# language_file en for Nagios Business Process Add on # hint for translating in other languages: # where ever you find __var1__ __var2__ ... leave it unchanged while # translating; these are variables which are replaced at runtime priority_1_headline=Priority 1 priority_1_description=Alerting round the clock (24 x 7) priority_2_headline=Priority 2 priority_2_description=Alerting Monday to Sunday 7:00 to 22:00 priority_3_headline=Priority 3 priority_3_description=Alerting Monday to Thursday 7:00 to 17:00, Friday 7:00 to 15:00 priority_4_headline=Priority 4 priority_4_description=Testsystems -- no Alerting priority_5_headline= priority_5_description= manually_set_to_ok=manually set to ok manually_set_to=manually set to __var1__ bi_head=Business Impact Analysis bi_explanation=With Business Impact Analysis you can ask, "What would be if...?"
You have the possibility to set the status of each single component to any state you want.
Afterwards you can see what impact this would have to your Applications (Business Processes) bi_start_session=Start a new session bi_select_starting_point=Set starting point: bi_actual_state=Actual status of all components bi_all_set_to_ok=All components set to OK state bi_hint_session_timeout=Hint:
Your session times out after 30 minutes bi_set_status=set status bi_set_host_status_to=Set the status for all services on __var1__ to: bi_set_service_status_to=Set the status for service __var1__ on __var2__ to: short_summary_head=Short Summary prio=Priority status=Status details=Details all_bp=All Business Processes show_trafficlight=Show Traffic Lights hide_trafficlight=Hide Traffic Lights for=for host=Host service=Service status=Status status_information=Status Information hint_and=The application is available to the customer, if none of the components is in CRITICAL status. hint_or=Redundant components. The Application is available to the customer if at least one component is in status OK or WARNING. hint_of=The application is available to the customer, if at least __var1__ components are in stats OK oder WARNING. back_to_top=Back to the top bp_head=Buiness Process View business_process=Business Process tree_view=Tree view info=Info language=Language error_nagios_not_running=


Nagios is not running on this machine at the moment!

error_wrong_parameter_conf_head=Parameter "conf" invalid. error_wrong_parameter_conf_body=The Parameter "conf" is probably invalid.
__var1__ is not a regular file or file is not readable.
error_not_existing_session_head=Invalid Session error_not_existing_session_body=This session does not exist. It was probably idle for too long and timed out. # new in 0.9.4 all_prios=All Priorities version=Version where_used_head=Where used? where_used_body=Where is this component being used? not_used_anywhere=__var1__ is not used in any Business Process service_on_host=Service "__var1__" on "__var2__" used_in_these_bps=__var1__ is being used in these Business Processes error_wrong_parameter_host_head=Parameter host is missing error_wrong_parameter_host_body=The parameter "host" is missing and also could not be extracted from the referer.
Please add the parameter "host" and maybe additional the parameter "service" to the URL. # new in 0.9.6 last_updated=This page was last updated error_bp_not_existing=Business Process not defined error_bp_not_existing_body=A Business Process "__var1__" is not defined.