
105 lines
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2017-10-31 14:38:28 +01:00
use FindBin;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More qw(no_plan);
use Data::Dumper;
use JMX::Jmx4Perl::Alias;
use It;
require "check_jmx4perl/";
my $jmx = It->new(verbose =>1)->jmx4perl;
my ($ret,$content);
# ====================================================
# Configuration check
my $config_file = $FindBin::Bin . "/../check_jmx4perl/multi_check.cfg";
# Simple multicheck
($ret,$content) = exec_check_perl4jmx("--config $config_file --check memory");
#print ($ret,$content);
is($ret,0,"Memory with value OK");
ok($content =~ /\(base\)/,"First level inheritance");
ok($content =~ /\(grandpa\)/,"Second level inheritance");
ok($content =~ /Heap Memory/,"Heap Memory Included");
ok($content =~ /NonHeap Memory/,"NonHeap Memory included");
#print Dumper($ret,$content);
# Nested multichecks
($ret,$content) = exec_check_perl4jmx("--config $config_file --check nested");
#print Dumper($ret,$content);
is($ret,0,"Multicheck with value OK");
ok($content =~ /\(base\)/,"First level inheritance");
ok($content =~ /\(grandpa\)/,"Second level inheritance");
ok($content =~ /Thread-Count/,"Threads");
ok($content =~ /'Thread-Count'/,"Threads");
ok($content =~ /Heap Memory/,"Heap Memory Included");
ok($content =~ /NonHeap Memory/,"Non Heap Memory included");
# Multicheck with reference to checks with parameters
($ret,$content) = exec_check_perl4jmx("--config $config_file --check with_inner_args");
is($ret,0,"Multicheck with value OK");
ok($content =~ /HelloLabel/,"First param");
ok($content =~ /WithInnerArgs/,"WithInnerArgs");
($ret,$content) = exec_check_perl4jmx("--config $config_file --check with_outer_args WithOuterArgs");
is($ret,0,"Multicheck with value OK");
ok($content =~ /HelloLabel/,"First param");
ok($content =~ /WithOuterArgs/,"WithOuterArgs");
($ret,$content) = exec_check_perl4jmx("--config $config_file --check nested_with_args");
is($ret,0,"Multicheck with value OK");
ok($content =~ /HelloLabel/,"First param");
ok($content =~ /NestedWithArgs/,"NestedWithArgs");
($ret,$content) = exec_check_perl4jmx("--config $config_file --check nested_with_outer_args NestedWithOuterArgs");
is($ret,0,"Multicheck with value OK");
ok($content =~ /HelloLabel/,"First param");
ok($content =~ /NestedWithOuterArgs/,"NestedWithOuterArgs");
($ret,$content) = exec_check_perl4jmx("--config $config_file --check overloaded_multi_check");
#print Dumper($ret,$content);
is($ret,0,"Multicheck with argument for operation");
ok($content =~ /Value 1 in range/,"OperationWithArgument");
($ret,$content) = exec_check_perl4jmx("--config $config_file --check failing_multi_check");
#print Dumper($ret,$content);
is($ret,2,"Failing memory multicheck is CRITICAL");
ok($content =~ /memory_non_heap/,"Failed check name is contained in summary");
# Check labeling of failed tests
($ret,$content) = exec_check_perl4jmx("--config $config_file --check label_test");
#print "==========================================\n";
#print Dumper($ret,$content);
is($ret,2,"Should fail as critical");
my @lines = split /\n/,$content;
is($#lines,2,"3 lines has been returned");
ok($lines[0] =~ /bla/ && $lines[0] =~ /blub/,"Name of checks should be returned as critical values");
#print Dumper($ret,$content);
($ret,$content) = exec_check_perl4jmx("--config $config_file --check error_multi_check");
is($ret,3,"Should fail as UNKNOWN");
@lines = split /\n/,$content;
is($#lines,3,"4 lines has been returned");
ok($lines[1] =~ /kaputt/ && $lines[1] =~ /UNKNOWN/,"First line is UNKNOWN Check");
#print Dumper($ret,$content);
($ret,$content) = exec_check_perl4jmx("--unknown-is-critical --config $config_file --check error_multi_check");
is($ret,2,"Should fail as CRITICAL");
@lines = split /\n/,$content;
is($#lines,3,"4 lines has been returned");
ok($lines[0] =~ /kaputt/ && $lines[0] =~ /CRITICAL/,"First line is UNKNOWN Check");
#print Dumper($ret,$content);
# Unknown multicheck name
# Unknown nested multicheck name
# Unknown check name within a multi check
# No multicheck name