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2017-10-31 14:38:28 +01:00
package JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::CommandHandler;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
use Module::Find;
=head1 NAME
JMX::Jmx4Perl::J4psh::CommandHandler - Handler for j4psh commands
This object is responsible for managing L<JMX::Jmx4Perl::Command> objects which
are at the heart of j4psh and provide all features. During startup it
registeres commands dynamically and pushes the L<JMX::Jmx4Perl::Shell> context to them
for allowing to access the agent and other handlers.
Registration is occurs in two phases:
It also keeps a stack of so called navigational I<context> which can be used to
provide a menu like structure (think of it like directories which can be
entered). If the stack contains elements, the navigational commands C<..> and
C</> are added to traverse the stack. C</> will always jump to the top of the
stack (the I<root directory>) whereas C<..> will pop up one level in the stack
(the I<parent directory>). Commands which want to manipulate the stack like
pushing themselves on the stack should use the methods L</push_on_stack> or
L</reset_stack> (for jumping to the top of the menu).
=head1 METHODS
=item $command_handler = new JMX::Jmx4Perl::Shell::CommandHandler($context,$ui)
Create a new command handler object. The arguments to be passed are the context
object (C<$context>) and the shell object (C<$shell>) in order to update the
shell's current command set.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $context = shift || "No context object given";
my $shell = shift || "No shell given";
my $extra = shift;
$extra = { $extra, @_ } unless ref($extra) eq "HASH";
my $self = {
context => $context,
shell => $shell,
$self->{stack} = [];
bless $self,(ref($class) || $class);
return $self;
=item $comand_handler->push_on_stack($context,$cmds)
Update the stack with an entry of name C<$context> which provides the commands
C<$cmds>. C<$cmds> must be a hashref as known to L<Term::ShellUI>, whose
C<commands> method is used to update the shell. Additionally it updates the
shell's prompt to reflect the state of the stack.
sub push_on_stack {
my $self = shift;
# The new context
my $context = shift;
# Sub-commands within the context
my $sub_cmds = shift;
my $separator = shift || "/";
my $contexts = $self->{stack};
push @$contexts,{ name => $context, cmds => $sub_cmds, separator => $separator };
#print Dumper(\@contexts);
my $shell = $self->{shell};
# Set sub-commands
=item $command_handler->reset_stack
Reset the stack and install the top and global commands as collected from the
registered L<OSGi::Osgish::Command>.
sub reset_stack {
my $self = shift;
my $shell = $self->{shell};
$shell->commands({ %{$self->_top_commands}, %{$self->_global_commands}});
$self->{stack} = [];
=item $command = $command_handler->command($command_name)
Get a registered command by name
sub command {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift || die "No command name given";
return $self->{commands}->{$name};
# ============================================================================
sub _top_commands {
my $self = shift;
my $top = $self->{top_commands};
my @ret = ();
for my $command (values %$top) {
push @ret, %{$command->top_commands};
return { @ret };
sub _global_commands {
my $self = shift;
my $globals = $self->{global_commands};
my @ret = ();
for my $command (values %$globals) {
push @ret, %{$command->global_commands};
return { @ret };
sub _navigation_commands {
my $self = shift;
my $shell = $self->{shell};
my $contexts = $self->{stack};
if (@$contexts > 0) {
{".." => {
desc => "Go up one level",
proc =>
sub {
"/" => {
desc => "Go to the top level",
proc =>
sub {
} else {
return {};
# Go up one in the hierarchy
sub pop_off_stack {
my $self = shift;
my $shell = $self->{shell};
my $stack = $self->{stack};
my $parent = pop @$stack;
if (@$stack > 0) {
} else {
sub _register_commands {
my $self = shift;
my $context = $self->{context};
my $modules = $self->find_commands();
my $commands = {};
my $top = {};
my $globals = {};
for my $module (@$modules) {
my $file = $module;
$file =~ s/::/\//g;
require $file . ".pm";
my $command = eval "$module->new(\$context)";
die "Cannot register $module: ",$@ if $@;
$commands->{$command->name} = $command;
my $top_cmd = $command->top_commands;
if ($top_cmd) {
$top->{$command->name} = $command;
my $global_cmd = $command->global_commands;
if ($global_cmd) {
$globals->{$command->name} = $command;
$self->{commands} = $commands;
$self->{top_commands} = $top;
$self->{global_commands} = $globals;
sub find_commands {
my $self = shift;
my $command_pkgs = ref($self->{command_packages}) eq "ARRAY" ? $self->{command_packages} : [ $self->{command_packages} ];
my @modules = ();
for my $pkg (@{$command_pkgs}) {
for my $command (findsubmod $pkg) {
next unless $command;
push @modules,$command;
if ($self->{command_modules}) {
my $command_modules =
ref($self->{command_modules}) eq "ARRAY" ? $self->{command_modules} : [ $self->{command_modules} ];
for my $command (@$command_modules) {
push @modules,$command;
return \@modules;
sub _prompt {
my $self = shift;
my $context = $self->{context};
my $shell = $self->{shell};
return sub {
my $term = shift;
my $stack = $self->{stack};
my $agent = $context->agent;
my ($c_host,$c_context,$c_empty,$reset) =
$self->{no_color_prompt} ? ("","","","") : $shell->color("host","prompt_context","prompt_empty",RESET,{escape => 1});
my $p = "[";
$p .= $agent ? $c_host . $context->server : $c_empty . $context->name;
$p .= $reset;
$p .= " " . $c_context if @$stack;
for my $i (0 .. $#{$stack}) {
$p .= $stack->[$i]->{name};
$p .= $i < $#{$stack} ? $stack->[$i]->{separator} : $reset;
$p .= "] : ";
return $p;
=head1 LICENSE
This file is part of jmx4perl.
Jmx4perl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
jmx4perl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with jmx4perl. If not, see <>.
A commercial license is available as well. Please contact for
further details.
Just in case you need professional support for this module (or Nagios or JMX in
general), you might want to have a look at Contact for
further information (or use the contact form at
=head1 AUTHOR