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2017-10-31 14:38:28 +01:00
# Base functions for various check_jmx4perl checks
use strict;
use FindBin;
use JMX::Jmx4Perl::Alias;
use JMX::Jmx4Perl::Request;
use JMX::Jmx4Perl::Response;
sub exec_check_perl4jmx {
my @args;
for (@_) {
push @args,split;
my ($url,$user,$password,$product,$target,$target_user,$target_password) =
push @args,("--user",$user,"--password",$password) if $user;
push @args,("--product",$product) if $product;
push @args,("--url",$url);
push @args,("--target",$target) if $target;
push @args,("--target-user",$target_user,"--target-password",$target_password) if $target_user;
#push @args,"--legacy-escape";
#push @args,("--verbose");
my $cmd = "perl $FindBin::Bin/../../scripts/check_jmx4perl "
.join(" ",map { '"' . $_ . '"' } @args);
#print $cmd,"\n";
open (F,"$cmd 2>&1 |")
|| die "Cannot open check_jmx4perl: $!";
my $content = join "",<F>;
close F;
if ($? == -1) {
die "check_jmx4perl: failed to execute: $!\n";
elsif ($? & 127) {
die "check_jmx4perl child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
return ($? >> 8,$content);
sub reset_history {
my $jmx = shift;
my ($mbean,$operation) = $jmx->resolve_alias(JMX4PERL_HISTORY_RESET);
my $req = new JMX::Jmx4Perl::Request(EXEC,$mbean,$operation,{target => undef});
my $resp = $jmx->request($req);