#include #include #include #include #include "kvvec.c" #include "t-utils.h" static int walking_steps, walks; static int walker(struct key_value *kv, void *discard) { static struct kvvec *vec = (void *)1; static int step; walking_steps++; if (vec != discard) { walks++; vec = (struct kvvec *)discard; step = 0; } if (discard && vec) { t_ok(!kv_compare(&vec->kv[step], kv), "step %d on walk %d", step, walks); } step++; return 0; } #define KVSEP '=' #define PAIRSEP '\0' #define OVERALLOC 2 static const char *test_data[] = { "lala=trudeldudel", "foo=bar", "LOTS AND LOTS OF CAPS WITH SPACES=weird", "key=value", "something-random=pre-determined luls", "string=with\nnewlines\n\n\nand\nlots\nof\nthem\ntoo\n", "tabs= this and that and three in a row", NULL, }; static const char *pair_term_missing[] = { "foo=bar;lul=bar;haha=lulu", "foo=bar;lul=bar;haha=lulu;", "hobbit=palace;gandalf=wizard1", "hobbit=palace;gandalf=wizard1;", "0=0;1=1;2=2;3=3;4=4", "0=0;1=1;2=2;3=3;4=4;", NULL, }; static void add_vars(struct kvvec *kvv, const char **ary, int len) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len && ary[i]; i++) { char *arg = strdup(test_data[i]); char *eq = strchr(arg, '='); if (eq) { *eq++ = 0; } kvvec_addkv(kvv, strdup(arg), eq ? strdup(eq) : NULL); free(arg); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, j; struct kvvec *kvv, *kvv2, *kvv3; struct kvvec_buf *kvvb, *kvvb2; struct kvvec k = KVVEC_INITIALIZER; t_set_colors(0); t_start("key/value vector tests"); kvv = kvvec_create(1); ok_int(kvvec_capacity(kvv), 1, "capacity of one should be guaranteed"); kvv2 = kvvec_create(1); kvv3 = kvvec_create(1); add_vars(kvv, test_data, 1239819); add_vars(kvv, (const char **)argv + 1, argc - 1); kvvec_sort(kvv); kvvec_foreach(kvv, NULL, walker); /* kvvec2buf -> buf2kvvec -> kvvec2buf -> buf2kvvec conversion */ kvvb = kvvec2buf(kvv, KVSEP, PAIRSEP, OVERALLOC); kvv3 = buf2kvvec(kvvb->buf, kvvb->buflen, KVSEP, PAIRSEP, KVVEC_COPY); kvvb2 = kvvec2buf(kvv3, KVSEP, PAIRSEP, OVERALLOC); buf2kvvec_prealloc(kvv2, kvvb->buf, kvvb->buflen, KVSEP, PAIRSEP, KVVEC_ASSIGN); kvvec_foreach(kvv2, kvv, walker); kvvb = kvvec2buf(kvv, KVSEP, PAIRSEP, OVERALLOC); test(kvv->kv_pairs == kvv2->kv_pairs, "pairs should be identical"); for (i = 0; i < kvv->kv_pairs; i++) { struct key_value *kv1, *kv2; kv1 = &kvv->kv[i]; if (i >= kvv2->kv_pairs) { t_fail("missing var %d in kvv2", i); printf("[%s=%s] (%d+%d)\n", kv1->key, kv1->value, kv1->key_len, kv1->value_len); continue; } kv2 = &kvv2->kv[i]; if (!test(!kv_compare(kv1, kv2), "kv pair %d must match", i)) { printf("%d failed: [%s=%s] (%d+%d) != [%s=%s (%d+%d)]\n", i, kv1->key, kv1->value, kv1->key_len, kv1->value_len, kv2->key, kv2->value, kv2->key_len, kv2->value_len); } } test(kvvb2->buflen == kvvb->buflen, "buflens must match"); test(kvvb2->bufsize == kvvb->bufsize, "bufsizes must match"); if (kvvb2->buflen == kvvb->buflen && kvvb2->bufsize == kvvb->bufsize && !memcmp(kvvb2->buf, kvvb->buf, kvvb->bufsize)) { t_pass("kvvec -> buf -> kvvec conversion works flawlessly"); } else { t_fail("kvvec -> buf -> kvvec conversion failed :'("); } free(kvvb->buf); free(kvvb); free(kvvb2->buf); free(kvvb2); kvvec_destroy(kvv, 1); kvvec_destroy(kvv3, KVVEC_FREE_ALL); for (j = 0; pair_term_missing[j]; j++) { buf2kvvec_prealloc(&k, strdup(pair_term_missing[j]), strlen(pair_term_missing[j]), '=', ';', KVVEC_COPY); for (i = 0; i < k.kv_pairs; i++) { struct key_value *kv = &k.kv[i]; test(kv->key_len == kv->value_len, "%d.%d; key_len=%d; value_len=%d (%s = %s)", j, i, kv->key_len, kv->value_len, kv->key, kv->value); test(kv->value_len == (int)strlen(kv->value), "%d.%d; kv->value_len(%d) == strlen(%s)(%d)", j, i, kv->value_len, kv->value, (int)strlen(kv->value)); } } t_end(); return 0; }