/* Anacron - run commands periodically Copyright (C) 1998 Itai Tzur Copyright (C) 1999 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry Copyright (C) 2004 Pascal Hakim This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. The GNU General Public License can also be found in the file `COPYING' that comes with the Anacron source distribution. */ /* /etc/anacrontab parsing, and job sorting */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "global.h" #include "matchrx.h" static struct obstack input_o; /* holds input line */ static struct obstack tab_o; /* holds processed data read from anacrontab */ static FILE *tab; job_rec **job_array; int njobs; /* number of jobs to run */ static int jobs_read; /* number of jobs read */ static int line_num; /* current line in anacrontab */ static job_rec *last_job_rec; /* last job stored in memory, at the moment */ static env_rec *last_env_rec; /* last environment assignment stored */ static int random_number = 0; /* some definitions for the obstack macros */ #define obstack_chunk_alloc xmalloc #define obstack_chunk_free free static void * xmalloc (size_t size) /* Just like standard malloc(), only never returns NULL. */ { void * ptr; ptr = malloc(size); if (ptr == NULL) die("Memory exhausted"); return ptr; } static int conv2int(const char *s) /* Return the int or -1 on over/under-flow */ { long l; errno = 0; l = strtol(s, NULL, 10); /* we use negative as error, so I am really returning unsigned int */ if (errno == ERANGE || l < 0 || l > INT_MAX) return - 1; return (int)l; } static char * read_tab_line (void) /* Read one line and return a pointer to it. Return NULL if no more lines. */ { int c, prev=0; if (feof(tab)) return NULL; while (1) { c = getc(tab); if ((c == '\n' && prev != '\\') || c == EOF) { if (0 != prev) obstack_1grow(&input_o, (char)prev); break; } if ('\\' != prev && 0 != prev && '\n' != prev) obstack_1grow(&input_o, (char)prev); else if ('\n' == prev) obstack_1grow(&input_o, ' '); prev = c; } if (ferror(tab)) die_e("Error reading %s", anacrontab); obstack_1grow(&input_o, '\0'); return obstack_finish(&input_o); } static int job_arg_num(const char *ident) /* Return the command-line-argument number referring to this job-identifier. * If it isn't specified, return -1. */ { int i, r; for (i = 0; i < job_nargs; i++) { r = fnmatch(job_args[i], ident, 0); if (r == 0) return i; if (r != FNM_NOMATCH) die("fnmatch() error"); } return - 1; } static void register_env(const char *env_var, const char *value) /* Store the environment assignment "env_var"="value" */ { env_rec *er; int var_len, val_len; var_len = (int)strlen(env_var); val_len = (int)strlen(value); if (!var_len) { return; } er = obstack_alloc(&tab_o, sizeof(env_rec)); if (er == NULL) { die_e("Cannot allocate memory."); } er->assign = obstack_alloc(&tab_o, var_len + 1 + val_len + 1); if (er->assign == NULL) { die_e("Cannot allocate memory."); } strcpy(er->assign, env_var); er->assign[var_len] = '='; strcpy(er->assign + var_len + 1, value); er->assign[var_len + 1 + val_len] = 0; if (last_env_rec != NULL) last_env_rec->next = er; else first_env_rec = er; last_env_rec = er; Debug(("on line %d: %s", line_num, er->assign)); } static void register_job(const char *periods, const char *delays, const char *ident, char *command) /* Store a job definition */ { int period, delay; job_rec *jr; int ident_len, command_len; ident_len = (int)strlen(ident); command_len = (int)strlen(command); jobs_read++; period = conv2int(periods); delay = conv2int(delays); if (period < 0 || delay < 0) { complain("%s: number out of range on line %d, skipping", anacrontab, line_num); return; } jr = obstack_alloc(&tab_o, sizeof(job_rec)); if (jr == NULL) { die_e("Cannot allocate memory."); } jr->period = period; jr->named_period = 0; delay += random_number; jr->delay = delay; jr->tab_line = line_num; jr->ident = obstack_alloc(&tab_o, ident_len + 1); if (jr->ident == NULL) { die_e("Cannot allocate memory."); } strcpy(jr->ident, ident); jr->arg_num = job_arg_num(ident); jr->command = obstack_alloc(&tab_o, command_len + 1); if (jr->command == NULL) { die_e("Cannot allocate memory."); } strcpy(jr->command, command); jr->job_pid = jr->mailer_pid = 0; if (last_job_rec != NULL) last_job_rec->next = jr; else first_job_rec = jr; last_job_rec = jr; jr->prev_env_rec = last_env_rec; jr->next = NULL; Debug(("Read job - period=%d, delay=%d, ident=%s, command=%s", jr->period, jr->delay, jr->ident, jr->command)); } static void register_period_job(const char *periods, const char *delays, const char *ident, char *command) /* Store a job definition with a named period */ { int delay; job_rec *jr; int ident_len, command_len; ident_len = (int)strlen(ident); command_len = (int)strlen(command); jobs_read++; delay = conv2int(delays); if (delay < 0) { complain("%s: number out of range on line %d, skipping", anacrontab, line_num); return; } jr = obstack_alloc(&tab_o, sizeof(job_rec)); if (jr == NULL) { die_e("Cannot allocate memory."); } if (!strncmp ("@monthly", periods, 8)) { jr->named_period = 1; } else if (!strncmp("@yearly", periods, 7) || !strncmp("@annually", periods, 9) || !strncmp(/* backwards compat misspelling */"@annualy", periods, 8)) { jr->named_period = 2; } else if (!strncmp ("@daily", periods, 6)) { jr->named_period = 3; } else if (!strncmp ("@weekly", periods, 7)) { jr->named_period = 4; } else { complain("%s: Unknown named period on line %d, skipping", anacrontab, line_num); } jr->period = 0; delay += random_number; jr->delay = delay; jr->tab_line = line_num; jr->ident = obstack_alloc(&tab_o, ident_len + 1); if (jr->ident == NULL) { die_e("Cannot allocate memory."); } strcpy(jr->ident, ident); jr->arg_num = job_arg_num(ident); jr->command = obstack_alloc(&tab_o, command_len + 1); if (jr->command == NULL) { die_e("Cannot allocate memory."); } strcpy(jr->command, command); jr->job_pid = jr->mailer_pid = 0; if (last_job_rec != NULL) last_job_rec->next = jr; else first_job_rec = jr; last_job_rec = jr; jr->prev_env_rec = last_env_rec; jr->next = NULL; Debug(("Read job - period %d, delay=%d, ident%s, command=%s", jr->named_period, jr->delay, jr->ident, jr->command)); } static long int unbiased_rand(long int max) { long int rn; long int divisor; divisor = RAND_MAX / (max + 1); do { rn = random() / divisor; } while (rn > max); return rn; } static void parse_tab_line(char *line) { int r; char *env_var; char *value; char *periods; char *delays; char *ident; char *command; char *from; char *to; char *pref_hour; /* an empty line? */ r = match_rx("^[ \t]*($|#)", line, 0); if (r == -1) goto reg_err; if (r) { Debug(("line %d empty", line_num)); return; } /* an environment assignment? */ r = match_rx("^[ \t]*([^ \t=]+)[ \t]*=(.*)$", line, 2, &env_var, &value); if (r == -1) goto reg_err; if (r) { if (strncmp(env_var, "START_HOURS_RANGE", 17) == 0) { r = match_rx("^([[:digit:]]+)-([[:digit:]]+)$", value, 2, &from, &to); if (r == -1) goto reg_err; if (r == 0) goto reg_invalid; range_start = atoi(from); range_stop = atoi(to); if (range_stop < range_start) { range_start = 0; range_stop = 0; goto reg_invalid; } Debug(("Jobs will start in the %02d:00-%02d:00 range.", range_start, range_stop)); } else if (strncmp(env_var, "RANDOM_DELAY", 12) == 0) { r = match_rx("^([[:digit:]]+)$", value, 0); if (r == -1) goto reg_err; if (r == 0) goto reg_invalid; random_number = (int)unbiased_rand(atoi(value)); Debug(("Randomized delay set: %d", random_number)); } else if (strncmp(env_var, "PREFERRED_HOUR", 14) == 0) { r = match_rx("^([[:digit:]]+)$", value, 1, &pref_hour); if (r == -1) goto reg_err; if (r) { preferred_hour = atoi(pref_hour); if ((preferred_hour < 0) || (preferred_hour > 24)) { preferred_hour = -1; goto reg_invalid; } } } register_env(env_var, value); return; } /* a job? */ r = match_rx("^[ \t]*([[:digit:]]+)[ \t]+([[:digit:]]+)[ \t]+" "([^ \t/]+)[ \t]+([^ \t].*)$", line, 4, &periods, &delays, &ident, &command); if (r == -1) goto reg_err; if (r) { register_job(periods, delays, ident, command); return; } /* A period job? */ r = match_rx("^[ \t]*(@[^ \t]+)[ \t]+([[:digit:]]+)[ \t]+" "([^ \t/]+)[ \t]+([^ \t].*)$", line, 4, &periods, &delays, &ident, &command); if (r == -1) goto reg_err; if (r) { register_period_job(periods, delays, ident, command); return; } reg_invalid: complain("Invalid syntax in %s on line %d - skipping this line", anacrontab, line_num); return; reg_err: die("Regex error reading %s", anacrontab); } void read_tab(int cwd) /* Read the anacrontab file into memory */ { char *tab_line; first_job_rec = last_job_rec = NULL; first_env_rec = last_env_rec = NULL; jobs_read = 0; line_num = 0; /* Open the anacrontab file */ if (fchdir(cwd)) die_e("Can't chdir to original cwd"); tab = fopen(anacrontab, "r"); if (chdir(spooldir)) die_e("Can't chdir to %s", spooldir); if (tab == NULL) die_e("Error opening %s", anacrontab); /* Initialize the obstacks */ obstack_init(&input_o); obstack_init(&tab_o); while ((tab_line = read_tab_line()) != NULL) { line_num++; parse_tab_line(tab_line); obstack_free(&input_o, tab_line); } if (fclose(tab)) die_e("Error closing %s", anacrontab); } static int execution_order(const job_rec **job1, const job_rec **job2) /* Comparison function for sorting the jobs. */ { int d; d = (*job1)->arg_num - (*job2)->arg_num; if (d != 0 && now) return d; d = (*job1)->delay - (*job2)->delay; if (d != 0) return d; d = (*job1)->tab_line - (*job2)->tab_line; return d; } void arrange_jobs(void) /* Make an array of pointers to jobs that are going to be executed, * and arrange them in the order of execution. * Also lock these jobs. */ { job_rec *j; j = first_job_rec; njobs = 0; while (j != NULL) { if (j->arg_num != -1 && (update_only || testing_only || consider_job(j))) { njobs++; obstack_grow(&tab_o, &j, sizeof(j)); } j = j->next; } job_array = obstack_finish(&tab_o); /* sort the jobs */ qsort(job_array, (size_t)njobs, sizeof(*job_array), (int (*)(const void *, const void *))execution_order); }