/***************************************************************************** * * COMMENTS.C - Comment functions for Nagios * * Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Ethan Galstad (egalstad@nagios.org) * Last Modified: 08-28-2010 * * License: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "../include/config.h" #include "../include/common.h" #include "../include/comments.h" #include "../include/objects.h" /***** IMPLEMENTATION-SPECIFIC INCLUDES *****/ #ifdef USE_XCDDEFAULT #include "../xdata/xcddefault.h" #endif #ifdef NSCORE #include "../include/nagios.h" #include "../include/broker.h" #endif #ifdef NSCGI #include "../include/cgiutils.h" #endif comment *comment_list = NULL; int defer_comment_sorting = 0; comment **comment_hashlist = NULL; #ifdef NSCORE pthread_mutex_t nagios_comment_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /******************************************************************/ /**************** INITIALIZATION/CLEANUP FUNCTIONS ****************/ /******************************************************************/ /* initializes comment data */ int initialize_comment_data(char *config_file) { int result = OK; /**** IMPLEMENTATION-SPECIFIC CALLS ****/ #ifdef USE_XCDDEFAULT result = xcddefault_initialize_comment_data(config_file); #endif return result; } /* removes old/invalid comments */ int cleanup_comment_data(char *config_file) { int result = OK; /**** IMPLEMENTATION-SPECIFIC CALLS ****/ #ifdef USE_XCDDEFAULT result = xcddefault_cleanup_comment_data(config_file); #endif return result; } /******************************************************************/ /****************** COMMENT OUTPUT FUNCTIONS **********************/ /******************************************************************/ /* adds a new host or service comment */ int add_new_comment(int type, int entry_type, char *host_name, char *svc_description, time_t entry_time, char *author_name, char *comment_data, int persistent, int source, int expires, time_t expire_time, unsigned long *comment_id) { int result = OK; unsigned long new_comment_id = 0L; if(type == HOST_COMMENT) result = add_new_host_comment(entry_type, host_name, entry_time, author_name, comment_data, persistent, source, expires, expire_time, &new_comment_id); else result = add_new_service_comment(entry_type, host_name, svc_description, entry_time, author_name, comment_data, persistent, source, expires, expire_time, &new_comment_id); /* add an event to expire comment data if necessary... */ if(expires == TRUE) schedule_new_event(EVENT_EXPIRE_COMMENT, FALSE, expire_time, FALSE, 0, NULL, TRUE, (void *)new_comment_id, NULL, 0); /* save comment id */ if(comment_id != NULL) *comment_id = new_comment_id; return result; } /* adds a new host comment */ int add_new_host_comment(int entry_type, char *host_name, time_t entry_time, char *author_name, char *comment_data, int persistent, int source, int expires, time_t expire_time, unsigned long *comment_id) { int result = OK; unsigned long new_comment_id = 0L; /**** IMPLEMENTATION-SPECIFIC CALLS ****/ #ifdef USE_XCDDEFAULT result = xcddefault_add_new_host_comment(entry_type, host_name, entry_time, author_name, comment_data, persistent, source, expires, expire_time, &new_comment_id); #endif /* save comment id */ if(comment_id != NULL) *comment_id = new_comment_id; #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER /* send data to event broker */ broker_comment_data(NEBTYPE_COMMENT_ADD, NEBFLAG_NONE, NEBATTR_NONE, HOST_COMMENT, entry_type, host_name, NULL, entry_time, author_name, comment_data, persistent, source, expires, expire_time, new_comment_id, NULL); #endif return result; } /* adds a new service comment */ int add_new_service_comment(int entry_type, char *host_name, char *svc_description, time_t entry_time, char *author_name, char *comment_data, int persistent, int source, int expires, time_t expire_time, unsigned long *comment_id) { int result = OK; unsigned long new_comment_id = 0L; /**** IMPLEMENTATION-SPECIFIC CALLS ****/ #ifdef USE_XCDDEFAULT result = xcddefault_add_new_service_comment(entry_type, host_name, svc_description, entry_time, author_name, comment_data, persistent, source, expires, expire_time, &new_comment_id); #endif /* save comment id */ if(comment_id != NULL) *comment_id = new_comment_id; #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER /* send data to event broker */ broker_comment_data(NEBTYPE_COMMENT_ADD, NEBFLAG_NONE, NEBATTR_NONE, SERVICE_COMMENT, entry_type, host_name, svc_description, entry_time, author_name, comment_data, persistent, source, expires, expire_time, new_comment_id, NULL); #endif return result; } /******************************************************************/ /***************** COMMENT DELETION FUNCTIONS *********************/ /******************************************************************/ /* deletes a host or service comment */ int delete_comment(int type, unsigned long comment_id) { int result = OK; comment *this_comment = NULL; comment *last_comment = NULL; comment *next_comment = NULL; int hashslot = 0; comment *this_hash = NULL; comment *last_hash = NULL; /* lock the comments so we can modify them safely */ #ifdef NSCORE pthread_mutex_lock(&nagios_comment_lock); #endif /* find the comment we should remove */ for(this_comment = comment_list, last_comment = comment_list; this_comment != NULL; this_comment = next_comment) { next_comment = this_comment->next; /* we found the comment we should delete */ if(this_comment->comment_id == comment_id && this_comment->comment_type == type) break; last_comment = this_comment; } /* remove the comment from the list in memory */ if(this_comment != NULL) { #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER /* send data to event broker */ broker_comment_data(NEBTYPE_COMMENT_DELETE, NEBFLAG_NONE, NEBATTR_NONE, type, this_comment->entry_type, this_comment->host_name, this_comment->service_description, this_comment->entry_time, this_comment->author, this_comment->comment_data, this_comment->persistent, this_comment->source, this_comment->expires, this_comment->expire_time, comment_id, NULL); #endif /* first remove from chained hash list */ hashslot = hashfunc(this_comment->host_name, NULL, COMMENT_HASHSLOTS); last_hash = NULL; for(this_hash = comment_hashlist[hashslot]; this_hash; this_hash = this_hash->nexthash) { if(this_hash == this_comment) { if(last_hash) last_hash->nexthash = this_hash->nexthash; else { if(this_hash->nexthash) comment_hashlist[hashslot] = this_hash->nexthash; else comment_hashlist[hashslot] = NULL; } break; } last_hash = this_hash; } /* then removed from linked list */ if(comment_list == this_comment) comment_list = this_comment->next; else last_comment->next = next_comment; /* free memory */ my_free(this_comment->host_name); my_free(this_comment->service_description); my_free(this_comment->author); my_free(this_comment->comment_data); my_free(this_comment); result = OK; } else result = ERROR; /**** IMPLEMENTATION-SPECIFIC CALLS ****/ #ifdef USE_XCDDEFAULT if(type == HOST_COMMENT) result = xcddefault_delete_host_comment(comment_id); else result = xcddefault_delete_service_comment(comment_id); #endif #ifdef NSCORE pthread_mutex_unlock(&nagios_comment_lock); #endif return result; } /* deletes a host comment */ int delete_host_comment(unsigned long comment_id) { int result = OK; /* delete the comment from memory */ result = delete_comment(HOST_COMMENT, comment_id); return result; } /* deletes a service comment */ int delete_service_comment(unsigned long comment_id) { int result = OK; /* delete the comment from memory */ result = delete_comment(SERVICE_COMMENT, comment_id); return result; } /* deletes all comments for a particular host or service */ int delete_all_comments(int type, char *host_name, char *svc_description) { int result = OK; if(type == HOST_COMMENT) result = delete_all_host_comments(host_name); else result = delete_all_service_comments(host_name, svc_description); return result; } /* deletes all comments for a particular host */ int delete_all_host_comments(char *host_name) { int result = OK; comment *temp_comment = NULL; comment *next_comment = NULL; if(host_name == NULL) return ERROR; /* delete host comments from memory */ for(temp_comment = get_first_comment_by_host(host_name); temp_comment != NULL; temp_comment = next_comment) { next_comment = get_next_comment_by_host(host_name, temp_comment); if(temp_comment->comment_type == HOST_COMMENT) delete_comment(HOST_COMMENT, temp_comment->comment_id); } return result; } /* deletes all non-persistent acknowledgement comments for a particular host */ int delete_host_acknowledgement_comments(host *hst) { int result = OK; comment *temp_comment = NULL; comment *next_comment = NULL; if(hst == NULL) return ERROR; /* delete comments from memory */ temp_comment = get_first_comment_by_host(hst->name); while(temp_comment) { next_comment = get_next_comment_by_host(hst->name, temp_comment); if(temp_comment->comment_type == HOST_COMMENT && temp_comment->entry_type == ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_COMMENT && temp_comment->persistent == FALSE) { delete_comment(HOST_COMMENT, temp_comment->comment_id); } temp_comment = next_comment; } return result; } /* deletes all comments for a particular service */ int delete_all_service_comments(char *host_name, char *svc_description) { int result = OK; comment *temp_comment = NULL; comment *next_comment = NULL; if(host_name == NULL || svc_description == NULL) return ERROR; /* delete service comments from memory */ for(temp_comment = comment_list; temp_comment != NULL; temp_comment = next_comment) { next_comment = temp_comment->next; if(temp_comment->comment_type == SERVICE_COMMENT && !strcmp(temp_comment->host_name, host_name) && !strcmp(temp_comment->service_description, svc_description)) delete_comment(SERVICE_COMMENT, temp_comment->comment_id); } return result; } /* deletes all non-persistent acknowledgement comments for a particular service */ int delete_service_acknowledgement_comments(service *svc) { int result = OK; comment *temp_comment = NULL; comment *next_comment = NULL; if(svc == NULL) return ERROR; /* delete comments from memory */ for(temp_comment = comment_list; temp_comment != NULL; temp_comment = next_comment) { next_comment = temp_comment->next; if(temp_comment->comment_type == SERVICE_COMMENT && !strcmp(temp_comment->host_name, svc->host_name) && !strcmp(temp_comment->service_description, svc->description) && temp_comment->entry_type == ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_COMMENT && temp_comment->persistent == FALSE) delete_comment(SERVICE_COMMENT, temp_comment->comment_id); } return result; } /* checks for an expired comment (and removes it) */ int check_for_expired_comment(unsigned long comment_id) { comment *temp_comment = NULL; /* check all comments */ for(temp_comment = comment_list; temp_comment != NULL; temp_comment = temp_comment->next) { /* delete the now expired comment */ if(temp_comment->comment_id == comment_id && temp_comment->expires == TRUE && temp_comment->expire_time < time(NULL)) { delete_comment(temp_comment->comment_type, comment_id); break; } } return OK; } #endif /******************************************************************/ /****************** CHAINED HASH FUNCTIONS ************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* adds comment to hash list in memory */ int add_comment_to_hashlist(comment *new_comment) { comment *temp_comment = NULL; comment *lastpointer = NULL; int hashslot = 0; /* initialize hash list */ if(comment_hashlist == NULL) { int i; comment_hashlist = (comment **)malloc(sizeof(comment *) * COMMENT_HASHSLOTS); if(comment_hashlist == NULL) return 0; for(i = 0; i < COMMENT_HASHSLOTS; i++) comment_hashlist[i] = NULL; } if(!new_comment) return 0; hashslot = hashfunc(new_comment->host_name, NULL, COMMENT_HASHSLOTS); lastpointer = NULL; for(temp_comment = comment_hashlist[hashslot]; temp_comment && compare_hashdata(temp_comment->host_name, NULL, new_comment->host_name, NULL) < 0; temp_comment = temp_comment->nexthash) { if(compare_hashdata(temp_comment->host_name, NULL, new_comment->host_name, NULL) >= 0) break; lastpointer = temp_comment; } /* multiples are allowed */ if(lastpointer) lastpointer->nexthash = new_comment; else comment_hashlist[hashslot] = new_comment; new_comment->nexthash = temp_comment; return 1; } /******************************************************************/ /******************** ADDITION FUNCTIONS **************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* adds a host comment to the list in memory */ int add_host_comment(int entry_type, char *host_name, time_t entry_time, char *author, char *comment_data, unsigned long comment_id, int persistent, int expires, time_t expire_time, int source) { int result = OK; result = add_comment(HOST_COMMENT, entry_type, host_name, NULL, entry_time, author, comment_data, comment_id, persistent, expires, expire_time, source); return result; } /* adds a service comment to the list in memory */ int add_service_comment(int entry_type, char *host_name, char *svc_description, time_t entry_time, char *author, char *comment_data, unsigned long comment_id, int persistent, int expires, time_t expire_time, int source) { int result = OK; result = add_comment(SERVICE_COMMENT, entry_type, host_name, svc_description, entry_time, author, comment_data, comment_id, persistent, expires, expire_time, source); return result; } /* adds a comment to the list in memory */ int add_comment(int comment_type, int entry_type, char *host_name, char *svc_description, time_t entry_time, char *author, char *comment_data, unsigned long comment_id, int persistent, int expires, time_t expire_time, int source) { comment *new_comment = NULL; comment *last_comment = NULL; comment *temp_comment = NULL; int result = OK; /* make sure we have the data we need */ if(host_name == NULL || author == NULL || comment_data == NULL || (comment_type == SERVICE_COMMENT && svc_description == NULL)) return ERROR; /* allocate memory for the comment */ if((new_comment = (comment *)calloc(1, sizeof(comment))) == NULL) return ERROR; /* duplicate vars */ if((new_comment->host_name = (char *)strdup(host_name)) == NULL) result = ERROR; if(comment_type == SERVICE_COMMENT) { if((new_comment->service_description = (char *)strdup(svc_description)) == NULL) result = ERROR; } if((new_comment->author = (char *)strdup(author)) == NULL) result = ERROR; if((new_comment->comment_data = (char *)strdup(comment_data)) == NULL) result = ERROR; new_comment->comment_type = comment_type; new_comment->entry_type = entry_type; new_comment->source = source; new_comment->entry_time = entry_time; new_comment->comment_id = comment_id; new_comment->persistent = (persistent == TRUE) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_comment->expires = (expires == TRUE) ? TRUE : FALSE; new_comment->expire_time = expire_time; /* add comment to hash list */ if(result == OK) { if(!add_comment_to_hashlist(new_comment)) result = ERROR; } /* handle errors */ if(result == ERROR) { my_free(new_comment->comment_data); my_free(new_comment->author); my_free(new_comment->service_description); my_free(new_comment->host_name); my_free(new_comment); return ERROR; } if(defer_comment_sorting) { new_comment->next = comment_list; comment_list = new_comment; } else { /* add new comment to comment list, sorted by comment id, * but lock the list first so broker threads doesn't crash * out in case they're modifying this list too */ #ifdef NSCORE pthread_mutex_lock(&nagios_comment_lock); #endif last_comment = comment_list; for(temp_comment = comment_list; temp_comment != NULL; temp_comment = temp_comment->next) { if(new_comment->comment_id < temp_comment->comment_id) { new_comment->next = temp_comment; if(temp_comment == comment_list) comment_list = new_comment; else last_comment->next = new_comment; break; } else last_comment = temp_comment; } if(comment_list == NULL) { new_comment->next = NULL; comment_list = new_comment; } else if(temp_comment == NULL) { new_comment->next = NULL; last_comment->next = new_comment; } #ifdef NSCORE pthread_mutex_unlock(&nagios_comment_lock); #endif } #ifdef NSCORE #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER /* send data to event broker */ broker_comment_data(NEBTYPE_COMMENT_LOAD, NEBFLAG_NONE, NEBATTR_NONE, comment_type, entry_type, host_name, svc_description, entry_time, author, comment_data, persistent, source, expires, expire_time, comment_id, NULL); #endif #endif return OK; } static int comment_compar(const void *p1, const void *p2) { comment *c1 = *(comment **)p1; comment *c2 = *(comment **)p2; return (c1->comment_id < c2->comment_id) ? -1 : (c1->comment_id - c2->comment_id); } int sort_comments(void) { comment **array, *temp_comment; unsigned long i = 0, unsorted_comments = 0; if(!defer_comment_sorting) return OK; defer_comment_sorting = 0; temp_comment = comment_list; while(temp_comment != NULL) { temp_comment = temp_comment->next; unsorted_comments++; } if(!unsorted_comments) return OK; if(!(array = malloc(sizeof(*array) * unsorted_comments))) return ERROR; while(comment_list) { array[i++] = comment_list; comment_list = comment_list->next; } qsort((void *)array, i, sizeof(*array), comment_compar); comment_list = temp_comment = array[0]; for(i = 1; i < unsorted_comments; i++) { temp_comment->next = array[i]; temp_comment = temp_comment->next; } temp_comment->next = NULL; my_free(array); return OK; } /******************************************************************/ /********************* CLEANUP FUNCTIONS **************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* frees memory allocated for the comment data */ void free_comment_data(void) { comment *this_comment = NULL; comment *next_comment = NULL; /* free memory for the comment list */ for(this_comment = comment_list; this_comment != NULL; this_comment = next_comment) { next_comment = this_comment->next; my_free(this_comment->host_name); my_free(this_comment->service_description); my_free(this_comment->author); my_free(this_comment->comment_data); my_free(this_comment); } /* free hash list and reset list pointer */ my_free(comment_hashlist); comment_hashlist = NULL; comment_list = NULL; return; } /******************************************************************/ /********************* UTILITY FUNCTIONS **************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* get the number of comments associated with a particular host */ int number_of_host_comments(char *host_name) { comment *temp_comment = NULL; int total_comments = 0; if(host_name == NULL) return 0; for(temp_comment = get_first_comment_by_host(host_name); temp_comment != NULL; temp_comment = get_next_comment_by_host(host_name, temp_comment)) { if(temp_comment->comment_type == HOST_COMMENT) total_comments++; } return total_comments; } /* get the number of comments associated with a particular service */ int number_of_service_comments(char *host_name, char *svc_description) { comment *temp_comment = NULL; int total_comments = 0; if(host_name == NULL || svc_description == NULL) return 0; for(temp_comment = get_first_comment_by_host(host_name); temp_comment != NULL; temp_comment = get_next_comment_by_host(host_name, temp_comment)) { if(temp_comment->comment_type == SERVICE_COMMENT && !strcmp(temp_comment->service_description, svc_description)) total_comments++; } return total_comments; } /******************************************************************/ /********************* TRAVERSAL FUNCTIONS ************************/ /******************************************************************/ comment *get_first_comment_by_host(char *host_name) { return get_next_comment_by_host(host_name, NULL); } comment *get_next_comment_by_host(char *host_name, comment *start) { comment *temp_comment = NULL; if(host_name == NULL || comment_hashlist == NULL) return NULL; if(start == NULL) temp_comment = comment_hashlist[hashfunc(host_name, NULL, COMMENT_HASHSLOTS)]; else temp_comment = start->nexthash; for(; temp_comment && compare_hashdata(temp_comment->host_name, NULL, host_name, NULL) < 0; temp_comment = temp_comment->nexthash); if(temp_comment && compare_hashdata(temp_comment->host_name, NULL, host_name, NULL) == 0) return temp_comment; return NULL; } /******************************************************************/ /********************** SEARCH FUNCTIONS **************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* find a service comment by id */ comment *find_service_comment(unsigned long comment_id) { return find_comment(comment_id, SERVICE_COMMENT); } /* find a host comment by id */ comment *find_host_comment(unsigned long comment_id) { return find_comment(comment_id, HOST_COMMENT); } /* find a comment by id */ comment *find_comment(unsigned long comment_id, int comment_type) { comment *temp_comment = NULL; for(temp_comment = comment_list; temp_comment != NULL; temp_comment = temp_comment->next) { if(temp_comment->comment_id == comment_id && temp_comment->comment_type == comment_type) return temp_comment; } return NULL; }