# ============================================
# Thread Pool Checks
# Generic Thread-Pool Check for the size of a Thread-Pool
# $0: Name of ThreadPool (z.B. "WebContainer")
# $1: Critical (default: 90%)
# $2: Warning (default: 80%)
Use was_thread_pool($0,'PoolSize',$1,$2)
Label $0: %2.2r% threads used (%v / %b)
# Generic Thread-Pool Check for the number of active threads
# within the thread pool
# $0: Name of ThreadPool (z.B. "WebContainer")
# $1: Critical (default: 90%)
# $2: Warning (default: 80%)
Use was_thread_pool($0,'ActiveCount',$1,$2,)
Label $0: %2.2r% active threads (%v / %b)
# Base Check for thread-pools checks
# $0: Name of ThreadPool (z.B. "WebContainer")
# $1: Attribute (PoolSize or ActiveCount)
# $2: Critical (default: 90%)
# $3: Warning (default: 80%)
MBean WebSphere:name=${0},type=ThreadPool,*
Attribute stats
Path */*/statistics/${1}/current
BaseMBean WebSphere:name=${0},type=ThreadPool,*
BaseAttribute stats
BasePath */*/statistics/${1}/upperBound
Critical ${2:90}
Warning ${3:80}
Label = ${0}: %.2r% Threads [${1}] (%v / %b)
Name = ${0}-${1}-threadpool