To create an ssh key pair for NagiosQL: ======================================= Remote system: 1. Create an user (like nagiosql_usr) Local system 2. Create a path for the ssh keys # mkdir /etc/nagiosql/ssh 2. Create a key pair (only rsa is supported!) # ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): /etc/nagiosql/ssh/id_rsa -> empty passphrase! 3. Copy the key on the remote system # ssh-copy-id -i /etc/nagiosql/ssh/id_rsa/ nagiosql_usr@remote-system 4. Check the permissions (read access for apache user) # chown wwwrun /etc/nagiosql/ssh/id_rsa 5. Check the login on the remote system: # ssh -i /etc/nagiosql/ssh/id_rsa nagiosql_usr@remote-system -> Login without a password should be possible! 6. In NagiosQL GUI - go to Administration -> Domain and edit the domain data of your remote system: 6.1. Select SSH/SFTP as Method 6.2. Fill in nagiosql_usr as User 6.3. Fill in /etc/nagiosql/ssh/ as Directory of the key pair (without id_rsa)! Using passwort authentication (not recommended) =============================================== If you are using ssh2 with user/password - you have to enable PasswordAuthentication in your sshd_config: PasswordAuthentication yes Installing SSH2 Module for PHP ============================== 1. Install pecl extension from distribution (probably part of php5-devel) 2. Install libssh2 devel from distribution 3. # pecl install ssh2 or # pecl install ssh2-beta (Use predefined values -> return) 4. Add to your php.ini: