
300 lines
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2017-10-31 14:38:28 +01:00
package Module::Build::Platform::Windows;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.34';
use Config;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use IO::File;
use Module::Build::Base;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Module::Build::Base);
sub manpage_separator {
return '.';
sub have_forkpipe { 0 }
sub _detildefy {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
$value =~ s,^~(?= [/\\] | $ ),$ENV{HOME},x
if $ENV{HOME};
return $value;
sub ACTION_realclean {
my ($self) = @_;
my $basename = basename($0);
$basename =~ s/(?:\.bat)?$//i;
if ( lc $basename eq lc $self->build_script ) {
if ( $self->build_bat ) {
$self->log_info("Deleting $basename.bat\n");
my $full_progname = $0;
$full_progname =~ s/(?:\.bat)?$/.bat/i;
# Voodoo required to have a batch file delete itself without error;
# Syntax differs between 9x & NT: the later requires a null arg (???)
require Win32;
my $null_arg = (Win32::IsWinNT()) ? '""' : '';
my $cmd = qq(start $null_arg /min "\%comspec\%" /c del "$full_progname");
my $fh = IO::File->new(">> $basename.bat")
or die "Can't create $basename.bat: $!";
print $fh $cmd;
close $fh ;
} else {
$self->delete_filetree($self->build_script . '.bat');
sub make_executable {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $script (@_) {
# Native batch script
if ( $script =~ /\.(bat|cmd)$/ ) {
# Perl script that needs to be wrapped in a batch script
} else {
my %opts = ();
if ( $script eq $self->build_script ) {
$opts{ntargs} = q(-x -S %0 --build_bat %*);
$opts{otherargs} = q(-x -S "%0" --build_bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9);
my $out = eval {$self->pl2bat(in => $script, update => 1, %opts)};
if ( $@ ) {
$self->log_warn("WARNING: Unable to convert file '$script' to an executable script:\n$@");
} else {
# This routine was copied almost verbatim from the 'pl2bat' utility
# distributed with perl. It requires too much voodoo with shell quoting
# differences and shortcomings between the various flavors of Windows
# to reliably shell out
sub pl2bat {
my $self = shift;
my %opts = @_;
# NOTE: %0 is already enclosed in doublequotes by cmd.exe, as appropriate
$opts{ntargs} = '-x -S %0 %*' unless exists $opts{ntargs};
$opts{otherargs} = '-x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9' unless exists $opts{otherargs};
$opts{stripsuffix} = '/\\.plx?/' unless exists $opts{stripsuffix};
$opts{stripsuffix} = ($opts{stripsuffix} =~ m{^/([^/]*[^/\$]|)\$?/?$} ? $1 : "\Q$opts{stripsuffix}\E");
unless (exists $opts{out}) {
$opts{out} = $opts{in};
$opts{out} =~ s/$opts{stripsuffix}$//oi;
$opts{out} .= '.bat' unless $opts{in} =~ /\.bat$/i or $opts{in} =~ /^-$/;
my $head = <<EOT;
\@rem = '--*-Perl-*--
\@echo off
if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT
perl $opts{otherargs}
goto endofperl
perl $opts{ntargs}
if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\\system32\\cmd.exe" goto endofperl
if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
if errorlevel 1 goto script_failed_so_exit_with_non_zero_val 2>nul
goto endofperl
\@rem ';
$head =~ s/^\s+//gm;
my $headlines = 2 + ($head =~ tr/\n/\n/);
my $tail = "\n__END__\n:endofperl\n";
my $linedone = 0;
my $taildone = 0;
my $linenum = 0;
my $skiplines = 0;
my $start = $Config{startperl};
$start = "#!perl" unless $start =~ /^#!.*perl/;
my $in = IO::File->new("< $opts{in}") or die "Can't open $opts{in}: $!";
my @file = <$in>;
foreach my $line ( @file ) {
if ( $line =~ /^:endofperl\b/ ) {
if (!exists $opts{update}) {
warn "$opts{in} has already been converted to a batch file!\n";
if ( not $linedone and $line =~ /^#!.*perl/ ) {
if (exists $opts{update}) {
$skiplines = $linenum - 1;
$line .= "#line ".(1+$headlines)."\n";
} else {
$line .= "#line ".($linenum+$headlines)."\n";
if ( $line =~ /^#\s*line\b/ and $linenum == 2 + $skiplines ) {
$line = "";
my $out = IO::File->new("> $opts{out}") or die "Can't open $opts{out}: $!";
print $out $head;
print $out $start, ( $opts{usewarnings} ? " -w" : "" ),
"\n#line ", ($headlines+1), "\n" unless $linedone;
print $out @file[$skiplines..$#file];
print $out $tail unless $taildone;
return $opts{out};
sub _quote_args {
# Returns a string that can become [part of] a command line with
# proper quoting so that the subprocess sees this same list of args.
my ($self, @args) = @_;
my @quoted;
for (@args) {
if ( /^[^\s*?!\$<>;|'"\[\]\{\}]+$/ ) {
# Looks pretty safe
push @quoted, $_;
} else {
# XXX this will obviously have to improve - is there already a
# core module lying around that does proper quoting?
push @quoted, qq("$_");
return join " ", @quoted;
sub split_like_shell {
# As it turns out, Windows command-parsing is very different from
# Unix command-parsing. Double-quotes mean different things,
# backslashes don't necessarily mean escapes, and so on. So we
# can't use Text::ParseWords::shellwords() to break a command string
# into words. The algorithm below was bashed out by Randy and Ken
# (mostly Randy), and there are a lot of regression tests, so we
# should feel free to adjust if desired.
(my $self, local $_) = @_;
return @$_ if defined() && UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'ARRAY');
my @argv;
return @argv unless defined() && length();
my $arg = '';
my( $i, $quote_mode ) = ( 0, 0 );
while ( $i < length() ) {
my $ch = substr( $_, $i , 1 );
my $next_ch = substr( $_, $i+1, 1 );
if ( $ch eq '\\' && $next_ch eq '"' ) {
$arg .= '"';
} elsif ( $ch eq '\\' && $next_ch eq '\\' ) {
$arg .= '\\';
} elsif ( $ch eq '"' && $next_ch eq '"' && $quote_mode ) {
$quote_mode = !$quote_mode;
$arg .= '"';
} elsif ( $ch eq '"' && $next_ch eq '"' && !$quote_mode &&
( $i + 2 == length() ||
substr( $_, $i + 2, 1 ) eq ' ' )
) { # for cases like: a"" => [ 'a' ]
push( @argv, $arg );
$arg = '';
$i += 2;
} elsif ( $ch eq '"' ) {
$quote_mode = !$quote_mode;
} elsif ( $ch eq ' ' && !$quote_mode ) {
push( @argv, $arg ) if $arg;
$arg = '';
++$i while substr( $_, $i + 1, 1 ) eq ' ';
} else {
$arg .= $ch;
push( @argv, $arg ) if defined( $arg ) && length( $arg );
return @argv;
# system(@cmd) does not like having double-quotes in it on Windows.
# So we quote them and run it as a single command.
sub do_system {
my ($self, @cmd) = @_;
my $cmd = $self->_quote_args(@cmd);
my $status = system($cmd);
if ($status and $! =~ /Argument list too long/i) {
my $env_entries = '';
foreach (sort keys %ENV) { $env_entries .= "$_=>".length($ENV{$_})."; " }
warn "'Argument list' was 'too long', env lengths are $env_entries";
return !$status;
=head1 NAME
Module::Build::Platform::Windows - Builder class for Windows platforms
The sole purpose of this module is to inherit from
C<Module::Build::Base> and override a few methods. Please see
L<Module::Build> for the docs.
=head1 AUTHOR
Ken Williams <>, Randy W. Sims <>
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl(1), Module::Build(3)