2017-10-31 14:38:28 +01:00

245 lines
6.9 KiB

# Tomcat specific checks
# ========================================================
include common.cfg
# Requests per minute for a servlet
# $0: Web-Module name
# $1: Servlet name
# $2: Critical (optional)
# $3: Warning (optional)
# $4: Name (optional)
<Check tc_servlet_requests>
MBean = *:j2eeType=Servlet,WebModule=$0,name=$1,*
Use = count_per_minute("requests")
Attribute = requestCount
Name = ${4:request}
Critical = ${2:6000}
Warning = ${3:5000}
# Check whether an webmodule (can contain multiple servlets)
# is running
# $0: Webmodule name (sth like "//localhost/j4p")
# $1: Name (optional)
<Check tc_webmodule_running>
MBean = *:j2eeType=WebModule,name=$0,*
Attribute = state
String = 1
Label = $0 running
Name = ${1:running}
Critical = !1
# Increase of overall processing time per minute for a web module
# This is calculate the processing time for a certain
# interval and extrapolate to a minute
# $0: Webmodule name
# $1: Critical (optional)
# $2: Warning (optional)
# $3: Name (optional)
<Check tc_webmodule_processing>
MBean = *:j2eeType=WebModule,name=$0,*
Attribute = processingTime
Delta = 60
Label = %2.0f ms request processing time / minute
Name = ${3:proc_time}
Critical = ${1:50000}
Warning = ${2:40000}
# ========================================================
# Session related checks
# Number of active sessions at this moment
# $0: Path name without leading slash
# $1: Critical (optional)
# $2: Warning (optional)
<Check tc_session_active>
MBean = *:path=/$0,type=Manager,*
Attribute = activeSessions
Name = ${3:sessions_active}
Label = $0: Active Sessions = %v
Critical = ${1:1000}
Warning = ${2:800}
# Maximum number of active sessions so far
# $0: Path name without leading slash
# $1: Critical (optional)
# $2: Warning (optional)
# $3: Name (optional)
<Check tc_session_active_max>
MBean = *:path=/$0,type=Manager,*
Attribute = maxActive
Name = ${3:sessions_max}
Label = $0: Max-Active Sessions = %v
Critical = ${1:1000}
Warning = ${2:800}
# Number of sessions we rejected due to maxActive beeing reached
# $0: Path name without leading slash
# $1: Critical (optional)
# $2: Warning (optional)
# $3: Name (optional)
<Check tc_session_rejected>
MBean = *:path=/$0,type=Manager,*
Attribute = rejectedSessions
Name = ${3:sessions_rejected}
Label = $0: Rejected Sessions = %v
Critical = ${1:500}
Warning = ${2:200}
# Average time an expired session had been alive
# in seconds
# $0: Path name without leading slash
# $1: Critical (7200)
# $2: Warning (7200)
# $3: Name (optional)
<Check tc_session_average_lifetime>
MBean = *:path=/$0,type=Manager,*
Attribute = sessionAverageAliveTime
Name = ${3:sessions_avg_life}
Label = $0: Average session lifetime = %v
Critical = ${1:7200}
Warning = ${2:6400}
# Longest time an expired session had been alive
# in seconds
# $0: Path name without leading slash
# $1: Critical (7200)
# $2: Warning (6400)
# $3: Name (optional)
<Check tc_session_max_lifetime>
MBean = *:path=/$0,type=Manager,*
Attribute = sessionMaxAliveTime
Name = ${3:sessions_max_life}
Label = $0: Maximum session lifetime = %v
Critical = ${1:7200}
Warning = ${2:6400}
# Increase rate of sessions per minute
# $0: Path name without leading slash
# $1: Critical (optional)
# $2: Warning (optional)
# $3: Name (optional)
<Check tc_session_inc>
Use = count_per_minute("sessions")
MBean = *:path=/$0,type=Manager,*
Attribute = sessionCounter
Name = ${3:sessions_inc}
Critical = ${1:1000}
Warning = ${2:900}
# =============================================================
# Connector related checks
# Number of connector threads in relation to maximum
# allowed connector threads
# $0: Name of connector (e.g. 'http-8080')
# $1: Critical (optional)
# $2: Warning (optional)
<Check tc_connector_threads>
Use = relative_base($1,$2)
Label = Connector $0 : $BASE
Name = ${3:connector_threads}
Value = *:type=ThreadPool,name=$0/currentThreadsBusy
Base = *:type=ThreadPool,name=$0/maxThreads
# Number of bytes received per minute for a connector
# $0: Name of connector (e.g. 'http-8080')
# $1: Critical (optional)
# $2: Warning (optional)
# $3: Name (optional)
<Check tc_connector_received_rate>
Use = count_per_minute("bytes received")
Label = Connector $0 : $BASE
Name = ${3:bytes_received}
Value = *:type=GlobalRequestProcessor,name=$0/bytesReceived
Critical = ${1:104857600}
Warning = ${2:83886080}
# Number of bytes sent per minute for a connector
# $0: Name of connector (e.g. 'http-8080')
# $1: Critical (optional)
# $2: Warning (optional)
# $3: Name (optional)
<Check tc_connector_sent_rate>
Use = count_per_minute("bytes sent")
Label = Connector $0 : $BASE
Name = ${3:bytes_sent}
Value = *:type=GlobalRequestProcessor,name=$0/bytesSent
Critical = ${1:104857600}
Warning = ${2:83886080}
# Increase of overall processing time per minute for a connector
# This checks calculates the processing time for a certain
# interval and scale it to a minute
# $0: Connector name
# $1: Critical (optional)
# $2: Warning (optional)
# $3: Name (optional)
<Check tc_connector_processing_time>
Delta = 60
Label = Connector $0 : %2.0f ms request processing time / minute
Name = ${3:proc_time}
Value = *:type=GlobalRequestProcessor,name=$0/processingTime
Critical = ${1:50000}
Warning = ${2:40000}
# Requests per minute for a connector
# $0: Connector name
# $1: Critical (optional)
# $2: Warning (optional)
# $3: Name (optional)
<Check tc_connector_requests>
Use = count_per_minute("requests")
Label = Connector $0 : $BASE
Name = ${3:nr_requests}
Value = *:type=GlobalRequestProcessor,name=$0/requestCount
Critical = ${1:1000}
Warning = ${2:900}
# Number of errors for a connector per minute.
# $0: Connector name
# $1: Critical (optional)
# $2: Warning (optional)
# $3: Name (optional)
<Check tc_connector_error_count>
Value = *:type=GlobalRequestProcessor,name=$0/errorCount
Label = Connector $0: %d errors
Name = ${3:errors}
Critical = ${1:100}
Warning = ${2:90}
Delta = 60
# ==================================================================
# Relative DB Pool check (active connection vs. maximal available connections)
# Note that you need to register the datasource globally in order
# to access the Pool statistics (i.e. within the <GlobalResources> sections)
# See
# for more information
# $0: JNDI-Name of datasource (e.g. jdbc/TestDB)
# $1: Critical value (optional)
# $2: Warning value (optional)
# $3: Name (optional)
<Check tc_datasource_connections>
Value = *:name="$0",type=DataSource,*/numActive
Base = *:name="$0",type=DataSource,*/maxActive
Name = ${3:dbpool_used}
Label = %.2r% DB connections used (%v %u active / %b %w max)
Critical = ${1:90}
Warning = ${2:80}