2017-10-31 14:38:28 +01:00

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# Memory checks
# ============================================
include common.cfg
# Base definition for memory relative checks
# (i.e. checks with a base value). Should
# not be used directly
<Check memory_relative_base>
Use = relative_base($0,$1)
Unit = B
BaseUnit = B
# Relative Heap Memory used by the application. This
# is the ratio between used heap memory and the maximal
# available heap memory
# $0: Critical value (optional)
# $1: Warning value (optional)
<Check memory_heap>
Use = memory_relative_base($0,$1)
Value = java.lang:type=Memory/HeapMemoryUsage/used
Base = java.lang:type=Memory/HeapMemoryUsage/max
Label = Heap-Memory: $BASE
Name = Heap
# Relative non-heap memory. The JVM has memory other than the heap,
# referred to as non-heap memory. It stores per-class structures such
# as runtime constant pool, field and method data, and the code for
# methods and constructors, as well as interned Strings. More detailed
# information can be obtained from the pool checks defined below
# $0: Critical value (optional)
# $1: Warning value (optional)
<Check memory_non_heap>
Use = memory_relative_base
Value = java.lang:type=Memory/NonHeapMemoryUsage/used
Base = java.lang:type=Memory/NonHeapMemoryUsage/max
Label = Non-Heap-Memory: $BASE
Name = Non-Heap
# Java 8 Memory check for MetaSpace. Metaspace is typically unbounded
# and grows into native (OS) memory. Hence, an absolute thresshold is used
# here which by default is (C: 80M, W: 60M).
<Check memory_metaspace>
Unit = B
Label = %.2v %u meta space used
Value = java.lang:name=Metaspace,type=MemoryPool/Usage/used
Name = MetaSpace
Critical = ${0:83886080}
Warning = ${1:62914560}
# Java 8 Memory check for MetaSpace with an upper configued (-XX:MetaSpaceSize)
<Check memory_metaspace_relative>
Use = memory_relative_base
Value = java.lang:name=Metaspace,type=MemoryPool/Usage/used
Base = java.lang:name=Metaspace,type=MemoryPool/Usage/max
Label = MetaSpace: $BASE
Name = MetaSpace
# =============================================================
# Memory pool checks. These are specific to a Sun/Oracle JVM.
# Base definition for pool based checks
# $0: Label prefix and name to used
# $1: Critical value (optional)
# $2: Warning value (optional)
<Check memory_pool_base>
Use = memory_relative_base($1,$2)
Value = java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=$0/Usage/used
Base = java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=$0/Usage/max
Label = $0 : $BASE
Name = $0
# Base definition for garbage collection count
# This checks count the number of garbage collections per
# minute
# $0: Name of garbage collector (used as Label as well)
# $1: Critical value (default: 30)
# $2: Warning value (default: 20)
<Check memory_gc_count_base>
Use = count_per_minute("GC count")
Value = java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=$0/CollectionCount
Label = $0 : $BASE
Name = $0 count
Critical = ${1:30}
Warning = ${2:20}
# Base definition for garbage time measurements
# This checks measure the ratio the garbage collection takes from a minute
# (e.g. how many percent of a minute is used for garbage collecting)
# $0: Name of garbage collector (used as Label as well)
# $1: Critical value in percent (default: 20)
# $2: Warning value in percent (default: 10)
# WARNING: THIS CHECK HAS CHANGED IN 1.08. Remove the 'Base' and adapt the label
# to obtain the old behaviour.
<Check memory_gc_time_base>
Value = java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=$0/CollectionTime
Label = %2.2r% GC Overhead
Name = $0 time
Delta 60
# Next line switches on relative checking to get the percentual overhead
# for a garbage collection
Base = 60000
Critical = ${1:20}
Warning = ${2:10}
# The paralled garbage collectors and memory
# pools switched on with -XX:+UseParallelGC.
# Used by 64bit server VMs by default.
<MultiCheck memory_pools_parallel>
Check = memory_pool_base("PS Eden Space",100,100)
Check = memory_pool_base("PS Survivor Space",100,100)
Check = memory_pool_base("PS Old Gen")
Check = memory_pool_base("PS Perm Gen")
<MultiCheck memory_gc_count_parallel>
Check = memory_gc_count_base("PS Scavenge")
Check = memory_gc_count_base("PS MarkSweep")
# Since 1.08: Relative time instead of absolute values.
<MultiCheck memory_gc_time_parallel>
Check = memory_gc_time_base("PS Scavenge")
Check = memory_gc_time_base("PS MarkSweep")
# Garbage collectors and memory pools used for
# -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC and -XX:+UseParNewGC
# used by default by OS X, client vm.
<MultiCheck memory_pools_concurrent>
Check = memory_pool_base("Par Eden Space")
Check = memory_pool_base("Par Survivor Space")
Check = memory_pool_base("CMS Old Gen")
Check = memory_pool_base("CMS Perm Gen")
<MultiCheck memory_gc_count_concurrent>
Check = memory_gc_count_base("ParNew")
Check = memory_gc_count_base("ConcurrentMarkSweep")
# Since 1.08: Relative time instead of absolute values.
<MultiCheck memory_gc_time_concurrent>
Check = memory_gc_time_base("ParNew")
Check = memory_gc_time_base("ConcurrentMarkSweep")
# Garbage collector and memory pools used
# when -XX:+UseSerialGC is used. Seems to be the default
# on linux for -client and -server VMs
<MultiCheck memory_pools_serial>
Check = memory_pool_base("Eden Space")
Check = memory_pool_base("Survivor Space")
Check = memory_pool_base("Tenured Gen")
Check = memory_pool_base("Perm Gen")
<MultiCheck memory_gc_count_serial>
Check = memory_gc_count_base("Copy")
Check = memory_gc_count_base("MarkSweepCompact")
# Since 1.08: Relative time instead of absolute values.
<MultiCheck memory_gc_time_serial>
Check = memory_gc_time_base("Copy")
Check = memory_gc_time_base("MarkSweepCompact")
<Check memory_code_cache>
Use = memory_pool_base("Code Cache")
# ================================================
# Collection of related checks.
# Overall view to the memory statistics
<MultiCheck memory>
Check memory_heap
Check memory_non_heap