this->skipEntries($strTableName, $intNagiosVersion, $key, $value) == 1) {
// Get relation data
$intSkip = $this->getRelationData($strTableName, $tplConf, $arrData[$i], $key, $value);
// Rename field names
$this->renameFields($strTableName, $intConfigID, $intDataId, $key, $value, $intSkip);
// Inset data field
if ($intSkip != 1) {
// Insert fill spaces
$strFillLen = (30- \strlen($key));
$strSpace = ' ';
for ($f = 0; $f < $strFillLen; $f++) {
$strSpace .= ' ';
// Write key and value to template
$tplConf->setVariable('ITEM_TITLE', $key.$strSpace);
// Short values
if (($intNagiosVersion != 3) || (\strlen($value) < 800)) {
$tplConf->setVariable('ITEM_VALUE', $value);
} else { // Long values
$arrValueTemp = explode(',', $value);
$strValueNew = '';
$intArrCount = \count($arrValueTemp);
$intCounter = 0;
$strSpace = ' ';
for ($f = 0; $f < 30; $f++) {
$strSpace .= ' ';
foreach ($arrValueTemp as $elem) {
if (\strlen($strValueNew) < 800) {
$strValueNew .= $elem. ',';
} else {
if (substr($strValueNew, -1) == ',') {
$strValueNew = substr($strValueNew, 0, -1);
if ($intCounter < $intArrCount) {
$strValueNew .= ",\\";
$tplConf->setVariable('ITEM_VALUE', $strValueNew);
$tplConf->setVariable('ITEM_TITLE', $strSpace);
} else {
$tplConf->setVariable('ITEM_VALUE', $strValueNew);
$tplConf->setVariable('ITEM_TITLE', $strSpace);
$strValueNew = $elem. ',';
if ($strValueNew != '') {
if (substr($strValueNew, -1) == ',') {
$strValueNew = substr($strValueNew, 0, -1);
$tplConf->setVariable('ITEM_VALUE', $strValueNew);
// Special processing for time periods
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_timeperiod') {
$arrDataTime = array();
$strSQLTime = 'SELECT `definition`, `range` '
. 'FROM `tbl_timedefinition` WHERE `tipId` = ' .$arrData[$i]['id'];
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQLTime, $arrDataTime, $intDataCountTime);
if ($booReturn && $intDataCountTime != 0) {
foreach ($arrDataTime as $data) {
// Skip other values than weekdays in nagios version below 3
if ($intNagiosVersion < 3) {
$arrWeekdays = array('monday','tuesday','wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday',
if (!\in_array($data['definition'], $arrWeekdays, true)) {
// Insert fill spaces
$strFillLen = (30- \strlen($data['definition']));
$strSpace = ' ';
for ($f = 0; $f < $strFillLen; $f++) {
$strSpace .= ' ';
// Write key and value
$tplConf->setVariable('ITEM_TITLE', $data['definition'].$strSpace);
$tplConf->setVariable('ITEM_VALUE', $data['range']);
// Write configuration set
} elseif ($booReturn && ($intDataCount == 0) && ($strFileString != '')) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Error while selecting data from database:')
. '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$this->processClassMessage($this->myDBClass->strErrorMessage, $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} else {
$this->myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Writing of the configuration failed - no dataset '
. 'or not activated dataset found'));
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Writing of the configuration failed - no dataset '
. 'or not activated dataset found'). '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
if ($intMode == 0) {
$intReturn = $this->getConfigFile($strFile, $intConfigID, $intType, $resCfgFile, $strCfgFile);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$strContent = $tplConf->get();
$intReturn = $this->writeConfigFile(
} elseif ($intMode == 1) {
return $intReturn;
* Get Nagios version string
* @param int $intConfigID Configuration target ID
* @return string Version string
private function getVersionString($intConfigID)
$arrVersion = array(
'Nagios 2.x config file',
'Nagios 2.9 config file',
'Nagios 3.x config file',
'Nagios 4.x config file'
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'version', $intVersion);
if (($intVersion >= 1) && ($intVersion <= \count($arrVersion))) {
$strVersion = $arrVersion[$intVersion - 1];
} else {
$strVersion = '';
return $strVersion;
* Skip database values based on Nagios version
* @param string $strTableName Table name
* @param int $intVersionValue Nagios version value
* @param string $key Data key
* @param string $value Data value
* @return int
private function skipEntries($strTableName, $intVersionValue, $key, &$value)
// Define variables
$arrOption = array();
$intReturn = 0;
// Skip common fields
$strSpecial = 'id,active,last_modified,access_rights,access_group,config_id,template,nodelete,command_type,';
$strSpecial .= 'import_hash';
// Skip fields of special tables
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_hosttemplate') {
$strSpecial .= ',parents_tploptions,hostgroups_tploptions,contacts_tploptions';
$strSpecial .= ',contact_groups_tploptions,use_template_tploptions';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_servicetemplate') {
$strSpecial .= ',host_name_tploptions,hostgroup_name_tploptions,parents_tploptions,contacts_tploptions';
$strSpecial .= ',servicegroups_tploptions,contact_groups_tploptions,use_template_tploptions';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_contact') {
$strSpecial .= ',use_template_tploptions,contactgroups_tploptions';
$strSpecial .= ',host_notification_commands_tploptions,service_notification_commands_tploptions';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_contacttemplate') {
$strSpecial .= ',use_template_tploptions,contactgroups_tploptions';
$strSpecial .= ',host_notification_commands_tploptions,service_notification_commands_tploptions';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_host') {
$strSpecial .= ',parents_tploptions,hostgroups_tploptions,contacts_tploptions';
$strSpecial .= ',contact_groups_tploptions,use_template_tploptions';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_service') {
$strSpecial .= ',host_name_tploptions,hostgroup_name_tploptions,parents_tploptions';
$strSpecial .= ',servicegroups_tploptions,contacts_tploptions,contact_groups_tploptions';
$strSpecial .= ',use_template_tploptions';
// Pass fields based on nagios version lower than 3.x
if ($intVersionValue < 3) {
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_timeperiod') {
$strSpecial .= ',use_template,exclude,name';
if (($strTableName == 'tbl_contact') || ($strTableName == 'tbl_contacttemplate')) {
$strSpecial .= ',host_notifications_enabled,service_notifications_enabled,can_submit_commands';
$strSpecial .= ',retain_status_information,retain_nonstatus_information';
$arrOption['host_notification_options'] = ',s';
$arrOption['service_notification_options'] = ',s';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_contactgroup') {
$strSpecial .= ',contactgroup_members';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_hostgroup') {
$strSpecial .= ',hostgroup_members,notes,notes_url,action_url';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_servicegroup') {
$strSpecial .= ',servicegroup_members,notes,notes_url,action_url';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_hostdependency') {
$strSpecial .= ',dependent_hostgroup_name,hostgroup_name,dependency_period';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_hostescalation') {
$strSpecial .= ',contacts';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_servicedependency') {
$strSpecial .= ',dependent_hostgroup_name,hostgroup_name,dependency_period,dependent_servicegroup_name';
$strSpecial .= ',servicegroup_name';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_serviceescalation') {
$strSpecial .= ',hostgroup_name,contacts,servicegroup_name';
if (($strTableName == 'tbl_host') || ($strTableName == 'tbl_hosttemplate')) {
$strSpecial .= ',initial_state,flap_detection_options,contacts,notes,notes_url,action_url';
$strSpecial .= ',icon_image,icon_image_alt,vrml_image,statusmap_image,2d_coords,3d_coords';
$arrOption['notification_options'] = ',s';
// Services
if (($strTableName == 'tbl_service') || ($strTableName == 'tbl_servicetemplate')) {
$strSpecial .= ',initial_state,flap_detection_options,contacts,notes,notes_url,action_url';
$strSpecial .= ',icon_image,icon_image_alt';
$arrOption['notification_options'] = ',s';
// Pass fields based on nagios version higher than 2.x
if ($intVersionValue > 2) {
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_servicetemplate') {
$strSpecial .= ',parallelize_check ';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_service') {
$strSpecial .= ',parallelize_check';
// Pass fields based on nagios version lower than 4.x
if ($intVersionValue < 4) {
if (($strTableName == 'tbl_contact') || ($strTableName == 'tbl_contacttemplate')) {
$strSpecial .= ',minimum_importance';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_host') {
$strSpecial .= ',importance';
if (($strTableName == 'tbl_service') || ($strTableName == 'tbl_servicetemplate')) {
$strSpecial .= ',importance,parents';
if ($intVersionValue == 1) {
$strSpecial .= '';
// Reduce option values
if (array_key_exists($key, $arrOption) && (\count($arrOption) != 0)) {
$value = str_replace(array($arrOption[$key], str_replace(',', '', $arrOption[$key])), '', $value);
if ($value == '') {
$intReturn = 1;
if ($intReturn == 0) {
// Skip entries
$arrSpecial = explode(',', $strSpecial);
if (($value == '') || \in_array($key, $arrSpecial, true)) {
$intReturn = 1;
if ($intReturn == 0) {
// Do not write config data (based on 'skip' option)
$strNoTwo = 'active_checks_enabled,passive_checks_enabled,obsess_over_host,check_freshness,';
$strNoTwo .= 'event_handler_enabled,flap_detection_enabled,process_perf_data,retain_status_information,';
$strNoTwo .= 'retain_nonstatus_information,notifications_enabled,parallelize_check,is_volatile,';
$strNoTwo .= 'host_notifications_enabled,service_notifications_enabled,can_submit_commands,';
$strNoTwo .= 'obsess_over_service';
foreach (explode(',', $strNoTwo) as $elem) {
if (($key == $elem) && ($value == '2')) {
$intReturn = 1;
if (($intVersionValue < 3) && ($key == $elem) && ($value == '3')) {
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
* Get related data
* @param string $strTableName Table name
* @param \HTML_Template_IT $resTemplate Template ressource
* @param array $arrData Dataset array
* @param string $strDataKey Data key
* @param string $strDataValue Data value
* @return int 0 = use data / 1 = skip data
* Status message is stored in message class variables
private function getRelationData($strTableName, $resTemplate, $arrData, $strDataKey, &$strDataValue)
// Define Variables
$intReturn = 0;
$intSkipProc = 0;
$arrRelations = array();
// Pass function for tbl_command
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_command') {
$intSkipProc = 1;
// Get relation info and store the value in a class variable (speedup export)
if (($intSkipProc == 0) && ($this->strRelTable != $strTableName)) {
$intReturn = $this->myDataClass->tableRelations($strTableName, $arrRelations);
$this->strRelTable = $strTableName;
$this->arrRelData = $arrRelations;
} elseif ($intSkipProc == 0) {
$arrRelations = $this->arrRelData;
$intReturn = 0;
if (($intSkipProc == 0) && (!\is_array($arrRelations)) && (\count($arrRelations) == 0)) {
$intSkipProc = 1;
$intReturn = 1;
if ($intSkipProc == 0) {
// Common domain is enabled?
$this->getDomainData('enable_common', $intCommonEnable);
if ($intCommonEnable == 1) {
$strDomainWhere1 = ' (`config_id`=' . $this->intDomainId . ' OR `config_id`=0) ';
} else {
$strDomainWhere1 = ' `config_id`=' . $this->intDomainId . ' ';
// Process relations
foreach ($arrRelations as $elem) {
if ($elem['fieldName'] == $strDataKey) {
// Process normal 1:n relations (1 = only data / 2 = including a * value)
if (($elem['type'] == 2) && (($strDataValue == 1) || ($strDataValue == 2))) {
$intReturn = $this->processRelation1($arrData, $strDataValue, $elem, $strDomainWhere1);
// Process normal 1:1 relations
} elseif ($elem['type'] == 1) {
$intReturn = $this->processRelation2($arrData, $strDataValue, $elem, $strDomainWhere1);
// Process normal 1:n relations with special table and idSort (template tables)
} elseif (($elem['type'] == 3) && ($strDataValue == 1)) {
$intReturn = $this->processRelation3($arrData, $strDataValue, $elem, $strDomainWhere1);
// Process special 1:n:str relations with string values (servicedependencies)
} elseif (($elem['type'] == 6) && (($strDataValue == 1) || ($strDataValue == 2))) {
$intReturn = $this->processRelation4($arrData, $strDataValue, $elem, $strDomainWhere1);
// Process special relations for free variables
} elseif (($elem['type'] == 4) && ($strDataValue == 1) && ($this->intNagVersion >= 3)) {
$intReturn = $this->processRelation5($resTemplate, $arrData, $elem);
// Process special relations for service groups
} elseif (($elem['type'] == 5) && ($strDataValue == 1)) {
$intReturn = $this->processRelation6($arrData, $strDataValue, $elem, $strDomainWhere1);
// Process special relations for service parents
} elseif (($elem['type'] == 7) && ($strDataValue == 1)) {
$intReturn = $this->processRelation7($arrData, $strDataValue, $elem);
// Process "*"
} elseif ($strDataValue == 2) {
$strDataValue = '*';
} else {
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
* Rename field names
* @param string $strTableName Table name
* @param int $intConfigID Configuration target ID
* @param int $intDataId Data ID
* @param string $key Data key (by reference)
* @param string $value Data value (by reference)
* @param int $intSkip Skip value (by reference) 1 = skip / 0 = pass
private function renameFields($strTableName, $intConfigID, $intDataId, &$key, &$value, &$intSkip)
if ($this->intNagVersion == 0) {
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'version', $this->intNagVersion);
// Picture path
if ($this->strPicPath == 'none') {
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'picturedir', $this->strPicPath);
if ($key == 'icon_image') {
$value = $this->strPicPath.$value;
if ($key == 'vrml_image') {
$value = $this->strPicPath.$value;
if ($key == 'statusmap_image') {
$value = $this->strPicPath.$value;
// Tables
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_host') {
if ($key == 'use_template') {
$key = 'use';
$strVIValues = 'active_checks_enabled,passive_checks_enabled,check_freshness,obsess_over_host,';
$strVIValues .= 'event_handler_enabled,flap_detection_enabled,process_perf_data,retain_status_information,';
$strVIValues .= 'retain_nonstatus_information,notifications_enabled';
if (\in_array($key, explode(',', $strVIValues), true)) {
if ($value == -1) {
$value = 'null';
if ($value == 3) {
$value = 'null';
if ($key == 'parents') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'parents_tploptions', 'tbl_host', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'hostgroups') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'hostgroups_tploptions', 'tbl_host', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'contacts') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'contacts_tploptions', 'tbl_host', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'contact_groups') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'contact_groups_tploptions', 'tbl_host', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'use') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'use_template_tploptions', 'tbl_host', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'check_command') {
$value = str_replace("\::bang::", "\!", $value);
if ($key == 'check_command') {
$value = str_replace('::bang::', "\!", $value);
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_service') {
if ($key == 'use_template') {
$key = 'use';
if ($this->intNagVersion < 2) {
if ($key == 'check_interval') {
$key = 'normal_check_interval';
if ($key == 'retry_interval') {
$key = 'retry_check_interval';
$strVIValues = 'is_volatile,active_checks_enabled,passive_checks_enabled,parallelize_check,';
$strVIValues .= 'obsess_over_service,check_freshness,event_handler_enabled,flap_detection_enabled,';
$strVIValues .= 'process_perf_data,retain_status_information,retain_nonstatus_information,';
$strVIValues .= 'notifications_enabled';
if (\in_array($key, explode(',', $strVIValues), true)) {
if ($value == -1) {
$value = 'null';
if ($value == 3) {
$value = 'null';
if ($key == 'host_name') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'host_name_tploptions', 'tbl_service', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'hostgroup_name') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'hostgroup_name_tploptions', 'tbl_service', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'parents') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'parents_tploptions', 'tbl_service', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'servicegroups') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'servicegroups_tploptions', 'tbl_service', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'contacts') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'contacts_tploptions', 'tbl_service', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'contact_groups') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'contact_groups_tploptions', 'tbl_service', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'use') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'use_template_tploptions', 'tbl_service', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'check_command') {
$value = str_replace("\::bang::", "\!", $value);
if ($key == 'check_command') {
$value = str_replace('::bang::', "\!", $value);
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_hosttemplate') {
if ($key == 'template_name') {
$key = 'name';
if ($key == 'use_template') {
$key = 'use';
$strVIValues = 'active_checks_enabled,passive_checks_enabled,check_freshness,obsess_over_host,';
$strVIValues .= 'event_handler_enabled,flap_detection_enabled,process_perf_data,retain_status_information,';
$strVIValues .= 'retain_nonstatus_information,notifications_enabled';
if (\in_array($key, explode(',', $strVIValues), true)) {
if ($value == -1) {
$value = 'null';
if ($value == 3) {
$value = 'null';
if ($key == 'parents') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'parents_tploptions', 'tbl_hosttemplate', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'hostgroups') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'hostgroups_tploptions', 'tbl_hosttemplate', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'contacts') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'contacts_tploptions', 'tbl_hosttemplate', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'contact_groups') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'contact_groups_tploptions', 'tbl_hosttemplate', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'use') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'use_template_tploptions', 'tbl_hosttemplate', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_servicetemplate') {
if ($key == 'template_name') {
$key = 'name';
if ($key == 'use_template') {
$key = 'use';
if ($this->intNagVersion < 2) {
if ($key == 'check_interval') {
$key = 'normal_check_interval';
if ($key == 'retry_interval') {
$key = 'retry_check_interval';
$strVIValues = 'is_volatile,active_checks_enabled,passive_checks_enabled,parallelize_check,';
$strVIValues .= 'obsess_over_service,check_freshness,event_handler_enabled,flap_detection_enabled,';
$strVIValues .= 'process_perf_data,retain_status_information,retain_nonstatus_information,';
$strVIValues .= 'notifications_enabled';
if (\in_array($key, explode(',', $strVIValues), true)) {
if ($value == -1) {
$value = 'null';
if ($value == 3) {
$value = 'null';
if ($key == 'host_name') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'host_name_tploptions', 'tbl_servicetemplate', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'hostgroup_name') {
$value = $this->checkTpl(
if ($key == 'parents') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'parents_tploptions', 'tbl_servicetemplate', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'servicegroups') {
$value = $this->checkTpl(
if ($key == 'contacts') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'contacts_tploptions', 'tbl_servicetemplate', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'contact_groups') {
$value = $this->checkTpl(
if ($key == 'use') {
$value = $this->checkTpl(
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_contact') {
if ($key == 'use_template') {
$key = 'use';
$strVIValues = 'host_notifications_enabled,service_notifications_enabled,can_submit_commands,';
$strVIValues .= 'retain_status_information,retain_nonstatus_information';
if (\in_array($key, explode(',', $strVIValues), true)) {
if ($value == -1) {
$value = 'null';
if ($value == 3) {
$value = 'null';
if ($key == 'contactgroups') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'contactgroups_tploptions', 'tbl_contact', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($key == 'host_notification_commands') {
$value = $this->checkTpl(
if ($key == 'service_notification_commands') {
$value = $this->checkTpl(
if ($key == 'use') {
$value = $this->checkTpl($value, 'use_template_tploptions', 'tbl_contact', $intDataId, $intSkip);
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_contacttemplate') {
if ($key == 'template_name') {
$key = 'name';
if ($key == 'use_template') {
$key = 'use';
$strVIValues = 'host_notifications_enabled,service_notifications_enabled,can_submit_commands,';
$strVIValues .= 'retain_status_information,retain_nonstatus_information';
if (in_array($key, explode(',', $strVIValues), true)) {
if ($value == -1) {
$value = 'null';
if ($value == 3) {
$value = 'null';
if ($key == 'contactgroups') {
$value = $this->checkTpl(
if ($key == 'host_notification_commands') {
$value = $this->checkTpl(
if ($key == 'service_notification_commands') {
$value = $this->checkTpl(
if ($key == 'use') {
$value = $this->checkTpl(
if ((($strTableName == 'tbl_hosttemplate') || ($strTableName == 'tbl_servicetemplate') ||
($strTableName == 'tbl_contacttemplate')) && $key == 'register') {
$value = '0';
if ($strTableName == 'tbl_timeperiod' && $key == 'use_template') {
$key = 'use';
* Open configuration file
* @param string $strFile File name
* @param int $intConfigID Configuration ID
* @param int $intType Type ID
* @param resource|bool $resConfigFile Temporary or configuration file ressource (by reference)
* @param string $strConfigFile Configuration file name (by reference)
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
private function getConfigFile($strFile, $intConfigID, $intType, &$resConfigFile, &$strConfigFile)
// Variable definitions
$strBaseDir = '';
$intMethod = 1;
$intReturn = 0;
// Get config data
if ($intType == 1) {
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'hostconfig', $strBaseDir);
$strType = 'host';
} elseif ($intType == 2) {
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'serviceconfig', $strBaseDir);
$strType = 'service';
} else {
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'basedir', $strBaseDir);
$strType = 'basic';
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'method', $intMethod);
// Backup config file
$this->moveFile($strType, $strFile, $intConfigID);
// Variable definition
$strConfigFile = $strBaseDir. '/' .$strFile;
// Local file system
if ($intMethod == 1) {
// Save configuration file
if (is_writable($strConfigFile) || (!file_exists($strConfigFile) && is_writable($strBaseDir))) {
$resConfigFile = fopen($strConfigFile, 'wb');
chmod($strConfigFile, 0644);
} else {
$this->myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Configuration write failed:'). ' ' .$strFile);
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot open/overwrite the configuration file (check the '
.'permissions)!'). '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) { // Remote file (FTP)
// Check connection
if (empty($this->resConnectId) || !\is_resource($this->resConnectId) ||
($this->resConnectType != 'FTP')) {
$intReturn = $this->getFTPConnection($intConfigID);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
// Open the config file
if (isset($this->arrSettings['path']) && isset($this->arrSettings['path']['tempdir'])) {
$strConfigFile = tempnam($this->arrSettings['path']['tempdir'], 'nagiosql');
} else {
$strConfigFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'nagiosql');
$resConfigFile = fopen($strConfigFile, 'wb');
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) { // Remote file (SFTP)
// Check connection
if (empty($this->resConnectId) || !\is_resource($this->resConnectId) ||
($this->resConnectType != 'SSH')) {
$intReturn = $this->getSSHConnection($intConfigID);
if ($intReturn == 0) {
if (isset($this->arrSettings['path']) && isset($this->arrSettings['path']['tempdir'])) {
$strConfigFile = tempnam($this->arrSettings['path']['tempdir'], 'nagiosql');
} else {
$strConfigFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'nagiosql');
$resConfigFile = fopen($strConfigFile, 'wb');
return $intReturn;
* Write configuration file
* @param string $strData Data string
* @param string $strFile File name
* @param int $intType Type ID
* @param int $intConfigID Configuration target ID
* @param resource $resConfigFile Temporary or configuration file ressource
* @param string $strConfigFile Configuration file name
* @return int 0 = successful / 1 = error
private function writeConfigFile($strData, $strFile, $intType, $intConfigID, $resConfigFile, $strConfigFile)
// Variable definitions
$intReturn = 0;
// Get config data
if ($intType == 1) {
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'hostconfig', $strBaseDir);
} elseif ($intType == 2) {
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'serviceconfig', $strBaseDir);
} else {
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'basedir', $strBaseDir);
$this->getConfigData($intConfigID, 'method', $intMethod);
$strData = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $strData);
fwrite($resConfigFile, $strData);
// Local filesystem
if ($intMethod == 1) {
} elseif ($intMethod == 2) { // FTP access
// SSH Possible
if (!\function_exists('ftp_put')) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('FTP module not loaded!'). '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} else {
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
if (!ftp_put($this->resConnectId, $strBaseDir . '/' . $strFile, $strConfigFile, FTP_ASCII)) {
$arrError = error_get_last();
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot open/overwrite the configuration file (FTP connection '
.'failed)!') . '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
if ($arrError['message'] != '') {
$this->processClassMessage($arrError['message'] . '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} elseif ($intMethod == 3) { // SSH access
// SSH Possible
if (!\function_exists('ssh2_scp_send')) {
$this->processClassMessage(translate('SSH module not loaded!'). '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$intReturn = 1;
} else {
$intErrorReporting = error_reporting();
if (!ssh2_scp_send($this->resConnectId, $strConfigFile, $strBaseDir . '/' . $strFile, 0644)) {
$arrError = error_get_last();
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Cannot open/overwrite the configuration file (remote SFTP)!').
'::', $this->strErrorMessage);
if ($arrError['message'] != '') {
$this->processClassMessage($arrError['message'] . '::', $this->strErrorMessage);
$this->resConnectId = null;
$intReturn = 1;
$this->resConnectId = null;
if ($intReturn == 0) {
$this->myDataClass->writeLog(translate('Configuration successfully written:') . ' ' . $strFile);
$this->processClassMessage(translate('Configuration file successfully written!').
'::', $this->strInfoMessage);
return $intReturn;
* Process special settings based on template option
* @param string $strValue Original data value
* @param string $strKeyField Template option field name
* @param string $strTable Table name
* @param int $intId Dataset ID
* @param int $intSkip Skip value (by reference)
* @return string Manipulated data value
public function checkTpl($strValue, $strKeyField, $strTable, $intId, &$intSkip)
if ($this->intNagVersion < 3) {
return $strValue;
$strSQL = 'SELECT `' .$strKeyField. '` FROM `' .$strTable."` WHERE `id` = $intId";
$intValue = $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL);
if ($intValue == 0) {
return('+' .$strValue);
if ($intValue == 1) {
$intSkip = 0;
return 'null';
return $strValue;
* @param array $arrData Dataset array
* @param string $strDataValue Data value
* @param array $elem Relation data array
* @param string $strDomainWhere1 SQL WHERE add-in
* @return int 0 = use data / 1 = skip data
private function processRelation1($arrData, &$strDataValue, $elem, $strDomainWhere1)
// Define variables
$arrDataRel = array();
$intDataCountRel = 0;
$intReturn = 0;
// Get relation data
$strSQLRel = 'SELECT `' . $elem['tableName1'] . '`.`' . $elem['target1'] . '`, `' . $elem['linkTable'] .
'`.`exclude` FROM `' . $elem['linkTable'] . '` LEFT JOIN `' . $elem['tableName1'] .
'` ON `' . $elem['linkTable'] . '`.`idSlave` = `' . $elem['tableName1'] . '`.`id`' .
'WHERE `idMaster`=' . $arrData['id'] . " AND `active`='1' AND $strDomainWhere1" .
'ORDER BY `' . $elem['tableName1'] . '`.`' . $elem['target1'] . '`';
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQLRel, $arrDataRel, $intDataCountRel);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCountRel != 0)) {
// Rewrite $strDataValue with returned relation data
if ($strDataValue == 2) {
$strDataValue = '*,';
} else {
$strDataValue = '';
foreach ($arrDataRel as $data) {
if ($data['exclude'] == 0) {
$strDataValue .= $data[$elem['target1']] . ',';
} elseif ($this->intNagVersion >= 3) {
$strDataValue .= '!' . $data[$elem['target1']] . ',';
$strDataValue = substr($strDataValue, 0, -1);
if ($strDataValue == '') {
$intReturn = 1;
} else {
if ($strDataValue == 2) {
$strDataValue = '*';
} else {
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
* @param array $arrData Dataset array
* @param string $strDataValue Data value
* @param array $elem Relation data array
* @param string $strDomainWhere1 SQL WHERE add-in
* @return int 0 = use data / 1 = skip data
private function processRelation2($arrData, &$strDataValue, $elem, $strDomainWhere1)
// Define variables
$arrDataRel = array();
$arrField = array();
$intDataCountRel = 0;
$intReturn = 0;
$strCommand = '';
// Get relation data
if (($elem['tableName1'] == 'tbl_command') &&
(substr_count($arrData[$elem['fieldName']], '!') != 0)) {
$arrField = explode('!', $arrData[$elem['fieldName']]);
$strCommand = strstr($arrData[$elem['fieldName']], '!');
$strSQLRel = 'SELECT `' . $elem['target1'] . '` FROM `' . $elem['tableName1'] . '`' .
'WHERE `id`=' . $arrField[0] . " AND `active`='1' AND $strDomainWhere1";
} else {
$strSQLRel = 'SELECT `' . $elem['target1'] . '` FROM `' . $elem['tableName1'] . '`' .
'WHERE `id`=' . $arrData[$elem['fieldName']] . " AND `active`='1' AND $strDomainWhere1";
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQLRel, $arrDataRel, $intDataCountRel);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCountRel != 0)) {
// Rewrite $strDataValue with returned relation data
if (($elem['tableName1'] == 'tbl_command') && (substr_count($strDataValue, '!') != 0)) {
$strDataValue = $arrDataRel[0][$elem['target1']] . $strCommand;
} else {
$strDataValue = $arrDataRel[0][$elem['target1']];
} else {
if (($elem['tableName1'] == 'tbl_command') && (substr_count($strDataValue, '!') != 0) &&
($arrField[0] == -1)) {
$strDataValue = 'null';
} else {
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
* @param array $arrData Dataset array
* @param string $strDataValue Data value
* @param array $elem Relation data array
* @param string $strDomainWhere1 SQL WHERE add-in
* @return int 0 = use data / 1 = skip data
private function processRelation3($arrData, &$strDataValue, $elem, $strDomainWhere1)
// Define variables
$arrDataRel = array();
$intDataCountRel = 0;
$intReturn = 0;
// Get relation data
$strSQLRel = 'SELECT * FROM `' .$elem['linkTable']. '` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$arrData['id']. ' ORDER BY idSort';
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQLRel, $arrDataRel, $intDataCountRel);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCountRel != 0)) {
// Rewrite $strDataValue with returned relation data
$strDataValue = '';
foreach ($arrDataRel as $data) {
if ($data['idTable'] == 1) {
$strSQLName = 'SELECT `' .$elem['target1']. '` FROM `' .$elem['tableName1']. '`' .
"WHERE `active`='1' AND $strDomainWhere1 AND `id`=".$data['idSlave'];
} else {
$strSQLName = 'SELECT `' .$elem['target2']. '` FROM `' .$elem['tableName2']. '`' .
"WHERE `active`='1' AND $strDomainWhere1 AND `id`=".$data['idSlave'];
$strDataValue .= $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQLName) . ',';
$strDataValue = substr($strDataValue, 0, -1);
} else {
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
* @param array $arrData Dataset array
* @param string $strDataValue Data value
* @param array $elem Relation data array
* @param string $strDomainWhere1 SQL WHERE add-in
* @return int 0 = use data / 1 = skip data
private function processRelation4($arrData, &$strDataValue, $elem, $strDomainWhere1)
// Define variables
$arrDataRel = array();
$intDataCountRel = 0;
$intReturn = 0;
// Get relation data
$strSQLRel = 'SELECT `' .$elem['linkTable']. '`.`strSlave`, `' .$elem['linkTable']. '`.`exclude` ' .
'FROM `' .$elem['linkTable']. '` ' .
'LEFT JOIN `tbl_service` ON `' .$elem['linkTable']. '`.`idSlave`=`tbl_service`.`id` ' .
'WHERE `' .$elem['linkTable']. '`.`idMaster`=' .$arrData['id']." AND `active`='1' AND ".
$strDomainWhere1. ' ' .
'ORDER BY `' .$elem['linkTable']. '`.`strSlave`';
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQLRel, $arrDataRel, $intDataCountRel);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCountRel != 0)) {
// Rewrite $strDataValue with returned relation data
if ($strDataValue == 2) {
$strDataValue = '*,';
} else {
$strDataValue = '';
foreach ($arrDataRel as $data) {
if ($data['exclude'] == 0) {
$strDataValue .= $data['strSlave'] . ',';
} elseif ($this->intNagVersion >= 3) {
$strDataValue .= '!' . $data['strSlave'] . ',';
$strDataValue = substr($strDataValue, 0, -1);
if ($strDataValue == '') {
$intReturn = 1;
} else {
if ($strDataValue == 2) {
$strDataValue = '*';
} else {
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
* @param \HTML_Template_IT $resTemplate Template object
* @param array $arrData Dataset array
* @param array $elem Relation data array
* @return int 0 = use data / 1 = skip data
private function processRelation5($resTemplate, $arrData, $elem)
// Define variables
$arrDataRel = array();
$intDataCountRel = 0;
$strSQLRel = 'SELECT * FROM `tbl_variabledefinition` LEFT JOIN `' .$elem['linkTable']. '` ' .
'ON `id`=`idSlave` WHERE `idMaster`=' .$arrData['id']. ' ORDER BY `name`';
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQLRel, $arrDataRel, $intDataCountRel);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCountRel != 0)) {
foreach ($arrDataRel as $vardata) {
// Insert fill spaces
$strFillLen = (30 - \strlen($vardata['name']));
$strSpace = ' ';
for ($f = 0; $f < $strFillLen; $f++) {
$strSpace .= ' ';
$resTemplate->setVariable('ITEM_TITLE', $vardata['name'] . $strSpace);
$resTemplate->setVariable('ITEM_VALUE', $vardata['value']);
return 1;
* @param array $arrData Dataset array
* @param string $strDataValue Data value
* @param array $elem Relation data array
* @param string $strDomainWhere1 SQL WHERE add-in
* @return int 0 = use data / 1 = skip data
private function processRelation6($arrData, &$strDataValue, $elem, $strDomainWhere1)
// Define variables
$arrDataRel = array();
$arrHG1 = array();
$arrHG2 = array();
$intDataCountRel = 0;
$intHG1 = 0;
$intHG2 = 0;
$intReturn = 0;
// Get relation data
$strSQLMaster = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $elem['linkTable'] . '` WHERE `idMaster`=' . $arrData['id'];
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQLMaster, $arrDataRel, $intDataCountRel);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCountRel != 0)) {
// Rewrite $strDataValue with returned relation data
$strDataValue = '';
foreach ($arrDataRel as $data) {
if ($data['idSlaveHG'] != 0) {
$strSQLSrv = 'SELECT `' . $elem['target2'] . '` FROM `' . $elem['tableName2'] .
'` WHERE `id`=' . $data['idSlaveS'];
$strService = $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQLSrv);
$strSQLHG1 = 'SELECT `host_name` FROM `tbl_host` ' .
'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkHostgroupToHost` ON `id`=`idSlave` ' .
'WHERE `idMaster`=' . $data['idSlaveHG'] . " AND `active`='1' AND $strDomainWhere1";
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQLHG1, $arrHG1, $intHG1);
if ($booReturn && ($intHG1 != 0)) {
foreach ($arrHG1 as $elemHG1) {
if (substr_count($strDataValue, $elemHG1['host_name'] . ',' . $strService) == 0) {
$strDataValue .= $elemHG1['host_name'] . ',' . $strService . ',';
$strSQLHG2 = 'SELECT `host_name` FROM `tbl_host` ' .
'LEFT JOIN `tbl_lnkHostToHostgroup` ON `id`=`idMaster` ' .
'WHERE `idSlave`=' . $data['idSlaveHG'] . " AND `active`='1' AND $strDomainWhere1";
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQLHG2, $arrHG2, $intHG2);
if ($booReturn && ($intHG2 != 0)) {
foreach ($arrHG2 as $elemHG2) {
if (substr_count($strDataValue, $elemHG2['host_name'] . ',' . $strService) == 0) {
$strDataValue .= $elemHG2['host_name'] . ',' . $strService . ',';
} else {
$strSQLHost = 'SELECT `' . $elem['target1'] . '` FROM `' . $elem['tableName1'] . '` ' .
'WHERE `id`=' . $data['idSlaveH'] . " AND `active`='1' AND $strDomainWhere1";
$strHost = $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQLHost);
$strSQLSrv = 'SELECT `' . $elem['target2'] . '` FROM `' . $elem['tableName2'] . '` ' .
'WHERE `id`=' . $data['idSlaveS'] . " AND `active`='1' AND $strDomainWhere1";
$strService = $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQLSrv);
if (($strHost != '') && ($strService != '') &&
substr_count($strDataValue, $strHost . ',' . $strService) == 0) {
$strDataValue .= $strHost . ',' . $strService . ',';
$strDataValue = substr($strDataValue, 0, -1);
if ($strDataValue == '') {
$intReturn = 1;
} else {
$intReturn = 1;
return $intReturn;
* @param array $arrData Dataset array
* @param string $strDataValue Data value
* @param array $elem Relation data array
* @return int 0 = use data / 1 = skip data
private function processRelation7($arrData, &$strDataValue, $elem)
$intReturn = 1;
// Get relation data
$strSQLMaster = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $elem['linkTable'] . '` WHERE `idMaster`=' . $arrData['id'];
$booReturn = $this->myDBClass->hasDataArray($strSQLMaster, $arrDataRel, $intDataCountRel);
if ($booReturn && ($intDataCountRel != 0)) {
// Rewrite $strDataValue with returned relation data
$strDataValue = '';
/** @var array $arrDataRel */
foreach ($arrDataRel as $data) {
$strSQL = 'SELECT host_name FROM tbl_host WHERE id=' .$data['idHost'];
$strHost = $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL);
$strSQL = 'SELECT service_description FROM tbl_service WHERE id=' .$data['idSlave'];
$strService = $this->myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL);
$strDataValue .= $strHost . ',' . $strService . ',';
$intReturn = 0;
$strDataValue = substr($strDataValue, 0, -1);
return $intReturn;