translate('This is relative path of your NagiosQL Installation'),
'txtBasePath' => translate('This is the absolut path to your NagiosQL Installation'),
'selProtocol' => translate('If you need a secure connection, select HTTPS instead of HTTP'),
'txtTempdir' => translate('Please choose a temporary directory with write permissions. The default is the ' .
'temp directory provided by your OS'),
'selLanguage' => translate('Please choose your application language for new users and login portal'),
'txtEncoding' => translate('Encoding should be set to nothing else than utf-8. Any changes at your own risk'),
'txtDBserver' => translate('IP-Address or hostname of the database server
e.g. localhost'),
'txtDBport' => translate('MySQL Server Port, default is 3306'),
'txtDBname' => translate('Name of the NagiosQL database
e.g. db_nagiosql_v3'),
'txtDBuser' => translate('User with sufficient permission for the NagiosQL database
At least this user ' .
'should have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE permissions'),
'txtDBpass' => translate('Password for the above mentioned user'),
'txtLogoff' => translate('After the defined amount of seconds the session will terminate for security ' .
'selWSAuth' => translate('Decide between authentication based on your Webserver
e.g. Apache ' .
'configuration (config file or htaccess) or NagiosQL'),
'txtLines' => translate('Number of entries per side that should be visible (e.g. services or hosts)'),
'selSeldisable' => translate('Method of selection of multiple entries by using the new dialog or by holding ' .
'CTRL + left mouse button, as in NagiosQL 2'),
'templatecheck' => translate('Enable or disable the warning if a required field contains no data in objects ' .
'with templates'),
'updatecheck' => translate('Enable or disable the automatic online version check.'),
'chkUpdProxy' => translate('If you require a Proxyserver to connect to the Internet (Port 80), please ' .
'define one.'),
'txtProxyServer' => translate('Address of your Proxyserver e.g.'),
'txtProxyUser' => translate('Username to connect through your proxy (optional)'),
'txtProxyPasswd' => translate('Password to connect through your proxy (optional)'),
$strContentDB = $arrTrans[$chkKey2];
} else {
// Get information from tbl_info
$strSQL = 'SELECT `infotext` FROM `tbl_info` ' .
"WHERE `key1` = '$chkKey1' AND `key2` = '$chkKey2' AND `version` = '$chkVersion' ".
"AND `language` = 'private'";
$strContentDB = $myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL);
if ($strContentDB == '') {
$strSQL = 'SELECT `infotext` FROM `tbl_info` ' .
"WHERE `key1` = '$chkKey1' AND `key2` = '$chkKey2' AND `version` = '$chkVersion' ".
"AND `language` = 'default'";
$strContentDB = $myDBClass->getFieldData($strSQL);