2017-10-31 14:38:28 +01:00

722 lines
22 KiB

package JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::Command::MBean;
use strict;
use base qw(JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::Command);
use JMX::Jmx4Perl::Util;
use JMX::Jmx4Perl::Request;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
=head1 NAME
JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::Command::MBean - MBean commands
# Name of this command
sub name { "mbean" }
# We hook into as top-level commands
sub top_commands {
my $self = shift;
return $self->agent ? $self->domain_commands : {};
# The 'real' commands
sub domain_commands {
my $self = shift;
return {
"ls" => {
desc => "List MBean Domains",
proc => $self->cmd_list_domains,
args => $self->complete->mbeans(all => 1),
"cd" => {
desc => "Enter a domain",
proc => sub {
my $domain = join '',@_;
args => $self->complete->mbeans(all => 1),
sub property_commands {
my $self = shift;
my $domain = shift;
my $prop_cmds = $self->mbean_commands;
return {
"ls" => {
desc => "List MBeans for a domain",
proc => $self->cmd_list_domains($domain),
args => $self->complete->mbeans(domain => $domain),
"cd" => {
desc => "Enter a MBean",
proc => sub {
#print Dumper([@_]);
#print Devel::StackTrace->new->as_string;
my $input = join '',@_;
if (!$self->_handle_navigation($input)) {
if ($input =~ /:/) {
} else {
args => $self->complete->mbeans(domain => $domain)
"pwd" => {
desc => "Print currently selected domain",
proc => sub {
my ($s,$r) = $self->color("domain_name","reset");
print $s . $domain . $r,":\n";
sub mbean_commands {
my $self = shift;
my $mbean_props = shift;
return {
"ls" => {
desc => "List MBeans for a domain.",
doc => <<EOT,
List all MBeans within a domain.
The following options are supported:
-a: Attributes only
-o: Operations only
Wildcards are supported for filtering
proc => $self->cmd_show_mbean($mbean_props),
#args => $self->complete->mbean_attribs($mbean_props),
"cd" => {
desc => "Navigate up (..), to the top (/) or directly to another MBean",
proc => sub {
my $input = join '',@_;
if (!$self->_handle_navigation($input)) {
if ($input =~ /:/) {
# "Absolute path"
} else {
die "No MBean '",$input,"' known\n";
"cat" => {
desc => "Show value of an attribute",
proc => $self->cmd_show_attributes($mbean_props),
args => $self->complete->mbean_attributes($mbean_props),
"set" => {
desc => "Set value of an attribute",
proc => $self->cmd_set_attribute($mbean_props),
args => $self->complete->mbean_attributes($mbean_props),
"exec" => {
desc => "Execute an operation",
proc => $self->cmd_execute_operation($mbean_props),
args => $self->complete->mbean_operations($mbean_props),
"pwd" => {
desc => "Show the currently selected MBean",
proc => sub {
my ($d,$k,$v,$r) = $self->color("domain_name","property_key","property_value","reset");
print $d . $mbean_props->{domain} . $r . ":" . $self->_color_props($mbean_props) . "\n";
sub cmd_show_attributes {
my $self = shift;
my $m_info = shift;
return sub {
my $attributes = @_;
my $info = $m_info->{info};
my $mbean = $m_info->{full};
my $context = $self->context;
my $agent = $context->agent;
my @attrs = ();
for my $a (@_) {
if ($a =~ /[\*\?]/) {
my $regexp = $self->convert_wildcard_pattern_to_regexp($a);
push @attrs, grep { $_ =~ /^$regexp$/ } keys %{$m_info->{info}->{attr}};
} else {
push @attrs,$a;
# Use only unique values
my %attrM = map { $_ => 1 } @attrs;
@attrs = keys %attrM;
if (@attrs == 0) {
die "No attribute given\n";
my $request = JMX::Jmx4Perl::Request->new(READ,$mbean,\@attrs,{ignoreErrors => 1});
my $response = $agent->request($request);
if ($response->is_error) {
die "Error: " . $response->error_text;
my $values = $response->value;
my $p = "";
my ($c_a,$c_r) = $self->color("attribute_name","reset");
if (@attrs > 1) {
# Print as list
for my $attr (@attrs) {
my $value = $values->{$attr};
if ($self->_is_object($value)) {
$p .= sprintf(" $c_a%-31.31s$c_r\n",$attr);
$p .= $self->_dump($value);
} else {
$p .= sprintf(" $c_a%-31.31s$c_r %s\n",$attr,$self->_dump_scalar($value));
} else {
# Print single attribute
my $value = $values->{$attrs[0]};
if ($self->_is_object($value)) {
$p .= $self->_dump($value);
} else {
$p .= $self->_dump_scalar($value)."\n";
sub cmd_set_attribute {
my $self = shift;
my $m_info = shift;
return sub {
my @args = @_;
die "Usage: set <attribute-name> <value> [<path>]\n" if (@args != 2 && @args != 3);
my $mbean = $m_info->{full};
my $agent = $self->context->agent;
my $req = new JMX::Jmx4Perl::Request(WRITE,$mbean,$args[0],$args[1],$args[2]);
my $resp = $agent->request($req);
if ($resp->is_error) {
die $resp->error_text . "\n";
my $old_value = $resp->value;
my ($c_l,$c_r) = $self->color("label","reset");
my $p = "";
if ($self->_is_object($old_value)) {
$p .= sprintf(" $c_l%-5.5ss$c_r\n","Old:");
$p .= $self->_dump($old_value);
} else {
$p .= sprintf(" $c_l%-5.5s$c_r %s\n","Old:",$self->_dump_scalar($old_value));
$p .= sprintf(" $c_l%-5.5s$c_r %s\n","New:",$args[1]);;
sub cmd_execute_operation {
my $self = shift;
my $m_info = shift;
return sub {
my @args = @_;
die "Usage: exec <attribute-name> <value> [<path>]\n" if (!@args);
my $mbean = $m_info->{full};
my $agent = $self->context->agent;
my $req = new JMX::Jmx4Perl::Request(EXEC,$mbean,@args,{ignoreErrors => 1});
my $resp = $agent->request($req);
if ($resp->is_error) {
die $resp->error_text . "\n";
my $value = $resp->value;
my ($c_l,$c_r) = $self->color("label","reset");
my $p = "";
if ($self->_is_object($value)) {
$p .= sprintf(" $c_l%-7.7s$c_r\n","Return:");
$p .= $self->_dump($value);
} else {
$p .= sprintf(" $c_l%-7.7s$c_r %s\n","Return:",$self->_dump_scalar($value));
sub _is_object {
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
return JMX::Jmx4Perl::Util->is_object_to_dump($value);
sub _dump {
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
return JMX::Jmx4Perl::Util->dump_value($value,{format => $self->_get_opt_or_config("format"),
booleans => $self->_get_opt_or_config("booleans"),
indent => $self->_get_opt_or_config("indent")});
sub _dump_scalar {
my $self = shift;
return JMX::Jmx4Perl::Util->dump_scalar(shift,$self->_get_opt_or_config("booleans"));
sub _get_opt_or_config {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $args = $self->context->args || {};
my $config = $self->context->config || {};
if (defined($args->{option}) && defined($args->{option}->{lc $key})) {
return $args->{option}->{lc $key};
} else {
my $shell_config = $config->{shell} || {};
return $shell_config->{lc $key};
# ===================================================================================================
=item cmd_list
List commands which can filter mbean by wildcard and knows about the
following options:
=item -l
Show attributes and operations
If a single mbean is given as argument its details are shown.
sub cmd_list_domains {
my $self = shift;
my $domain = shift;
return sub {
my $context = $self->context;
my $agent = $context->agent;
print "Not connected to a server\n" and return unless $agent;
my ($opts,@filters) = $self->extract_command_options(["l!"],@_);
if ($domain) {
if (@filters) {
@filters = map { $domain . ":" .$_ } @filters
} else {
@filters = "$domain:*";
# Show all
if (@filters) {
for my $filter (@filters) {
my $regexp = $self->convert_wildcard_pattern_to_regexp($filter);
my $mbean_filter;
($filter,$mbean_filter) = ($1,$2) if ($filter && $filter =~ /(.*?):(.*)/) ;
# It's a domain (pattern)
} else {
sub cmd_show_mbean {
my $self = shift;
my $m_info = shift;
return sub {
my $info = $m_info->{info};
my ($c_m,$c_a,$c_o,$c_r) = $self->color("mbean_name","attribute_name","operation_name","reset");
my $op_len = 50 + length($c_o) + length($c_r);
my ($do_show_attrs,$do_show_ops,$filters) = $self->_show_what_from_mbean($info,@_);
my $p = "";
my $name = $m_info->{full};
$p .= $c_m . $name . $c_r;
$p .= "\n\n";
#print Dumper($m_info);
my $attrs = $info->{attr};
if ($do_show_attrs) {
my @lines = ();
for my $attr (keys %$attrs) {
my $line = "";
if ($self->_pass_filter($attr,$filters)) {
if (length($attr) > 31) {
$line .= sprintf(" $c_a%s$c_r\n",$attr);
$line .= sprintf(" %-31.31s %-13.13s %-4.4s %s\n",
$attrs->{$attr}->{rw} eq "false" ? "[ro]" : "",$attrs->{$attr}->{desc});
} else {
$line .= sprintf(" $c_a%-31.31s$c_r %-13.13s %-4.4s %s\n",$attr,
$attrs->{$attr}->{rw} eq "false" ? "[ro]" : "",$attrs->{$attr}->{desc});
push @lines,$line;
if (@lines) {
$p .= "Attributes:\n";
$p .= join "",@lines;
$p .= "\n";
my $ops = $info->{op};
if ($do_show_ops) {
my @lines = ();
for my $op (keys %$ops) {
my $line = "";
if ($self->_pass_filter($op,$filters)) {
my $overloaded = ref($ops->{$op}) eq "ARRAY" ? $ops->{$op} : [ $ops->{$op} ];
for my $m_info (@$overloaded) {
my $sig = $self->_signature_to_print($op,$m_info);
if (length($sig) > $op_len) {
$line .= sprintf(" %s\n",$sig);
$line .= sprintf(" %-50.50s %s\n","",$m_info->{desc}) if $m_info->{desc};
} else {
$line .= sprintf(" %-${op_len}.${op_len}s %s\n",$sig,$m_info->{desc});
push @lines,$line;
if (@lines) {
$p .= "Operations:\n";
$p .= join "",@lines;
$p .= "\n";
#print Dumper($info);
sub _pass_filter {
my $self = shift;
my $check = shift;
my $regexps = shift;
return 1 unless @$regexps;
for my $regexp (@$regexps) {
return 1 if $check =~ $regexp;
return 0;
sub _show_what_from_mbean {
my $self = shift;
my ($info,@args) = @_;
my ($opts,@filter) = $self->extract_command_options(["attributes|a!","operations|ops|o!"],@args);
my $no_restrict = !defined($opts->{attributes}) && !defined($opts->{operations});
my $show_attrs = $info->{attr} && keys %{$info->{attr}} && ($opts->{attributes} || $no_restrict);
my $show_ops = $info->{op} && keys %{$info->{op}} && ($opts->{operations} || $no_restrict);
my @filter_regexp = map {
my $f = '^' . $_ . '$';
} @filter;
return ($show_attrs,$show_ops,\@filter_regexp);
sub _line_aligned {
my $self = shift;
my $max_lengths = shift;
my $lengths = shift;
my $parts = shift;
my $opts = shift;
my $term_width = $self->context->term_width;
my $overflow = $opts->{overflow_col} || 0;
my $wrap_last = $opts->{wrap};
my $ret = "";
for my $i (0 .. $overflow) {
if ($lengths->[$i] > $max_lengths->[$i]) {
# Do overflow
sub _signature_to_print {
my $self = shift;
my $op = shift;
my $info = shift;
my ($c_o,$c_r) = $self->color("operation_name","reset");
# print Dumper($info);
my $ret = $self->_pretty_print_type($info->{ret}) . " ";
$ret .= $c_o . $op . $c_r;
$ret .= "(";
my $args = $info->{args};
my @arg_cl = ();
for my $a (@$args) {
if (ref($a) eq "HASH") {
push @arg_cl,$self->_pretty_print_type($a->{type})
} else {
push @arg_cl,$self->_pretty_print_type($a);
$ret .= join ",",@arg_cl;
$ret .= ")";
return $ret;
sub _pretty_print_type {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $suffix = "";
my $type_p;
if ($type eq "[J") {
return "long[]";
} elsif ($type =~ /^\[L(.*);/) {
$type_p = $1;
$suffix = "[]";
} else {
$type_p = $type;
$type_p =~ s/^.*\.([^\.]+)$/$1/;
return $type_p . $suffix;
sub show_mbeans {
my $self = shift;
my $opts = shift;
my $infos = shift;
my $mbean_filter;
my $l = "";
for my $m_info (sort { $a->{string} cmp $b->{string} } values %$infos) {
my ($c_d,$c_s,$c_r) = $self->color("domain_name","stat_val","reset");
$l .= $c_d . $m_info->{domain} . $c_r . ":";
$l .= $self->_color_props($m_info) . "\n";
sub show_domain {
my $self = shift;
my $opts = shift;
my $infos = shift;
my $mbean_filter = shift;
$mbean_filter = $self->convert_wildcard_pattern_to_regexp($mbean_filter) if $mbean_filter;
my $text = "";
for my $domain (keys %$infos) {
my ($c_d,$c_reset) = $self->color("domain_name","reset");
$text .= $c_d . "$domain:" . $c_reset . "\n";
for my $m_info (sort { $a->{string} cmp $b->{string} } @{$infos->{$domain}}) {
next if ($mbean_filter && $m_info->{string} !~ $mbean_filter);
$text .= " ".$self->_color_props($m_info)."\n";
$text .= $self->_list_details(" ",$m_info) if $opts->{l};
$text .= "\n";
sub _list_details {
my $self = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $m_info = shift;
my ($c_s,$c_r) = $self->color("stat_val","reset");
my $line = "";
if ($m_info->{info}->{desc}) {
$line .= $m_info->{info}->{desc};
my $nr_attr = scalar(keys %{$m_info->{info}->{attr}});
my $nr_op = scalar(keys %{$m_info->{info}->{op}});
my $nr_notif = scalar(keys %{$m_info->{info}->{notif}});
if ($nr_attr || $nr_op || $nr_notif) {
my @f;
push @f,"Attributes: " . $c_s . $nr_attr . $c_r if $nr_attr;
push @f,"Operations: " . $c_s . $nr_op . $c_r if $nr_op;
push @f,"Notifications: " . $c_s . $nr_notif . $c_r if $nr_notif;
$line .= $indent . join(", ",@f) . "\n";
return $line;
sub _color_props {
my $self = shift;
my $info = shift;
my ($c_k,$c_v,$c_r) = $self->color("property_key","property_value","reset");
#return Dumper($info);
return join ",",map { $c_k . $_ . $c_r . "=" . $c_v . $info->{props}->{$_} . $c_r } sort keys %{$info->{props}};
sub _filter {
my $self = shift;
my $map = shift;
my @filters = @_;
my @keys = keys %{$map};
if (@filters) {
my %filtered;
for my $f (@filters) {
my $regexp = $self->convert_wildcard_pattern_to_regexp($f);
for my $d (@keys) {
$filtered{$d} = $map->{$d} if $d =~ $regexp;
return \%filtered;
} else {
return $map;
sub _cd_absolute {
my $self = shift;
my $domain = shift;
my $props;
if ($domain) {
$domain =~ s/:+$//;
($domain,$props) = split(/:/,$domain,2) if $domain =~ /:/;
die "No domain $domain\n" unless $self->_check_domain($domain);
$self->_check_mbean($domain,$props) if $props;
$self->_cd_mbean($domain,$props) if $props;
sub _check_mbean {
my $self = shift;
my $domain = shift;
my $props = shift;
$self->_get_mbean($domain,$props) || die "No MBean $domain:$props\n";
sub _cd_domain {
my $self = shift;
my $domain = shift;
die "No domain $domain\n" unless $self->_check_domain($domain);
my $prop_cmds = $self->property_commands($domain);
sub _cd_mbean {
my $self = shift;
my $domain = shift;
my $mbean = shift;
my $mbean_props = $self->_check_mbean($domain,$mbean);
my $mbean_cmds = $self->mbean_commands($mbean_props);
sub _check_domain {
my $self = shift;
my $domain = shift;
my $context = $self->context;
return exists($context->mbeans_by_domain->{$domain});
sub _get_mbean {
my $self = shift;
my $domain = shift;
my $props = shift;
my $context = $self->context;
if ($props =~ /\*/) {
my $mbeans = $context->search_mbeans($domain . ":" . $props);
# TODO: If more than one, present a menu to select from. Now simply die
return undef unless @{$mbeans};
if (scalar(@$mbeans) > 1) {
my $toomany = "";
for my $m (@$mbeans) {
my ($s,$r) = $self->color("mbean_name","reset");
$toomany .=" >>> " . $s . $m->{full} . $r . "\n";
die "More than one MBean found:\n" . $toomany;
return $mbeans->[0];
return $context->mbeans_by_name->{$domain . ":" . $props};
# Handle navigational commands
sub _handle_navigation {
my $self = shift;
my $input = shift;
if ($input eq "..") {
return 1;
} elsif ($input eq "/" || !$input) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub _filter_domains {
=head1 LICENSE
This file is part of osgish.
Osgish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
osgish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with osgish. If not, see <>.
A commercial license is available as well. Please contact for
further details.
Just in case you need professional support for this module (or JMX or OSGi in
general), you might want to have a look at Contact for further information (or use the contact form at
=head1 AUTHOR