/*********************************************************************** * * CONFIG.C - Nagios Configuration CGI (View Only) * * Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Ethan Galstad (egalstad@nagios.org) * Last Modified: 05-15-2009 * * This CGI program will display various configuration information. * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ***********************************************************************/ #include "../include/config.h" #include "../include/common.h" #include "../include/objects.h" #include "../include/macros.h" #include "../include/cgiutils.h" #include "../include/cgiauth.h" #include "../include/getcgi.h" static nagios_macros *mac; extern char main_config_file[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char url_html_path[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char url_docs_path[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char url_images_path[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char url_logo_images_path[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern char url_stylesheets_path[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; extern host *host_list; extern service *service_list; extern hostgroup *hostgroup_list; extern servicegroup *servicegroup_list; extern contactgroup *contactgroup_list; extern command *command_list; extern timeperiod *timeperiod_list; extern contact *contact_list; extern servicedependency *servicedependency_list; extern serviceescalation *serviceescalation_list; extern hostdependency *hostdependency_list; extern hostescalation *hostescalation_list; #define DISPLAY_NONE 0 #define DISPLAY_HOSTS 1 #define DISPLAY_HOSTGROUPS 2 #define DISPLAY_CONTACTS 3 #define DISPLAY_CONTACTGROUPS 4 #define DISPLAY_SERVICES 5 #define DISPLAY_TIMEPERIODS 6 #define DISPLAY_COMMANDS 7 #define DISPLAY_HOSTGROUPESCALATIONS 8 /* no longer implemented */ #define DISPLAY_SERVICEDEPENDENCIES 9 #define DISPLAY_SERVICEESCALATIONS 10 #define DISPLAY_HOSTDEPENDENCIES 11 #define DISPLAY_HOSTESCALATIONS 12 #define DISPLAY_SERVICEGROUPS 15 #define DISPLAY_COMMAND_EXPANSION 16211 void document_header(int); void document_footer(void); int process_cgivars(void); void display_options(void); void display_hosts(void); void display_hostgroups(void); void display_servicegroups(void); void display_contacts(void); void display_contactgroups(void); void display_services(void); void display_timeperiods(void); void display_commands(void); void display_servicedependencies(void); void display_serviceescalations(void); void display_hostdependencies(void); void display_hostescalations(void); void display_command_expansion(void); void unauthorized_message(void); authdata current_authdata; int display_type = DISPLAY_NONE; char to_expand[MAX_COMMAND_BUFFER]; char hashed_color[8]; int embedded = FALSE; void print_expand_input(int type) { char *seldesc = ""; if(type == DISPLAY_COMMAND_EXPANSION) return; /* Has its own form, w/ larger */ else if(type == DISPLAY_SERVICES) { seldesc = " Services Named or on Host"; } else if(type == DISPLAY_SERVICEDEPENDENCIES) { seldesc = " Dependencies with Host"; } else if(type == DISPLAY_SERVICEESCALATIONS) { seldesc = " Escalations on Host"; } else if(type == DISPLAY_HOSTDEPENDENCIES) { seldesc = " Dependencies on/of Host"; } else if(type == DISPLAY_HOSTESCALATIONS) { seldesc = " Escalations for Host"; } printf("Show Only%s:\n", seldesc); printf("", html_encode(to_expand, FALSE)); } int main(void) { int result = OK; mac = get_global_macros(); /* get the arguments passed in the URL */ process_cgivars(); /* reset internal variables */ reset_cgi_vars(); /* read the CGI configuration file */ result = read_cgi_config_file(get_cgi_config_location()); if(result == ERROR) { document_header(FALSE); cgi_config_file_error(get_cgi_config_location()); document_footer(); return ERROR; } /* read the main configuration file */ result = read_main_config_file(main_config_file); if(result == ERROR) { document_header(FALSE); main_config_file_error(main_config_file); document_footer(); return ERROR; } /* read all object configuration data */ result = read_all_object_configuration_data(main_config_file, READ_ALL_OBJECT_DATA); if(result == ERROR) { document_header(FALSE); object_data_error(); document_footer(); return ERROR; } /* initialize macros */ init_macros(); document_header(TRUE); /* get authentication information */ get_authentication_information(¤t_authdata); /* begin top table */ printf("\n"); printf("\n"); /* left column of the first row */ printf("\n"); /* right hand column of top row */ printf("\n"); /* end of top table */ printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); display_info_table("Configuration", FALSE, ¤t_authdata); printf("\n"); if(display_type != DISPLAY_NONE) { printf("
\n", CONFIG_CGI); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); print_expand_input(display_type); printf("\n"); printf("
Object Type:
"); printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); } /* display context-sensitive help */ switch(display_type) { case DISPLAY_HOSTS: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_HOSTS); break; case DISPLAY_HOSTGROUPS: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_HOSTGROUPS); break; case DISPLAY_SERVICEGROUPS: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_SERVICEGROUPS); break; case DISPLAY_CONTACTS: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_CONTACTS); break; case DISPLAY_CONTACTGROUPS: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_CONTACTGROUPS); break; case DISPLAY_SERVICES: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_SERVICES); break; case DISPLAY_TIMEPERIODS: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_TIMEPERIODS); break; case DISPLAY_COMMANDS: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_COMMANDS); break; case DISPLAY_SERVICEDEPENDENCIES: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_SERVICEDEPENDENCIES); break; case DISPLAY_SERVICEESCALATIONS: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_HOSTESCALATIONS); break; case DISPLAY_HOSTDEPENDENCIES: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_HOSTDEPENDENCIES); break; case DISPLAY_HOSTESCALATIONS: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_HOSTESCALATIONS); break; case DISPLAY_COMMAND_EXPANSION: /* Reusing DISPLAY_COMMANDS help until further notice */ display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_COMMANDS); break; default: display_context_help(CONTEXTHELP_CONFIG_MENU); break; } printf("
\n"); switch(display_type) { case DISPLAY_HOSTS: display_hosts(); break; case DISPLAY_HOSTGROUPS: display_hostgroups(); break; case DISPLAY_SERVICEGROUPS: display_servicegroups(); break; case DISPLAY_CONTACTS: display_contacts(); break; case DISPLAY_CONTACTGROUPS: display_contactgroups(); break; case DISPLAY_SERVICES: display_services(); break; case DISPLAY_TIMEPERIODS: display_timeperiods(); break; case DISPLAY_COMMANDS: display_commands(); break; case DISPLAY_SERVICEDEPENDENCIES: display_servicedependencies(); break; case DISPLAY_SERVICEESCALATIONS: display_serviceescalations(); break; case DISPLAY_HOSTDEPENDENCIES: display_hostdependencies(); break; case DISPLAY_HOSTESCALATIONS: display_hostescalations(); break; case DISPLAY_COMMAND_EXPANSION: display_command_expansion(); break; default: display_options(); break; } document_footer(); return OK; } void document_header(int use_stylesheet) { char date_time[MAX_DATETIME_LENGTH]; time_t t; if(embedded == TRUE) return; time(&t); get_time_string(&t, date_time, sizeof(date_time), HTTP_DATE_TIME); printf("Cache-Control: no-store\r\n"); printf("Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); printf("Last-Modified: %s\r\n", date_time); printf("Expires: %s\r\n", date_time); printf("Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n", url_images_path); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Configuration\n"); printf("\n"); if(use_stylesheet == TRUE) { printf("\n", url_stylesheets_path, COMMON_CSS); printf("\n", url_stylesheets_path, CONFIG_CSS); } printf("\n"); printf("\n"); /* include user SSI header */ include_ssi_files(CONFIG_CGI, SSI_HEADER); return; } void document_footer(void) { if(embedded == TRUE) return; /* include user SSI footer */ include_ssi_files(CONFIG_CGI, SSI_FOOTER); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); return; } int process_cgivars(void) { char **variables; int error = FALSE; int x; variables = getcgivars(); to_expand[0] = '\0'; for(x = 0; variables[x] != NULL; x++) { /* do some basic length checking on the variable identifier to prevent buffer overflows */ if(strlen(variables[x]) >= MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1) { x++; continue; } /* we found the configuration type argument */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "type")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } /* what information should we display? */ if(!strcmp(variables[x], "hosts")) display_type = DISPLAY_HOSTS; else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "hostgroups")) display_type = DISPLAY_HOSTGROUPS; else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "servicegroups")) display_type = DISPLAY_SERVICEGROUPS; else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "contacts")) display_type = DISPLAY_CONTACTS; else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "contactgroups")) display_type = DISPLAY_CONTACTGROUPS; else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "services")) display_type = DISPLAY_SERVICES; else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "timeperiods")) display_type = DISPLAY_TIMEPERIODS; else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "commands")) display_type = DISPLAY_COMMANDS; else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "servicedependencies")) display_type = DISPLAY_SERVICEDEPENDENCIES; else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "serviceescalations")) display_type = DISPLAY_SERVICEESCALATIONS; else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "hostdependencies")) display_type = DISPLAY_HOSTDEPENDENCIES; else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "hostescalations")) display_type = DISPLAY_HOSTESCALATIONS; else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "command")) display_type = DISPLAY_COMMAND_EXPANSION; /* we found the embed option */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "embedded")) embedded = TRUE; } /* we found the string-to-expand argument */ else if(!strcmp(variables[x], "expand")) { x++; if(variables[x] == NULL) { error = TRUE; break; } strncpy(to_expand, variables[x], MAX_COMMAND_BUFFER); to_expand[MAX_COMMAND_BUFFER - 1] = '\0'; } /* we received an invalid argument */ else error = TRUE; } /* free memory allocated to the CGI variables */ free_cgivars(variables); return error; } void display_hosts(void) { host *temp_host = NULL; hostsmember *temp_hostsmember = NULL; contactsmember *temp_contactsmember = NULL; contactgroupsmember *temp_contactgroupsmember = NULL; char *processed_string = NULL; int options = 0; int odd = 0; char time_string[16]; char *bg_class = ""; int contact = 0; /* see if user is authorized to view host information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("


\n", (*to_expand == '\0' ? "s" : " "), (*to_expand == '\0' ? "" : html_encode(to_expand, FALSE))); printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); /* check all the hosts... */ for(temp_host = host_list; temp_host != NULL; temp_host = temp_host->next) if(((*to_expand) == '\0') || !strcmp(to_expand, temp_host->name)) { /* grab macros */ grab_host_macros_r(mac, temp_host); if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataEven"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("\n", bg_class, url_encode(temp_host->name), CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_host->name), html_encode(temp_host->name, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, html_encode(temp_host->alias, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, html_encode(temp_host->address, FALSE)); printf("\n"); printf("\n", bg_class, temp_host->max_attempts); get_interval_time_string(temp_host->check_interval, time_string, sizeof(time_string)); printf("\n", bg_class, time_string); get_interval_time_string(temp_host->retry_interval, time_string, sizeof(time_string)); printf("\n", bg_class, time_string); printf("\n",CONFIG_CGI,url_encode(strtok(temp_host->host_check_command,"!")),html_encode(temp_host->host_check_command,FALSE)); */ printf("%s\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_host->host_check_command), html_encode(temp_host->host_check_command, FALSE)); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_host->obsess_over_host == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_host->checks_enabled == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_host->accept_passive_host_checks == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_host->check_freshness == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); get_interval_time_string(temp_host->notification_interval, time_string, sizeof(time_string)); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_host->notification_interval == 0) ? "No Re-notification" : html_encode(time_string, FALSE)); get_interval_time_string(temp_host->first_notification_delay, time_string, sizeof(time_string)); printf("\n", bg_class, time_string); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n",CONFIG_CGI,url_encode(strtok(temp_host->event_handler,"!")),html_encode(temp_host->event_handler,FALSE)); */ printf("%s\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_host->event_handler), html_encode(temp_host->event_handler, FALSE)); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_host->failure_prediction_options == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_host->failure_prediction_options, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, (temp_host->notes == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_host->notes, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, (temp_host->notes_url == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_host->notes_url, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, (temp_host->action_url == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_host->action_url, FALSE)); if(temp_host->have_2d_coords == FALSE) printf("", bg_class); else printf("", bg_class, temp_host->x_2d, temp_host->y_2d); if(temp_host->have_3d_coords == FALSE) printf("", bg_class); else printf("", bg_class, temp_host->x_3d, temp_host->y_3d, temp_host->z_3d); if(temp_host->statusmap_image == NULL) printf("", bg_class); else printf("", bg_class, url_logo_images_path, temp_host->statusmap_image, html_encode(temp_host->statusmap_image, FALSE)); if(temp_host->vrml_image == NULL) printf("", bg_class); else printf("", bg_class, url_logo_images_path, temp_host->vrml_image, html_encode(temp_host->vrml_image, FALSE)); if(temp_host->icon_image == NULL) printf("", bg_class); else { process_macros_r(mac, temp_host->icon_image, &processed_string, 0); printf("", bg_class, url_logo_images_path, processed_string, html_encode(temp_host->icon_image, FALSE)); free(processed_string); } printf("", bg_class, (temp_host->icon_image_alt == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_host->icon_image_alt, FALSE)); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } printf("
Host NameAlias/DescriptionAddressParent HostsMax. Check AttemptsCheck IntervalRetry IntervalHost Check CommandCheck PeriodObsess OverEnable Active ChecksEnable Passive ChecksCheck FreshnessFreshness ThresholdDefault Contacts/GroupsNotification IntervalFirst Notification DelayNotification OptionsNotification PeriodEvent HandlerEnable Event HandlerStalking OptionsEnable Flap DetectionLow Flap ThresholdHigh Flap ThresholdFlap Detection OptionsProcess Performance DataEnable Failure PredictionFailure Prediction OptionsNotesNotes URLAction URL2-D Coords3-D CoordsStatusmap ImageVRML ImageLogo ImageImage AltRetention Options
%s%s%s", bg_class); for(temp_hostsmember = temp_host->parent_hosts; temp_hostsmember != NULL; temp_hostsmember = temp_hostsmember->next) { if(temp_hostsmember != temp_host->parent_hosts) printf(", "); printf("%s\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_hostsmember->host_name), html_encode(temp_hostsmember->host_name, FALSE)); } if(temp_host->parent_hosts == NULL) printf(" "); printf("%d%s%s", bg_class); if(temp_host->host_check_command == NULL) printf(" "); else /* printf("%s", bg_class); if(temp_host->check_period == NULL) printf(" "); else printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_host->check_period), html_encode(temp_host->check_period, FALSE)); printf("%s%s%s%s", bg_class); if(temp_host->freshness_threshold == 0) printf("Auto-determined value\n"); else printf("%d seconds\n", temp_host->freshness_threshold); printf("", bg_class); /* find all the contacts for this host... */ contact = 0; for(temp_contactsmember = temp_host->contacts; temp_contactsmember != NULL; temp_contactsmember = temp_contactsmember->next) { contact++; if(contact > 1) printf(", "); printf("%s\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_contactsmember->contact_name), html_encode(temp_contactsmember->contact_name, FALSE)); } for(temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_host->contact_groups; temp_contactgroupsmember != NULL; temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_contactgroupsmember->next) { contact++; if(contact > 1) printf(", "); printf("%s\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name), html_encode(temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name, FALSE)); } if(contact == 0) printf(" "); printf("%s%s", bg_class); options = 0; if(temp_host->notify_on_down == TRUE) { options = 1; printf("Down"); } if(temp_host->notify_on_unreachable == TRUE) { printf("%sUnreachable", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_host->notify_on_recovery == TRUE) { printf("%sRecovery", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_host->notify_on_flapping == TRUE) { printf("%sFlapping", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_host->notify_on_downtime == TRUE) { printf("%sDowntime", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(options == 0) printf("None"); printf("", bg_class); if(temp_host->notification_period == NULL) printf(" "); else printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_host->notification_period), html_encode(temp_host->notification_period, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class); if(temp_host->event_handler == NULL) printf(" "); else /* printf("%s", bg_class); printf("%s\n", (temp_host->event_handler_enabled == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("", bg_class); options = 0; if(temp_host->stalk_on_up == TRUE) { options = 1; printf("Up"); } if(temp_host->stalk_on_down == TRUE) { printf("%sDown", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_host->stalk_on_unreachable == TRUE) { printf("%sUnreachable", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(options == 0) printf("None"); printf("", bg_class); printf("%s\n", (temp_host->flap_detection_enabled == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("", bg_class); if(temp_host->low_flap_threshold == 0.0) printf("Program-wide value\n"); else printf("%3.1f%%\n", temp_host->low_flap_threshold); printf("", bg_class); if(temp_host->high_flap_threshold == 0.0) printf("Program-wide value\n"); else printf("%3.1f%%\n", temp_host->high_flap_threshold); printf("", bg_class); options = 0; if(temp_host->flap_detection_on_up == TRUE) { options = 1; printf("Up"); } if(temp_host->flap_detection_on_down == TRUE) { printf("%sDown", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_host->flap_detection_on_unreachable == TRUE) { printf("%sUnreachable", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(options == 0) printf("None"); printf("", bg_class); printf("%s\n", (temp_host->process_performance_data == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("", bg_class); printf("%s\n", (temp_host->failure_prediction_enabled == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("%s%s%s%s %d,%d %.2f,%.2f,%.2f  %s  %s  %s%s", bg_class); options = 0; if(temp_host->retain_status_information == TRUE) { options = 1; printf("Status Information"); } if(temp_host->retain_nonstatus_information == TRUE) { printf("%sNon-Status Information", (options == 1) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(options == 0) printf("None"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void display_hostgroups(void) { hostgroup *temp_hostgroup; hostsmember *temp_hostsmember; int odd = 0; char *bg_class = ""; /* see if user is authorized to view hostgroup information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("

Host Group%s%s

\n", (*to_expand == '\0' ? "s" : " "), (*to_expand == '\0' ? "" : html_encode(to_expand, FALSE))); printf("

\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); /* check all the hostgroups... */ for(temp_hostgroup = hostgroup_list; temp_hostgroup != NULL; temp_hostgroup = temp_hostgroup->next) if(((*to_expand) == '\0') || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_hostgroup->group_name))) { if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataEven"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("", bg_class, html_encode(temp_hostgroup->group_name, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, html_encode(temp_hostgroup->alias, FALSE)); printf("\n"); printf("", bg_class, (temp_hostgroup->notes == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_hostgroup->notes, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, (temp_hostgroup->notes_url == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_hostgroup->notes_url, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, (temp_hostgroup->action_url == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_hostgroup->action_url, FALSE)); printf("\n"); } printf("
Group NameDescriptionHost MembersNotesNotes URLAction URL
%s%s", bg_class); /* find all the hosts that are members of this hostgroup... */ for(temp_hostsmember = temp_hostgroup->members; temp_hostsmember != NULL; temp_hostsmember = temp_hostsmember->next) { if(temp_hostsmember != temp_hostgroup->members) printf(", "); printf("%s\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_hostsmember->host_name), html_encode(temp_hostsmember->host_name, FALSE)); } printf("%s%s%s
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void display_servicegroups(void) { servicegroup *temp_servicegroup; servicesmember *temp_servicesmember; int odd = 0; char *bg_class = ""; /* see if user is authorized to view servicegroup information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("

Service Group%s%s

\n", (*to_expand == '\0' ? "s" : " "), (*to_expand == '\0' ? "" : html_encode(to_expand, FALSE))); printf("

\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); /* check all the servicegroups... */ for(temp_servicegroup = servicegroup_list; temp_servicegroup != NULL; temp_servicegroup = temp_servicegroup->next) if(((*to_expand) == '\0') || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_servicegroup->group_name))) { if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataEven"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("", bg_class, html_encode(temp_servicegroup->group_name, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, html_encode(temp_servicegroup->alias, FALSE)); printf("\n"); printf("", bg_class, (temp_servicegroup->notes == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_servicegroup->notes, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, (temp_servicegroup->notes_url == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_servicegroup->notes_url, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, (temp_servicegroup->action_url == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_servicegroup->action_url, FALSE)); printf("\n"); } printf("
Group NameDescriptionService MembersNotesNotes URLAction URL
%s%s", bg_class); /* find all the services that are members of this servicegroup... */ for(temp_servicesmember = temp_servicegroup->members; temp_servicesmember != NULL; temp_servicesmember = temp_servicesmember->next) { printf("%s%s / ", (temp_servicesmember == temp_servicegroup->members) ? "" : ", ", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_servicesmember->host_name), html_encode(temp_servicesmember->host_name, FALSE)); printf("%s\n", url_encode(temp_servicesmember->service_description), html_encode(temp_servicesmember->service_description, FALSE)); } printf("%s%s%s
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void display_contacts(void) { contact *temp_contact; commandsmember *temp_commandsmember; int odd = 0; int options; int found; char *bg_class = ""; /* see if user is authorized to view contact information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("


\n", (*to_expand == '\0' ? "s" : " "), (*to_expand == '\0' ? "" : html_encode(to_expand, FALSE))); printf("

\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); /* check all contacts... */ for(temp_contact = contact_list; temp_contact != NULL; temp_contact = temp_contact->next) if(((*to_expand) == '\0') || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_contact->name))) { if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataEven"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("\n", bg_class, url_encode(temp_contact->name), html_encode(temp_contact->name, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, html_encode(temp_contact->alias, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_contact->email == NULL) ? " " : url_encode(temp_contact->email), (temp_contact->email == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_contact->email, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_contact->pager == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_contact->pager, FALSE)); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } printf("
Contact NameAliasEmail AddressPager Address/NumberService Notification OptionsHost Notification OptionsService Notification PeriodHost Notification PeriodService Notification CommandsHost Notification CommandsRetention Options
%s%s%s%s", bg_class); options = 0; if(temp_contact->notify_on_service_unknown == TRUE) { options = 1; printf("Unknown"); } if(temp_contact->notify_on_service_warning == TRUE) { printf("%sWarning", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_contact->notify_on_service_critical == TRUE) { printf("%sCritical", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_contact->notify_on_service_recovery == TRUE) { printf("%sRecovery", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_contact->notify_on_service_flapping == TRUE) { printf("%sFlapping", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_contact->notify_on_service_downtime == TRUE) { printf("%sDowntime", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(!options) printf("None"); printf("", bg_class); options = 0; if(temp_contact->notify_on_host_down == TRUE) { options = 1; printf("Down"); } if(temp_contact->notify_on_host_unreachable == TRUE) { printf("%sUnreachable", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_contact->notify_on_host_recovery == TRUE) { printf("%sRecovery", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_contact->notify_on_host_flapping == TRUE) { printf("%sFlapping", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_contact->notify_on_host_downtime == TRUE) { printf("%sDowntime", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(!options) printf("None"); printf("\n", bg_class); if(temp_contact->service_notification_period == NULL) printf(" "); else printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_contact->service_notification_period), html_encode(temp_contact->service_notification_period, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class); if(temp_contact->host_notification_period == NULL) printf(" "); else printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_contact->host_notification_period), html_encode(temp_contact->host_notification_period, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class); found = FALSE; for(temp_commandsmember = temp_contact->service_notification_commands; temp_commandsmember != NULL; temp_commandsmember = temp_commandsmember->next) { if(temp_commandsmember != temp_contact->service_notification_commands) printf(", "); /* printf("%s",CONFIG_CGI,url_encode(strtok(temp_commandsmember->command,"!")),html_encode(temp_commandsmember->command,FALSE)); */ printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_commandsmember->command), html_encode(temp_commandsmember->command, FALSE)); found = TRUE; } if(found == FALSE) printf("None"); printf("", bg_class); found = FALSE; for(temp_commandsmember = temp_contact->host_notification_commands; temp_commandsmember != NULL; temp_commandsmember = temp_commandsmember->next) { if(temp_commandsmember != temp_contact->host_notification_commands) printf(", "); /* printf("%s",CONFIG_CGI,url_encode(strtok(temp_commandsmember->command,"!")),html_encode(temp_commandsmember->command,FALSE)); */ printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_commandsmember->command), html_encode(temp_commandsmember->command, FALSE)); found = TRUE; } if(found == FALSE) printf("None"); printf("", bg_class); options = 0; if(temp_contact->retain_status_information == TRUE) { options = 1; printf("Status Information"); } if(temp_contact->retain_nonstatus_information == TRUE) { printf("%sNon-Status Information", (options == 1) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(options == 0) printf("None"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void display_contactgroups(void) { contactgroup *temp_contactgroup; contactsmember *temp_contactsmember; int odd = 0; char *bg_class = ""; /* see if user is authorized to view contactgroup information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("

Contact Group%s%s

\n", (*to_expand == '\0' ? "s" : " "), (*to_expand == '\0' ? "" : html_encode(to_expand, FALSE))); printf("

\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); /* check all the contact groups... */ for(temp_contactgroup = contactgroup_list; temp_contactgroup != NULL; temp_contactgroup = temp_contactgroup->next) if(((*to_expand) == '\0') || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_contactgroup->group_name))) { if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataEven"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("\n", bg_class, url_encode(temp_contactgroup->group_name), html_encode(temp_contactgroup->group_name, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, html_encode(temp_contactgroup->alias, FALSE)); /* find all the contact who are members of this contact group... */ printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } printf("
Group NameDescriptionContact Members
%s%s", bg_class); for(temp_contactsmember = temp_contactgroup->members; temp_contactsmember != NULL; temp_contactsmember = temp_contactsmember->next) { if(temp_contactsmember != temp_contactgroup->members) printf(", "); printf("%s\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_contactsmember->contact_name), html_encode(temp_contactsmember->contact_name, FALSE)); } printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void display_services(void) { service *temp_service = NULL; contactsmember *temp_contactsmember = NULL; contactgroupsmember *temp_contactgroupsmember = NULL; char *processed_string = NULL; char command_line[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; char *command_name = ""; int options; int odd = 0; char time_string[16]; char *bg_class; int contact = 0; /* see if user is authorized to view service information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("


\n", (*to_expand == '\0' ? "s" : "s Named or on Host "), (*to_expand == '\0' ? "" : html_encode(to_expand, FALSE))); printf("

\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); /* check all the services... */ for(temp_service = service_list; temp_service != NULL; temp_service = temp_service->next) if(((*to_expand) == '\0') || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_service->host_name)) || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_service->description))) { /* grab macros */ grab_service_macros_r(mac, temp_service); if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataEven"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_service->host_name), html_encode(temp_service->host_name, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, html_encode(temp_service->description, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, temp_service->max_attempts); get_interval_time_string(temp_service->check_interval, time_string, sizeof(time_string)); printf("\n", bg_class, time_string); get_interval_time_string(temp_service->retry_interval, time_string, sizeof(time_string)); printf("\n", bg_class, time_string); strncpy(command_line, temp_service->service_check_command, sizeof(command_line)); command_line[sizeof(command_line) - 1] = '\x0'; command_name = strtok(strdup(command_line), "!"); /* printf("\n",bg_class,CONFIG_CGI,url_encode(command_name),html_encode(command_line,FALSE)); */ printf("\n", bg_class, CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(command_line), html_encode(command_line, FALSE)); free(command_name); printf("\n"); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_service->parallelize == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_service->is_volatile == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_service->obsess_over_service == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_service->checks_enabled == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_service->accept_passive_service_checks == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_service->check_freshness == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); get_interval_time_string(temp_service->notification_interval, time_string, sizeof(time_string)); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_service->notification_interval == 0) ? "No Re-notification" : html_encode(time_string, FALSE)); get_interval_time_string(temp_service->first_notification_delay, time_string, sizeof(time_string)); printf("\n", bg_class, time_string); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n", bg_class, (temp_service->failure_prediction_options == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_service->failure_prediction_options, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, (temp_service->notes == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_service->notes, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, (temp_service->notes_url == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_service->notes_url, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, (temp_service->action_url == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_service->action_url, FALSE)); if(temp_service->icon_image == NULL) printf("", bg_class); else { process_macros_r(mac, temp_service->icon_image, &processed_string, 0); printf("", bg_class, url_logo_images_path, processed_string, html_encode(temp_service->icon_image, FALSE)); free(processed_string); } printf("", bg_class, (temp_service->icon_image_alt == NULL) ? " " : html_encode(temp_service->icon_image_alt, FALSE)); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } printf("
HostDescriptionMax. Check AttemptsNormal Check IntervalRetry Check InteralCheck CommandCheck PeriodParallelizeVolatileObsess OverEnable Active ChecksEnable Passive ChecksCheck FreshnessFreshness ThresholdDefault Contacts/GroupsEnable NotificationsNotification IntervalFirst Notification DelayNotification OptionsNotification PeriodEvent HandlerEnable Event HandlerStalking OptionsEnable Flap DetectionLow Flap ThresholdHigh Flap ThresholdFlap Detection OptionsProcess Performance DataEnable Failure PredictionFailure Prediction OptionsNotesNotes URLAction URLLogo ImageImage AltRetention Options
", url_encode(temp_service->description)); printf("%s%s%d%s%s%s%s", bg_class); if(temp_service->check_period == NULL) printf(" "); else printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_service->check_period), html_encode(temp_service->check_period, FALSE)); printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s", bg_class); if(temp_service->freshness_threshold == 0) printf("Auto-determined value\n"); else printf("%d seconds\n", temp_service->freshness_threshold); printf("", bg_class); contact = 0; for(temp_contactsmember = temp_service->contacts; temp_contactsmember != NULL; temp_contactsmember = temp_contactsmember->next) { contact++; if(contact > 1) printf(", "); printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_contactsmember->contact_name), html_encode(temp_contactsmember->contact_name, FALSE)); } for(temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_service->contact_groups; temp_contactgroupsmember != NULL; temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_contactgroupsmember->next) { contact++; if(contact > 1) printf(", "); printf("%s\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name), html_encode(temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name, FALSE)); } if(contact == 0) printf(" "); printf("", bg_class); printf("%s\n", (temp_service->notifications_enabled == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("%s%s", bg_class); options = 0; if(temp_service->notify_on_unknown == TRUE) { options = 1; printf("Unknown"); } if(temp_service->notify_on_warning == TRUE) { printf("%sWarning", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_service->notify_on_critical == TRUE) { printf("%sCritical", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_service->notify_on_recovery == TRUE) { printf("%sRecovery", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_service->notify_on_flapping == TRUE) { printf("%sFlapping", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_service->notify_on_downtime == TRUE) { printf("%sDowntime", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(!options) printf("None"); printf("", bg_class); if(temp_service->notification_period == NULL) printf(" "); else printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_service->notification_period), html_encode(temp_service->notification_period, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class); if(temp_service->event_handler == NULL) printf(" "); else /* printf("%s",CONFIG_CGI,url_encode(strtok(temp_service->event_handler,"!")),html_encode(temp_service->event_handler,FALSE)); */ printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_service->event_handler), html_encode(temp_service->event_handler, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class); printf("%s\n", (temp_service->event_handler_enabled == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("", bg_class); options = 0; if(temp_service->stalk_on_ok == TRUE) { options = 1; printf("Ok"); } if(temp_service->stalk_on_warning == TRUE) { printf("%sWarning", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_service->stalk_on_unknown == TRUE) { printf("%sUnknown", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_service->stalk_on_critical == TRUE) { printf("%sCritical", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(options == 0) printf("None"); printf("", bg_class); printf("%s\n", (temp_service->flap_detection_enabled == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("", bg_class); if(temp_service->low_flap_threshold == 0.0) printf("Program-wide value\n"); else printf("%3.1f%%\n", temp_service->low_flap_threshold); printf("", bg_class); if(temp_service->high_flap_threshold == 0.0) printf("Program-wide value\n"); else printf("%3.1f%%\n", temp_service->high_flap_threshold); printf("", bg_class); options = 0; if(temp_service->flap_detection_on_ok == TRUE) { options = 1; printf("Ok"); } if(temp_service->flap_detection_on_warning == TRUE) { printf("%sWarning", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_service->flap_detection_on_unknown == TRUE) { printf("%sUnknown", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(temp_service->flap_detection_on_critical == TRUE) { printf("%sCritical", (options) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(options == 0) printf("None"); printf("", bg_class); printf("%s\n", (temp_service->process_performance_data == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("", bg_class); printf("%s\n", (temp_service->failure_prediction_enabled == TRUE) ? "Yes" : "No"); printf("%s%s%s%s  %s%s", bg_class); options = 0; if(temp_service->retain_status_information == TRUE) { options = 1; printf("Status Information"); } if(temp_service->retain_nonstatus_information == TRUE) { printf("%sNon-Status Information", (options == 1) ? ", " : ""); options = 1; } if(options == 0) printf("None"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void display_timeperiods(void) { timerange *temp_timerange = NULL; daterange *temp_daterange = NULL; timeperiod *temp_timeperiod = NULL; timeperiodexclusion *temp_timeperiodexclusion = NULL; char *months[12] = {"january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december"}; char *days[7] = {"sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday"}; int odd = 0; int day = 0; int x = 0; char *bg_class = ""; char timestring[10]; int hours = 0; int minutes = 0; int seconds = 0; int line = 0; int item = 0; /* see if user is authorized to view time period information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("

Time Period%s%s

\n", (*to_expand == '\0' ? "s" : " "), (*to_expand == '\0' ? "" : html_encode(to_expand, FALSE))); printf("

\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); /* check all the time periods... */ for(temp_timeperiod = timeperiod_list; temp_timeperiod != NULL; temp_timeperiod = temp_timeperiod->next) if(((*to_expand) == '\0') || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_timeperiod->name))) { if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataEven"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("\n", bg_class, url_encode(temp_timeperiod->name), html_encode(temp_timeperiod->name, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, html_encode(temp_timeperiod->alias, FALSE)); printf(""); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } } for(day = 0; day < 7; day++) { if(temp_timeperiod->days[day] == NULL) continue; line++; if(line > 1) printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } if(line == 0) { printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } } printf("
%s%s", bg_class); item = 0; for(temp_timeperiodexclusion = temp_timeperiod->exclusions; temp_timeperiodexclusion != NULL; temp_timeperiodexclusion = temp_timeperiodexclusion->next) { item++; printf("%s%s", (item == 1) ? "" : ", ", url_encode(temp_timeperiodexclusion->timeperiod_name), html_encode(temp_timeperiodexclusion->timeperiod_name, FALSE)); } printf("", bg_class); line = 0; for(x = 0; x < DATERANGE_TYPES; x++) { for(temp_daterange = temp_timeperiod->exceptions[x]; temp_daterange != NULL; temp_daterange = temp_daterange->next) { line++; if(line > 1) printf("
\n", bg_class); switch(temp_daterange->type) { case DATERANGE_CALENDAR_DATE: printf("%d-%02d-%02d", temp_daterange->syear, temp_daterange->smon + 1, temp_daterange->smday); if((temp_daterange->smday != temp_daterange->emday) || (temp_daterange->smon != temp_daterange->emon) || (temp_daterange->syear != temp_daterange->eyear)) printf(" - %d-%02d-%02d", temp_daterange->eyear, temp_daterange->emon + 1, temp_daterange->emday); if(temp_daterange->skip_interval > 1) printf(" / %d", temp_daterange->skip_interval); break; case DATERANGE_MONTH_DATE: printf("%s %d", months[temp_daterange->smon], temp_daterange->smday); if((temp_daterange->smon != temp_daterange->emon) || (temp_daterange->smday != temp_daterange->emday)) { printf(" - %s %d", months[temp_daterange->emon], temp_daterange->emday); if(temp_daterange->skip_interval > 1) printf(" / %d", temp_daterange->skip_interval); } break; case DATERANGE_MONTH_DAY: printf("day %d", temp_daterange->smday); if(temp_daterange->smday != temp_daterange->emday) { printf(" - %d", temp_daterange->emday); if(temp_daterange->skip_interval > 1) printf(" / %d", temp_daterange->skip_interval); } break; case DATERANGE_MONTH_WEEK_DAY: printf("%s %d %s", days[temp_daterange->swday], temp_daterange->swday_offset, months[temp_daterange->smon]); if((temp_daterange->smon != temp_daterange->emon) || (temp_daterange->swday != temp_daterange->ewday) || (temp_daterange->swday_offset != temp_daterange->ewday_offset)) { printf(" - %s %d %s", days[temp_daterange->ewday], temp_daterange->ewday_offset, months[temp_daterange->emon]); if(temp_daterange->skip_interval > 1) printf(" / %d", temp_daterange->skip_interval); } break; case DATERANGE_WEEK_DAY: printf("%s %d", days[temp_daterange->swday], temp_daterange->swday_offset); if((temp_daterange->swday != temp_daterange->ewday) || (temp_daterange->swday_offset != temp_daterange->ewday_offset)) { printf(" - %s %d", days[temp_daterange->ewday], temp_daterange->ewday_offset); if(temp_daterange->skip_interval > 1) printf(" / %d", temp_daterange->skip_interval); } break; default: break; } printf("\n", bg_class); for(temp_timerange = temp_daterange->times; temp_timerange != NULL; temp_timerange = temp_timerange->next) { if(temp_timerange != temp_daterange->times) printf(", "); hours = temp_timerange->range_start / 3600; minutes = (temp_timerange->range_start - (hours * 3600)) / 60; seconds = temp_timerange->range_start - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60); snprintf(timestring, sizeof(timestring) - 1, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds); timestring[sizeof(timestring) - 1] = '\x0'; printf("%s - ", timestring); hours = temp_timerange->range_end / 3600; minutes = (temp_timerange->range_end - (hours * 3600)) / 60; seconds = temp_timerange->range_end - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60); snprintf(timestring, sizeof(timestring) - 1, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds); timestring[sizeof(timestring) - 1] = '\x0'; printf("%s", timestring); } printf("
\n", bg_class); printf("%s", days[day]); printf("\n", bg_class); for(temp_timerange = temp_timeperiod->days[day]; temp_timerange != NULL; temp_timerange = temp_timerange->next) { if(temp_timerange != temp_timeperiod->days[day]) printf(", "); hours = temp_timerange->range_start / 3600; minutes = (temp_timerange->range_start - (hours * 3600)) / 60; seconds = temp_timerange->range_start - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60); snprintf(timestring, sizeof(timestring) - 1, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds); timestring[sizeof(timestring) - 1] = '\x0'; printf("%s - ", timestring); hours = temp_timerange->range_end / 3600; minutes = (temp_timerange->range_end - (hours * 3600)) / 60; seconds = temp_timerange->range_end - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60); snprintf(timestring, sizeof(timestring) - 1, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds); timestring[sizeof(timestring) - 1] = '\x0'; printf("%s", timestring); } printf(" 
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void display_commands(void) { command *temp_command; int odd = 0; char *bg_class = ""; /* see if user is authorized to view command information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("


\n", (*to_expand == '\0' ? "s" : " "), (*to_expand == '\0' ? "" : html_encode(to_expand, FALSE))); printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); /* check all commands */ for(temp_command = command_list; temp_command != NULL; temp_command = temp_command->next) if(((*to_expand) == '\0') || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_command->name))) { if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataEven"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("\n", bg_class, url_encode(temp_command->name), html_encode(temp_command->name, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, html_encode(temp_command->command_line, FALSE)); printf("\n"); } printf("
Command NameCommand Line
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void display_servicedependencies(void) { servicedependency *temp_sd; int odd = 0; int options; char *bg_class = ""; /* see if user is authorized to view hostgroup information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("

Service Dependencie%s%s

\n", (*to_expand == '\0' ? "s" : "s Involving Host "), (*to_expand == '\0' ? "" : html_encode(to_expand, FALSE))); printf("

\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); /* check all the service dependencies... */ for(temp_sd = servicedependency_list; temp_sd != NULL; temp_sd = temp_sd->next) if(((*to_expand) == '\0') || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_sd->dependent_host_name)) || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_sd->host_name))) { if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataEven"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("", bg_class, CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_sd->dependent_host_name), html_encode(temp_sd->dependent_host_name, FALSE)); printf("\n", url_encode(temp_sd->dependent_service_description), html_encode(temp_sd->dependent_service_description, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_sd->host_name), html_encode(temp_sd->host_name, FALSE)); printf("\n", url_encode(temp_sd->service_description), html_encode(temp_sd->service_description, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, (temp_sd->dependency_type == NOTIFICATION_DEPENDENCY) ? "Notification" : "Check Execution"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } printf("
Dependent ServiceMaster Service
HostServiceHostServiceDependency TypeDependency PeriodDependency Failure Options
%s%s%s%s%s", bg_class); if(temp_sd->dependency_period == NULL) printf(" "); else printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_sd->dependency_period), html_encode(temp_sd->dependency_period, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class); options = FALSE; if(temp_sd->fail_on_ok == TRUE) { printf("Ok"); options = TRUE; } if(temp_sd->fail_on_warning == TRUE) { printf("%sWarning", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } if(temp_sd->fail_on_unknown == TRUE) { printf("%sUnknown", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } if(temp_sd->fail_on_critical == TRUE) { printf("%sCritical", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } if(temp_sd->fail_on_pending == TRUE) { printf("%sPending", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void display_serviceescalations(void) { serviceescalation *temp_se = NULL; contactsmember *temp_contactsmember = NULL; contactgroupsmember *temp_contactgroupsmember = NULL; char time_string[16] = ""; int options = FALSE; int odd = 0; char *bg_class = ""; int contact = 0; /* see if user is authorized to view hostgroup information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("

Service Escalation%s%s

\n", (*to_expand == '\0' ? "s" : "s on Host "), (*to_expand == '\0' ? "" : html_encode(to_expand, FALSE))); printf("

\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); /* check all the service escalations... */ for(temp_se = serviceescalation_list; temp_se != NULL; temp_se = temp_se->next) if(((*to_expand) == '\0') || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_se->host_name))) { if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataEven"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("", bg_class, CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_se->host_name), html_encode(temp_se->host_name, FALSE)); printf("\n", url_encode(temp_se->description), html_encode(temp_se->description, FALSE)); printf("\n"); printf("", bg_class, temp_se->first_notification); printf("\n"); get_interval_time_string(temp_se->notification_interval, time_string, sizeof(time_string)); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } printf("
HostDescriptionContacts/GroupsFirst NotificationLast NotificationNotification IntervalEscalation PeriodEscalation Options
%s%s", bg_class); contact = 0; for(temp_contactsmember = temp_se->contacts; temp_contactsmember != NULL; temp_contactsmember = temp_contactsmember->next) { contact++; if(contact > 1) printf(", "); printf("%s\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_contactsmember->contact_name), html_encode(temp_contactsmember->contact_name, FALSE)); } for(temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_se->contact_groups; temp_contactgroupsmember != NULL; temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_contactgroupsmember->next) { contact++; if(contact > 1) printf(", "); printf("%s\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name), html_encode(temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name, FALSE)); } if(contact == 0) printf(" "); printf("%d", bg_class); if(temp_se->last_notification == 0) printf("Infinity"); else printf("%d", temp_se->last_notification); printf("", bg_class); if(temp_se->notification_interval == 0.0) printf("Notify Only Once (No Re-notification)"); else printf("%s", time_string); printf("", bg_class); if(temp_se->escalation_period == NULL) printf(" "); else printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_se->escalation_period), html_encode(temp_se->escalation_period, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class); options = FALSE; if(temp_se->escalate_on_warning == TRUE) { printf("%sWarning", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } if(temp_se->escalate_on_unknown == TRUE) { printf("%sUnknown", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } if(temp_se->escalate_on_critical == TRUE) { printf("%sCritical", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } if(temp_se->escalate_on_recovery == TRUE) { printf("%sRecovery", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } if(options == FALSE) printf("None"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void display_hostdependencies(void) { hostdependency *temp_hd; int odd = 0; int options; char *bg_class = ""; /* see if user is authorized to view hostdependency information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("

Host Dependencie%s%s

\n", (*to_expand == '\0' ? "s" : "s Involving Host "), (*to_expand == '\0' ? "" : html_encode(to_expand, FALSE))); printf("

\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); /* check all the host dependencies... */ for(temp_hd = hostdependency_list; temp_hd != NULL; temp_hd = temp_hd->next) if(((*to_expand) == '\0') || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_hd->dependent_host_name)) || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_hd->host_name))) { if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataEven"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("", bg_class, CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_hd->dependent_host_name), html_encode(temp_hd->dependent_host_name, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_hd->host_name), html_encode(temp_hd->host_name, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class, (temp_hd->dependency_type == NOTIFICATION_DEPENDENCY) ? "Notification" : "Check Execution"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } printf("
Dependent HostMaster HostDependency TypeDependency PeriodDependency Failure Options
%s%s%s", bg_class); if(temp_hd->dependency_period == NULL) printf(" "); else printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_hd->dependency_period), html_encode(temp_hd->dependency_period, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class); options = FALSE; if(temp_hd->fail_on_up == TRUE) { printf("Up"); options = TRUE; } if(temp_hd->fail_on_down == TRUE) { printf("%sDown", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } if(temp_hd->fail_on_unreachable == TRUE) { printf("%sUnreachable", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } if(temp_hd->fail_on_pending == TRUE) { printf("%sPending", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void display_hostescalations(void) { hostescalation *temp_he = NULL; contactsmember *temp_contactsmember = NULL; contactgroupsmember *temp_contactgroupsmember = NULL; char time_string[16] = ""; int options = FALSE; int odd = 0; char *bg_class = ""; int contact = 0; /* see if user is authorized to view hostgroup information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("

Host Escalation%s%s

\n", (*to_expand == '\0' ? "s" : "s for Host "), (*to_expand == '\0' ? "" : html_encode(to_expand, FALSE))); printf("

\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf(""); printf("\n"); /* check all the host escalations... */ for(temp_he = hostescalation_list; temp_he != NULL; temp_he = temp_he->next) if(((*to_expand) == '\0') || (!strcmp(to_expand, temp_he->host_name))) { if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataEven"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("", bg_class, CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_he->host_name), html_encode(temp_he->host_name, FALSE)); printf("\n"); printf("", bg_class, temp_he->first_notification); printf("\n"); get_interval_time_string(temp_he->notification_interval, time_string, sizeof(time_string)); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } printf("
HostContacts/GroupsFirst NotificationLast NotificationNotification IntervalEscalation PeriodEscalation Options
%s", bg_class); contact = 0; for(temp_contactsmember = temp_he->contacts; temp_contactsmember != NULL; temp_contactsmember = temp_contactsmember->next) { contact++; if(contact > 1) printf(", "); printf("%s\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_contactsmember->contact_name), html_encode(temp_contactsmember->contact_name, FALSE)); } for(temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_he->contact_groups; temp_contactgroupsmember != NULL; temp_contactgroupsmember = temp_contactgroupsmember->next) { contact++; if(contact > 1) printf(", "); printf("%s\n", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name), html_encode(temp_contactgroupsmember->group_name, FALSE)); } if(contact == 0) printf(" "); printf("%d", bg_class); if(temp_he->last_notification == 0) printf("Infinity"); else printf("%d", temp_he->last_notification); printf("", bg_class); if(temp_he->notification_interval == 0.0) printf("Notify Only Once (No Re-notification)"); else printf("%s", time_string); printf("", bg_class); if(temp_he->escalation_period == NULL) printf(" "); else printf("%s", CONFIG_CGI, url_encode(temp_he->escalation_period), html_encode(temp_he->escalation_period, FALSE)); printf("", bg_class); options = FALSE; if(temp_he->escalate_on_down == TRUE) { printf("%sDown", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } if(temp_he->escalate_on_unreachable == TRUE) { printf("%sUnreachable", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } if(temp_he->escalate_on_recovery == TRUE) { printf("%sRecovery", (options == TRUE) ? ", " : ""); options = TRUE; } if(options == FALSE) printf("None"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void unauthorized_message(void) { printf("

It appears as though you do not have permission to view the configuration information you requested...

\n"); printf("

If you believe this is an error, check the HTTP server authentication requirements for accessing this CGI
"); printf("and check the authorization options in your CGI configuration file.

\n"); return; } char *hash_color(int i) { char c; /* This is actually optimized for MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS==32 ... */ if((i % 32) < 16) { if((i % 32) < 8) c = '7'; else c = '4'; } else { if((i % 32) < 24) c = '6'; else c = '5'; } /* Computation for standard case */ hashed_color[0] = '#'; hashed_color[1] = hashed_color[2] = ((i % 2) ? c : '0'); hashed_color[3] = hashed_color[4] = (((i / 2) % 2) ? c : '0'); hashed_color[5] = hashed_color[6] = (((i / 4) % 2) ? c : '0'); hashed_color[7] = '\0'; /* Override shades of grey */ if((i % 8) == 7) hashed_color[1] = hashed_color[3] = '0'; if((i % 8) == 0) hashed_color[2] = hashed_color[3] = hashed_color[4] = hashed_color[6] = c; return(hashed_color); } void display_command_expansion(void) { command *temp_command; int odd = 0; char *bg_class = ""; int i, j; char *c, *cc; char commandline[MAX_COMMAND_BUFFER]; char *command_args[MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS]; int arg_count[MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS], lead_space[MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS], trail_space[MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS]; /* see if user is authorized to view command information... */ if(is_authorized_for_configuration_information(¤t_authdata) == FALSE) { unauthorized_message(); return; } printf("

Command Expansion

\n"); /* Parse to_expand into parts */ for(i = 0; i < MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS; i++) command_args[i] = NULL; for(i = 0, command_args[0] = cc = c = strdup(to_expand); c && ((*c) != '\0') && (i < MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS); c++, cc++) { if((*c) == '\\') c++; else if((*c) == '!') { (*cc) = '\0'; cc = c++; command_args[++i] = (c--); } (*cc) = (*c); } if((*c) == '\0')(*cc) = '\0'; /* Precompute indexes of dangling whitespace */ for(i = 0; i < MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS; i++) { for(cc = command_args[i], lead_space[i] = 0; cc && isspace(*cc); cc++, lead_space[i]++) ; trail_space[i] = 0; for(; cc && ((*cc) != '\0'); cc++) if(isspace(*cc)) trail_space[i]++; else trail_space[i] = 0; } printf("

\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); if((*to_expand) != '\0') { arg_count[0] = 0; printf("\n"); /* check all commands */ for(temp_command = command_list; temp_command != NULL; temp_command = temp_command->next) { if(!strcmp(temp_command->name, command_args[0])) { arg_count[0]++; if(odd) { odd = 0; bg_class = "dataEven"; } else { odd = 1; bg_class = "dataOdd"; } printf("\n", bg_class); printf("\n", bg_class, url_encode(temp_command->name), html_encode(temp_command->name, FALSE)); printf("\n", bg_class, html_encode(temp_command->command_line, FALSE)); printf("\n\n", bg_class); for(i = 1; i < MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS; i++) arg_count[i] = 0; printf("\n", bg_class); printf("\n"); for(i = 1; (i < MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS) && (command_args[i]); i++) { if(arg_count[i] == 0) { printf("\n", bg_class, bg_class); printf("\n", bg_class, i, hash_color(i), ((lead_space[i] > 0) || (trail_space[i] > 0) ? "‍" : ""), html_encode(command_args[i], FALSE), ((lead_space[i] > 0) || (trail_space[i] > 0) ? "‍" : "")); } else if(arg_count[i] > 1) { printf("\n", bg_class, bg_class, i); printf("\n", bg_class, i, hash_color(i), ((lead_space[i] > 0) || (trail_space[i] > 0) ? "‍" : ""), html_encode(command_args[i], FALSE), ((lead_space[i] > 0) || (trail_space[i] > 0) ? "‍" : "")); } if((lead_space[i] > 0) || (trail_space[i] > 0)) { printf("\n", bg_class, bg_class); printf("\n"); } } } } if(!arg_count[0]) { printf("\n", html_encode(command_args[0], FALSE)); } } printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
Command NameCommand Line
To expand:%s", escape_string(command_args[0])); for(i = 1; (i < MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS) && command_args[i]; i++) printf("!%s", hash_color(i), escape_string(command_args[i])); printf("\n
->", bg_class); strncpy(commandline, temp_command->command_line, MAX_COMMAND_BUFFER); commandline[MAX_COMMAND_BUFFER - 1] = '\0'; for(c = commandline; c && (cc = strstr(c, "$"));) { (*(cc++)) = '\0'; printf("%s", html_encode(c, FALSE)); if((*cc) == '$') { /* Escaped '$' */ printf("$"); c = (++cc); } else if(strncmp("ARG", cc, 3)) { /* Non-$ARGn$ macro */ c = strstr(cc, "$"); if(c)(*(c++)) = '\0'; printf("$%s%s", html_encode(cc, FALSE), (c ? "$" : "")); if(!c) printf(" (not properly terminated)"); } else { /* $ARGn$ macro */ for(c = (cc += 3); isdigit(*c); c++) ; if(((*c) == '\0') || ((*c) == '$')) { /* Index is numeric */ i = atoi(cc); if((i > 0) && (i <= MAX_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS)) { arg_count[i]++; if(command_args[i]) { if(*(command_args[i]) != '\0') printf("%s%s%s", hash_color(i), ((lead_space[i] > 0) || (trail_space[i] > 0) ? "‍" : ""), html_encode(command_args[i], FALSE), ((lead_space[i] > 0) || (trail_space[i] > 0) ? "‍" : "")); else printf("(empty)"); } else printf("(undefined)"); } else printf("(not a valid $ARGn$ index: %u)", i); if((*c) != '\0') c++; else printf(" (not properly terminated)"); } else { /* Syntax err in index */ c = strstr(cc, "$"); printf("(not an $ARGn$ index: "%s")", html_encode(strtok(cc, "$"), FALSE)); if(c) c++; } } } if(c) printf("%s", html_encode(c, FALSE)); printf("
used %u x:$ARG%u$=%s%s%s
dangling whitespace:$ARG%u$=", bg_class, i); for(c = command_args[i], j = 0; c && isspace(*c); c++, j++) /* TODO: As long as the hyperlinks change all whitespace into actual spaces, we'll output "[WS]" (whitespace) instead of "[SP]"(ace). */ /* if ((*c)==' ') printf("[SP]"); */ if((*c) == ' ') printf("[WS]"); else if((*c) == '\f') printf("[FF]"); else if((*c) == '\n') printf("[LF]"); else if((*c) == '\r') printf("[CR]"); else if((*c) == '\t') printf("[HT]"); else if((*c) == '\v') printf("[VT]"); else printf("[0x%x]", *c); printf("", hash_color(i)); for(; c && ((*c) != '\0') && (j < strlen(command_args[i]) - trail_space[i]); c++, j++) putchar(*c); printf(""); for(; c && ((*c) != '\0'); c++) /* TODO: As long as the hyperlinks change all whitespace into actual spaces, we'll output "[WS]" (whitespace) instead of "[SP]"(ace). */ /* if ((*c)==' ') printf("[SP]"); */ if((*c) == ' ') printf("[WS]"); else if((*c) == '\f') printf("[FF]"); else if((*c) == '\n') printf("[LF]"); else if((*c) == '\r') printf("[CR]"); else if((*c) == '\t') printf("[HT]"); else if((*c) == '\v') printf("[VT]"); else printf("[0x%x]", *c); printf("
Error:No\n"); printf("command "%s" found

Enter the command_check definition from a host or service definition and press Go to see the expansion of the command
To expand:\n", html_encode(to_expand, FALSE)); printf("
\n"); printf("

\n"); return; } void display_options(void) { printf("

\n"); printf("
Select Type of Config Data You Wish To View
\n"); printf("

\n"); printf("
\n", CONFIG_CGI); printf("
\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("
Object Type:
"); printf("\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("
\n"); return; }