/***************************************************************************** * * STATUSMAP.C - Nagios Network Status Map CGI * * Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Ethan Galstad (egalstad@nagios.org) * Last Modified: 05-19-2008 * * Description: * * This CGI will create a map of all hosts that are being monitored on your * network. * * License: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "../include/config.h" #include "../include/common.h" #include "../include/objects.h" #include "../include/macros.h" #include "../include/statusdata.h" #include "../include/cgiutils.h" #include "../include/getcgi.h" #include "../include/cgiauth.h" #include /* Boutell's GD library function */ #include /* GD library small font definition */ static nagios_macros *mac; extern int refresh_rate; /*#define DEBUG*/ #define UNKNOWN_GD2_ICON "unknown.gd2" #define UNKNOWN_ICON_IMAGE "unknown.gif" #define NAGIOS_GD2_ICON "nagios.gd2" extern char main_config_file[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char url_html_path[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char physical_images_path[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char url_images_path[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char url_logo_images_path[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char url_stylesheets_path[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern host *host_list; extern hostgroup *hostgroup_list; extern service *service_list; extern hoststatus *hoststatus_list; extern servicestatus *servicestatus_list; extern char *statusmap_background_image; extern int default_statusmap_layout_method; #define DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH 40 #define DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT 65 #define DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING 15 #define DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING 45 #define DEFAULT_PROXIMITY_WIDTH 1000 #define DEFAULT_PROXIMITY_HEIGHT 800 #define MINIMUM_PROXIMITY_WIDTH 250 #define MINIMUM_PROXIMITY_HEIGHT 200 #define COORDS_WARNING_WIDTH 650 #define COORDS_WARNING_HEIGHT 60 #define CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS 100 #define CREATE_HTML 0 #define CREATE_IMAGE 1 #define LAYOUT_USER_SUPPLIED 0 #define LAYOUT_SUBLAYERS 1 #define LAYOUT_COLLAPSED_TREE 2 #define LAYOUT_BALANCED_TREE 3 #define LAYOUT_CIRCULAR 4 #define LAYOUT_CIRCULAR_MARKUP 5 #define LAYOUT_CIRCULAR_BALLOON 6 typedef struct layer_struct { char *layer_name; struct layer_struct *next; } layer; void document_header(int); void document_footer(void); int process_cgivars(void); void display_page_header(void); void display_map(void); void calculate_host_coords(void); void calculate_total_image_bounds(void); void calculate_canvas_bounds(void); void calculate_canvas_bounds_from_host(char *); void calculate_scaling_factor(void); void find_eligible_hosts(void); void load_background_image(void); void draw_background_image(void); void draw_background_extras(void); void draw_host_links(void); void draw_hosts(void); void draw_host_text(char *, int, int); void draw_text(char *, int, int, int); void write_popup_code(void); void write_host_popup_text(host *); int initialize_graphics(void); gdImagePtr load_image_from_file(char *); void write_graphics(void); void cleanup_graphics(void); void draw_line(int, int, int, int, int); void draw_dotted_line(int, int, int, int, int); void draw_dashed_line(int, int, int, int, int); int is_host_in_layer_list(host *); int add_layer(char *); void free_layer_list(void); void print_layer_url(int); int number_of_host_layer_members(host *, int); int max_child_host_layer_members(host *); int host_child_depth_separation(host *, host *); int max_child_host_drawing_width(host *); int number_of_host_services(host *); void calculate_balanced_tree_coords(host *, int, int); void calculate_circular_coords(void); void calculate_circular_layer_coords(host *, double, double, int, int); void draw_circular_markup(void); void draw_circular_layer_markup(host *, double, double, int, int); char physical_logo_images_path[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; authdata current_authdata; int create_type = CREATE_HTML; gdImagePtr unknown_logo_image = NULL; gdImagePtr logo_image = NULL; gdImagePtr map_image = NULL; gdImagePtr background_image = NULL; int color_white = 0; int color_black = 0; int color_red = 0; int color_lightred = 0; int color_green = 0; int color_lightgreen = 0; int color_blue = 0; int color_yellow = 0; int color_orange = 0; int color_grey = 0; int color_lightgrey = 0; int color_transparency_index = 0; extern int color_transparency_index_r; extern int color_transparency_index_g; extern int color_transparency_index_b; int show_all_hosts = TRUE; char *host_name = "all"; int embedded = FALSE; int display_header = TRUE; int display_popups = TRUE; int use_links = TRUE; int use_text = TRUE; int use_highlights = TRUE; int user_supplied_canvas = FALSE; int user_supplied_scaling = FALSE; int layout_method = LAYOUT_USER_SUPPLIED; int proximity_width = DEFAULT_PROXIMITY_WIDTH; int proximity_height = DEFAULT_PROXIMITY_HEIGHT; int coordinates_were_specified = FALSE; /* were any coordinates specified in extended host information entries? */ int scaled_image_width = 0; /* size of the image actually displayed on the screen (after scaling) */ int scaled_image_height = 0; int canvas_width = 0; /* actual size of the image (or portion thereof) that we are drawing */ int canvas_height = 0; int total_image_width = 0; /* actual size of the image that would be created if we drew all hosts */ int total_image_height = 0; int max_image_width = 0; /* max image size the user wants (scaled) */ int max_image_height = 0; double scaling_factor = 1.0; /* scaling factor to use */ double user_scaling_factor = 1.0; /* user-supplied scaling factor */ int background_image_width = 0; int background_image_height = 0; int canvas_x = 0; /* upper left coords of drawing canvas */ int canvas_y = 0; int bottom_margin = 0; int draw_child_links = FALSE; int draw_parent_links = FALSE; int draw_nagios_icon = FALSE; /* should we drawn the Nagios process icon? */ int nagios_icon_x = 0; /* coords of Nagios icon */ int nagios_icon_y = 0; extern hoststatus *hoststatus_list; extern time_t program_start; layer *layer_list = NULL; int exclude_layers = TRUE; int all_layers = FALSE; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int result; mac = get_global_macros(); /* reset internal variables */ reset_cgi_vars(); /* read the CGI configuration file */ result = read_cgi_config_file(get_cgi_config_location()); if(result == ERROR) { document_header(FALSE); if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) cgi_config_file_error(get_cgi_config_location()); document_footer(); return ERROR; } /* defaults from CGI config file */ layout_method = default_statusmap_layout_method; /* get the arguments passed in the URL */ process_cgivars(); /* read the main configuration file */ result = read_main_config_file(main_config_file); if(result == ERROR) { document_header(FALSE); if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) main_config_file_error(main_config_file); document_footer(); return ERROR; } /* read all object configuration data */ result = read_all_object_configuration_data(main_config_file, READ_ALL_OBJECT_DATA); if(result == ERROR) { document_header(FALSE); if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) object_data_error(); document_footer(); return ERROR; } /* read all status data */ result = read_all_status_data(get_cgi_config_location(), READ_ALL_STATUS_DATA); if(result == ERROR) { document_header(FALSE); if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) status_data_error(); document_footer(); free_memory(); return ERROR; } /* initialize macros */ init_macros(); document_header(TRUE); /* get authentication information */ get_authentication_information(¤t_authdata); /* display the network map... */ display_map(); document_footer(); /* free all allocated memory */ free_memory(); free_layer_list(); return OK; } void document_header(int use_stylesheet) { char date_time[MAX_DATETIME_LENGTH]; time_t current_time; time_t expire_time; if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) { printf("Cache-Control: no-store\r\n"); printf("Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); printf("Refresh: %d\r\n", refresh_rate); time(¤t_time); get_time_string(¤t_time, date_time, sizeof(date_time), HTTP_DATE_TIME); printf("Last-Modified: %s\r\n", date_time); expire_time = 0L; get_time_string(&expire_time, date_time, sizeof(date_time), HTTP_DATE_TIME); printf("Expires: %s\r\n", date_time); printf("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); if(embedded == TRUE) return; printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n", url_images_path); printf("\n"); printf("Network Map\n"); printf("\n"); if(use_stylesheet == TRUE) { printf("\n", url_stylesheets_path, COMMON_CSS); printf("\n", url_stylesheets_path, STATUSMAP_CSS); } /* write JavaScript code for popup window */ write_popup_code(); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); /* include user SSI header */ include_ssi_files(STATUSMAP_CGI, SSI_HEADER); printf("
\n"); } else { printf("Cache-Control: no-store\n"); printf("Pragma: no-cache\n"); time(¤t_time); get_time_string(¤t_time, date_time, sizeof(date_time), HTTP_DATE_TIME); printf("Last-Modified: %s\n", date_time); expire_time = (time_t)0L; get_time_string(&expire_time, date_time, sizeof(date_time), HTTP_DATE_TIME); printf("Expires: %s\n", date_time); printf("Content-Type: image/png\n\n"); } return; } void document_footer(void) { if(embedded == TRUE) return; if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) { /* include user SSI footer */ include_ssi_files(STATUSMAP_CGI, SSI_FOOTER); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } return; } int process_cgivars(void) { char **variables; int error = FALSE; int x; variables = getcgivars(); for(x = 0; variables[x] != NULL; x++) { /* do some basic length checking on the variable identifier to prevent buffer overflows */ if(strlen(variables[x]) >= MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1) { x++; continue; } /* we found the host argument */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "host")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } if((host_name = (char *)strdup(variables[x])) == NULL) host_name = "all"; else strip_html_brackets(host_name); if(!strcmp(host_name, "all")) show_all_hosts = TRUE; else show_all_hosts = FALSE; } /* we found the image creation option */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "createimage")) { create_type = CREATE_IMAGE; } /* we found the embed option */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "embedded")) embedded = TRUE; /* we found the noheader option */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "noheader")) display_header = FALSE; /* we found the canvas origin */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "canvas_x")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } canvas_x = atoi(variables[x]); user_supplied_canvas = TRUE; } else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "canvas_y")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } canvas_y = atoi(variables[x]); user_supplied_canvas = TRUE; } /* we found the canvas size */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "canvas_width")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } canvas_width = atoi(variables[x]); user_supplied_canvas = TRUE; } else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "canvas_height")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } canvas_height = atoi(variables[x]); user_supplied_canvas = TRUE; } else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "proximity_width")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } proximity_width = atoi(variables[x]); if(proximity_width < 0) proximity_width = DEFAULT_PROXIMITY_WIDTH; } else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "proximity_height")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } proximity_height = atoi(variables[x]); if(proximity_height < 0) proximity_height = DEFAULT_PROXIMITY_HEIGHT; } /* we found the scaling factor */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "scaling_factor")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } user_scaling_factor = strtod(variables[x], NULL); if(user_scaling_factor > 0.0) user_supplied_scaling = TRUE; } /* we found the max image size */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "max_width")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } max_image_width = atoi(variables[x]); } else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "max_height")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } max_image_height = atoi(variables[x]); } /* we found the layout method option */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "layout")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } layout_method = atoi(variables[x]); } /* we found the no links argument*/ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "nolinks")) use_links = FALSE; /* we found the no text argument*/ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "notext")) use_text = FALSE; /* we found the no highlights argument*/ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "nohighlights")) use_highlights = FALSE; /* we found the no popups argument*/ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "nopopups")) display_popups = FALSE; /* we found the layer inclusion/exclusion argument */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "layermode")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } if(!strcmp(variables[x], "include")) exclude_layers = FALSE; else exclude_layers = TRUE; } /* we found the layer argument */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "layer")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } strip_html_brackets(variables[x]); add_layer(variables[x]); } } /* free memory allocated to the CGI variables */ free_cgivars(variables); return error; } /* top of page */ void display_page_header(void) { char temp_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; int zoom; int zoom_width, zoom_height; int zoom_width_granularity = 0; int zoom_height_granularity = 0; int current_zoom_granularity = 0; hostgroup *temp_hostgroup; layer *temp_layer; int found = 0; if(create_type != CREATE_HTML) return; if(display_header == TRUE) { /* begin top table */ printf("\n"); printf("\n"); /* left column of the first row */ printf("\n"); /* center column of top row */ printf("\n"); /* right hand column of top row */ printf("\n"); /* end of top table */ printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); if(show_all_hosts == TRUE) snprintf(temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1, "Network Map For All Hosts"); else snprintf(temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1, "Network Map For Host %s", host_name); temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0'; display_info_table(temp_buffer, TRUE, ¤t_authdata); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); /* print image size and scaling info */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("

\n"); printf("[ Raw Image Size: %d x %d pixels | Scaling Factor: %1.2lf | Scaled Image Size: %d x %d pixels ]", canvas_width, canvas_height, scaling_factor, (int)(canvas_width * scaling_factor), (int)(canvas_height * scaling_factor)); printf("

\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("[ Canvas_x: %d | Canvas_y: %d | Canvas_width: %d | Canvas_height: %d ]", canvas_x, canvas_y, canvas_width, canvas_height); printf("

\n"); #endif /* zoom links */ if(user_supplied_canvas == FALSE && strcmp(host_name, "all") && display_header == TRUE) { printf("

\n"); zoom_width_granularity = ((total_image_width - MINIMUM_PROXIMITY_WIDTH) / 11); if(zoom_width_granularity == 0) zoom_width_granularity = 1; zoom_height_granularity = ((total_image_height - MINIMUM_PROXIMITY_HEIGHT) / 11); if(proximity_width <= 0) current_zoom_granularity = 0; else current_zoom_granularity = (total_image_width - proximity_width) / zoom_width_granularity; if(current_zoom_granularity > 10) current_zoom_granularity = 10; printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); for(zoom = 0; zoom <= 10; zoom++) { zoom_width = total_image_width - (zoom * zoom_width_granularity); zoom_height = total_image_height - (zoom * zoom_height_granularity); printf("\n", url_images_path, (current_zoom_granularity == zoom) ? ZOOM2_ICON : ZOOM1_ICON, zoom, zoom); } printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
Zoom Out  "); printf("%d  Zoom In
\n"); printf("

\n"); } printf("
\n"); printf("
\n", STATUSMAP_CGI); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("\n", escape_string(host_name)); printf("\n", layout_method); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); /* printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); */ printf("\n", max_image_width); printf("\n", max_image_height); printf("\n", proximity_width); printf("\n", proximity_height); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); /* display context-sensitive help */ printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("Layout Method:
\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("Scaling factor:
\n"); printf("\n", (user_supplied_scaling == TRUE) ? user_scaling_factor : 0.0); printf("
\n"); printf("Max image width:
\n"); printf("\n",max_image_width); printf("
\n"); printf("Max image height:
\n"); printf("\n",max_image_height); printf("
\n"); printf("Proximity width:
\n"); printf("\n",proximity_width); printf("
\n"); printf("Proximity height:
\n"); printf("\n",proximity_height); printf("
Drawing Layers:
\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
Layer mode:
"); printf("Include
\n", (exclude_layers == FALSE) ? "CHECKED" : ""); printf("Exclude\n", (exclude_layers == TRUE) ? "CHECKED" : ""); printf("
\n"); printf("Suppress popups:
\n"); printf("\n", (display_popups == FALSE) ? "CHECKED" : ""); printf("
\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_MAP); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); } return; } /* top-level map generation... */ void display_map(void) { load_background_image(); calculate_host_coords(); calculate_total_image_bounds(); calculate_canvas_bounds(); calculate_scaling_factor(); find_eligible_hosts(); /* display page header */ display_page_header(); initialize_graphics(); draw_background_image(); draw_background_extras(); draw_host_links(); if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) printf("\n"); draw_hosts(); if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) printf("\n"); write_graphics(); cleanup_graphics(); /* write the URL location for the image we just generated - the web browser will come and get it... */ if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) { printf("

\n"); printf("\n", (int)(canvas_width * scaling_factor), (int)(canvas_height * scaling_factor)); printf("

\n"); } return; } /******************************************************************/ /********************* CALCULATION FUNCTIONS **********************/ /******************************************************************/ /* calculates host drawing coordinates */ void calculate_host_coords(void) { host *this_host; host *temp_host; int child_hosts = 0; int parent_hosts = 0; int max_layer_width = 1; int current_child_host = 0; int current_parent_host = 0; int center_x = 0; int offset_x = DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2; int offset_y = DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2; int current_layer = 0; int layer_members = 0; int current_layer_member = 0; int max_drawing_width = 0; /******************************/ /***** MANUAL LAYOUT MODE *****/ /******************************/ /* user-supplied coords */ if(layout_method == LAYOUT_USER_SUPPLIED) { /* see which hosts we should draw and calculate drawing coords */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { if(temp_host->have_2d_coords == TRUE) temp_host->should_be_drawn = TRUE; else temp_host->should_be_drawn = FALSE; } return; } /*****************************/ /***** AUTO-LAYOUT MODES *****/ /*****************************/ /***** DEPTH LAYER MODE *****/ if(layout_method == LAYOUT_SUBLAYERS) { /* find the "main" host we're displaying */ if(show_all_hosts == TRUE) this_host = NULL; else this_host = find_host(host_name); /* find total number of immediate parents/children for this host */ child_hosts = number_of_immediate_child_hosts(this_host); parent_hosts = number_of_immediate_parent_hosts(this_host); if(child_hosts == 0 && parent_hosts == 0) max_layer_width = 1; else max_layer_width = (child_hosts > parent_hosts) ? child_hosts : parent_hosts; /* calculate center x coord */ center_x = (((DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * max_layer_width) + (DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING * (max_layer_width - 1))) / 2) + offset_x; /* coords for Nagios icon if necessary */ if(this_host == NULL || this_host->parent_hosts == NULL) { nagios_icon_x = center_x; nagios_icon_y = offset_y; draw_nagios_icon = TRUE; } /* do we need to draw a link to parent(s)? */ if(this_host != NULL && is_host_immediate_child_of_host(NULL, this_host) == FALSE) { draw_parent_links = TRUE; offset_y += DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING; } /* see which hosts we should draw and calculate drawing coords */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { /* this is an immediate parent of the "main" host we're drawing */ if(is_host_immediate_parent_of_host(this_host, temp_host) == TRUE) { temp_host->should_be_drawn = TRUE; temp_host->have_2d_coords = TRUE; temp_host->x_2d = center_x - (((parent_hosts * DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH) + ((parent_hosts - 1) * DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING)) / 2) + (current_parent_host * (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH + DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING)) + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2); temp_host->y_2d = offset_y; current_parent_host++; } /* this is the "main" host we're drawing */ else if(this_host == temp_host) { temp_host->should_be_drawn = TRUE; temp_host->have_2d_coords = TRUE; temp_host->x_2d = center_x; temp_host->y_2d = DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING + offset_y; } /* this is an immediate child of the "main" host we're drawing */ else if(is_host_immediate_child_of_host(this_host, temp_host) == TRUE) { temp_host->should_be_drawn = TRUE; temp_host->have_2d_coords = TRUE; temp_host->x_2d = center_x - (((child_hosts * DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH) + ((child_hosts - 1) * DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING)) / 2) + (current_child_host * (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH + DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING)) + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2); if(this_host == NULL) temp_host->y_2d = (DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING) + offset_y; else temp_host->y_2d = ((DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING) * 2) + offset_y; current_child_host++; if(number_of_immediate_child_hosts(temp_host) > 0) { bottom_margin = DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING; draw_child_links = TRUE; } } /* else do not draw this host */ else { temp_host->should_be_drawn = FALSE; temp_host->have_2d_coords = FALSE; } } } /***** COLLAPSED TREE MODE *****/ else if(layout_method == LAYOUT_COLLAPSED_TREE) { /* find the "main" host we're displaying - DO NOT USE THIS (THIS IS THE OLD METHOD) */ /* if(show_all_hosts==TRUE) this_host=NULL; else this_host=find_host(host_name); */ /* always use NULL as the "main" host, screen coords/dimensions are adjusted automatically */ this_host = NULL; /* find total number of immediate parents for this host */ parent_hosts = number_of_immediate_parent_hosts(this_host); /* find the max layer width we have... */ max_layer_width = max_child_host_layer_members(this_host); if(parent_hosts > max_layer_width) max_layer_width = parent_hosts; /* calculate center x coord */ center_x = (((DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * max_layer_width) + (DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING * (max_layer_width - 1))) / 2) + offset_x; /* coords for Nagios icon if necessary */ if(this_host == NULL || this_host->parent_hosts == NULL) { nagios_icon_x = center_x; nagios_icon_y = offset_y; draw_nagios_icon = TRUE; } /* do we need to draw a link to parent(s)? */ if(this_host != NULL && is_host_immediate_child_of_host(NULL, this_host) == FALSE) { draw_parent_links = TRUE; offset_y += DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING; } /* see which hosts we should draw and calculate drawing coords */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { /* this is an immediate parent of the "main" host we're drawing */ if(is_host_immediate_parent_of_host(this_host, temp_host) == TRUE) { temp_host->should_be_drawn = TRUE; temp_host->have_2d_coords = TRUE; temp_host->x_2d = center_x - (((parent_hosts * DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH) + ((parent_hosts - 1) * DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING)) / 2) + (current_parent_host * (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH + DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING)) + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2); temp_host->y_2d = offset_y; current_parent_host++; } /* this is the "main" host we're drawing */ else if(this_host == temp_host) { temp_host->should_be_drawn = TRUE; temp_host->have_2d_coords = TRUE; temp_host->x_2d = center_x; temp_host->y_2d = DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING + offset_y; } /* else do not draw this host (we might if its a child - see below, but assume no for now) */ else { temp_host->should_be_drawn = FALSE; temp_host->have_2d_coords = FALSE; } } /* TODO: REORDER CHILD LAYER MEMBERS SO THAT WE MINIMIZE LINK CROSSOVERS FROM PARENT HOSTS */ /* draw hosts in child "layers" */ for(current_layer = 1;; current_layer++) { /* how many members in this layer? */ layer_members = number_of_host_layer_members(this_host, current_layer); if(layer_members == 0) break; current_layer_member = 0; /* see which hosts are members of this layer and calculate drawing coords */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { /* is this host a member of the current child layer? */ if(host_child_depth_separation(this_host, temp_host) == current_layer) { temp_host->should_be_drawn = TRUE; temp_host->have_2d_coords = TRUE; temp_host->x_2d = center_x - (((layer_members * DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH) + ((layer_members - 1) * DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING)) / 2) + (current_layer_member * (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH + DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING)) + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2); if(this_host == NULL) temp_host->y_2d = ((DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING) * current_layer) + offset_y; else temp_host->y_2d = ((DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING) * (current_layer + 1)) + offset_y; current_layer_member++; } } } } /***** "BALANCED" TREE MODE *****/ else if(layout_method == LAYOUT_BALANCED_TREE) { /* find the "main" host we're displaying - DO NOT USE THIS (THIS IS THE OLD METHOD) */ /* if(show_all_hosts==TRUE) this_host=NULL; else this_host=find_host(host_name); */ /* always use NULL as the "main" host, screen coords/dimensions are adjusted automatically */ this_host = NULL; /* find total number of immediate parents for this host */ parent_hosts = number_of_immediate_parent_hosts(this_host); /* find the max drawing width we have... */ max_drawing_width = max_child_host_drawing_width(this_host); if(parent_hosts > max_drawing_width) max_drawing_width = parent_hosts; /* calculate center x coord */ center_x = (((DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * max_drawing_width) + (DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING * (max_drawing_width - 1))) / 2) + offset_x; /* coords for Nagios icon if necessary */ if(this_host == NULL || this_host->parent_hosts == NULL) { nagios_icon_x = center_x; nagios_icon_y = offset_y; draw_nagios_icon = TRUE; } /* do we need to draw a link to parent(s)? */ if(this_host != NULL && is_host_immediate_child_of_host(NULL, this_host) == FALSE) { draw_parent_links = TRUE; offset_y += DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING; } /* see which hosts we should draw and calculate drawing coords */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { /* this is an immediate parent of the "main" host we're drawing */ if(is_host_immediate_parent_of_host(this_host, temp_host) == TRUE) { temp_host->should_be_drawn = TRUE; temp_host->have_2d_coords = TRUE; temp_host->x_2d = center_x - (((parent_hosts * DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH) + ((parent_hosts - 1) * DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING)) / 2) + (current_parent_host * (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH + DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING)) + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2); temp_host->y_2d = offset_y; current_parent_host++; } /* this is the "main" host we're drawing */ else if(this_host == temp_host) { temp_host->should_be_drawn = TRUE; temp_host->have_2d_coords = TRUE; temp_host->x_2d = center_x; temp_host->y_2d = DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING + offset_y; } /* else do not draw this host (we might if its a child - see below, but assume no for now) */ else { temp_host->should_be_drawn = FALSE; temp_host->have_2d_coords = FALSE; } } /* draw all children hosts */ calculate_balanced_tree_coords(this_host, center_x, DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING + offset_y); } /***** CIRCULAR LAYOUT MODE *****/ else if(layout_method == LAYOUT_CIRCULAR || layout_method == LAYOUT_CIRCULAR_MARKUP || layout_method == LAYOUT_CIRCULAR_BALLOON) { /* draw process icon */ nagios_icon_x = 0; nagios_icon_y = 0; draw_nagios_icon = TRUE; /* calculate coordinates for all hosts */ calculate_circular_coords(); } return; } /* calculates max possible image dimensions */ void calculate_total_image_bounds(void) { host *temp_host; total_image_width = 0; total_image_height = 0; /* check all extended host information entries... */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { /* only check entries that have 2-D coords specified */ if(temp_host->have_2d_coords == FALSE) continue; /* skip hosts we shouldn't be drawing */ if(temp_host->should_be_drawn == FALSE) continue; if(temp_host->x_2d > total_image_width) total_image_width = temp_host->x_2d; if(temp_host->y_2d > total_image_height) total_image_height = temp_host->y_2d; coordinates_were_specified = TRUE; } /* add some space for icon size and overlapping text... */ if(coordinates_were_specified == TRUE) { total_image_width += (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * 2); total_image_height += DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT; /* add space for bottom margin if necessary */ total_image_height += bottom_margin; } /* image size should be at least as large as dimensions of background image */ if(total_image_width < background_image_width) total_image_width = background_image_width; if(total_image_height < background_image_height) total_image_height = background_image_height; /* we didn't find any hosts that had user-supplied coordinates, so we're going to display a warning */ if(coordinates_were_specified == FALSE) { coordinates_were_specified = FALSE; total_image_width = COORDS_WARNING_WIDTH; total_image_height = COORDS_WARNING_HEIGHT; } return; } /* calculates canvas coordinates/dimensions */ void calculate_canvas_bounds(void) { if(user_supplied_canvas == FALSE && strcmp(host_name, "all")) calculate_canvas_bounds_from_host(host_name); /* calculate canvas origin (based on total image bounds) */ if(canvas_x <= 0 || canvas_width > total_image_width) canvas_x = 0; if(canvas_y <= 0 || canvas_height > total_image_height) canvas_y = 0; /* calculate canvas dimensions */ if(canvas_height <= 0) canvas_height = (total_image_height - canvas_y); if(canvas_width <= 0) canvas_width = (total_image_width - canvas_x); if(canvas_x + canvas_width > total_image_width) canvas_width = total_image_width - canvas_x; if(canvas_y + canvas_height > total_image_height) canvas_height = total_image_height - canvas_y; return; } /* calculates canvas coordinates/dimensions around a particular host */ void calculate_canvas_bounds_from_host(char *host_name) { host *temp_host; int zoom_width; int zoom_height; /* find the extended host info */ temp_host = find_host(host_name); if(temp_host == NULL) return; /* make sure we have 2-D coords */ if(temp_host->have_2d_coords == FALSE) return; if(max_image_width > 0 && proximity_width > max_image_width) zoom_width = max_image_width; else zoom_width = proximity_width; if(max_image_height > 0 && proximity_height > max_image_height) zoom_height = max_image_height; else zoom_height = proximity_height; canvas_width = zoom_width; if(canvas_width >= total_image_width) canvas_x = 0; else canvas_x = (temp_host->x_2d - (zoom_width / 2)); canvas_height = zoom_height; if(canvas_height >= total_image_height) canvas_y = 0; else canvas_y = (temp_host->y_2d - (zoom_height / 2)); return; } /* calculates scaling factor used in image generation */ void calculate_scaling_factor(void) { double x_scaling = 1.0; double y_scaling = 1.0; /* calculate horizontal scaling factor */ if(max_image_width <= 0 || canvas_width <= max_image_width) x_scaling = 1.0; else x_scaling = (double)((double)max_image_width / (double)canvas_width); /* calculate vertical scaling factor */ if(max_image_height <= 0 || canvas_height <= max_image_height) y_scaling = 1.0; else y_scaling = (double)((double)max_image_height / (double)canvas_height); /* calculate general scaling factor to use */ if(x_scaling < y_scaling) scaling_factor = x_scaling; else scaling_factor = y_scaling; /*** USER-SUPPLIED SCALING FACTOR ***/ if(user_supplied_scaling == TRUE) scaling_factor = user_scaling_factor; return; } /* finds hosts that can be drawn in the canvas area */ void find_eligible_hosts(void) { int total_eligible_hosts = 0; host *temp_host; /* check all extended host information entries... */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { /* only include hosts that have 2-D coords supplied */ if(temp_host->have_2d_coords == FALSE) temp_host->should_be_drawn = FALSE; /* make sure coords are all positive */ else if(temp_host->x_2d < 0 || temp_host->y_2d < 0) temp_host->should_be_drawn = FALSE; /* make sure x coordinates fall within canvas bounds */ else if(temp_host->x_2d < (canvas_x - DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH) || temp_host->x_2d > (canvas_x + canvas_width)) temp_host->should_be_drawn = FALSE; /* make sure y coordinates fall within canvas bounds */ else if(temp_host->y_2d < (canvas_y - DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT) || temp_host->y_2d > (canvas_y + canvas_height)) temp_host->should_be_drawn = FALSE; /* see if the user is authorized to view the host */ else if(is_authorized_for_host(temp_host, ¤t_authdata) == FALSE) temp_host->should_be_drawn = FALSE; /* all checks passed, so we can draw the host! */ else { temp_host->should_be_drawn = TRUE; total_eligible_hosts++; } } return; } /******************************************************************/ /*********************** DRAWING FUNCTIONS ************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* loads background image from file */ void load_background_image(void) { char temp_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; /* bail out if we shouldn't be drawing a background image */ if(layout_method != LAYOUT_USER_SUPPLIED || statusmap_background_image == NULL) return; snprintf(temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1, "%s%s", physical_images_path, statusmap_background_image); temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0'; /* read the background image into memory */ background_image = load_image_from_file(temp_buffer); /* grab background image dimensions for calculating total image width later */ if(background_image != NULL) { background_image_width = background_image->sx; background_image_height = background_image->sy; } /* if we are just creating the html, we don't need the image anymore */ if(create_type == CREATE_HTML && background_image != NULL) gdImageDestroy(background_image); return; } /* draws background image on drawing canvas */ void draw_background_image(void) { /* bail out if we shouldn't be drawing a background image */ if(create_type == CREATE_HTML || layout_method != LAYOUT_USER_SUPPLIED || statusmap_background_image == NULL) return; /* bail out if we don't have an image */ if(background_image == NULL) return; /* copy the background image to the canvas */ gdImageCopy(map_image, background_image, 0, 0, canvas_x, canvas_y, canvas_width, canvas_height); /* free memory for background image, as we don't need it anymore */ gdImageDestroy(background_image); return; } /* draws background "extras" */ void draw_background_extras(void) { /* bail out if we shouldn't be here */ if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) return; /* circular layout stuff... */ if(layout_method == LAYOUT_CIRCULAR_MARKUP) { /* draw colored sections... */ draw_circular_markup(); } return; } /* draws host links */ void draw_host_links(void) { host *this_host; host *main_host; host *parent_host; hostsmember *temp_hostsmember; int status_color = color_black; hoststatus *this_hoststatus; hoststatus *parent_hoststatus; int child_in_layer_list = FALSE; int parent_in_layer_list = FALSE; int dotted_line = FALSE; int x = 0; int y = 0; if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) return; if(use_links == FALSE) return; /* find the "main" host we're drawing */ main_host = find_host(host_name); if(show_all_hosts == TRUE) main_host = NULL; /* check all extended host information entries... */ for(this_host = host_list; this_host != NULL; this_host = this_host->next) { /* only draw link if user is authorized to view this host */ if(is_authorized_for_host(this_host, ¤t_authdata) == FALSE) continue; /* this is a "root" host, so draw link to Nagios process icon if using auto-layout mode */ if(this_host->parent_hosts == NULL && layout_method != LAYOUT_USER_SUPPLIED && draw_nagios_icon == TRUE) { x = this_host->x_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2) - canvas_x; y = this_host->y_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2) - canvas_y; draw_line(x, y, nagios_icon_x + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2) - canvas_x, nagios_icon_y + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2) - canvas_y, color_black); } /* this is a child of the main host we're drawing in auto-layout mode... */ if(layout_method != LAYOUT_USER_SUPPLIED && draw_child_links == TRUE && number_of_immediate_child_hosts(this_host) > 0 && is_host_immediate_child_of_host(main_host, this_host) == TRUE) { /* determine color to use when drawing links to children */ this_hoststatus = find_hoststatus(this_host->name); if(this_hoststatus != NULL) { if(this_hoststatus->status == HOST_DOWN || this_hoststatus->status == HOST_UNREACHABLE) status_color = color_red; else status_color = color_black; } else status_color = color_black; x = this_host->x_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2) - canvas_x; y = (this_host->y_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH) / 2) - canvas_y; draw_dashed_line(x, y, x, y + DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING, status_color); /* draw arrow tips */ draw_line(x, y + DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING, x - 5, y + DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING - 5, color_black); draw_line(x, y + DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING, x + 5, y + DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING - 5, color_black); } /* this is a parent of the main host we're drawing in auto-layout mode... */ if(layout_method != LAYOUT_USER_SUPPLIED && draw_parent_links == TRUE && is_host_immediate_child_of_host(this_host, main_host) == TRUE) { x = this_host->x_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2) - canvas_x; y = this_host->y_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2) - canvas_y; draw_dashed_line(x, y, x, y - DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT - DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING, color_black); /* draw arrow tips */ draw_line(x, y - DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT - DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING, x - 5, y - DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT - DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING + 5, color_black); draw_line(x, y - DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT - DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING, x + 5, y - DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT - DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING + 5, color_black); } /* draw links to all parent hosts */ for(temp_hostsmember = this_host->parent_hosts; temp_hostsmember != NULL; temp_hostsmember = temp_hostsmember->next) { /* find the parent host config entry */ parent_host = find_host(temp_hostsmember->host_name); if(parent_host == NULL) continue; /* don't draw the link if we don't have the coords */ if(parent_host->have_2d_coords == FALSE || this_host->have_2d_coords == FALSE) continue; /* only draw link if user is authorized for this parent host */ if(is_authorized_for_host(parent_host, ¤t_authdata) == FALSE) continue; /* are the hosts in the layer list? */ child_in_layer_list = is_host_in_layer_list(this_host); parent_in_layer_list = is_host_in_layer_list(parent_host); /* use dotted or solid line? */ /* either the child or parent should not be drawn, so use a dotted line */ if((child_in_layer_list == TRUE && parent_in_layer_list == FALSE) || (child_in_layer_list == FALSE && parent_in_layer_list == TRUE)) dotted_line = TRUE; /* both hosts should not be drawn, so use a dotted line */ else if((child_in_layer_list == FALSE && parent_in_layer_list == FALSE && exclude_layers == FALSE) || (child_in_layer_list == TRUE && parent_in_layer_list == TRUE && exclude_layers == TRUE)) dotted_line = TRUE; /* both hosts should be drawn, so use a solid line */ else dotted_line = FALSE; /* determine color to use when drawing links to parent host */ parent_hoststatus = find_hoststatus(parent_host->name); if(parent_hoststatus != NULL) { if(parent_hoststatus->status == HOST_DOWN || parent_hoststatus->status == HOST_UNREACHABLE) status_color = color_red; else status_color = color_black; } else status_color = color_black; /* draw the link */ if(dotted_line == TRUE) draw_dotted_line((this_host->x_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2)) - canvas_x, (this_host->y_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH) / 2) - canvas_y, (parent_host->x_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2)) - canvas_x, (parent_host->y_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2)) - canvas_y, status_color); else draw_line((this_host->x_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2)) - canvas_x, (this_host->y_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH) / 2) - canvas_y, (parent_host->x_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2)) - canvas_x, (parent_host->y_2d + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2)) - canvas_y, status_color); } } return; } /* draws hosts */ void draw_hosts(void) { host *temp_host; int x1, x2; int y1, y2; int has_image = FALSE; char image_input_file[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; int current_radius = 0; int status_color = color_black; hoststatus *temp_hoststatus; int in_layer_list = FALSE; int average_host_services; int host_services; double host_services_ratio; int outer_radius; int inner_radius; int time_color = 0; time_t current_time; int translated_x; int translated_y; /* user didn't supply any coordinates for hosts, so display a warning */ if(coordinates_were_specified == FALSE) { if(create_type == CREATE_IMAGE) { draw_text("You have not supplied any host drawing coordinates, so you cannot use this layout method.", (COORDS_WARNING_WIDTH / 2), 30, color_black); draw_text("Read the FAQs for more information on specifying drawing coordinates or select a different layout method.", (COORDS_WARNING_WIDTH / 2), 45, color_black); } return; } /* draw Nagios process icon if using auto-layout mode */ if(layout_method != LAYOUT_USER_SUPPLIED && draw_nagios_icon == TRUE) { /* get coords of bounding box */ x1 = nagios_icon_x - canvas_x; x2 = x1 + DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH; y1 = nagios_icon_y - canvas_y; y2 = y1 + DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT; /* get the name of the image file to open for the logo */ snprintf(image_input_file, sizeof(image_input_file) - 1, "%s%s", physical_logo_images_path, NAGIOS_GD2_ICON); image_input_file[sizeof(image_input_file) - 1] = '\x0'; /* read in the image from file... */ logo_image = load_image_from_file(image_input_file); /* copy the logo image to the canvas image... */ if(logo_image != NULL) { gdImageCopy(map_image, logo_image, x1, y1, 0, 0, logo_image->sx, logo_image->sy); gdImageDestroy(logo_image); } /* if we don't have an image, draw a bounding box */ else { draw_line(x1, y1, x1, y1 + DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH, color_black); draw_line(x1, y1 + DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH, x2, y1 + DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH, color_black); draw_line(x2, y1 + DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH, x2, y1, color_black); draw_line(x2, y1, x1, y1, color_black); } if(create_type == CREATE_IMAGE) draw_text("Nagios Process", x1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), y1 + DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT, color_black); } /* calculate average services per host */ average_host_services = 4; /* draw all hosts... */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { /* skip hosts that should not be drawn */ if(temp_host->should_be_drawn == FALSE) continue; /* is this host in the layer inclusion/exclusion list? */ in_layer_list = is_host_in_layer_list(temp_host); if((in_layer_list == TRUE && exclude_layers == TRUE) || (in_layer_list == FALSE && exclude_layers == FALSE)) continue; /* get coords of host bounding box */ x1 = temp_host->x_2d - canvas_x; x2 = x1 + DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH; y1 = temp_host->y_2d - canvas_y; y2 = y1 + DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT; if(create_type == CREATE_IMAGE) { temp_hoststatus = find_hoststatus(temp_host->name); if(temp_hoststatus != NULL) { if(temp_hoststatus->status == HOST_DOWN) status_color = color_red; else if(temp_hoststatus->status == HOST_UNREACHABLE) status_color = color_red; else if(temp_hoststatus->status == HOST_UP) status_color = color_green; else if(temp_hoststatus->status == HOST_PENDING) status_color = color_grey; } else status_color = color_black; /* use balloons instead of icons... */ if(layout_method == LAYOUT_CIRCULAR_BALLOON) { /* get the number of services associated with the host */ host_services = number_of_host_services(temp_host); if(average_host_services == 0) host_services_ratio = 0.0; else host_services_ratio = (double)((double)host_services / (double)average_host_services); /* calculate size of node */ if(host_services_ratio >= 2.0) outer_radius = DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH; else if(host_services_ratio >= 1.5) outer_radius = DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * 0.8; else if(host_services_ratio >= 1.0) outer_radius = DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * 0.6; else if(host_services_ratio >= 0.5) outer_radius = DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * 0.4; else outer_radius = DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * 0.2; /* calculate width of border */ if(temp_hoststatus == NULL) inner_radius = outer_radius; else if((temp_hoststatus->status == HOST_DOWN || temp_hoststatus->status == HOST_UNREACHABLE) && temp_hoststatus->problem_has_been_acknowledged == FALSE) inner_radius = outer_radius - 3; else inner_radius = outer_radius; /* fill node with color based on how long its been in this state... */ gdImageArc(map_image, x1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), y1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), outer_radius, outer_radius, 0, 360, color_blue); /* determine fill color */ time(¤t_time); if(temp_hoststatus == NULL) time_color = color_white; else if(current_time - temp_hoststatus->last_state_change <= 900) time_color = color_orange; else if(current_time - temp_hoststatus->last_state_change <= 3600) time_color = color_yellow; else time_color = color_white; /* fill node with appropriate time color */ /* the fill function only works with coordinates that are in bounds of the actual image */ translated_x = x1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2); translated_y = y1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2); if(translated_x > 0 && translated_y > 0 && translated_x < canvas_width && translated_y < canvas_height) gdImageFillToBorder(map_image, translated_x, translated_y, color_blue, time_color); /* border of node should reflect current state */ for(current_radius = outer_radius; current_radius >= inner_radius; current_radius--) gdImageArc(map_image, x1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), y1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), current_radius, current_radius, 0, 360, status_color); /* draw circles around the selected host (if there is one) */ if(!strcmp(host_name, temp_host->name) && use_highlights == TRUE) { for(current_radius = DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * 2; current_radius > 0; current_radius -= 10) gdImageArc(map_image, x1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), y1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), current_radius, current_radius, 0, 360, status_color); } } /* normal method is to use icons for hosts... */ else { /* draw a target around root hosts (hosts with no parents) */ if(temp_host != NULL && use_highlights == TRUE) { if(temp_host->parent_hosts == NULL) { gdImageArc(map_image, x1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), y1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * 2), (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * 2), 0, 360, status_color); draw_line(x1 - (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), y1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), x1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * 3 / 2), y1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), status_color); draw_line(x1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), y1 - (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), x1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), y1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * 3 / 2), status_color); } } /* draw circles around the selected host (if there is one) */ if(!strcmp(host_name, temp_host->name) && use_highlights == TRUE) { for(current_radius = DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * 2; current_radius > 0; current_radius -= 10) gdImageArc(map_image, x1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), y1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), current_radius, current_radius, 0, 360, status_color); } if(temp_host->statusmap_image != NULL) has_image = TRUE; else has_image = FALSE; /* load the logo associated with this host */ if(has_image == TRUE) { /* get the name of the image file to open for the logo */ snprintf(image_input_file, sizeof(image_input_file) - 1, "%s%s", physical_logo_images_path, temp_host->statusmap_image); image_input_file[sizeof(image_input_file) - 1] = '\x0'; /* read in the logo image from file... */ logo_image = load_image_from_file(image_input_file); /* copy the logo image to the canvas image... */ if(logo_image != NULL) { gdImageCopy(map_image, logo_image, x1, y1, 0, 0, logo_image->sx, logo_image->sy); gdImageDestroy(logo_image); } else has_image = FALSE; } /* if the host doesn't have an image associated with it (or the user doesn't have rights to see this host), use the unknown image */ if(has_image == FALSE) { if(unknown_logo_image != NULL) gdImageCopy(map_image, unknown_logo_image, x1, y1, 0, 0, unknown_logo_image->sx, unknown_logo_image->sy); else { /* last ditch effort - draw a host bounding box */ draw_line(x1, y1, x1, y1 + DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH, color_black); draw_line(x1, y1 + DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH, x2, y1 + DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH, color_black); draw_line(x2, y1 + DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH, x2, y1, color_black); draw_line(x2, y1, x1, y1, color_black); } } } /* draw host name, status, etc. */ draw_host_text(temp_host->name, x1 + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2), y1 + DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT); } /* we're creating HTML image map... */ else { printf("name)) printf("href='%s?host=%s' ", STATUS_CGI, url_encode(temp_host->name)); else { printf("href='%s?host=%s&layout=%d&max_width=%d&max_height=%d&proximity_width=%d&proximity_height=%d%s%s%s%s%s", STATUSMAP_CGI, url_encode(temp_host->name), layout_method, max_image_width, max_image_height, proximity_width, proximity_height, (display_header == TRUE) ? "" : "&noheader", (use_links == FALSE) ? "&nolinks" : "", (use_text == FALSE) ? "¬ext" : "", (use_highlights == FALSE) ? "&nohighlights" : "", (display_popups == FALSE) ? "&nopopups" : ""); if(user_supplied_scaling == TRUE) printf("&scaling_factor=%2.1f", user_scaling_factor); print_layer_url(TRUE); printf("' "); } /* popup text */ if(display_popups == TRUE) { printf("onMouseOver='showPopup(\""); write_host_popup_text(find_host(temp_host->name)); printf("\",event)' onMouseOut='hidePopup()'"); } printf(">\n"); } } return; } /* draws text */ void draw_text(char *buffer, int x, int y, int text_color) { int string_width = 0; int string_height = 0; /* write the string to the generated image... */ string_height = gdFontSmall->h; string_width = gdFontSmall->w * strlen(buffer); if(layout_method != LAYOUT_CIRCULAR_MARKUP) gdImageFilledRectangle(map_image, x - (string_width / 2) - 2, y - (2 * string_height), x + (string_width / 2) + 2, y - string_height, color_white); gdImageString(map_image, gdFontSmall, x - (string_width / 2), y - (2 * string_height), (unsigned char *)buffer, text_color); return; } /* draws host text */ void draw_host_text(char *name, int x, int y) { hoststatus *temp_hoststatus; int status_color = color_black; char temp_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; if(use_text == FALSE) return; strncpy(temp_buffer, name, sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1); temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0'; /* write the host status string to the generated image... */ draw_text(temp_buffer, x, y, color_black); /* find the status entry for this host */ temp_hoststatus = find_hoststatus(name); /* get the status of the host (pending, up, down, or unreachable) */ if(temp_hoststatus != NULL) { /* draw the status string */ if(temp_hoststatus->status == HOST_DOWN) { strncpy(temp_buffer, "Down", sizeof(temp_buffer)); status_color = color_red; } else if(temp_hoststatus->status == HOST_UNREACHABLE) { strncpy(temp_buffer, "Unreachable", sizeof(temp_buffer)); status_color = color_red; } else if(temp_hoststatus->status == HOST_UP) { strncpy(temp_buffer, "Up", sizeof(temp_buffer)); status_color = color_green; } else if(temp_hoststatus->status == HOST_PENDING) { strncpy(temp_buffer, "Pending", sizeof(temp_buffer)); status_color = color_grey; } else { strncpy(temp_buffer, "Unknown", sizeof(temp_buffer)); status_color = color_orange; } temp_buffer[sizeof(temp_buffer) - 1] = '\x0'; /* write the host status string to the generated image... */ draw_text(temp_buffer, x, y + gdFontSmall->h, status_color); } return; } /* writes popup text for a specific host */ void write_host_popup_text(host *hst) { hoststatus *temp_status = NULL; hostsmember *temp_hostsmember = NULL; char *processed_string = NULL; int service_totals; char date_time[48]; time_t current_time; time_t t; char state_duration[48]; int days; int hours; int minutes; int seconds; if(hst == NULL) { printf("Host data not found"); return; } /* find the status entry for this host */ temp_status = find_hoststatus(hst->name); if(temp_status == NULL) { printf("Host status information not found"); return; } /* grab macros */ grab_host_macros_r(mac, hst); /* strip nasty stuff from plugin output */ sanitize_plugin_output(temp_status->plugin_output); printf(""); printf(""); printf("", (hst->icon_image_alt == NULL) ? "" : html_encode(hst->icon_image_alt, TRUE)); printf("", escape_string(hst->name)); printf("", escape_string(hst->alias)); printf("", html_encode(hst->address, TRUE)); printf(""); printf("", (temp_status->plugin_output == NULL) ? "" : temp_status->plugin_output); current_time = time(NULL); if(temp_status->last_state_change == (time_t)0) t = current_time - program_start; else t = current_time - temp_status->last_state_change; get_time_breakdown((unsigned long)t, &days, &hours, &minutes, &seconds); snprintf(state_duration, sizeof(state_duration) - 1, "%2dd %2dh %2dm %2ds%s", days, hours, minutes, seconds, (temp_status->last_state_change == (time_t)0) ? "+" : ""); state_duration[sizeof(state_duration) - 1] = '\x0'; printf("", state_duration); get_time_string(&temp_status->last_check, date_time, (int)sizeof(date_time), SHORT_DATE_TIME); printf("", (temp_status->last_check == (time_t)0) ? "N/A" : date_time); get_time_string(&temp_status->last_state_change, date_time, (int)sizeof(date_time), SHORT_DATE_TIME); printf("", (temp_status->last_state_change == (time_t)0) ? "N/A" : date_time); printf(""); printf(""); printf("
icon_image == NULL) printf("%s", UNKNOWN_ICON_IMAGE); else { process_macros_r(mac, hst->icon_image, &processed_string, 0); printf("%s", processed_string); free(processed_string); } printf("\\\" border=0 width=40 height=40>%s
State:"); /* get the status of the host (pending, up, down, or unreachable) */ if(temp_status->status == HOST_DOWN) { printf("Down"); if(temp_status->problem_has_been_acknowledged == TRUE) printf(" (Acknowledged)"); printf(""); } else if(temp_status->status == HOST_UNREACHABLE) { printf("Unreachable"); if(temp_status->problem_has_been_acknowledged == TRUE) printf(" (Acknowledged)"); printf(""); } else if(temp_status->status == HOST_UP) printf("Up"); else if(temp_status->status == HOST_PENDING) printf("Pending"); printf("
Status Information:%s
State Duration:%s
Last Status Check:%s
Last State Change:%s
Parent Host(s):"); if(hst->parent_hosts == NULL) printf("None (This is a root host)"); else { for(temp_hostsmember = hst->parent_hosts; temp_hostsmember != NULL; temp_hostsmember = temp_hostsmember->next) printf("%s%s", (temp_hostsmember == hst->parent_hosts) ? "" : ", ", html_encode(temp_hostsmember->host_name, TRUE)); } printf("
Immediate Child Hosts:"); printf("%d", number_of_immediate_child_hosts(hst)); printf("
"); printf("
"); service_totals = get_servicestatus_count(hst->name, SERVICE_OK); if(service_totals > 0) printf("- %d ok
", service_totals); service_totals = get_servicestatus_count(hst->name, SERVICE_CRITICAL); if(service_totals > 0) printf("- %d critical
", service_totals); service_totals = get_servicestatus_count(hst->name, SERVICE_WARNING); if(service_totals > 0) printf("- %d warning
", service_totals); service_totals = get_servicestatus_count(hst->name, SERVICE_UNKNOWN); if(service_totals > 0) printf("- %d unknown
", service_totals); service_totals = get_servicestatus_count(hst->name, SERVICE_PENDING); if(service_totals > 0) printf("- %d pending
", service_totals); return; } /* draws a solid line */ void draw_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color) { if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) return; gdImageLine(map_image, x1, y1, x2, y2, color); return; } /* draws a dotted line */ void draw_dotted_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color) { int styleDotted[12]; styleDotted[0] = color; styleDotted[1] = gdTransparent; styleDotted[2] = gdTransparent; styleDotted[3] = gdTransparent; styleDotted[4] = gdTransparent; styleDotted[5] = gdTransparent; styleDotted[6] = color; styleDotted[7] = gdTransparent; styleDotted[8] = gdTransparent; styleDotted[9] = gdTransparent; styleDotted[10] = gdTransparent; styleDotted[11] = gdTransparent; /* sets current style to a dashed line */ gdImageSetStyle(map_image, styleDotted, 12); /* draws a line (dotted) */ gdImageLine(map_image, x1, y1, x2, y2, gdStyled); return; } /* draws a dashed line */ void draw_dashed_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color) { int styleDashed[12]; styleDashed[0] = color; styleDashed[1] = color; styleDashed[2] = color; styleDashed[3] = color; styleDashed[4] = gdTransparent; styleDashed[5] = gdTransparent; styleDashed[6] = color; styleDashed[7] = color; styleDashed[8] = color; styleDashed[9] = color; styleDashed[10] = gdTransparent; styleDashed[11] = gdTransparent; /* sets current style to a dashed line */ gdImageSetStyle(map_image, styleDashed, 12); /* draws a line (dashed) */ gdImageLine(map_image, x1, y1, x2, y2, gdStyled); return; } /******************************************************************/ /*********************** GRAPHICS FUNCTIONS ***********************/ /******************************************************************/ /* initialize graphics */ int initialize_graphics(void) { char image_input_file[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) return ERROR; /* allocate buffer for storing image */ #ifndef HAVE_GDIMAGECREATETRUECOLOR map_image = gdImageCreate(canvas_width, canvas_height); #else map_image = gdImageCreateTrueColor(canvas_width, canvas_height); #endif if(map_image == NULL) return ERROR; /* allocate colors used for drawing */ color_white = gdImageColorAllocate(map_image, 255, 255, 255); color_black = gdImageColorAllocate(map_image, 0, 0, 0); color_grey = gdImageColorAllocate(map_image, 128, 128, 128); color_lightgrey = gdImageColorAllocate(map_image, 210, 210, 210); color_red = gdImageColorAllocate(map_image, 255, 0, 0); color_lightred = gdImageColorAllocate(map_image, 215, 175, 175); color_green = gdImageColorAllocate(map_image, 0, 175, 0); color_lightgreen = gdImageColorAllocate(map_image, 210, 255, 215); color_blue = gdImageColorAllocate(map_image, 0, 0, 255); color_yellow = gdImageColorAllocate(map_image, 255, 255, 0); color_orange = gdImageColorAllocate(map_image, 255, 100, 25); color_transparency_index = gdImageColorAllocate(map_image, color_transparency_index_r, color_transparency_index_g, color_transparency_index_b); /* set transparency index */ #ifndef HAVE_GDIMAGECREATETRUECOLOR gdImageColorTransparent(map_image, color_white); #else gdImageColorTransparent(map_image, color_transparency_index); /* set background */ gdImageFill(map_image, 0, 0, color_transparency_index); #endif /* make sure the graphic is interlaced */ gdImageInterlace(map_image, 1); /* get the path where we will be reading logo images from (GD2 format)... */ snprintf(physical_logo_images_path, sizeof(physical_logo_images_path) - 1, "%slogos/", physical_images_path); physical_logo_images_path[sizeof(physical_logo_images_path) - 1] = '\x0'; /* load the unknown icon to use for hosts that don't have pretty images associated with them... */ snprintf(image_input_file, sizeof(image_input_file) - 1, "%s%s", physical_logo_images_path, UNKNOWN_GD2_ICON); image_input_file[sizeof(image_input_file) - 1] = '\x0'; unknown_logo_image = load_image_from_file(image_input_file); return OK; } /* loads a graphic image (GD2, JPG or PNG) from file into memory */ gdImagePtr load_image_from_file(char *filename) { FILE *fp; gdImagePtr im = NULL; char *ext; /* make sure we were passed a file name */ if(filename == NULL) return NULL; /* find the file extension */ if((ext = rindex(filename, '.')) == NULL) return NULL; /* open the file for reading (binary mode) */ fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(fp == NULL) return NULL; /* attempt to read files in various formats */ if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".png")) im = gdImageCreateFromPng(fp); else if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".jpg") || !strcasecmp(ext, ".jpeg")) im = gdImageCreateFromJpeg(fp); else if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".xbm")) im = gdImageCreateFromXbm(fp); else if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".gd2")) im = gdImageCreateFromGd2(fp); else if(!strcasecmp(ext, ".gd")) im = gdImageCreateFromGd(fp); /* fall back to GD2 image format */ else im = gdImageCreateFromGd2(fp); /* close the file */ fclose(fp); return im; } /* draw graphics */ void write_graphics(void) { FILE *image_output_file = NULL; if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) return; /* use STDOUT for writing the image data... */ image_output_file = stdout; /* write the image out in PNG format */ gdImagePng(map_image, image_output_file); /* or we could write the image out in JPG format... */ /*gdImageJpeg(map_image,image_output_file,99);*/ return; } /* cleanup graphics resources */ void cleanup_graphics(void) { if(create_type == CREATE_HTML) return; /* free memory allocated to image */ gdImageDestroy(map_image); return; } /******************************************************************/ /************************* MISC FUNCTIONS *************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* write JavaScript code an layer for popup window */ void write_popup_code(void) { char *border_color = "#000000"; char *background_color = "#ffffcc"; int border = 1; int padding = 3; int x_offset = 3; int y_offset = 3; printf("\n"); return; } /* adds a layer to the list in memory */ int add_layer(char *group_name) { layer *new_layer; if(group_name == NULL) return ERROR; /* allocate memory for a new layer */ new_layer = (layer *)malloc(sizeof(layer)); if(new_layer == NULL) return ERROR; new_layer->layer_name = (char *)malloc(strlen(group_name) + 1); if(new_layer->layer_name == NULL) { free(new_layer); return ERROR; } strcpy(new_layer->layer_name, group_name); /* add new layer to head of layer list */ new_layer->next = layer_list; layer_list = new_layer; return OK; } /* frees memory allocated to the layer list */ void free_layer_list(void) { layer *this_layer; layer *next_layer; return; for(this_layer = layer_list; layer_list != NULL; this_layer = next_layer) { next_layer = this_layer->next; free(this_layer->layer_name); free(this_layer); } return; } /* checks to see if a host is in the layer list */ int is_host_in_layer_list(host *hst) { hostgroup *temp_hostgroup; layer *temp_layer; if(hst == NULL) return FALSE; /* check each layer... */ for(temp_layer = layer_list; temp_layer != NULL; temp_layer = temp_layer->next) { /* find the hostgroup */ temp_hostgroup = find_hostgroup(temp_layer->layer_name); if(temp_hostgroup == NULL) continue; /* is the requested host a member of the hostgroup/layer? */ if(is_host_member_of_hostgroup(temp_hostgroup, hst) == TRUE) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* print layer url info */ void print_layer_url(int get_method) { layer *temp_layer; for(temp_layer = layer_list; temp_layer != NULL; temp_layer = temp_layer->next) { if(get_method == TRUE) printf("&layer=%s", escape_string(temp_layer->layer_name)); else printf("\n", escape_string(temp_layer->layer_name)); } if(get_method == TRUE) printf("&layermode=%s", (exclude_layers == TRUE) ? "exclude" : "include"); else printf("\n", (exclude_layers == TRUE) ? "exclude" : "include"); return; } /******************************************************************/ /************************ UTILITY FUNCTIONS ***********************/ /******************************************************************/ /* calculates how many "layers" separate parent and child - used by collapsed tree layout method */ int host_child_depth_separation(host *parent, host *child) { int this_depth = 0; int min_depth = 0; int have_min_depth = FALSE; host *temp_host; if(child == NULL) return -1; if(parent == child) return 0; if(is_host_immediate_child_of_host(parent, child) == TRUE) return 1; for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { if(is_host_immediate_child_of_host(parent, temp_host) == TRUE) { this_depth = host_child_depth_separation(temp_host, child); if(this_depth >= 0 && (have_min_depth == FALSE || (have_min_depth == TRUE && (this_depth < min_depth)))) { have_min_depth = TRUE; min_depth = this_depth; } } } if(have_min_depth == FALSE) return -1; else return min_depth + 1; } /* calculates how many hosts reside on a specific "layer" - used by collapsed tree layout method */ int number_of_host_layer_members(host *parent, int layer) { int current_layer; int layer_members = 0; host *temp_host; for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { current_layer = host_child_depth_separation(parent, temp_host); if(current_layer == layer) layer_members++; } return layer_members; } /* calculate max number of members on all "layers" beneath and including parent host - used by collapsed tree layout method */ int max_child_host_layer_members(host *parent) { int current_layer; int max_members = 1; int current_members = 0; for(current_layer = 1;; current_layer++) { current_members = number_of_host_layer_members(parent, current_layer); if(current_members <= 0) break; if(current_members > max_members) max_members = current_members; } return max_members; } /* calculate max drawing width for host and children - used by balanced tree layout method */ int max_child_host_drawing_width(host *parent) { host *temp_host; int child_width = 0; for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { if(is_host_immediate_child_of_host(parent, temp_host) == TRUE) child_width += max_child_host_drawing_width(temp_host); } /* no children, so set width to 1 for this host */ if(child_width == 0) return 1; else return child_width; } /* calculates number of services associated with a particular service */ int number_of_host_services(host *hst) { service *temp_service; int total_services = 0; if(hst == NULL) return 0; /* check all the services */ for(temp_service = service_list; temp_service != NULL; temp_service = temp_service->next) { if(!strcmp(temp_service->host_name, hst->name)) total_services++; } return total_services; } /******************************************************************/ /***************** COORDINATE CALCULATION FUNCTIONS ***************/ /******************************************************************/ /* calculates coords of a host's children - used by balanced tree layout method */ void calculate_balanced_tree_coords(host *parent, int x, int y) { int parent_drawing_width; int start_drawing_x; int current_drawing_x; int this_drawing_width; host *temp_host; /* calculate total drawing width of parent host */ parent_drawing_width = max_child_host_drawing_width(parent); /* calculate starting x coord */ start_drawing_x = x - (((DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * parent_drawing_width) + (DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING * (parent_drawing_width - 1))) / 2); current_drawing_x = start_drawing_x; /* calculate coords for children */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { if(is_host_immediate_child_of_host(parent, temp_host) == TRUE) { /* get drawing width of child host */ this_drawing_width = max_child_host_drawing_width(temp_host); temp_host->x_2d = current_drawing_x + (((DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH * this_drawing_width) + (DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING * (this_drawing_width - 1))) / 2); temp_host->y_2d = y + DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT + DEFAULT_NODE_VSPACING; temp_host->have_2d_coords = TRUE; temp_host->should_be_drawn = TRUE; current_drawing_x += (this_drawing_width * DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH) + ((this_drawing_width - 1) * DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING) + DEFAULT_NODE_HSPACING; /* recurse into child host ... */ calculate_balanced_tree_coords(temp_host, temp_host->x_2d, temp_host->y_2d); } } return; } /* calculate coords of all hosts in circular layout method */ void calculate_circular_coords(void) { int min_x = 0; int min_y = 0; int have_min_x = FALSE; int have_min_y = FALSE; host *temp_host; /* calculate all host coords, starting with first layer */ calculate_circular_layer_coords(NULL, 0.0, 360.0, 1, CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS); /* adjust all calculated coords so none are negative in x or y axis... */ /* calculate min x, y coords */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { if(have_min_x == FALSE || temp_host->x_2d < min_x) { have_min_x = TRUE; min_x = temp_host->x_2d; } if(have_min_y == FALSE || temp_host->y_2d < min_y) { have_min_y = TRUE; min_y = temp_host->y_2d; } } /* offset all drawing coords by the min x,y coords we found */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { if(min_x < 0) temp_host->x_2d -= min_x; if(min_y < 0) temp_host->y_2d -= min_y; } if(min_x < 0) nagios_icon_x -= min_x; if(min_y < 0) nagios_icon_y -= min_y; for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { temp_host->x_2d += (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2); temp_host->y_2d += (DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT / 2); } nagios_icon_x += (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2); nagios_icon_y += (DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT / 2); return; } /* calculates coords of all hosts in a particular "layer" in circular layout method */ void calculate_circular_layer_coords(host *parent, double start_angle, double useable_angle, int layer, int radius) { int parent_drawing_width = 0; int this_drawing_width = 0; int immediate_children = 0; double current_drawing_angle = 0.0; double this_drawing_angle = 0.0; double available_angle = 0.0; double clipped_available_angle = 0.0; double average_child_angle = 0.0; double x_coord = 0.0; double y_coord = 0.0; host *temp_host; /* get the total number of immediate children to this host */ immediate_children = number_of_immediate_child_hosts(parent); /* bail out if we're done */ if(immediate_children == 0) return; /* calculate total drawing "width" of parent host */ parent_drawing_width = max_child_host_drawing_width(parent); /* calculate average angle given to each child host */ average_child_angle = (double)(useable_angle / (double)immediate_children); /* calculate initial drawing angle */ current_drawing_angle = start_angle; /* calculate coords for children */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { if(is_host_immediate_child_of_host(parent, temp_host) == TRUE) { /* get drawing width of child host */ this_drawing_width = max_child_host_drawing_width(temp_host); /* calculate angle this host gets for drawing */ available_angle = useable_angle * ((double)this_drawing_width / (double)parent_drawing_width); /* clip available angle if necessary */ /* this isn't really necessary, but helps keep things looking a bit more sane with less potential connection crossover */ clipped_available_angle = 360.0 / layer; if(available_angle < clipped_available_angle) clipped_available_angle = available_angle; /* calculate the exact angle at which we should draw this child */ this_drawing_angle = current_drawing_angle + (available_angle / 2.0); /* compensate for angle overflow */ while(this_drawing_angle >= 360.0) this_drawing_angle -= 360.0; while(this_drawing_angle < 0.0) this_drawing_angle += 360.0; /* calculate drawing coords of this host using good ol' geometry... */ x_coord = -(sin(-this_drawing_angle * (M_PI / 180.0)) * radius); y_coord = -(sin((90 + this_drawing_angle) * (M_PI / 180.0)) * radius); temp_host->x_2d = (int)x_coord; temp_host->y_2d = (int)y_coord; temp_host->have_2d_coords = TRUE; temp_host->should_be_drawn = TRUE; /* recurse into child host ... */ calculate_circular_layer_coords(temp_host, current_drawing_angle + ((available_angle - clipped_available_angle) / 2), clipped_available_angle, layer + 1, radius + CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS); /* increment current drawing angle */ current_drawing_angle += available_angle; } } return; } /* draws background "extras" for all hosts in circular markup layout */ void draw_circular_markup(void) { /* calculate all host sections, starting with first layer */ draw_circular_layer_markup(NULL, 0.0, 360.0, 1, CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS); return; } /* draws background "extras" for all hosts in a particular "layer" in circular markup layout */ void draw_circular_layer_markup(host *parent, double start_angle, double useable_angle, int layer, int radius) { int parent_drawing_width = 0; int this_drawing_width = 0; int immediate_children = 0; double current_drawing_angle = 0.0; double available_angle = 0.0; double clipped_available_angle = 0.0; double average_child_angle = 0.0; double x_coord[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; double y_coord[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; hoststatus *temp_hoststatus; host *temp_host; int x_offset = 0; int y_offset = 0; int center_x = 0; int center_y = 0; int bgcolor = 0; double arc_start_angle = 0.0; double arc_end_angle = 0.0; int translated_x = 0; int translated_y = 0; /* get the total number of immediate children to this host */ immediate_children = number_of_immediate_child_hosts(parent); /* bail out if we're done */ if(immediate_children == 0) return; /* calculate total drawing "width" of parent host */ parent_drawing_width = max_child_host_drawing_width(parent); /* calculate average angle given to each child host */ average_child_angle = (double)(useable_angle / (double)immediate_children); /* calculate initial drawing angle */ current_drawing_angle = start_angle; /* calculate coords for children */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { if(is_host_immediate_child_of_host(parent, temp_host) == TRUE) { /* get drawing width of child host */ this_drawing_width = max_child_host_drawing_width(temp_host); /* calculate angle this host gets for drawing */ available_angle = useable_angle * ((double)this_drawing_width / (double)parent_drawing_width); /* clip available angle if necessary */ /* this isn't really necessary, but helps keep things looking a bit more sane with less potential connection crossover */ clipped_available_angle = 360.0 / layer; if(available_angle < clipped_available_angle) clipped_available_angle = available_angle; /* calculate drawing coords of "leftmost" divider using good ol' geometry... */ x_coord[0] = -(sin(-current_drawing_angle * (M_PI / 180.0)) * (radius - (CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS / 2))); y_coord[0] = -(sin((90 + current_drawing_angle) * (M_PI / 180.0)) * (radius - (CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS / 2))); x_coord[1] = -(sin(-current_drawing_angle * (M_PI / 180.0)) * (radius + (CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS / 2))); y_coord[1] = -(sin((90 + current_drawing_angle) * (M_PI / 180.0)) * (radius + (CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS / 2))); /* calculate drawing coords of "rightmost" divider using good ol' geometry... */ x_coord[2] = -(sin((-(current_drawing_angle + available_angle)) * (M_PI / 180.0)) * (radius - (CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS / 2))); y_coord[2] = -(sin((90 + current_drawing_angle + available_angle) * (M_PI / 180.0)) * (radius - (CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS / 2))); x_coord[3] = -(sin((-(current_drawing_angle + available_angle)) * (M_PI / 180.0)) * (radius + (CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS / 2))); y_coord[3] = -(sin((90 + current_drawing_angle + available_angle) * (M_PI / 180.0)) * (radius + (CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS / 2))); x_offset = nagios_icon_x + (DEFAULT_NODE_WIDTH / 2) - canvas_x; y_offset = nagios_icon_y + (DEFAULT_NODE_HEIGHT / 2) - canvas_y; /* draw "slice" dividers */ if(immediate_children > 1 || layer > 1) { /* draw "leftmost" divider */ gdImageLine(map_image, (int)x_coord[0] + x_offset, (int)y_coord[0] + y_offset, (int)x_coord[1] + x_offset, (int)y_coord[1] + y_offset, color_lightgrey); /* draw "rightmost" divider */ gdImageLine(map_image, (int)x_coord[2] + x_offset, (int)y_coord[2] + y_offset, (int)x_coord[3] + x_offset, (int)y_coord[3] + y_offset, color_lightgrey); } /* determine arc drawing angles */ arc_start_angle = current_drawing_angle - 90.0; while(arc_start_angle < 0.0) arc_start_angle += 360.0; arc_end_angle = arc_start_angle + available_angle; /* draw inner arc */ gdImageArc(map_image, x_offset, y_offset, (radius - (CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS / 2)) * 2, (radius - (CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS / 2)) * 2, floor(arc_start_angle), ceil(arc_end_angle), color_lightgrey); /* draw outer arc */ gdImageArc(map_image, x_offset, y_offset, (radius + (CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS / 2)) * 2, (radius + (CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS / 2)) * 2, floor(arc_start_angle), ceil(arc_end_angle), color_lightgrey); /* determine center of "slice" and fill with appropriate color */ center_x = -(sin(-(current_drawing_angle + (available_angle / 2.0)) * (M_PI / 180.0)) * (radius)); center_y = -(sin((90 + current_drawing_angle + (available_angle / 2.0)) * (M_PI / 180.0)) * (radius)); translated_x = center_x + x_offset; translated_y = center_y + y_offset; /* determine background color */ temp_hoststatus = find_hoststatus(temp_host->name); if(temp_hoststatus == NULL) bgcolor = color_lightgrey; else if(temp_hoststatus->status == HOST_DOWN || temp_hoststatus->status == HOST_UNREACHABLE) bgcolor = color_lightred; else bgcolor = color_lightgreen; /* fill slice with background color */ /* the fill function only works with coordinates that are in bounds of the actual image */ if(translated_x > 0 && translated_y > 0 && translated_x < canvas_width && translated_y < canvas_height) gdImageFillToBorder(map_image, translated_x, translated_y, color_lightgrey, bgcolor); /* recurse into child host ... */ draw_circular_layer_markup(temp_host, current_drawing_angle + ((available_angle - clipped_available_angle) / 2), clipped_available_angle, layer + 1, radius + CIRCULAR_DRAWING_RADIUS); /* increment current drawing angle */ current_drawing_angle += available_angle; } } return; }