package JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::CheckJmx4Perl; use strict; use warnings; use JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::SingleCheck; use JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::MessageHandler; use JMX::Jmx4Perl; use JMX::Jmx4Perl::Request; use JMX::Jmx4Perl::Response; use Data::Dumper; use Monitoring::Plugin; use Monitoring::Plugin::Functions qw(:codes %ERRORS %STATUS_TEXT); use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use Carp; use Text::ParseWords; our $AUTOLOAD; =head1 NAME JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::CheckJmx4Perl - Module for encapsulating the functionality of L =head1 SYNOPSIS # One line in check_jmx4perl to rule them all JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::CheckJmx4Perl->new()->execute(); =head1 DESCRIPTION The purpose of this module is to encapsulate a single run of L in a perl object. This allows for C to run within the embedded Nagios perl interpreter (ePN) wihout interfering with other, potential concurrent, runs of this check. Please refer to L for documentation on how to use this check. This module is probably I of general interest and serves only the purpose described above. Its main task is to set up one ore more L objects from command line arguments and optionally from a configuration file. =head1 METHODS =over =item $check = new $JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::CheckJmx4Perl() Set up a object used for a single check. It will parse the command line arguments and any configuation file given. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { }; bless $self,(ref($class) || $class); $self->{np} = $self->create_nagios_plugin(); $self->{cmd_args} = [ @ARGV ]; $self->_print_doc_and_exit($self->{np}->opts->{doc}) if defined $self->{np}->opts->{doc}; $self->_verify_and_initialize(); return $self; } =back =head1 $check->execute() Send the JMX request to the server monitored and print out a nagios output. =cut sub execute { my $self = shift; my $np = $self->{np}; eval { # Request my @optional = (); my $error_stat = { }; my $target_config = $self->target_config; my $jmx = JMX::Jmx4Perl->new(mode => "agent", url => $self->url, user => $self->user, password => $self->password, product => $self->product, proxy => $self->proxy_config, timeout => $np->opts->{timeout} || 180, target => $target_config, # For Jolokia agents < 1.0 'legacy-escape' => $self->legacy_escape); my @requests; for my $check (@{$self->{checks}}) { push @requests,@{$check->get_requests($jmx,\@ARGV)}; } my $responses = $self->_send_requests($jmx,@requests); #print Dumper($responses); my @extra_requests = (); my $nr_checks = scalar(@{$self->{checks}}); if ($nr_checks == 1) { eval { my @r = $self->{checks}->[0]->extract_responses($responses,\@requests,{ target => $target_config }); push @extra_requests,@r if @r; }; $self->nagios_die($@) if $@; } else { my $i = 1; for my $check (@{$self->{checks}}) { # A check can consume more than one response my $prefix = $self->_multi_check_prefix($check,$i++,$nr_checks); eval { my @r = $check->extract_responses($responses,\@requests, { target => $target_config, prefix => $prefix, error_stat => $error_stat }); push @extra_requests,@r if @r; }; if ($@) { my $txt = $@; $txt =~ s/^(.*?)\n.*$/$1/s; my $code = $np->opts->{'unknown-is-critical'} ? CRITICAL : UNKNOWN; $check->update_error_stats($error_stat,$code); $prefix =~ s/\%c/$STATUS_TEXT{$code}/g; my $msg_handler = $np->{msg_handler} || $np; $msg_handler->add_message($code,$prefix . $txt); } } } # Send extra requests, e.g. for switching on the history if (@extra_requests) { $self->_send_requests($jmx,@extra_requests); } # Different outputs for multi checks/single checks $self->do_exit($error_stat); }; if ($@) { #, the executing script of the embedded nagios perl interpreter # uses this tag to catch an exit code of a plugin. We rethrow this # exception if we detect this pattern. if ($@ !~ /^ExitTrap:/) { $self->nagios_die("Error: $@"); } else { die $@; } } } =head1 $check->exit() Write out result and exit. This method can be overridden to provide a custom output, which can be extracted from NagiosPlugin object. =cut sub do_exit { my $self = shift; my $error_stat = shift; my $np = $self->{np}; my $msg_handler = $np->{msg_handler} || $np; my ($code,$message) = $msg_handler->check_messages(join => "\n", join_all => "\n"); ($code,$message) = $self->_prepare_multicheck_message($np,$code,$message,$error_stat) if scalar(@{$self->{checks}}) > 1; $np->nagios_exit($code, $message); } sub _prepare_multicheck_message { my $self = shift; my $np = shift; my $code = shift; my $message = shift; my $error_stat = shift; my $summary; my $labels = $self->{multi_check_labels} || {}; my $nr_checks = scalar(@{$self->{checks}}); $code = $self->_check_for_UNKNOWN($error_stat,$code); if ($code eq OK) { $summary = $self->_format_multicheck_ok_summary($labels->{summary_ok} || "All %n checks OK",$nr_checks); } else { $summary = $self->_format_multicheck_failure_summary($labels->{summary_failure} || "%e of %n checks failed [%d]", $nr_checks, $error_stat); } return ($code,$summary . "\n" . $message); } # UNKNOWN shadows everything else sub _check_for_UNKNOWN { my $self = shift; my $error_stat = shift; my $code = shift; return $error_stat->{UNKNOWN} && scalar(@$error_stat->{UNKNOWN}) ? UNKNOWN : $code; } sub _format_multicheck_ok_summary { my $self = shift; my $format = shift; my $nr_checks = shift; my $ret = $format; $ret =~ s/\%n/$nr_checks/g; return $ret; } sub _format_multicheck_failure_summary { my $self = shift; my $format = shift; my $nr_checks = shift; my $error_stat = shift; my $ret = $format; my $details = ""; my $total_errors = 0; for my $code (UNKNOWN,CRITICAL,WARNING) { if (my $errs = $error_stat->{$code}) { $details .= scalar(@$errs) . " " . $STATUS_TEXT{$code} . " (" . join (",",@$errs) . "), "; $total_errors += scalar(@$errs); } } if ($total_errors > 0) { # Cut off extra chars at the end $details = substr($details,0,-2); } $ret =~ s/\%d/$details/g; $ret =~ s/\%e/$total_errors/g; $ret =~ s/\%n/$nr_checks/g; return $ret; } # Create a formatted prefix for multicheck output sub _multi_check_prefix { my $self = shift; my $check = shift; my $idx = shift; my $max = shift; my $c = $check->{config}; my $l = length($max); return sprintf("[%$l.${l}s] %%c ",$idx) if (defined($c->{multicheckprefix}) && !length($c->{multicheckprefix})); my $label = $c->{multicheckprefix} || $c->{name} || $c->{key} || ""; return sprintf("[%$l.${l}s] %%c %s: ",$idx,$label); } # Send the requests via the build up agent sub _send_requests { my ($self,$jmx,@requests) = @_; my $o = $self->{opts}; my $start_time; if ($o->verbose) { # TODO: Print summary of request (GET vs POST) if ($self->user) { print "Remote User: ",$o->user,"\n"; } $start_time = [gettimeofday]; } # Detangle request for direct method calls and JMX requests to call: my $req_map = $self->_detangle_requests(\@requests); my @responses = (); $self->_execute_scripts(\@responses,$req_map); $self->_execute_requests(\@responses,$req_map,$jmx); if ($o->verbose) { print "Result fetched in ",tv_interval($start_time) * 1000," ms:\n"; print Dumper(\@responses); } return \@responses; } # Split up request for code-requests (i.e. scripts given in the configuration) # and 'real' requests. Remember the index, too so that the response can be # weave together sub _detangle_requests { my $self = shift; my $requests = shift; my $req_map = {}; my $idx = 0; for my $r (@$requests) { push @{$req_map->{ref($r) eq "CODE" ? "code" : "request"}},[$r,$idx]; $idx++; } return $req_map; } # Execute subrefs created out of scripts. Put it in the right place of the # result array according to the remembered index sub _execute_scripts { my $self = shift; my $responses = shift; my $req_map = shift; for my $e (@{$req_map->{"code"}}) { # Will die on error which will bubble up $responses->[$e->[1]] = &{$e->[0]}();; } } # Execute requests and put it in the received responses in the right place for # the returned array. The index has been extracted beforehand and stored in the # given req_map sub _execute_requests { my $self = shift; my $responses = shift; my $req_map = shift; my $jmx = shift; # Call remote JMX and weave in my $reqs2send = $req_map->{"request"}; if ($reqs2send) { my @resp_received = $jmx->request(map { $_->[0] } @$reqs2send); for my $r (@$reqs2send) { $responses->[$r->[1]] = shift @resp_received; } } } # Print online manual and exit (somewhat crude, I know) sub _print_doc_and_exit { my $self = shift; my $section = shift; if (!eval "require Pod::Usage; Pod::Usage->import(qw(pod2usage)); 1;") { print "Please install Pod::Usage for creating the online help\n"; exit 1; } if ($section) { my %sects = ( tutorial => "TUTORIAL", reference => "REFERENCE", options => "COMMAND LINE", config => "CONFIGURATION", ); my $real_section = $sects{lc $section}; if ($real_section) { pod2usage(-verbose => 99, -sections => $real_section ); } else { print "Unknown documentation section '$section' (known: ",join (",",sort keys %sects),")\n"; exit 1; } } else { pod2usage(-verbose => 99); } } # Initialize this object and validate the mandatory parameters (obtained from # the command line or a configuration file). It will also build up # one or more SingleCheck which are later on sent as a bulk request to # the server. sub _verify_and_initialize { my $self = shift; my $np = $self->{np}; my $o = $np->opts; $self->{opts} = $self->{np}->opts; # Fetch configuration my $config = $self->_get_config($o->config); # Now, if a specific check is given, extract it, too. my $check_configs; #print Dumper($config); $check_configs = $self->_extract_checks($config,$o->check); #print Dumper($check_configs); if ($check_configs) { for my $c (@$check_configs) { my $s_c = new JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::SingleCheck($np,$c); push @{$self->{checks}},$s_c; } } else { $self->{checks} = [ new JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::SingleCheck($np) ]; } # If a server name is given, we use that for the connection parameters if ($o->server) { $self->{server_config} = $config->get_server_config($o->server) || $self->nagios_die("No server configuration for " . $o->server . " found"); } # Sanity checks $self->nagios_die("No Server URL given") unless $self->url; for my $check (@{$self->{checks}}) { my $name = $check->name ? " [Check: " . $check->name . "]" : ""; $self->nagios_die("An MBean name and a attribute/operation must be provided " . $name) if ((!$check->mbean || (!$check->attribute && !$check->operation)) && !$check->alias && !$check->value && !$check->script); } } # Extract one or more check configurations which can be # simple s or s sub _extract_checks { my $self = shift; my $config = shift; my $check = shift; my $np = $self->{np}; if ($check) { $self->nagios_die("No configuration given") unless $config; $self->nagios_die("No checks defined in configuration") unless $config->{check}; my $check_configs; unless ($config->{check}->{$check}) { $check_configs = $self->_resolve_multicheck($config,$check,$self->{cmd_args}); $self->_retrieve_mc_summary_label($config,$check); } else { my $check_config = $config->{check}->{$check}; $check_configs = ref($check_config) eq "ARRAY" ? $check_config : [ $check_config ]; $check_configs->[0]->{key} = $check; } $self->nagios_die("No check configuration with name " . $check . " found") unless (@{$check_configs}); #print Dumper($check_configs); # Resolve parent values for my $c (@{$check_configs}) { #print "[A] ",Dumper($c); $self->_resolve_check_config($c,$config,$self->{cmd_args}); #print "[B] ",Dumper($c); # Finally, resolve any left over place holders for my $k (keys(%$c)) { $c->{$k} = $self->_replace_placeholder($c->{$k},undef) unless ref($c->{$k}); } #print "[C] ",Dumper($c); } return $check_configs; } else { return undef; } } # Resolve a multicheck configuration () sub _resolve_multicheck { my $self = shift; my $config = shift; my $check = shift; my $args = shift; my $np = $self->{np}; my $multi_checks = $config->{multicheck}; my $check_config = []; if ($multi_checks) { my $m_check = $multi_checks->{$check}; if ($m_check) { # Resolve all checks my $c_names = []; for my $type( qw(check multicheck)) { if ($m_check->{$type}) { push @$c_names, ref($m_check->{$type}) eq "ARRAY" ? @{$m_check->{$type}} : $m_check->{$type}; } } for my $name (@$c_names) { my ($c_name,$c_args) = $self->_parse_check_ref($name); my $args_merged = $self->_merge_multicheck_args($c_args,$args); $self->nagios_die("Unknown check '" . $c_name . "' for multi check " . $check) unless defined($config->{check}->{$c_name}) or defined($multi_checks->{$c_name}); if ($config->{check}->{$c_name}) { # We need a copy of the check hash to avoid mangling it up # if it is referenced multiple times my $check = { %{$config->{check}->{$c_name}} }; $check->{key} = $c_name; $check->{args} = $args_merged; push @{$check_config},$check; } else { # It's a multi check referenced via or .... push @{$check_config},@{$self->_resolve_multicheck($config,$c_name,$args_merged)}; } } } } return $check_config; } sub _retrieve_mc_summary_label { my $self = shift; my $config = shift; my $check = shift; my $multi_checks = $config->{multicheck}; if ($multi_checks) { my $m_check = $multi_checks->{$check}; if ($m_check && ($m_check->{summaryok} || $m_check->{summaryfailure})) { my $mc_labels = $self->{multi_check_labels} = { summary_ok => $m_check->{summaryok}, summary_failure => $m_check->{summaryfailure} }; } } } sub _merge_multicheck_args { my $self = shift; my $check_params = shift; my $args = shift; if (!$args || !$check_params) { return $check_params; } my $ret = [ @$check_params ]; # Copy it over for my $i (0 .. $#$check_params) { if ($check_params->[$i] =~ /^\$(\d+)$/) { my $j = $1; if ($j <= $#$args) { $ret->[$i] = $args->[$j]; next; } # Nothing to replace $ret->[$i] = $check_params->[$i]; } } return $ret; } # Resolve a singe configuration sub _resolve_check_config { my $self = shift; my $check = shift; my $config = shift; # Args can come from the outside, but also as part of a multicheck (stored # in $check->{args}) my $args = $check->{args} && @{$check->{args}} ? $check->{args} : shift; my $np = $self->{np}; if ($check->{use}) { # Resolve parents my $parents = ref($check->{use}) eq "ARRAY" ? $check->{use} : [ $check->{use} ]; my $parent_merged = {}; for my $p (@$parents) { my ($p_name,$p_args) = $self->_parse_check_ref($p); $self->nagios_die("Unknown parent check '" . $p_name . "' for check '" . ($check->{key} ? $check->{key} : $check->{name}) . "'") unless $config->{check}->{$p_name}; # Clone it to avoid side effects when replacing checks inline my $p_check = { %{$config->{check}->{$p_name}} }; $p_check->{key} = $p_name; #print "::::: ",Dumper($p_check,$p_args); $self->_resolve_check_config($p_check,$config,$p_args); #$self->_replace_args($p_check,$config,$p_args); $parent_merged->{$_} = $p_check->{$_} for keys %$p_check; } # Replace inherited values for my $k (keys %$parent_merged) { my $parent_val = defined($parent_merged->{$k}) ? $parent_merged->{$k} : ""; if (defined($check->{$k})) { $check->{$k} =~ s/\$BASE/$parent_val/g; } else { $check->{$k} = $parent_val; } } } $self->_replace_args($check,$config,$args); return $check; } # Replace argument placeholders with a given list of arguments sub _replace_args { my $self = shift; my $check = shift; my $config = shift; my $args = shift; for my $k (keys(%$check)) { next if $k =~ /^(key|args)$/; # Internal keys $check->{$k} = $self->_replace_placeholder($check->{$k},$args) if ($args && @$args && !ref($check->{$k})); } } sub _replace_placeholder { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; my $args = shift; my $index = defined($args) ? join "|",0 ... $#$args : "\\d+"; my $regexp_s = <<'EOP'; ^(.*?) # Start containing no args \$( # Variable starts with '$' ($index) | # $0 without default value \{\s*($index)\s* # ${0:12300} with default value (?: :([^\}]+) )*\} # ?: --> clustering group, optional (${0} is also ok) ) (.*|$) # The rest which will get parsed next EOP $regexp_s =~ s/\$index/$index/g; my $regexp = qr/$regexp_s/sx; die "Cannot create placeholder regexp" if $@; my $rest = $val; my $ret = ""; while (defined($rest) && length($rest) && $rest =~ $regexp) { # $1: start with no placeholder # $2: literal variable as it is defined # $3: variable name (0,1,2,3,...) # $4: same as $3, but either $3 or $4 is defined # $5: default value (if any) # $6: rest which is processed next in the loop my $start = defined($1) ? $1 : ""; my $orig_val = '$' . $2; my $i = defined($3) ? $3 : $4; my $default = $5; my $end = defined($6) ? $6 : ""; $default =~ s/^\s*(.*)+?\s*$/$1/ if $default; # Trim whitespace #print Dumper({start => $start, orig => $orig_val,end => $end, default=> $default, rest => $rest, i => $i}); if (defined($args)) { my $repl = $args->[$i]; if (defined($repl)) { if ($repl =~ /^\$(\d+)$/) { my $new_index = $1; #print "============== $val $new_index\n"; # Val is a placeholder itself if (defined($default)) { $ret .= $start . '${' . $new_index . ':' . $default . '}'; } else { $ret .= $start . '$' . $new_index; } } else { $ret .= $start . $repl; } } else { $ret .= $start . $orig_val; } } else { # We have to replace any left over placeholder either with its # default value or with an empty value if (defined($default)) { $ret .= $start . $default; } elsif (length($start) || length($end)) { $ret .= $start; } else { if (!length($ret)) { # No default value, nothing else for this value. We # consider it undefined return undef; } } } $rest = $end; #print "... $ret$rest\n"; } return $ret . (defined($rest) ? $rest : ""); } # Split up a 'Use' parent config reference, including possibly arguments sub _parse_check_ref { my $self = shift; my $check_ref = shift; if ($check_ref =~/^\s*(.+?)\((.*)\)\s*$/) { my $name = $1; my $args_s = $2; my $args = [ parse_line('\s*,\s*',0,$args_s) ]; return ($name,$args); } else { return $check_ref; } } # Get the configuration as a hash sub _get_config { my $self = shift; my $path = shift; my $np = $self->{np}; $self->nagios_die("No configuration file " . $path . " found") if ($path && ! -e $path); return new JMX::Jmx4Perl::Config($path); } # The global server config part sub _server_config { return shift->{server_config}; } # Create the nagios plugin used for preparing the nagios output sub create_nagios_plugin { my $self = shift; my $np = Monitoring::Plugin-> new( usage => "Usage: %s -u -m -a -c -w \n" . " [--alias ] [--value ] [--base ] [--delta ]\n" . " [--name ] [--label ] [--product ]\n". " [--user ] [--password ] [--proxy ]\n" . " [--target ] [--target-user ] [--target-password ]\n" . " [--legacy-escape]\n" . " [--config ] [--check ] [--server ] [-v] [--help]\n" . " arg1 arg2 ....", version => $JMX::Jmx4Perl::VERSION, url => "", plugin => "check_jmx4perl", blurb => "This plugin checks for JMX attribute values on a remote Java application server", extra => "\n\nYou need to deploy jolokia.war on the target application server or an intermediate proxy.\n" . "Please refer to the documentation for JMX::Jmx4Perl for further details.\n\n" . "For a complete documentation please consult the man page of check_jmx4perl or use the option --doc" ); $np->shortname(undef); $self->add_common_np_args($np); $self->add_nagios_np_args($np); $np->{msg_handler} = new JMX::Jmx4Perl::Nagios::MessageHandler(); $np->getopts(); return $np; } sub add_common_np_args { my $self = shift; my $np = shift; $np->add_arg( spec => "url|u=s", help => "URL to agent web application (e.g. http://server:8080/jolokia/)", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "product=s", help => "Name of app server product. (e.g. \"jboss\")", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "alias=s", help => "Alias name for attribte (e.g. \"MEMORY_HEAP_USED\")", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "mbean|m=s", help => "MBean name (e.g. \"java.lang:type=Memory\")", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "attribute|a=s", help => "Attribute name (e.g. \"HeapMemoryUsage\")", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "operation|o=s", help => "Operation to execute", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "value=s", help => "Shortcut for specifying mbean/attribute/path. Slashes within names must be escaped with \\", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "delta|d:s", help => "Switches on incremental mode. Optional argument are seconds used for normalizing.", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "path|p=s", help => "Inner path for extracting a single value from a complex attribute or return value (e.g. \"used\")", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "target=s", help => "JSR-160 Service URL specifing the target server" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "target-user=s", help => "Username to use for JSR-160 connection (if --target is set)" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "target-password=s", help => "Password to use for JSR-160 connection (if --target is set)" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "proxy=s", help => "Proxy to use" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "user=s", help => "User for HTTP authentication" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "password=s", help => "Password for HTTP authentication" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "name|n=s", help => "Name to use for output. Optional, by default a standard value based on the MBean ". "and attribute will be used" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "legacy-escape!", help => "Use legacy escape mechanism for Jolokia agents < 1.0" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "config=s", help => "Path to configuration file. Default: ~/.j4p" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "server=s", help => "Symbolic name of server url to use, which needs to be configured in the configuration file" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "check=s", help => "Name of a check configuration as defined in the configuration file" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "method=s", help => "HTTP method to use. Either \"get\" or \"post\"" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "doc:s", help => "Print the documentation of check_jmx4perl, optionally specifying the section (tutorial, args, config)" ); } sub add_nagios_np_args { my $self = shift; my $np = shift; $np->add_arg( spec => "base|base-alias|b=s", help => "Base name, which when given, interprets critical and warning values as relative in the range 0 .. 100%. Must be given in the form mbean/attribute/path", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "base-mbean=s", help => "Base MBean name, interprets critical and warning values as relative in the range 0 .. 100%. Requires a base-attribute, too", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "base-attribute=s", help => "Base attribute for a relative check. Used together with base-mbean", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "base-path=s", help => "Base path for relatie checks, where this path is used on the base attribute's value", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "unit=s", help => "Unit of measurement of the data retreived. Recognized values are [B|KB|MN|GB|TB] for memory values and [us|ms|s|m|h|d] for time values" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "null=s", help => "Value which should be used in case of a null return value of an operation or attribute. Is \"null\" by default" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "string", help => "Force string comparison for critical and warning checks" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "numeric", help => "Force numeric comparison for critical and warning checks" ); $np->add_arg( spec => "critical|c=s", help => "Critical Threshold for value. " . "See " . "for the threshold format.", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "warning|w=s", help => "Warning Threshold for value.", ); $np->add_arg( spec => "label|l=s", help => "Label to be used for printing out the result of the check. Placeholders can be used." ); $np->add_arg( spec => "perfdata=s", help => "Whether performance data should be omitted, which are included by default." ); $np->add_arg( spec => "unknown-is-critical", help => "Map UNKNOWN errors to errors with a CRITICAL status" ); } # Access to configuration informations # Known config options (key: cmd line arguments, values: keys in config); my $SERVER_CONFIG_KEYS = { "url" => "url", "user" => "user", "password" => "password", "product" => "product", "legacy_escape" => "legacyconfig" }; # Get target configuration or undef if no jmx-proxy mode # is used sub target_config { return shift->_target_or_proxy_config("target","target-user","target-password"); } # Get proxy configuration or undef if no proxy configuration # is used sub proxy_config { return shift->_target_or_proxy_config("proxy","proxy-user","proxy-password"); } sub _target_or_proxy_config { my $self = shift; my $main_key = shift; my $user_opt = shift; my $password_opt = shift; my $np = $self->{np}; my $opts = $np->opts; my $server_config = $self->_server_config; if ($opts->{$main_key}) { # Use configuration from the command line: return { url => $opts->{$main_key}, user => $opts->{$user_opt}, password => $opts->{$password_opt} } } elsif ($server_config && $server_config->{$main_key}) { # Use configuration directly from the server definition: return $server_config->{$main_key} } else { return undef; } } # Autoloading is used to fetch the proper connection parameters sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $np = $self->{np}; my $name = $AUTOLOAD; $name =~ s/.*://; # strip fully-qualified portion my $opts_name = $name; $opts_name =~ s/_/-/; if ($SERVER_CONFIG_KEYS->{$name}) { return $np->opts->{$opts_name} if $np->opts->{$opts_name}; my $c = $SERVER_CONFIG_KEYS->{$name}; if ($c) { my @parts = split "/",$c; my $h = $self->_server_config || return undef; while (@parts) { my $p = shift @parts; return undef unless $h->{$p}; $h = $h->{$p}; return $h unless @parts; } } else { return undef; } } else { $self->nagios_die("No config attribute \"" . $name . "\" known"); } } sub nagios_die { my $self = shift; my @args = @_; my $np = $self->{np}; $np->nagios_die(join("",@args),$np->opts->{'unknown-is-critical'} ? CRITICAL : UNKNOWN) } # Declared here to avoid AUTOLOAD confusions sub DESTROY { } =head1 LICENSE This file is part of jmx4perl. Jmx4perl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. jmx4perl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with jmx4perl. If not, see . =head1 AUTHOR =cut 1;