$elem) { $strLangOpt .= "\n"; if ($key != $chkLocale) { $strLangOpt = str_replace(" {sel}","",$strLangOpt); } else { $strLangOpt = str_replace(" {sel}"," selected",$strLangOpt); } } $arrTemplate['LANG_OPTION'] = $strLangOpt; } else { $intError = 1; $strErrorMessage .= "Installation cannot continue, please make sure you have the php-gettext extension loaded!"; } // // Checking current installation // ============================= // Does the settings file exist? $_SESSION['install']['dbtype'] = $preDBType; if (file_exists($filConfig) && is_readable($filConfig)) { $preSettings = parse_ini_file($filConfig,true); // Are there any connection data? if (isset($preSettings['db']) && isset($preSettings['db']['server']) && isset($preSettings['db']['port']) && isset($preSettings['db']['database']) && isset($preSettings['db']['username']) && isset($preSettings['db']['password'])) { // Copy settings to session $_SESSION['SETS'] = $preSettings; // Existing postgres database? if (isset($preSettings['db']['dbtype']) && ($preSettings['db']['dbtype'] == "postgres")) { $preDBType = "pgsql"; $_SESSION['install']['dbtype'] = $preDBType; } if ($preDBType == "mysql") { if (extension_loaded('mysql')) { // Include mysql class include("../functions/mysql_class.php"); // Initialize mysql class $myDBClass = new mysqldb; if ($myDBClass->error == true) { $strErrorMessage .= translate("Database connection failed. Upgrade not available!")."
"; $strErrorMessage .= translate('Error while connecting to database:')."
"; } else { $strSQL = "SELECT `category`,`name`,`value` FROM `tbl_settings`"; $booReturn = $myDBClass->getDataArray($strSQL,$arrDataLines,$intDataCount); if ($booReturn == false) { $strErrorMessage .= translate("Settings table not available or wrong. Upgrade not available!")."
"; $strErrorMessage .= translate('Error while selecting data from database:')."
"; } else if ($intDataCount != 0) { foreach ($arrDataLines AS $elem) { $preSettings[$elem['category']][$elem['name']] = $elem['value']; } $intUpdate = 1; } } $_SESSION['install']['dbtype'] = $preDBType; } else { $strErrorMessage .= translate("Installation cannot continue, please make sure you have the mysql extension loaded!"); $intError = 1; } } else if ($preDBType == "pgsql") { if (extension_loaded('pgsql')) { $strErrorMessage .= translate("Installation cannot continue, postgres is not yet available in beta!"); $intError = 1; } else { $strErrorMessage .= translate("Installation cannot continue, please make sure you have the pgsql extension loaded!"); $intError = 1; } } else { $strErrorMessage .= translate("Database type in settings file is wrong (config/settings.php). Upgrade not available!"); } } else { $strErrorMessage .= translate("Database values in settings file are missing (config/settings.php). Upgrade not available!"); } } else { $strErrorMessage .= translate("Settings file not found or not readable (config/settings.php). Upgrade not available!"); } // // Initial settings (new installation) // =================================== $filInit = "functions/initial_settings.php"; if (file_exists($filInit) && is_readable($filInit)) { $preInit = parse_ini_file($filInit,true); $_SESSION['init_settings'] = $preInit; } else { $strErrorMessage .= translate("Default values file is not available or not readable (install/functions/initial_settings.php). Installation possible, but without predefined data!"); } // // Build content // ============= $arrTemplate['PAGETITLE'] = "[NagiosQL] Installation Wizard"; $arrTemplate['MAIN_TITLE'] = translate("Welcome to the NagiosQL Installation Wizard"); $arrTemplate['TEXT_PART_1'] = translate("This wizard will help you to install and configure NagiosQL."); $arrTemplate['TEXT_PART_2'] = translate("For questions please visit"); $arrTemplate['TEXT_PART_3'] = translate("First let's check your local environment and find out if everything NagiosQL needs is available."); $arrTemplate['TEXT_PART_4'] = translate("The basic requirements are:"); $arrTemplate['TEXT_PART_5'] = translate("PHP 5.2.0 or greater including:"); $arrTemplate['TEXT_PHP_REQ_1'] = translate("PHP Module:")." Session"; $arrTemplate['TEXT_PHP_REQ_2'] = translate("PHP Module:")." gettext"; $arrTemplate['TEXT_PHP_REQ_3'] = translate("PHP Module:")." filter"; //$arrTemplate['TEXT_PHP_REQ_4'] = translate("PHP Module:")." XML"; //$arrTemplate['TEXT_PHP_REQ_5'] = translate("PHP Module:")." SimpleXML"; $arrTemplate['TEXT_PHP_REQ_6'] = translate("PHP Module:")." MySQL"; //$arrTemplate['TEXT_PHP_REQ_7'] = translate("PHP Module:")." PgSQL ".translate("(optional)"); $arrTemplate['TEXT_PHP_REQ_8'] = translate("PHP Module:")." FTP ".translate("(optional)"); $arrTemplate['TEXT_PHP_REQ_9'] = translate("PHP Module:")." curl ".translate("(optional)"); $arrTemplate['TEXT_PHP_REQ_10'] = translate("PECL Extension:")." SSH ".translate("(optional)"); $arrTemplate['TEXT_PART_6'] = translate("php.ini options").":"; $arrTemplate['TEXT_INI_REQ_1'] = translate("file_uploads on (for upload features)"); $arrTemplate['TEXT_INI_REQ_2'] = translate("session.auto_start needs to be off"); $arrTemplate['TEXT_PART_7'] = translate("A MySQL database server"); $arrTemplate['TEXT_PART_8'] = translate("Nagios 2.x/3.x"); $arrTemplate['LOCALE'] = $chkLocale; $arrTemplate['ONLINE_DOC'] = translate("Online Documentation"); // // New installation or upgrade // =========================== $arrTemplate['NEW_INSTALLATION'] = translate("START INSTALLATION"); $arrTemplate['UPDATE'] = translate("START UPDATE"); $arrTemplate['DISABLE_NEW'] = ""; $arrTemplate['UPDATE_ERROR'] = "".$strErrorMessage.""; if ($intUpdate == 1) { $arrTemplate['DISABLE_UPDATE'] = ""; } else { $arrTemplate['DISABLE_UPDATE'] = "disabled=\disabled\""; } if ($intError == 1) { $arrTemplate['DISABLE_NEW'] = "disabled=\disabled\""; $arrTemplate['DISABLE_UPDATE'] = "disabled=\disabled\""; } // // Write content // ============= $strContent = $myInstClass->parseTemplate($arrTemplate,$preContent); echo $strContent; ?>