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2017-04-22 08:30:21 +02:00
# Nagios Business Process View and Nagios Business Process Analysis
# Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Sparda-Datenverarbeitung eG, Nuernberg, Germany
# Bernd Stroessreuther <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
use lib ('@libdir@');
use strict;
use bsutils;
use ndodb;
use settings;
my $settings = getSettings();
my $nagiosbpcfg="$settings->{'NAGIOSBP_ETC'}/nagios-bp.conf";
if ( $ARGV[0] ne "" )
my ($hardstates, $statusinfos, $tmp1, $tmp2, $in, @used_services, $i, $num_of_operators);
my $linenum=0;
my $rc=0;
my $undef_count=0;
($hardstates, $statusinfos) = &getStates();
print "Checking consistency of $nagiosbpcfg\n";
open(IN, "<$nagiosbpcfg") or die "unable to read file $nagiosbpcfg\n";
while($in = <IN>)
# exclude comments and empty lines
if ($in !~ m/(^\s*#)|(^\s*$)/)
if ($in =~ m/^\s*display \d+;([A-Za-z0-9_-]+);/)
if (&checkForValidService($1) != 1)
print " the display line on line $linenum uses a non existing business process: $1\n";
elsif ($in =~ m/^\s*external_info ([A-Za-z0-9_-]+);/)
if (&checkForValidService($1) != 1)
print " the external_info line on line $linenum uses a non existing business process: $1\n";
elsif ($in =~ m/^\s*info_url ([A-Za-z0-9_-]+);/)
if (&checkForValidService($1) != 1)
print " the info_url line on line $linenum uses a non existing business process: $1\n";
elsif ($in =~ m/^\s*template ([A-Za-z0-9_-]+);/)
if (&checkForValidService($1) != 1)
print " the template line on line $linenum uses a non existing business process: $1\n";
elsif ($in =~ m/=/)
($tmp1, $tmp2) = split(/ *= */, $in);
$tmp2 =~ s/^ *\d+ *of: *//;
# look if all used services are defined in Nagios
@used_services = split(/ *&|\||\+ */, $tmp2);
#print "$linenum: " . join(/ /, @used_services) . "\n";
for ($i=0; $i<@used_services; $i++)
#if ($used_services[$i] !~ m/;/) { next; };
$used_services[$i] =~ s/^ *//;
$used_services[$i] =~ s/ *$//;
if (&checkForValidService($used_services[$i]) == 0)
print " Service \"$used_services[$i]\" used on line $linenum is not a defined anywhere\n";
$rc = 1;
$tmp1 =~ s/^ *//;
$tmp1 =~ s/ *$//;
$hardstates->{$tmp1} = "DEFINED";
#print "DEBUG: pushing $tmp1\n";
# find formula with different operators
if ($tmp2 =~ m/\|/) { $num_of_operators++ };
if ($tmp2 =~ m/\+/) { $num_of_operators++ };
if ($tmp2 =~ m/&/) { $num_of_operators++ };
if ($num_of_operators > 1)
print " Line $linenum: Formula is mixing up different operators. This is not defined.\n";
print " " . $in;
$rc = 1;
# find formula with "of:" and wrong operator
if ($in =~ m/= *\d+ *of: */ && $in =~ m/&|\|/)
print " Line $linenum: In a formula using the keyword \"of:\" the only allowed operator is +\n";
print " " . $in;
$rc = 1;
print " Syntax Error on line $linenum:\n";
print " " . $in;
if ($rc == 0)
print " OK\n";
elsif ($undef_count > 0)
print "\n Please note: You must define a host or service in nagios first of all,\n";
print " than You have to reload nagios, wait a minute and after this, You can use it\n";
print " in a Business Process.\n";
print " (The Nagios reload makes sure new defined services and hosts are known in\n";
print " NDO from where they are used by Business Processes.)\n\n";
sub checkForValidService()
my $service = shift;
if (defined $hardstates->{$service})