/***************************************************************************** * * CONFIG.C - Configuration input and verification routines for Nagios * * Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Ethan Galstad (egalstad@nagios.org) * Last Modified: 12-14-2008 * * License: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "../include/config.h" #include "../include/common.h" #include "../include/objects.h" #include "../include/macros.h" #include "../include/nagios.h" #include "../include/broker.h" #include "../include/nebmods.h" #include "../include/nebmodules.h" extern char *log_file; extern char *command_file; extern char *temp_file; extern char *temp_path; extern char *check_result_path; extern char *lock_file; extern char *log_archive_path; extern char *auth_file; extern char *p1_file; extern char *nagios_user; extern char *nagios_group; extern char *macro_user[MAX_USER_MACROS]; extern char *global_host_event_handler; extern char *global_service_event_handler; extern command *global_host_event_handler_ptr; extern command *global_service_event_handler_ptr; extern char *ocsp_command; extern char *ochp_command; extern command *ocsp_command_ptr; extern command *ochp_command_ptr; extern char *illegal_object_chars; extern char *illegal_output_chars; extern int use_regexp_matches; extern int use_true_regexp_matching; extern int use_syslog; extern int log_notifications; extern int log_service_retries; extern int log_host_retries; extern int log_event_handlers; extern int log_external_commands; extern int log_passive_checks; extern int service_check_timeout; extern int service_check_timeout_state; extern int host_check_timeout; extern int event_handler_timeout; extern int notification_timeout; extern int ocsp_timeout; extern int ochp_timeout; extern int log_initial_states; extern int daemon_mode; extern int daemon_dumps_core; extern int verify_config; extern int verify_object_relationships; extern int verify_circular_paths; extern int test_scheduling; extern int precache_objects; extern int use_precached_objects; extern double sleep_time; extern int interval_length; extern int service_inter_check_delay_method; extern int host_inter_check_delay_method; extern int service_interleave_factor_method; extern int max_host_check_spread; extern int max_service_check_spread; extern sched_info scheduling_info; extern int max_child_process_time; extern int max_parallel_service_checks; extern int command_check_interval; extern int check_reaper_interval; extern int max_check_reaper_time; extern int service_freshness_check_interval; extern int host_freshness_check_interval; extern int auto_rescheduling_interval; extern int auto_rescheduling_window; extern int check_external_commands; extern int check_orphaned_services; extern int check_orphaned_hosts; extern int check_service_freshness; extern int check_host_freshness; extern int auto_reschedule_checks; extern int additional_freshness_latency; extern int check_for_updates; extern int bare_update_check; extern int use_aggressive_host_checking; extern unsigned long cached_host_check_horizon; extern unsigned long cached_service_check_horizon; extern int enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks; extern int enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks; extern int soft_state_dependencies; extern int retain_state_information; extern int retention_update_interval; extern int use_retained_program_state; extern int use_retained_scheduling_info; extern int retention_scheduling_horizon; extern unsigned long retained_host_attribute_mask; extern unsigned long retained_service_attribute_mask; extern unsigned long retained_contact_host_attribute_mask; extern unsigned long retained_contact_service_attribute_mask; extern unsigned long retained_process_host_attribute_mask; extern unsigned long retained_process_service_attribute_mask; extern int log_rotation_method; extern int enable_notifications; extern int execute_service_checks; extern int accept_passive_service_checks; extern int execute_host_checks; extern int accept_passive_host_checks; extern int enable_event_handlers; extern int obsess_over_services; extern int obsess_over_hosts; extern int enable_failure_prediction; extern int translate_passive_host_checks; extern int passive_host_checks_are_soft; extern int aggregate_status_updates; extern int status_update_interval; extern int time_change_threshold; extern unsigned long event_broker_options; extern int process_performance_data; extern int enable_flap_detection; extern double low_service_flap_threshold; extern double high_service_flap_threshold; extern double low_host_flap_threshold; extern double high_host_flap_threshold; extern int use_large_installation_tweaks; extern int enable_environment_macros; extern int free_child_process_memory; extern int child_processes_fork_twice; extern int enable_embedded_perl; extern int use_embedded_perl_implicitly; extern int date_format; extern char *use_timezone; extern contact *contact_list; extern contactgroup *contactgroup_list; extern host *host_list; extern hostgroup *hostgroup_list; extern service *service_list; extern servicegroup *servicegroup_list; extern notification *notification_list; extern command *command_list; extern timeperiod *timeperiod_list; extern serviceescalation *serviceescalation_list; extern servicedependency *servicedependency_list; extern hostdependency *hostdependency_list; extern hostescalation *hostescalation_list; extern host **host_hashlist; extern service **service_hashlist; extern int external_command_buffer_slots; extern unsigned long max_check_result_file_age; extern char *debug_file; extern int debug_level; extern int debug_verbosity; extern unsigned long max_debug_file_size; extern int allow_empty_hostgroup_assignment; /******************************************************************/ /************** CONFIGURATION INPUT FUNCTIONS *********************/ /******************************************************************/ /* read all configuration data */ int read_all_object_data(char *main_config_file) { int result = OK; int options = 0; int cache = FALSE; int precache = FALSE; options = READ_ALL_OBJECT_DATA; /* cache object definitions if we're up and running */ if(verify_config == FALSE && test_scheduling == FALSE) cache = TRUE; /* precache object definitions */ if(precache_objects == TRUE && (verify_config == TRUE || test_scheduling == TRUE)) precache = TRUE; /* read in all host configuration data from external sources */ result = read_object_config_data(main_config_file, options, cache, precache); if(result != OK) return ERROR; return OK; } /* process the main configuration file */ int read_main_config_file(char *main_config_file) { char *input = NULL; char *variable = NULL; char *value = NULL; char *error_message = NULL; char *temp_ptr = NULL; mmapfile *thefile = NULL; int current_line = 0; int error = FALSE; int command_check_interval_is_seconds = FALSE; char *modptr = NULL; char *argptr = NULL; DIR *tmpdir = NULL; nagios_macros *mac; mac = get_global_macros(); /* open the config file for reading */ if((thefile = mmap_fopen(main_config_file)) == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Cannot open main configuration file '%s' for reading!", main_config_file); return ERROR; } /* save the main config file macro */ my_free(mac->x[MACRO_MAINCONFIGFILE]); if((mac->x[MACRO_MAINCONFIGFILE] = (char *)strdup(main_config_file))) strip(mac->x[MACRO_MAINCONFIGFILE]); /* process all lines in the config file */ while(1) { /* free memory */ my_free(input); my_free(variable); my_free(value); /* read the next line */ if((input = mmap_fgets_multiline(thefile)) == NULL) break; current_line = thefile->current_line; strip(input); /* skip blank lines and comments */ if(input[0] == '\x0' || input[0] == '#') continue; /* get the variable name */ if((temp_ptr = my_strtok(input, "=")) == NULL) { asprintf(&error_message, "NULL variable"); error = TRUE; break; } if((variable = (char *)strdup(temp_ptr)) == NULL) { asprintf(&error_message, "malloc() error"); error = TRUE; break; } /* get the value */ if((temp_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\n")) == NULL) { asprintf(&error_message, "NULL value"); error = TRUE; break; } if((value = (char *)strdup(temp_ptr)) == NULL) { asprintf(&error_message, "malloc() error"); error = TRUE; break; } strip(variable); strip(value); /* process the variable/value */ if(!strcmp(variable, "resource_file")) { /* save the macro */ my_free(mac->x[MACRO_RESOURCEFILE]); mac->x[MACRO_RESOURCEFILE] = (char *)strdup(value); /* process the resource file */ read_resource_file(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "log_file")) { if(strlen(value) > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Log file is too long"); error = TRUE; break; } my_free(log_file); log_file = (char *)strdup(value); /* save the macro */ my_free(mac->x[MACRO_LOGFILE]); mac->x[MACRO_LOGFILE] = (char *)strdup(log_file); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "debug_level")) debug_level = atoi(value); else if(!strcmp(variable, "debug_verbosity")) debug_verbosity = atoi(value); else if(!strcmp(variable, "debug_file")) { if(strlen(value) > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Debug log file is too long"); error = TRUE; break; } my_free(debug_file); debug_file = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "max_debug_file_size")) max_debug_file_size = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); else if(!strcmp(variable, "command_file")) { if(strlen(value) > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Command file is too long"); error = TRUE; break; } my_free(command_file); command_file = (char *)strdup(value); /* save the macro */ my_free(mac->x[MACRO_COMMANDFILE]); mac->x[MACRO_COMMANDFILE] = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "temp_file")) { if(strlen(value) > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Temp file is too long"); error = TRUE; break; } my_free(temp_file); temp_file = (char *)strdup(value); /* save the macro */ my_free(mac->x[MACRO_TEMPFILE]); mac->x[MACRO_TEMPFILE] = (char *)strdup(temp_file); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "temp_path")) { if(strlen(value) > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Temp path is too long"); error = TRUE; break; } if((tmpdir = opendir((char *)value)) == NULL) { asprintf(&error_message, "Temp path is not a valid directory"); error = TRUE; break; } closedir(tmpdir); my_free(temp_path); if((temp_path = (char *)strdup(value))) { strip(temp_path); /* make sure we don't have a trailing slash */ if(temp_path[strlen(temp_path) - 1] == '/') temp_path[strlen(temp_path) - 1] = '\x0'; } /* save the macro */ my_free(mac->x[MACRO_TEMPPATH]); mac->x[MACRO_TEMPPATH] = (char *)strdup(temp_path); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "check_result_path")) { if(strlen(value) > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Check result path is too long"); error = TRUE; break; } if((tmpdir = opendir((char *)value)) == NULL) { asprintf(&error_message, "Check result path is not a valid directory"); error = TRUE; break; } closedir(tmpdir); my_free(temp_path); if((temp_path = (char *)strdup(value))) { strip(temp_path); /* make sure we don't have a trailing slash */ if(temp_path[strlen(temp_path) - 1] == '/') temp_path[strlen(temp_path) - 1] = '\x0'; } my_free(check_result_path); check_result_path = (char *)strdup(temp_path); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "max_check_result_file_age")) max_check_result_file_age = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); else if(!strcmp(variable, "lock_file")) { if(strlen(value) > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Lock file is too long"); error = TRUE; break; } my_free(lock_file); lock_file = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "global_host_event_handler")) { my_free(global_host_event_handler); global_host_event_handler = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "global_service_event_handler")) { my_free(global_service_event_handler); global_service_event_handler = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "ocsp_command")) { my_free(ocsp_command); ocsp_command = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "ochp_command")) { my_free(ochp_command); ochp_command = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "nagios_user")) { my_free(nagios_user); nagios_user = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "nagios_group")) { my_free(nagios_group); nagios_group = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "admin_email")) { /* save the macro */ my_free(mac->x[MACRO_ADMINEMAIL]); mac->x[MACRO_ADMINEMAIL] = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "admin_pager")) { /* save the macro */ my_free(mac->x[MACRO_ADMINPAGER]); mac->x[MACRO_ADMINPAGER] = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "use_syslog")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for use_syslog"); error = TRUE; break; } use_syslog = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "log_notifications")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for log_notifications"); error = TRUE; break; } log_notifications = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "log_service_retries")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for log_service_retries"); error = TRUE; break; } log_service_retries = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "log_host_retries")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for log_host_retries"); error = TRUE; break; } log_host_retries = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "log_event_handlers")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for log_event_handlers"); error = TRUE; break; } log_event_handlers = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "log_external_commands")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for log_external_commands"); error = TRUE; break; } log_external_commands = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "log_passive_checks")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for log_passive_checks"); error = TRUE; break; } log_passive_checks = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "log_initial_states")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for log_initial_states"); error = TRUE; break; } log_initial_states = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "retain_state_information")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for retain_state_information"); error = TRUE; break; } retain_state_information = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "retention_update_interval")) { retention_update_interval = atoi(value); if(retention_update_interval < 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for retention_update_interval"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "use_retained_program_state")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for use_retained_program_state"); error = TRUE; break; } use_retained_program_state = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "use_retained_scheduling_info")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for use_retained_scheduling_info"); error = TRUE; break; } use_retained_scheduling_info = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "retention_scheduling_horizon")) { retention_scheduling_horizon = atoi(value); if(retention_scheduling_horizon <= 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for retention_scheduling_horizon"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "additional_freshness_latency")) additional_freshness_latency = atoi(value); else if(!strcmp(variable, "retained_host_attribute_mask")) retained_host_attribute_mask = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); else if(!strcmp(variable, "retained_service_attribute_mask")) retained_service_attribute_mask = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); else if(!strcmp(variable, "retained_process_host_attribute_mask")) retained_process_host_attribute_mask = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); else if(!strcmp(variable, "retained_process_service_attribute_mask")) retained_process_service_attribute_mask = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); else if(!strcmp(variable, "retained_contact_host_attribute_mask")) retained_contact_host_attribute_mask = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); else if(!strcmp(variable, "retained_contact_service_attribute_mask")) retained_contact_service_attribute_mask = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); else if(!strcmp(variable, "obsess_over_services")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for obsess_over_services"); error = TRUE; break; } obsess_over_services = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "obsess_over_hosts")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for obsess_over_hosts"); error = TRUE; break; } obsess_over_hosts = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "translate_passive_host_checks")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for translate_passive_host_checks"); error = TRUE; break; } translate_passive_host_checks = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "passive_host_checks_are_soft")) passive_host_checks_are_soft = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "service_check_timeout")) { service_check_timeout = atoi(value); if(service_check_timeout <= 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for service_check_timeout"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "service_check_timeout_state")) { if(!strcmp(value, "o")) service_check_timeout_state = STATE_OK; else if(!strcmp(value, "w")) service_check_timeout_state = STATE_WARNING; else if(!strcmp(value, "c")) service_check_timeout_state = STATE_CRITICAL; else if(!strcmp(value, "u")) service_check_timeout_state = STATE_UNKNOWN; else { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for service_check_timeout_state"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "host_check_timeout")) { host_check_timeout = atoi(value); if(host_check_timeout <= 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for host_check_timeout"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "event_handler_timeout")) { event_handler_timeout = atoi(value); if(event_handler_timeout <= 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for event_handler_timeout"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "notification_timeout")) { notification_timeout = atoi(value); if(notification_timeout <= 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for notification_timeout"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "ocsp_timeout")) { ocsp_timeout = atoi(value); if(ocsp_timeout <= 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for ocsp_timeout"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "ochp_timeout")) { ochp_timeout = atoi(value); if(ochp_timeout <= 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for ochp_timeout"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "use_agressive_host_checking") || !strcmp(variable, "use_aggressive_host_checking")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for use_aggressive_host_checking"); error = TRUE; break; } use_aggressive_host_checking = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "cached_host_check_horizon")) cached_host_check_horizon = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); else if(!strcmp(variable, "enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks")) enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "cached_service_check_horizon")) cached_service_check_horizon = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); else if(!strcmp(variable, "enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks")) enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "soft_state_dependencies")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for soft_state_dependencies"); error = TRUE; break; } soft_state_dependencies = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "log_rotation_method")) { if(!strcmp(value, "n")) log_rotation_method = LOG_ROTATION_NONE; else if(!strcmp(value, "h")) log_rotation_method = LOG_ROTATION_HOURLY; else if(!strcmp(value, "d")) log_rotation_method = LOG_ROTATION_DAILY; else if(!strcmp(value, "w")) log_rotation_method = LOG_ROTATION_WEEKLY; else if(!strcmp(value, "m")) log_rotation_method = LOG_ROTATION_MONTHLY; else { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for log_rotation_method"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "log_archive_path")) { if(strlen(value) > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Log archive path too long"); error = TRUE; break; } my_free(log_archive_path); log_archive_path = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "enable_event_handlers")) enable_event_handlers = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "enable_notifications")) enable_notifications = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "execute_service_checks")) execute_service_checks = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "accept_passive_service_checks")) accept_passive_service_checks = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "execute_host_checks")) execute_host_checks = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "accept_passive_host_checks")) accept_passive_host_checks = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "service_inter_check_delay_method")) { if(!strcmp(value, "n")) service_inter_check_delay_method = ICD_NONE; else if(!strcmp(value, "d")) service_inter_check_delay_method = ICD_DUMB; else if(!strcmp(value, "s")) service_inter_check_delay_method = ICD_SMART; else { service_inter_check_delay_method = ICD_USER; scheduling_info.service_inter_check_delay = strtod(value, NULL); if(scheduling_info.service_inter_check_delay <= 0.0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for service_inter_check_delay_method"); error = TRUE; break; } } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "max_service_check_spread")) { strip(value); max_service_check_spread = atoi(value); if(max_service_check_spread < 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for max_service_check_spread"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "host_inter_check_delay_method")) { if(!strcmp(value, "n")) host_inter_check_delay_method = ICD_NONE; else if(!strcmp(value, "d")) host_inter_check_delay_method = ICD_DUMB; else if(!strcmp(value, "s")) host_inter_check_delay_method = ICD_SMART; else { host_inter_check_delay_method = ICD_USER; scheduling_info.host_inter_check_delay = strtod(value, NULL); if(scheduling_info.host_inter_check_delay <= 0.0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for host_inter_check_delay_method"); error = TRUE; break; } } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "max_host_check_spread")) { max_host_check_spread = atoi(value); if(max_host_check_spread < 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for max_host_check_spread"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "service_interleave_factor")) { if(!strcmp(value, "s")) service_interleave_factor_method = ILF_SMART; else { service_interleave_factor_method = ILF_USER; scheduling_info.service_interleave_factor = atoi(value); if(scheduling_info.service_interleave_factor < 1) scheduling_info.service_interleave_factor = 1; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "max_concurrent_checks")) { max_parallel_service_checks = atoi(value); if(max_parallel_service_checks < 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for max_concurrent_checks"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "check_result_reaper_frequency") || !strcmp(variable, "service_reaper_frequency")) { check_reaper_interval = atoi(value); if(check_reaper_interval < 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for check_result_reaper_frequency"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "max_check_result_reaper_time")) { max_check_reaper_time = atoi(value); if(max_check_reaper_time < 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for max_check_result_reaper_time"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "sleep_time")) { sleep_time = atof(value); if(sleep_time <= 0.0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for sleep_time"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "interval_length")) { interval_length = atoi(value); if(interval_length < 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for interval_length"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "check_external_commands")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for check_external_commands"); error = TRUE; break; } check_external_commands = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "command_check_interval")) { command_check_interval_is_seconds = (strstr(value, "s")) ? TRUE : FALSE; command_check_interval = atoi(value); if(command_check_interval < -1 || command_check_interval == 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for command_check_interval"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "check_for_orphaned_services")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for check_for_orphaned_services"); error = TRUE; break; } check_orphaned_services = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "check_for_orphaned_hosts")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for check_for_orphaned_hosts"); error = TRUE; break; } check_orphaned_hosts = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "check_service_freshness")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for check_service_freshness"); error = TRUE; break; } check_service_freshness = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "check_host_freshness")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for check_host_freshness"); error = TRUE; break; } check_host_freshness = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "service_freshness_check_interval") || !strcmp(variable, "freshness_check_interval")) { service_freshness_check_interval = atoi(value); if(service_freshness_check_interval <= 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for service_freshness_check_interval"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "host_freshness_check_interval")) { host_freshness_check_interval = atoi(value); if(host_freshness_check_interval <= 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for host_freshness_check_interval"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "auto_reschedule_checks")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for auto_reschedule_checks"); error = TRUE; break; } auto_reschedule_checks = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "auto_rescheduling_interval")) { auto_rescheduling_interval = atoi(value); if(auto_rescheduling_interval <= 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for auto_rescheduling_interval"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "auto_rescheduling_window")) { auto_rescheduling_window = atoi(value); if(auto_rescheduling_window <= 0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for auto_rescheduling_window"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "aggregate_status_updates")) { /* DEPRECATED - ALL UPDATED ARE AGGREGATED AS OF NAGIOS 3.X */ /*aggregate_status_updates=(atoi(value)>0)?TRUE:FALSE;*/ logit(NSLOG_CONFIG_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: aggregate_status_updates directive ignored. All status file updates are now aggregated."); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "status_update_interval")) { status_update_interval = atoi(value); if(status_update_interval <= 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for status_update_interval"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "time_change_threshold")) { time_change_threshold = atoi(value); if(time_change_threshold <= 5) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for time_change_threshold"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "process_performance_data")) process_performance_data = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "enable_flap_detection")) enable_flap_detection = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "enable_failure_prediction")) enable_failure_prediction = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "low_service_flap_threshold")) { low_service_flap_threshold = strtod(value, NULL); if(low_service_flap_threshold <= 0.0 || low_service_flap_threshold >= 100.0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for low_service_flap_threshold"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "high_service_flap_threshold")) { high_service_flap_threshold = strtod(value, NULL); if(high_service_flap_threshold <= 0.0 || high_service_flap_threshold > 100.0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for high_service_flap_threshold"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "low_host_flap_threshold")) { low_host_flap_threshold = strtod(value, NULL); if(low_host_flap_threshold <= 0.0 || low_host_flap_threshold >= 100.0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for low_host_flap_threshold"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "high_host_flap_threshold")) { high_host_flap_threshold = strtod(value, NULL); if(high_host_flap_threshold <= 0.0 || high_host_flap_threshold > 100.0) { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for high_host_flap_threshold"); error = TRUE; break; } } else if(!strcmp(variable, "date_format")) { if(!strcmp(value, "euro")) date_format = DATE_FORMAT_EURO; else if(!strcmp(value, "iso8601")) date_format = DATE_FORMAT_ISO8601; else if(!strcmp(value, "strict-iso8601")) date_format = DATE_FORMAT_STRICT_ISO8601; else date_format = DATE_FORMAT_US; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "use_timezone")) { my_free(use_timezone); use_timezone = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "p1_file")) { if(strlen(value) > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "P1 file is too long"); error = TRUE; break; } my_free(p1_file); p1_file = (char *)strdup(value); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "event_broker_options")) { if(!strcmp(value, "-1")) event_broker_options = BROKER_EVERYTHING; else event_broker_options = strtoul(value, NULL, 0); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "illegal_object_name_chars")) illegal_object_chars = (char *)strdup(value); else if(!strcmp(variable, "illegal_macro_output_chars")) illegal_output_chars = (char *)strdup(value); else if(!strcmp(variable, "broker_module")) { modptr = strtok(value, " \n"); argptr = strtok(NULL, "\n"); #ifdef USE_EVENT_BROKER neb_add_module(modptr, argptr, TRUE); #endif } else if(!strcmp(variable, "use_regexp_matching")) use_regexp_matches = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "use_true_regexp_matching")) use_true_regexp_matching = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "daemon_dumps_core")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for daemon_dumps_core"); error = TRUE; break; } daemon_dumps_core = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "use_large_installation_tweaks")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for use_large_installation_tweaks "); error = TRUE; break; } use_large_installation_tweaks = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "enable_environment_macros")) enable_environment_macros = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "free_child_process_memory")) free_child_process_memory = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "child_processes_fork_twice")) child_processes_fork_twice = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "enable_embedded_perl")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for enable_embedded_perl"); error = TRUE; break; } enable_embedded_perl = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "use_embedded_perl_implicitly")) { if(strlen(value) != 1 || value[0] < '0' || value[0] > '1') { asprintf(&error_message, "Illegal value for use_embedded_perl_implicitly"); error = TRUE; break; } use_embedded_perl_implicitly = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else if(!strcmp(variable, "external_command_buffer_slots")) external_command_buffer_slots = atoi(value); else if(!strcmp(variable, "check_for_updates")) check_for_updates = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; else if(!strcmp(variable, "bare_update_check")) bare_update_check = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; /*** AUTH_FILE VARIABLE USED BY EMBEDDED PERL INTERPRETER ***/ else if(!strcmp(variable, "auth_file")) { if(strlen(value) > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH - 1) { asprintf(&error_message, "Auth file is too long"); error = TRUE; break; } my_free(auth_file); auth_file = (char *)strdup(value); } /* warn about old variables */ else if(!strcmp(variable, "comment_file") || !strcmp(variable, "xcddefault_comment_file")) { logit(NSLOG_CONFIG_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: comment_file variable ignored. Comments are now stored in the status and retention files."); } else if(!strcmp(variable, "downtime_file") || !strcmp(variable, "xdddefault_downtime_file")) { logit(NSLOG_CONFIG_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: downtime_file variable ignored. Downtime entries are now stored in the status and retention files."); } /* skip external data directives */ else if(strstr(input, "x") == input) continue; /* ignore external variables */ else if(!strcmp(variable, "status_file")) continue; else if(!strcmp(variable, "perfdata_timeout")) continue; else if(strstr(variable, "host_perfdata") == variable) continue; else if(strstr(variable, "service_perfdata") == variable) continue; else if(strstr(input, "cfg_file=") == input || strstr(input, "cfg_dir=") == input) continue; else if(strstr(input, "state_retention_file=") == input) continue; else if(strstr(input, "object_cache_file=") == input) continue; else if(strstr(input, "precached_object_file=") == input) continue; else if(!strcmp(variable, "allow_empty_hostgroup_assignment")) { allow_empty_hostgroup_assignment = (atoi(value) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } /* we don't know what this variable is... */ else { asprintf(&error_message, "UNKNOWN VARIABLE"); error = TRUE; break; } } /* adjust timezone values */ if(use_timezone != NULL) set_environment_var("TZ", use_timezone, 1); tzset(); /* adjust command check interval */ if(command_check_interval_is_seconds == FALSE && command_check_interval != -1) command_check_interval *= interval_length; /* adjust tweaks */ if(free_child_process_memory == -1) free_child_process_memory = (use_large_installation_tweaks == TRUE) ? FALSE : TRUE; if(child_processes_fork_twice == -1) child_processes_fork_twice = (use_large_installation_tweaks == TRUE) ? FALSE : TRUE; /* handle errors */ if(error == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, TRUE, "Error in configuration file '%s' - Line %d (%s)", main_config_file, current_line, (error_message == NULL) ? "NULL" : error_message); return ERROR; } /* free leftover memory and close the file */ my_free(input); mmap_fclose(thefile); /* free memory */ my_free(error_message); my_free(input); my_free(variable); my_free(value); /* make sure a log file has been specified */ strip(log_file); if(!strcmp(log_file, "")) { if(daemon_mode == FALSE) printf("Error: Log file is not specified anywhere in main config file '%s'!\n", main_config_file); return ERROR; } return OK; } /* processes macros in resource file */ int read_resource_file(char *resource_file) { char *input = NULL; char *variable = NULL; char *value = NULL; char *temp_ptr = NULL; mmapfile *thefile = NULL; int current_line = 1; int error = FALSE; int user_index = 0; if((thefile = mmap_fopen(resource_file)) == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Cannot open resource file '%s' for reading!", resource_file); return ERROR; } /* process all lines in the resource file */ while(1) { /* free memory */ my_free(input); my_free(variable); my_free(value); /* read the next line */ if((input = mmap_fgets_multiline(thefile)) == NULL) break; current_line = thefile->current_line; /* skip blank lines and comments */ if(input[0] == '#' || input[0] == '\x0' || input[0] == '\n' || input[0] == '\r') continue; strip(input); /* get the variable name */ if((temp_ptr = my_strtok(input, "=")) == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: NULL variable - Line %d of resource file '%s'", current_line, resource_file); error = TRUE; break; } if((variable = (char *)strdup(temp_ptr)) == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } /* get the value */ if((temp_ptr = my_strtok(NULL, "\n")) == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_CONFIG_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: NULL variable value - Line %d of resource file '%s'", current_line, resource_file); error = TRUE; break; } if((value = (char *)strdup(temp_ptr)) == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } /* what should we do with the variable/value pair? */ /* check for macro declarations */ if(variable[0] == '$' && variable[strlen(variable) - 1] == '$') { /* $USERx$ macro declarations */ if(strstr(variable, "$USER") == variable && strlen(variable) > 5) { user_index = atoi(variable + 5) - 1; if(user_index >= 0 && user_index < MAX_USER_MACROS) { my_free(macro_user[user_index]); macro_user[user_index] = (char *)strdup(value); } } } } /* free leftover memory and close the file */ my_free(input); mmap_fclose(thefile); /* free memory */ my_free(variable); my_free(value); if(error == TRUE) return ERROR; return OK; } /****************************************************************/ /**************** CONFIG VERIFICATION FUNCTIONS *****************/ /****************************************************************/ /* do a pre-flight check to make sure object relationships, etc. make sense */ int pre_flight_check(void) { host *temp_host = NULL; char *buf = NULL; service *temp_service = NULL; command *temp_command = NULL; char *temp_command_name = ""; int warnings = 0; int errors = 0; struct timeval tv[4]; double runtime[4]; int temp_path_fd = -1; if(test_scheduling == TRUE) gettimeofday(&tv[0], NULL); /********************************************/ /* check object relationships */ /********************************************/ pre_flight_object_check(&warnings, &errors); if(test_scheduling == TRUE) gettimeofday(&tv[1], NULL); /********************************************/ /* check for circular paths between hosts */ /********************************************/ pre_flight_circular_check(&warnings, &errors); if(test_scheduling == TRUE) gettimeofday(&tv[2], NULL); /********************************************/ /* check global event handler commands... */ /********************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking global event handlers...\n"); if(global_host_event_handler != NULL) { /* check the event handler command */ buf = (char *)strdup(global_host_event_handler); /* get the command name, leave any arguments behind */ temp_command_name = my_strtok(buf, "!"); temp_command = find_command(temp_command_name); if(temp_command == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Global host event handler command '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_command_name); errors++; } /* save the pointer to the command for later */ global_host_event_handler_ptr = temp_command; my_free(buf); } if(global_service_event_handler != NULL) { /* check the event handler command */ buf = (char *)strdup(global_service_event_handler); /* get the command name, leave any arguments behind */ temp_command_name = my_strtok(buf, "!"); temp_command = find_command(temp_command_name); if(temp_command == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Global service event handler command '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_command_name); errors++; } /* save the pointer to the command for later */ global_service_event_handler_ptr = temp_command; my_free(buf); } /**************************************************/ /* check obsessive processor commands... */ /**************************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking obsessive compulsive processor commands...\n"); if(ocsp_command != NULL) { buf = (char *)strdup(ocsp_command); /* get the command name, leave any arguments behind */ temp_command_name = my_strtok(buf, "!"); temp_command = find_command(temp_command_name); if(temp_command == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Obsessive compulsive service processor command '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_command_name); errors++; } /* save the pointer to the command for later */ ocsp_command_ptr = temp_command; my_free(buf); } if(ochp_command != NULL) { buf = (char *)strdup(ochp_command); /* get the command name, leave any arguments behind */ temp_command_name = my_strtok(buf, "!"); temp_command = find_command(temp_command_name); if(temp_command == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Obsessive compulsive host processor command '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_command_name); errors++; } /* save the pointer to the command for later */ ochp_command_ptr = temp_command; my_free(buf); } /**************************************************/ /* check various settings... */ /**************************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking misc settings...\n"); /* check if we can write to temp_path */ asprintf(&buf, "%s/nagiosXXXXXX", temp_path); if((temp_path_fd = mkstemp(buf)) == -1) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "\tError: Unable to write to temp_path ('%s') - %s\n", temp_path, strerror(errno)); errors++; } else { close(temp_path_fd); remove(buf); } my_free(buf); /* check if we can write to check_result_path */ asprintf(&buf, "%s/nagiosXXXXXX", check_result_path); if((temp_path_fd = mkstemp(buf)) == -1) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "\tError: Unable to write to check_result_path ('%s') - %s\n", check_result_path, strerror(errno)); errors++; } else { close(temp_path_fd); remove(buf); } my_free(buf); /* warn if user didn't specify any illegal macro output chars */ if(illegal_output_chars == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "%s", "Warning: Nothing specified for illegal_macro_output_chars variable!\n"); warnings++; } /* count number of services associated with each host (we need this for flap detection)... */ for(temp_service = service_list; temp_service != NULL; temp_service = temp_service->next) { if((temp_host = find_host(temp_service->host_name))) { temp_host->total_services++; temp_host->total_service_check_interval += temp_service->check_interval; } } if(verify_config == TRUE) { printf("\n"); printf("Total Warnings: %d\n", warnings); printf("Total Errors: %d\n", errors); } if(test_scheduling == TRUE) gettimeofday(&tv[3], NULL); if(test_scheduling == TRUE) { if(verify_object_relationships == TRUE) runtime[0] = (double)((double)(tv[1].tv_sec - tv[0].tv_sec) + (double)((tv[1].tv_usec - tv[0].tv_usec) / 1000.0) / 1000.0); else runtime[0] = 0.0; if(verify_circular_paths == TRUE) runtime[1] = (double)((double)(tv[2].tv_sec - tv[1].tv_sec) + (double)((tv[2].tv_usec - tv[1].tv_usec) / 1000.0) / 1000.0); else runtime[1] = 0.0; runtime[2] = (double)((double)(tv[3].tv_sec - tv[2].tv_sec) + (double)((tv[3].tv_usec - tv[2].tv_usec) / 1000.0) / 1000.0); runtime[3] = runtime[0] + runtime[1] + runtime[2]; printf("Timing information on configuration verification is listed below.\n\n"); printf("CONFIG VERIFICATION TIMES (* = Potential for speedup with -x option)\n"); printf("----------------------------------\n"); printf("Object Relationships: %.6lf sec\n", runtime[0]); printf("Circular Paths: %.6lf sec *\n", runtime[1]); printf("Misc: %.6lf sec\n", runtime[2]); printf(" ============\n"); printf("TOTAL: %.6lf sec * = %.6lf sec (%.1f%%) estimated savings\n", runtime[3], runtime[1], (runtime[1] / runtime[3]) * 100.0); printf("\n\n"); } return (errors > 0) ? ERROR : OK; } /* do a pre-flight check to make sure object relationships make sense */ int pre_flight_object_check(int *w, int *e) { contact *temp_contact = NULL; commandsmember *temp_commandsmember = NULL; contactgroup *temp_contactgroup = NULL; contactsmember *temp_contactsmember = NULL; contactgroupsmember *temp_contactgroupsmember = NULL; host *temp_host = NULL; host *temp_host2 = NULL; hostsmember *temp_hostsmember = NULL; hostgroup *temp_hostgroup = NULL; servicegroup *temp_servicegroup = NULL; servicesmember *temp_servicesmember = NULL; service *temp_service = NULL; service *temp_service2 = NULL; command *temp_command = NULL; timeperiod *temp_timeperiod = NULL; timeperiod *temp_timeperiod2 = NULL; timeperiodexclusion *temp_timeperiodexclusion = NULL; serviceescalation *temp_se = NULL; hostescalation *temp_he = NULL; servicedependency *temp_sd = NULL; hostdependency *temp_hd = NULL; char *buf = NULL; char *temp_command_name = ""; int found = FALSE; int total_objects = 0; int warnings = 0; int errors = 0; #ifdef TEST void *ptr = NULL; char *buf1 = ""; char *buf2 = ""; buf1 = "temptraxe1"; buf2 = "Probe 2"; for(temp_se = get_first_serviceescalation_by_service(buf1, buf2, &ptr); temp_se != NULL; temp_se = get_next_serviceescalation_by_service(buf1, buf2, &ptr)) { printf("FOUND ESCALATION FOR SVC '%s'/'%s': %d-%d/%.3f, PTR=%p\n", buf1, buf2, temp_se->first_notification, temp_se->last_notification, temp_se->notification_interval, ptr); } for(temp_he = get_first_hostescalation_by_host(buf1, &ptr); temp_he != NULL; temp_he = get_next_hostescalation_by_host(buf1, &ptr)) { printf("FOUND ESCALATION FOR HOST '%s': %d-%d/%d, PTR=%p\n", buf1, temp_he->first_notification, temp_he->last_notification, temp_he->notification_interval, ptr); } #endif /* bail out if we aren't supposed to verify object relationships */ if(verify_object_relationships == FALSE) return OK; /*****************************************/ /* check each service... */ /*****************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking services...\n"); if(get_service_count() == 0) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: There are no services defined!"); errors++; } total_objects = 0; for(temp_service = service_list; temp_service != NULL; temp_service = temp_service->next) { total_objects++; found = FALSE; /* check for a valid host */ temp_host = find_host(temp_service->host_name); /* we couldn't find an associated host! */ if(!temp_host) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Host '%s' specified in service '%s' not defined anywhere!", temp_service->host_name, temp_service->description); errors++; } /* save the host pointer for later */ temp_service->host_ptr = temp_host; /* add a reverse link from the host to the service for faster lookups later */ add_service_link_to_host(temp_host, temp_service); /* check the event handler command */ if(temp_service->event_handler != NULL) { /* check the event handler command */ buf = (char *)strdup(temp_service->event_handler); /* get the command name, leave any arguments behind */ temp_command_name = my_strtok(buf, "!"); temp_command = find_command(temp_command_name); if(temp_command == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Event handler command '%s' specified in service '%s' for host '%s' not defined anywhere", temp_command_name, temp_service->description, temp_service->host_name); errors++; } my_free(buf); /* save the pointer to the event handler for later */ temp_service->event_handler_ptr = temp_command; } /* check the service check_command */ buf = (char *)strdup(temp_service->service_check_command); /* get the command name, leave any arguments behind */ temp_command_name = my_strtok(buf, "!"); temp_command = find_command(temp_command_name); if(temp_command == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Service check command '%s' specified in service '%s' for host '%s' not defined anywhere!", temp_command_name, temp_service->description, temp_service->host_name); errors++; } my_free(buf); /* save the pointer to the check command for later */ temp_service->check_command_ptr = temp_command; /* check for sane recovery options */ if(temp_service->notify_on_recovery == TRUE && temp_service->notify_on_warning == FALSE && temp_service->notify_on_critical == FALSE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: Recovery notification option in service '%s' for host '%s' doesn't make any sense - specify warning and/or critical options as well", temp_service->description, temp_service->host_name); warnings++; } /* reset the found flag */ found = FALSE; /* check for valid contacts */ for(temp_contactsmember = temp_service->contacts; temp_contactsmember != NULL; temp_contactsmember = temp_contactsmember->next) { temp_contact = find_contact(temp_contactsmember->contact_name); if(temp_contact == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Contact '%s' specified in service '%s' for host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_contactsmember->contact_name, temp_service->description, temp_service->host_name); errors++; } /* save the contact pointer for later */ temp_contactsmember->contact_ptr = temp_contact; } /* check all contact groupss */ for(temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_service->contact_groups; temp_contactgroupsmember != NULL; temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_contactgroupsmember->next) { temp_contactgroup = find_contactgroup(temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name); if(temp_contactgroup == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Contact group '%s' specified in service '%s' for host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name, temp_service->description, temp_service->host_name); errors++; } /* save the contact group pointer for later */ temp_contactgroupsmember->group_ptr = temp_contactgroup; } /* check to see if there is at least one contact/group */ if(temp_service->contacts == NULL && temp_service->contact_groups == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: Service '%s' on host '%s' has no default contacts or contactgroups defined!", temp_service->description, temp_service->host_name); warnings++; } /* verify service check timeperiod */ if(temp_service->check_period == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: Service '%s' on host '%s' has no check time period defined!", temp_service->description, temp_service->host_name); warnings++; } else { temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod(temp_service->check_period); if(temp_timeperiod == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Check period '%s' specified for service '%s' on host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_service->check_period, temp_service->description, temp_service->host_name); errors++; } /* save the pointer to the check timeperiod for later */ temp_service->check_period_ptr = temp_timeperiod; } /* check service notification timeperiod */ if(temp_service->notification_period == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: Service '%s' on host '%s' has no notification time period defined!", temp_service->description, temp_service->host_name); warnings++; } else { temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod(temp_service->notification_period); if(temp_timeperiod == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Notification period '%s' specified for service '%s' on host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_service->notification_period, temp_service->description, temp_service->host_name); errors++; } /* save the pointer to the notification timeperiod for later */ temp_service->notification_period_ptr = temp_timeperiod; } /* see if the notification interval is less than the check interval */ if(temp_service->notification_interval < temp_service->check_interval && temp_service->notification_interval != 0) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: Service '%s' on host '%s' has a notification interval less than its check interval! Notifications are only re-sent after checks are made, so the effective notification interval will be that of the check interval.", temp_service->description, temp_service->host_name); warnings++; } /* check for illegal characters in service description */ if(use_precached_objects == FALSE) { if(contains_illegal_object_chars(temp_service->description) == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: The description string for service '%s' on host '%s' contains one or more illegal characters.", temp_service->description, temp_service->host_name); errors++; } } } if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("\tChecked %d services.\n", total_objects); /*****************************************/ /* check all hosts... */ /*****************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking hosts...\n"); if(get_host_count() == 0) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: There are no hosts defined!"); errors++; } total_objects = 0; for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { total_objects++; found = FALSE; /* make sure each host has at least one service associated with it */ /* 02/21/08 NOTE: this is extremely inefficient */ if(use_precached_objects == FALSE && use_large_installation_tweaks == FALSE) { for(temp_service = service_list; temp_service != NULL; temp_service = temp_service->next) { if(!strcmp(temp_service->host_name, temp_host->name)) { found = TRUE; break; } } /* we couldn't find a service associated with this host! */ if(found == FALSE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: Host '%s' has no services associated with it!", temp_host->name); warnings++; } found = FALSE; } /* check the event handler command */ if(temp_host->event_handler != NULL) { /* check the event handler command */ buf = (char *)strdup(temp_host->event_handler); /* get the command name, leave any arguments behind */ temp_command_name = my_strtok(buf, "!"); temp_command = find_command(temp_command_name); if(temp_command == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Event handler command '%s' specified for host '%s' not defined anywhere", temp_command_name, temp_host->name); errors++; } my_free(buf); /* save the pointer to the event handler command for later */ temp_host->event_handler_ptr = temp_command; } /* hosts that don't have check commands defined shouldn't ever be checked... */ if(temp_host->host_check_command != NULL) { /* check the host check_command */ buf = (char *)strdup(temp_host->host_check_command); /* get the command name, leave any arguments behind */ temp_command_name = my_strtok(buf, "!"); temp_command = find_command(temp_command_name); if(temp_command == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Host check command '%s' specified for host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_command_name, temp_host->name); errors++; } /* save the pointer to the check command for later */ temp_host->check_command_ptr = temp_command; my_free(buf); } /* check host check timeperiod */ if(temp_host->check_period != NULL) { temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod(temp_host->check_period); if(temp_timeperiod == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Check period '%s' specified for host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_host->check_period, temp_host->name); errors++; } /* save the pointer to the check timeperiod for later */ temp_host->check_period_ptr = temp_timeperiod; } /* check all contacts */ for(temp_contactsmember = temp_host->contacts; temp_contactsmember != NULL; temp_contactsmember = temp_contactsmember->next) { temp_contact = find_contact(temp_contactsmember->contact_name); if(temp_contact == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Contact '%s' specified in host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_contactsmember->contact_name, temp_host->name); errors++; } /* save the contact pointer for later */ temp_contactsmember->contact_ptr = temp_contact; } /* check all contact groups */ for(temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_host->contact_groups; temp_contactgroupsmember != NULL; temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_contactgroupsmember->next) { temp_contactgroup = find_contactgroup(temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name); if(temp_contactgroup == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Contact group '%s' specified in host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name, temp_host->name); errors++; } /* save the contact group pointer for later */ temp_contactgroupsmember->group_ptr = temp_contactgroup; } /* check to see if there is at least one contact/group */ if(temp_host->contacts == NULL && temp_host->contact_groups == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: Host '%s' has no default contacts or contactgroups defined!", temp_host->name); warnings++; } /* check notification timeperiod */ if(temp_host->notification_period != NULL) { temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod(temp_host->notification_period); if(temp_timeperiod == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Notification period '%s' specified for host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_host->notification_period, temp_host->name); errors++; } /* save the pointer to the notification timeperiod for later */ temp_host->notification_period_ptr = temp_timeperiod; } /* check all parent parent host */ for(temp_hostsmember = temp_host->parent_hosts; temp_hostsmember != NULL; temp_hostsmember = temp_hostsmember->next) { if((temp_host2 = find_host(temp_hostsmember->host_name)) == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: '%s' is not a valid parent for host '%s'!", temp_hostsmember->host_name, temp_host->name); errors++; } /* save the parent host pointer for later */ temp_hostsmember->host_ptr = temp_host2; /* add a reverse (child) link to make searches faster later on */ add_child_link_to_host(temp_host2, temp_host); } /* check for sane recovery options */ if(temp_host->notify_on_recovery == TRUE && temp_host->notify_on_down == FALSE && temp_host->notify_on_unreachable == FALSE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: Recovery notification option in host '%s' definition doesn't make any sense - specify down and/or unreachable options as well", temp_host->name); warnings++; } /* check for illegal characters in host name */ if(use_precached_objects == FALSE) { if(contains_illegal_object_chars(temp_host->name) == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: The name of host '%s' contains one or more illegal characters.", temp_host->name); errors++; } } } if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("\tChecked %d hosts.\n", total_objects); /*****************************************/ /* check each host group... */ /*****************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking host groups...\n"); for(temp_hostgroup = hostgroup_list, total_objects = 0; temp_hostgroup != NULL; temp_hostgroup = temp_hostgroup->next, total_objects++) { /* check all group members */ for(temp_hostsmember = temp_hostgroup->members; temp_hostsmember != NULL; temp_hostsmember = temp_hostsmember->next) { temp_host = find_host(temp_hostsmember->host_name); if(temp_host == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Host '%s' specified in host group '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_hostsmember->host_name, temp_hostgroup->group_name); errors++; } /* save a pointer to this hostgroup for faster host/group membership lookups later */ else add_object_to_objectlist(&temp_host->hostgroups_ptr, (void *)temp_hostgroup); /* save host pointer for later */ temp_hostsmember->host_ptr = temp_host; } /* check for illegal characters in hostgroup name */ if(use_precached_objects == FALSE) { if(contains_illegal_object_chars(temp_hostgroup->group_name) == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: The name of hostgroup '%s' contains one or more illegal characters.", temp_hostgroup->group_name); errors++; } } } if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("\tChecked %d host groups.\n", total_objects); /*****************************************/ /* check each service group... */ /*****************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking service groups...\n"); for(temp_servicegroup = servicegroup_list, total_objects = 0; temp_servicegroup != NULL; temp_servicegroup = temp_servicegroup->next, total_objects++) { /* check all group members */ for(temp_servicesmember = temp_servicegroup->members; temp_servicesmember != NULL; temp_servicesmember = temp_servicesmember->next) { temp_service = find_service(temp_servicesmember->host_name, temp_servicesmember->service_description); if(temp_service == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Service '%s' on host '%s' specified in service group '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_servicesmember->service_description, temp_servicesmember->host_name, temp_servicegroup->group_name); errors++; } /* save a pointer to this servicegroup for faster service/group membership lookups later */ else add_object_to_objectlist(&temp_service->servicegroups_ptr, (void *)temp_servicegroup); /* save service pointer for later */ temp_servicesmember->service_ptr = temp_service; } /* check for illegal characters in servicegroup name */ if(use_precached_objects == FALSE) { if(contains_illegal_object_chars(temp_servicegroup->group_name) == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: The name of servicegroup '%s' contains one or more illegal characters.", temp_servicegroup->group_name); errors++; } } } if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("\tChecked %d service groups.\n", total_objects); /*****************************************/ /* check all contacts... */ /*****************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking contacts...\n"); if(contact_list == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: There are no contacts defined!"); errors++; } for(temp_contact = contact_list, total_objects = 0; temp_contact != NULL; temp_contact = temp_contact->next, total_objects++) { /* check service notification commands */ if(temp_contact->service_notification_commands == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Contact '%s' has no service notification commands defined!", temp_contact->name); errors++; } else for(temp_commandsmember = temp_contact->service_notification_commands; temp_commandsmember != NULL; temp_commandsmember = temp_commandsmember->next) { /* check the host notification command */ buf = (char *)strdup(temp_commandsmember->command); /* get the command name, leave any arguments behind */ temp_command_name = my_strtok(buf, "!"); temp_command = find_command(temp_command_name); if(temp_command == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Service notification command '%s' specified for contact '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_command_name, temp_contact->name); errors++; } /* save pointer to the command for later */ temp_commandsmember->command_ptr = temp_command; my_free(buf); } /* check host notification commands */ if(temp_contact->host_notification_commands == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Contact '%s' has no host notification commands defined!", temp_contact->name); errors++; } else for(temp_commandsmember = temp_contact->host_notification_commands; temp_commandsmember != NULL; temp_commandsmember = temp_commandsmember->next) { /* check the host notification command */ buf = (char *)strdup(temp_commandsmember->command); /* get the command name, leave any arguments behind */ temp_command_name = my_strtok(buf, "!"); temp_command = find_command(temp_command_name); if(temp_command == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Host notification command '%s' specified for contact '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_command_name, temp_contact->name); errors++; } /* save pointer to the command for later */ temp_commandsmember->command_ptr = temp_command; my_free(buf); } /* check service notification timeperiod */ if(temp_contact->service_notification_period == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: Contact '%s' has no service notification time period defined!", temp_contact->name); warnings++; } else { temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod(temp_contact->service_notification_period); if(temp_timeperiod == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Service notification period '%s' specified for contact '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_contact->service_notification_period, temp_contact->name); errors++; } /* save the pointer to the service notification timeperiod for later */ temp_contact->service_notification_period_ptr = temp_timeperiod; } /* check host notification timeperiod */ if(temp_contact->host_notification_period == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: Contact '%s' has no host notification time period defined!", temp_contact->name); warnings++; } else { temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod(temp_contact->host_notification_period); if(temp_timeperiod == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Host notification period '%s' specified for contact '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_contact->host_notification_period, temp_contact->name); errors++; } /* save the pointer to the host notification timeperiod for later */ temp_contact->host_notification_period_ptr = temp_timeperiod; } /* check for sane host recovery options */ if(temp_contact->notify_on_host_recovery == TRUE && temp_contact->notify_on_host_down == FALSE && temp_contact->notify_on_host_unreachable == FALSE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: Host recovery notification option for contact '%s' doesn't make any sense - specify down and/or unreachable options as well", temp_contact->name); warnings++; } /* check for sane service recovery options */ if(temp_contact->notify_on_service_recovery == TRUE && temp_contact->notify_on_service_critical == FALSE && temp_contact->notify_on_service_warning == FALSE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_WARNING, TRUE, "Warning: Service recovery notification option for contact '%s' doesn't make any sense - specify critical and/or warning options as well", temp_contact->name); warnings++; } /* check for illegal characters in contact name */ if(use_precached_objects == FALSE) { if(contains_illegal_object_chars(temp_contact->name) == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: The name of contact '%s' contains one or more illegal characters.", temp_contact->name); errors++; } } } if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("\tChecked %d contacts.\n", total_objects); /*****************************************/ /* check each contact group... */ /*****************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking contact groups...\n"); for(temp_contactgroup = contactgroup_list, total_objects = 0; temp_contactgroup != NULL; temp_contactgroup = temp_contactgroup->next, total_objects++) { found = FALSE; /* check all the group members */ for(temp_contactsmember = temp_contactgroup->members; temp_contactsmember != NULL; temp_contactsmember = temp_contactsmember->next) { temp_contact = find_contact(temp_contactsmember->contact_name); if(temp_contact == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Contact '%s' specified in contact group '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_contactsmember->contact_name, temp_contactgroup->group_name); errors++; } /* save a pointer to this contactgroup for faster contact/group membership lookups later */ else add_object_to_objectlist(&temp_contact->contactgroups_ptr, (void *)temp_contactgroup); /* save the contact pointer for later */ temp_contactsmember->contact_ptr = temp_contact; } /* check for illegal characters in contactgroup name */ if(use_precached_objects == FALSE) { if(contains_illegal_object_chars(temp_contactgroup->group_name) == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: The name of contact group '%s' contains one or more illegal characters.", temp_contactgroup->group_name); errors++; } } } if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("\tChecked %d contact groups.\n", total_objects); /*****************************************/ /* check all service escalations... */ /*****************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking service escalations...\n"); for(temp_se = serviceescalation_list, total_objects = 0; temp_se != NULL; temp_se = temp_se->next, total_objects++) { /* find the service */ temp_service = find_service(temp_se->host_name, temp_se->description); if(temp_service == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Service '%s' on host '%s' specified in service escalation is not defined anywhere!", temp_se->description, temp_se->host_name); errors++; } /* save the service pointer for later */ temp_se->service_ptr = temp_service; /* find the timeperiod */ if(temp_se->escalation_period != NULL) { temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod(temp_se->escalation_period); if(temp_timeperiod == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Escalation period '%s' specified in service escalation for service '%s' on host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_se->escalation_period, temp_se->description, temp_se->host_name); errors++; } /* save the timeperiod pointer for later */ temp_se->escalation_period_ptr = temp_timeperiod; } /* find the contacts */ for(temp_contactsmember = temp_se->contacts; temp_contactsmember != NULL; temp_contactsmember = temp_contactsmember->next) { /* find the contact */ temp_contact = find_contact(temp_contactsmember->contact_name); if(temp_contact == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Contact '%s' specified in service escalation for service '%s' on host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_contactsmember->contact_name, temp_se->description, temp_se->host_name); errors++; } /* save the contact pointer for later */ temp_contactsmember->contact_ptr = temp_contact; } /* check all contact groups */ for(temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_se->contact_groups; temp_contactgroupsmember != NULL; temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_contactgroupsmember->next) { temp_contactgroup = find_contactgroup(temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name); if(temp_contactgroup == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Contact group '%s' specified in service escalation for service '%s' on host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name, temp_se->description, temp_se->host_name); errors++; } /* save the contact group pointer for later */ temp_contactgroupsmember->group_ptr = temp_contactgroup; } } if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("\tChecked %d service escalations.\n", total_objects); /*****************************************/ /* check all service dependencies... */ /*****************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking service dependencies...\n"); for(temp_sd = servicedependency_list, total_objects = 0; temp_sd != NULL; temp_sd = temp_sd->next, total_objects++) { /* find the dependent service */ temp_service = find_service(temp_sd->dependent_host_name, temp_sd->dependent_service_description); if(temp_service == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Dependent service '%s' on host '%s' specified in service dependency for service '%s' on host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_sd->dependent_service_description, temp_sd->dependent_host_name, temp_sd->service_description, temp_sd->host_name); errors++; } /* save pointer for later */ temp_sd->dependent_service_ptr = temp_service; /* find the service we're depending on */ temp_service2 = find_service(temp_sd->host_name, temp_sd->service_description); if(temp_service2 == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Service '%s' on host '%s' specified in service dependency for service '%s' on host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_sd->service_description, temp_sd->host_name, temp_sd->dependent_service_description, temp_sd->dependent_host_name); errors++; } /* save pointer for later */ temp_sd->master_service_ptr = temp_service2; /* make sure they're not the same service */ if(temp_service == temp_service2) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Service dependency definition for service '%s' on host '%s' is circular (it depends on itself)!", temp_sd->dependent_service_description, temp_sd->dependent_host_name); errors++; } /* find the timeperiod */ if(temp_sd->dependency_period != NULL) { temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod(temp_sd->dependency_period); if(temp_timeperiod == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Dependency period '%s' specified in service dependency for service '%s' on host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_sd->dependency_period, temp_sd->dependent_service_description, temp_sd->dependent_host_name); errors++; } /* save the timeperiod pointer for later */ temp_sd->dependency_period_ptr = temp_timeperiod; } } if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("\tChecked %d service dependencies.\n", total_objects); /*****************************************/ /* check all host escalations... */ /*****************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking host escalations...\n"); for(temp_he = hostescalation_list, total_objects = 0; temp_he != NULL; temp_he = temp_he->next, total_objects++) { /* find the host */ temp_host = find_host(temp_he->host_name); if(temp_host == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Host '%s' specified in host escalation is not defined anywhere!", temp_he->host_name); errors++; } /* save the host pointer for later */ temp_he->host_ptr = temp_host; /* find the timeperiod */ if(temp_he->escalation_period != NULL) { temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod(temp_he->escalation_period); if(temp_timeperiod == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Escalation period '%s' specified in host escalation for host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_he->escalation_period, temp_he->host_name); errors++; } /* save the timeperiod pointer for later */ temp_he->escalation_period_ptr = temp_timeperiod; } /* find the contacts */ for(temp_contactsmember = temp_he->contacts; temp_contactsmember != NULL; temp_contactsmember = temp_contactsmember->next) { /* find the contact*/ temp_contact = find_contact(temp_contactsmember->contact_name); if(temp_contact == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Contact '%s' specified in host escalation for host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_contactsmember->contact_name, temp_he->host_name); errors++; } /* save the contact pointer for later */ temp_contactsmember->contact_ptr = temp_contact; } /* check all contact groups */ for(temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_he->contact_groups; temp_contactgroupsmember != NULL; temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_contactgroupsmember->next) { temp_contactgroup = find_contactgroup(temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name); if(temp_contactgroup == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Contact group '%s' specified in host escalation for host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name, temp_he->host_name); errors++; } /* save the contact group pointer for later */ temp_contactgroupsmember->group_ptr = temp_contactgroup; } } if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("\tChecked %d host escalations.\n", total_objects); /*****************************************/ /* check all host dependencies... */ /*****************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking host dependencies...\n"); for(temp_hd = hostdependency_list, total_objects = 0; temp_hd != NULL; temp_hd = temp_hd->next, total_objects++) { /* find the dependent host */ temp_host = find_host(temp_hd->dependent_host_name); if(temp_host == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Dependent host specified in host dependency for host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_hd->dependent_host_name); errors++; } /* save pointer for later */ temp_hd->dependent_host_ptr = temp_host; /* find the host we're depending on */ temp_host2 = find_host(temp_hd->host_name); if(temp_host2 == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Host specified in host dependency for host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_hd->dependent_host_name); errors++; } /* save pointer for later */ temp_hd->master_host_ptr = temp_host2; /* make sure they're not the same host */ if(temp_host == temp_host2) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Host dependency definition for host '%s' is circular (it depends on itself)!", temp_hd->dependent_host_name); errors++; } /* find the timeperiod */ if(temp_hd->dependency_period != NULL) { temp_timeperiod = find_timeperiod(temp_hd->dependency_period); if(temp_timeperiod == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Dependency period '%s' specified in host dependency for host '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_hd->dependency_period, temp_hd->dependent_host_name); errors++; } /* save the timeperiod pointer for later */ temp_hd->dependency_period_ptr = temp_timeperiod; } } if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("\tChecked %d host dependencies.\n", total_objects); /*****************************************/ /* check all commands... */ /*****************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking commands...\n"); for(temp_command = command_list, total_objects = 0; temp_command != NULL; temp_command = temp_command->next, total_objects++) { /* check for illegal characters in command name */ if(use_precached_objects == FALSE) { if(contains_illegal_object_chars(temp_command->name) == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: The name of command '%s' contains one or more illegal characters.", temp_command->name); errors++; } } } if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("\tChecked %d commands.\n", total_objects); /*****************************************/ /* check all timeperiods... */ /*****************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking time periods...\n"); for(temp_timeperiod = timeperiod_list, total_objects = 0; temp_timeperiod != NULL; temp_timeperiod = temp_timeperiod->next, total_objects++) { /* check for illegal characters in timeperiod name */ if(use_precached_objects == FALSE) { if(contains_illegal_object_chars(temp_timeperiod->name) == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: The name of time period '%s' contains one or more illegal characters.", temp_timeperiod->name); errors++; } } /* check for valid timeperiod names in exclusion list */ for(temp_timeperiodexclusion = temp_timeperiod->exclusions; temp_timeperiodexclusion != NULL; temp_timeperiodexclusion = temp_timeperiodexclusion->next) { temp_timeperiod2 = find_timeperiod(temp_timeperiodexclusion->timeperiod_name); if(temp_timeperiod2 == NULL) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: Excluded time period '%s' specified in timeperiod '%s' is not defined anywhere!", temp_timeperiodexclusion->timeperiod_name, temp_timeperiod->name); errors++; } /* save the timeperiod pointer for later */ temp_timeperiodexclusion->timeperiod_ptr = temp_timeperiod2; } } if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("\tChecked %d time periods.\n", total_objects); /* update warning and error count */ *w += warnings; *e += errors; return (errors > 0) ? ERROR : OK; } /* dfs status values */ #define DFS_UNCHECKED 0 /* default value */ #define DFS_TEMP_CHECKED 1 /* check just one time */ #define DFS_OK 2 /* no problem */ #define DFS_NEAR_LOOP 3 /* has trouble sons */ #define DFS_LOOPY 4 /* is a part of a loop */ #define dfs_get_status(h) h->circular_path_checked #define dfs_unset_status(h) h->circular_path_checked = 0 #define dfs_set_status(h, flag) h->circular_path_checked = (flag) #define dfs_host_status(h) (h ? dfs_get_status(h) : DFS_OK) /** * Modified version of Depth-first Search * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth-first_search */ static int dfs_host_path(host *root) { hostsmember *child = NULL; if(!root) return DFS_NEAR_LOOP; if(dfs_get_status(root) != DFS_UNCHECKED) return dfs_get_status(root); /* Mark the root temporary checked */ dfs_set_status(root, DFS_TEMP_CHECKED); /* We are scanning the children */ for(child = root->child_hosts; child != NULL; child = child->next) { int child_status = dfs_get_status(child->host_ptr); /* If a child is not checked, check it */ if(child_status == DFS_UNCHECKED) child_status = dfs_host_path(child->host_ptr); /* If a child already temporary checked, its a problem, * loop inside, and its a acked status */ if(child_status == DFS_TEMP_CHECKED) { dfs_set_status(child->host_ptr, DFS_LOOPY); dfs_set_status(root, DFS_LOOPY); } /* If a child already temporary checked, its a problem, loop inside */ if(child_status == DFS_NEAR_LOOP || child_status == DFS_LOOPY) { /* if a node is know to be part of a loop, do not let it be less */ if(dfs_get_status(root) != DFS_LOOPY) dfs_set_status(root, DFS_NEAR_LOOP); /* we already saw this child, it's a problem */ dfs_set_status(child->host_ptr, DFS_LOOPY); } } /* * If root have been modified, do not set it OK * A node is OK if and only if all of his children are OK * If it does not have child, goes ok */ if(dfs_get_status(root) == DFS_TEMP_CHECKED) dfs_set_status(root, DFS_OK); return dfs_get_status(root); } /* check for circular paths and dependencies */ int pre_flight_circular_check(int *w, int *e) { host *temp_host = NULL; servicedependency *temp_sd = NULL; servicedependency *temp_sd2 = NULL; hostdependency *temp_hd = NULL; hostdependency *temp_hd2 = NULL; int found = FALSE; int result = OK; int warnings = 0; int errors = 0; /* bail out if we aren't supposed to verify circular paths */ if(verify_circular_paths == FALSE) return OK; /********************************************/ /* check for circular paths between hosts */ /********************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking for circular paths between hosts...\n"); /* check routes between all hosts */ found = FALSE; result = OK; /* We clean the dsf status from previous check */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { dfs_set_status(temp_host, DFS_UNCHECKED); } for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { if(dfs_host_path(temp_host) == DFS_LOOPY) errors = 1; } for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) { if(dfs_get_status(temp_host) == DFS_LOOPY) logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: The host '%s' is part of a circular parent/child chain!", temp_host->name); /* clean DFS status */ dfs_set_status(temp_host, DFS_UNCHECKED); } /********************************************/ /* check for circular dependencies */ /********************************************/ if(verify_config == TRUE) printf("Checking for circular host and service dependencies...\n"); /* check execution dependencies between all services */ for(temp_sd = servicedependency_list; temp_sd != NULL; temp_sd = temp_sd->next) { /* clear checked flag for all dependencies */ for(temp_sd2 = servicedependency_list; temp_sd2 != NULL; temp_sd2 = temp_sd2->next) temp_sd2->circular_path_checked = FALSE; found = check_for_circular_servicedependency_path(temp_sd, temp_sd, EXECUTION_DEPENDENCY); if(found == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: A circular execution dependency (which could result in a deadlock) exists for service '%s' on host '%s'!", temp_sd->service_description, temp_sd->host_name); errors++; } } /* check notification dependencies between all services */ for(temp_sd = servicedependency_list; temp_sd != NULL; temp_sd = temp_sd->next) { /* clear checked flag for all dependencies */ for(temp_sd2 = servicedependency_list; temp_sd2 != NULL; temp_sd2 = temp_sd2->next) temp_sd2->circular_path_checked = FALSE; found = check_for_circular_servicedependency_path(temp_sd, temp_sd, NOTIFICATION_DEPENDENCY); if(found == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: A circular notification dependency (which could result in a deadlock) exists for service '%s' on host '%s'!", temp_sd->service_description, temp_sd->host_name); errors++; } } /* check execution dependencies between all hosts */ for(temp_hd = hostdependency_list; temp_hd != NULL; temp_hd = temp_hd->next) { /* clear checked flag for all dependencies */ for(temp_hd2 = hostdependency_list; temp_hd2 != NULL; temp_hd2 = temp_hd2->next) temp_hd2->circular_path_checked = FALSE; found = check_for_circular_hostdependency_path(temp_hd, temp_hd, EXECUTION_DEPENDENCY); if(found == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: A circular execution dependency (which could result in a deadlock) exists for host '%s'!", temp_hd->host_name); errors++; } } /* check notification dependencies between all hosts */ for(temp_hd = hostdependency_list; temp_hd != NULL; temp_hd = temp_hd->next) { /* clear checked flag for all dependencies */ for(temp_hd2 = hostdependency_list; temp_hd2 != NULL; temp_hd2 = temp_hd2->next) temp_hd2->circular_path_checked = FALSE; found = check_for_circular_hostdependency_path(temp_hd, temp_hd, NOTIFICATION_DEPENDENCY); if(found == TRUE) { logit(NSLOG_VERIFICATION_ERROR, TRUE, "Error: A circular notification dependency (which could result in a deadlock) exists for host '%s'!", temp_hd->host_name); errors++; } } /* update warning and error count */ *w += warnings; *e += errors; return (errors > 0) ? ERROR : OK; }