#!/bin/bash # +------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ | # | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / | # | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / | # | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ | # | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ | # | | # | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2014 mk@mathias-kettner.de | # +------------------------------------------------------------------+ # # This file is part of Check_MK. # The official homepage is at http://mathias-kettner.de/check_mk. # # check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed # in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with- # out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de- # tails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write # to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. VERSION=1.2.8p22 NAME=check_mk LANG= LC_ALL= SETUPCONF=~/.check_mk_setup.conf # Find path to ourselves SRCDIR=${0%/*} if [ "$SRCDIR" = "$0" ] ; then SRCDIR=. ; fi if [ ! -e "$SRCDIR/setup.sh" ] ; then echo "Cannot find location of setup.sh.">&2 echo "Please call setup.sh with its complete path." >&2 exit 1 fi # If called with "--yes" we assume yes to all questions # and do not display anything other then error messages if [ "$1" = "--yes" ] then YES=yes else YES= fi # Install check_mk into user defined locations # This script is run during packaging for RPM # and DEB. You can also run it manually for a # customized setup if [ $UID = 0 -o -n "$DESTDIR" ] ; then ROOT=yes if [ "$DESTDIR" = / ] ; then DESTDIR= fi else ROOT= DESTDIR= fi SUMMARY= DIRINFO="# Written by setup of check_mk $VERSION at $(date)" dir_already_configured () { # if DESTDIR is used, setup config is never used. if [ -n "$DESTDIR" ] ; then return 1 ; fi # Check if this path has already been configured in a previous setup grep -q "^$1=" $SETUPCONF >/dev/null 2>&1 } ask_dir () { if [ $1 != -d ] ; then prefix="$(pwd)/" else prefix="" shift fi VARNAME=$1 DEF_ROOT=$2 DEF_USER=$3 DEF_OMD=$4 SHORT=$5 DESCR=$6 # maybe variable already set (via environment, via autodetection, # or view $SETUPCONF) eval "DIR="'$'"$VARNAME" # if DESTDIR is set, the user is never asked, but the # variable must be set via the environment. Otherwise # the default value is used. if [ -n "$DESTDIR" ] ; then if [ -z "$DIR" ] ; then DIR=$DEF_ROOT fi eval "$VARNAME='$DIR'" else # Three cases for each variable: # 1) variable is set in ~/.check_mk_setup.conf # 2) variable is autodetected # 3) variable is unset if [ -z "$DIR" ] ; then class=" default " if [ "$OMD_SITE" ] ; then DEF=$DEF_OMD elif [ "$ROOT" ] ; then DEF=$DEF_ROOT else DEF=$DEF_USER fi elif dir_already_configured "$VARNAME" ; then DEF=$DIR class=" previous " else class=" autodetected " DEF=$DIR fi PRINTOUT="$class --> " if [ -z "$YES" ] ; then read -p "$SHORT $DESCR: ($PRINTOUT$DEF): " DIR if [ -z "$DIR" ] ; then DIR=$DEF ; fi else DIR=$DEF fi # Handle relative paths if [ "${DIR:0:1}" != / ] ; then DIR="$prefix$DIR" fi eval "$VARNAME='$DIR'" fi SUMMARY="$SUMMARY $(printf " %-30s  %-39s " "$SHORT" "$DIR")" DIRINFO="$DIRINFO $VARNAME='$DIR'" if [ -z "$YES" ] ; then echo ; fi } TITLENO=0 ask_title () { if [ "$YES" ] ; then return ; fi TITLENO=$((TITLENO + 1)) f=" %-69s \n" echo printf "$f" "" printf "$f" "$TITLENO) $*" printf "$f" "" echo } if [ -z "$YES" ] ; then cat </dev/null) ; then eval "$OUTPUT" fi elif OUTPUT=$(python $SRCDIR/autodetect.py) then eval "$OUTPUT" if [ -z "$YES" ] ; then printf " %-71s \n" "* Found running Nagios process, autodetected $(echo "$OUTPUT" | grep -v '^\(#\|$\)' | wc -l) settings." fi fi fi if [ -z "$DESTDIR" -a -e "$SETUPCONF" ] && . $SETUPCONF then if [ -z "$YES" ] ; then printf " %-71s \n" "* Read $(grep = $SETUPCONF | wc -l) settings from previous setup from $SETUPCONF." fi fi HOMEBASEDIR=$HOME/$NAME ask_title "Installation directories of check_mk" ask_dir bindir /usr/bin $HOMEBASEDIR/bin $OMD_ROOT/local/bin "Executable programs" \ "Directory where to install executable programs such as check_mk itself. This directory should be in your search path (\$PATH). Otherwise you always have to specify the installation path when calling check_mk" ask_dir confdir /etc/$NAME $HOMEBASEDIR $OMD_ROOT/etc/check_mk "Check_MK configuration" \ "Directory where check_mk looks for its main configuration file main.mk. An example configuration file will be installed there if no main.mk is present from a previous version" ask_dir sharedir /usr/share/$NAME $HOMEBASEDIR $OMD_ROOT/local/share/check_mk "Check_MK software" \ "The base directory for the software installation of Check_MK. This directory will get the subdirectories checks, modules, web, locale and agents. Note: in previous versions it was possible to specify each of those directories separately. This is no longer possible" ask_dir docdir /usr/share/doc/$NAME $HOMEBASEDIR/doc $OMD_ROOT/local/share/check_mk/doc "documentation" \ "Some documentation about check_mk will be installed here. Please note, however, that most of check_mk's documentation is available only online at http://mathias-kettner.de/check_mk.html" ask_dir checkmandir /usr/share/doc/$NAME/checks $HOMEBASEDIR/doc/checks $OMD_ROOT/local/share/check_mk/checkman "check manuals" \ "Directory for manuals for the various checks. The manuals can be viewed with check_mk -M " ask_dir vardir /var/lib/$NAME $HOMEBASEDIR/var $OMD_ROOT/var/check_mk "working directory of Check_MK" \ "Check_MK will create log files, automatically created checks and other files into this directory. The setup will create several subdirectories and makes them writable by the Nagios process" ask_title "Configuration of Linux/UNIX Agents" ask_dir agentslibdir /usr/lib/check_mk_agent $HOMEBASEDIR/check_mk_agent /usr/lib/check_mk_agent "extensions for agents" \ "This directory will not be created on the server. It will be hardcoded into the Linux and UNIX agents. The agent will look for extensions in the subdirectories plugins/ and local/ of that directory" ask_dir agentsconfdir /etc/check_mk $HOMEBASEDIR /etc/check_mk "configuration dir for agents" \ "This directory will not be created on the server. It will be hardcoded into the Linux and UNIX agents. The agent will look for its configuration files here (currently only the logwatch extension needs a configuration file)" ask_title "Integration with Nagios" ask_dir -d nagiosuser nagios $(id -un) "$OMD_SITE" "Name of Nagios user" \ "The working directory for check_mk contains several subdirectories that need to be writable by the Nagios user (which is running check_mk in check mode). Please specify the user that should own those directories" ask_dir -d wwwuser www-data www-data "$OMD_SITE" "User of Apache process" \ "Check_MK WATO (Web Administration Tool) needs a sudo configuration, such that Apache can run certain commands as $(id -un). If you specify the correct user of the apache process here, then we can create a valid sudo configuration for you later:" ask_dir -d wwwgroup nagios $(id -un) "$OMD_SITE" "Common group of Nagios+Apache" \ "Check_mk creates files and directories while running as $nagiosuser. Some of those need to be writable by the user that is running the webserver. Therefore a group is needed in which both Nagios and the webserver are members (every valid Nagios installation uses such a group to allow the web server access to Nagios' command pipe):" ask_dir nagios_binary /usr/sbin/nagios $HOMEBASEDIR/nagios/bin/nagios $OMD_ROOT/bin/nagios "Nagios binary" \ "The complete path to the Nagios executable. This is needed by the option -R/--restart in order to do a configuration check." ask_dir nagios_config_file /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg $HOMEBASEDIR/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg $OMD_ROOT/tmp/nagios/nagios.cfg "Nagios main configuration file" \ "Path to the main configuration file of Nagios. That file is always named 'nagios.cfg'. The default path when compiling Nagios yourself is /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg. The path to this file is needed for the check_mk option -R/--restart" ask_dir nagconfdir /etc/nagios/objects $HOMEBASEDIR/nagios/etc $OMD_ROOT/etc/nagios/conf.d "Nagios object directory" \ "Nagios' object definitions for hosts, services and contacts are usually stored in various files with the extension .cfg. These files are located in a directory that is configured in nagios.cfg with the directive 'cfg_dir'. Please specify the path to that directory (If the autodetection can find your configuration file but does not find at least one cfg_dir directive, then it will add one to your configuration file for your conveniance)" ask_dir nagios_startscript /etc/init.d/nagios /etc/init.d/nagios $OMD_ROOT/etc/init.d/nagios "Nagios startskript" \ "The complete path to the Nagios startskript is used by the option -R/--restart to restart Nagios." ask_dir nagpipe /var/log/nagios/rw/nagios.cmd $HOMEBASEDIR/var/nagios/rw/nagios.cmd $OMD_ROOT/tmp/run/nagios.cmd "Nagios command pipe" \ "Complete path to the Nagios command pipe. check_mk needs write access to this pipe in order to operate" ask_dir check_result_path /usr/local/nagios/var/spool/checkresults $HOMEBASEDIR/var/nagios/checkresults $OMD_ROOT/tmp/nagios/checkresults "Check results directory" \ "Complete path to the directory where Nagios stores its check results. Using that directory instead of the command pipe is faster." ask_dir nagios_status_file /var/log/nagios/status.dat /var/log/nagios/status.dat $OMD_ROOT/tmp/nagios/status.dat "Nagios status file" \ "The web pages of check_mk need to read the file 'status.dat', which is regularily created by Nagios. The path to that status file is usually configured in nagios.cfg with the parameter 'status_file'. If that parameter is missing, a compiled-in default value is used. On FHS-conforming installations, that file usually is in /var/lib/nagios or /var/log/nagios. If you've compiled Nagios yourself, that file might be found below /usr/local/nagios" ask_dir check_icmp_path /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_icmp $HOMEBASEDIR/libexec/check_icmp $OMD_ROOT/lib/nagios/plugins/check_icmp "Path to check_icmp" \ "check_mk ships a Nagios configuration file with several host and service templates. Some host templates need check_icmp as host check. That check plugin is contained in the standard Nagios plugins. Please specify the complete path (dir + filename) of check_icmp" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- ask_title "Integration with Apache" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- ask_dir -d url_prefix / / /$OMD_SITE/ "URL Prefix for Web addons" \ "Usually the Multisite GUI is available at /check_mk/ and PNP4Nagios is located at /pnp4nagios/. In some cases you might want to define some prefix in order to be able to run more instances of Nagios on one host. If you say /test/ here, for example, then Multisite will be located at /test/check_mk/. Please do not forget the trailing slash." ask_dir apache_config_dir /etc/apache2/conf.d /etc/apache2/conf.d $OMD_ROOT/etc/apache/conf.d "Apache config dir" \ "Check_mk ships several web pages implemented in Python with Apache mod_python. That module needs an apache configuration section which will be installed by this setup. Please specify the path to a directory where Apache reads in configuration files." ask_dir htpasswd_file /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users $HOMEBASEDIR/etc/htpasswd.users $OMD_ROOT/etc/htpasswd "HTTP authentication file" \ "Check_mk's web pages should be secured from unauthorized access via HTTP authenticaion - just as Nagios. The configuration file for Apache that will be installed contains a valid configuration for HTTP basic auth. The most conveniant way for you is to use the same user file as for Nagios. Please enter your htpasswd file to use here" ask_dir -d nagios_auth_name "Nagios Access" "Nagios Access" "OMD Monitoring Site $OMD_SITE" "HTTP AuthName" \ "Check_mk's Apache configuration file will need an AuthName. That string will be displayed to the user when asking for the password. You should use the same AuthName as for Nagios. Otherwise the user will have to log in twice" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- ask_title "Integration with PNP4Nagios 0.6" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- ask_dir pnptemplates /usr/share/$NAME/pnp-templates $HOMEBASEDIR/pnp-templates $OMD_ROOT/local/share/check_mk/pnp-templates "PNP4Nagios templates" \ "Check_MK ships templates for PNP4Nagios for most of its checks. Those templates make the history graphs look nice. PNP4Nagios expects such templates in the directory pnp/templates in your document root for static web pages" ask_dir rrd_path /var/lib/nagios/rrd $HOMEBASEDIR/var/nagios/rrd $OMD_ROOT/var/pnp4nagios/perfdata "RRD files" \ "Configure the directory PNP4Nagios stores the RRD database files in" ask_dir rrdcached_socket /tmp/rrdcached.sock $HOMEBASEDIR/var/rrdcached.sock $OMD_ROOT/tmp/run/rrdached.sock "rrdcached socket" \ "If you use the rrdcached to process performance data from Nagios, you can configure the socket of the rrdcached here to make the prediction feature use it" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- ask_title "Check_MK Livestatus Module" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- ask_dir -d enable_livestatus yes yes yes "compile livestatus module" \ "The well known MK Livestatus broker module is part of Check_MK. It provides direct access to Nagios internal data structures. It aims to supersede status.dat and also NDO. The Livestatus Module does not only allow extremely fast access to the status of your services and hosts, it does also provide live data (which status.dat does not). Also - unlike NDO - Livestatus does not cost you even measurable CPU performance, does not need any disk space and also needs no configuration. Livestatus is neccessary when you want to use Multisite. It is also the preferred backend for NagVis. Please answer 'yes', if you want to compile and integrate the Livestatus module into your Nagios. You need 'make' and the GNU C++ compiler installed in order to do this" if [ "$enable_livestatus" = yes ] then ask_dir -d nagios_version "3.5.0" "3.5.0" "OMD Monitoring Site $OMD_SITE" "Nagios / Icinga version" \ "The version is required for the compilation of the livestatus module. Depending on the major version (3 or 4) different nagios headers are included" ask_dir libdir /usr/lib/$NAME $HOMEBASEDIR/lib $OMD_ROOT/local/lib/mk-livestatus "check_mk's binary modules" \ "Directory for architecture dependent binary libraries and plugins of check_mk" ask_dir livesock ${nagpipe%/*}/live ${nagpipe%/*}/live $OMD_ROOT/tmp/run/live "Unix socket for Livestatus" \ "The Livestatus Module provides Nagios status data via a unix socket. This is similar to the Nagios command pipe, but allows bidirectional communication. Please enter the path to that pipe. It is recommended to put it into the same directory as Nagios' command pipe" ask_dir livebackendsdir /usr/share/$NAME/livestatus $HOMEBASEDIR/livestatus $OMD_ROOT/local/share/mk-livestatus "Backends for other systems" \ "Directory where to put backends and configuration examples for other systems. Currently this is only Nagvis, but other might follow later." fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------- ask_title "Check_MK Event Console" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- ask_dir -d enable_mkeventd no no no "Install Event Console" \ "The Check_MK Event Console is a full featured event processing module that integrates with Multisite. It has an own daemon and several methods for retrieving events. It even has an integrated syslog daemon. Please answer 'yes', if you want to enable the Event Console." if [ "$enable_mkeventd" = yes ] then ask_dir mkeventdstatedir /var/lib/mkeventd $vardir/mkeventd $OMD_ROOT/var/mkeventd "working directory of mkeventd" \ "The Event Console Daemon will store status and historic data in this directory." fi if [ "$enable_mkeventd" = yes -a "$enable_livestatus" != yes ] then ask_dir livesock ${nagpipe%/*}/live ${nagpipe%/*}/live $OMD_ROOT/tmp/run/live "Unix socket for Livestatus" \ "The Livestatus Module provides Nagios status data via a unix socket. This is similar to the Nagios command pipe, but allows bidirectional communication. Please enter the path to that pipe. It is recommended to put it into the same directory as Nagios' command pipe" fi checksdir=$sharedir/checks notificationsdir=$sharedir/notifications inventorydir=$sharedir/inventory modulesdir=$sharedir/modules web_dir=$sharedir/web localedir=$sharedir/locale agentsdir=$sharedir/agents create_defaults () { cat <&2 ; fi done } compile_livestatus () { local D=$SRCDIR/livestatus.src rm -rf $D mkdir -p $D tar xvzf $SRCDIR/livestatus.tar.gz -C $D pushd $D local CONFIGURE_OPTS="" if [ -n "$nagios_version" ] ; then if [ ${nagios_version:0:1} == 4 ] ; then CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-nagios4" fi fi ./configure --libdir=$libdir --bindir=$bindir $CONFIGURE_OPTS && make clean && cat < src/livestatus.h && #ifndef livestatus_h #define livestatus_h #define DEFAULT_SOCKET_PATH "$livesock" #endif // livestatus_h EOF make -j 8 2>&1 && strip src/livestatus.o && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$libdir && install -m 755 src/livestatus.o $DESTDIR$libdir && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$bindir && install -m 755 src/unixcat $DESTDIR$bindir && popd } compile_mkeventd () { local D=$SRCDIR/mkeventd.src rm -rf $D mkdir -p $D tar xvzf $SRCDIR/mkeventd.tar.gz -C $D pushd $D/src && make && popd } create_mkeventd_startscript () { if [ -e $DESTDIR/etc/init.d/mkeventd ] ; then return ; fi cat < $DESTDIR/etc/init.d/mkeventd #!/bin/sh # chkconfig: 345 98 02 # description: Check_MK Event Console Daemon ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: mkeventd # Required-Start: # Required-Stop: # Default-Start: 2 3 5 # Default-Stop: # Description: Start Check_MK Event Console Daemon ### END INIT INFO SOCKETDIR=$mkeventdsocketdir DAEMON=$bindir/mkeventd VARDIR=$mkeventdstatedir CONFDIR=$confdir MKEVENTD_SYSLOG=off RUNUSER=$nagiosuser LIVESTATUS=$livesock # DEBUG="--debug --foreground" PIDFILE=\$SOCKETDIR/pid STATUS_SOCKET=\$SOCKETDIR/status STATEFILE=\$VARDIR/status OPTS="-C \$CONFDIR --statedir \$VARDIR --logdir \$VARDIR -P \$SOCKETDIR/events -E \$SOCKETDIR/eventsocket -S \$STATUS_SOCKET --pidfile \$PIDFILE \$DEBUG" THE_PID=\$(cat \$PIDFILE 2>/dev/null) case "\$1" in start) if [ "\$MKEVENTD_SYSLOG" = on ] ; then echo -n 'Starting mkeventd with integrated syslog...' if kill -0 \$THE_PID >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'Already running.' exit 0 fi su -s /bin/sh - \$RUNUSER -c "\${DAEMON}_open514 --syslog --syslog-fd 3 \$OPTS" else echo -n 'Starting mkeventd...' if kill -0 \$THE_PID >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 'Already running.' exit 0 fi su -s /bin/sh - \$RUNUSER -c "\$DAEMON \$OPTS" fi echo OK ;; stop) echo -n 'Stopping mkeventd...' if [ -z "\$THE_PID" ] ; then echo 'Not running.' else echo -n "killing \$THE_PID..." kill \$THE_PID 2>/dev/null if [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then # Only wait for pidfile removal when the signal could be sent N=0 while [ -e "\$PIDFILE" ] ; do sleep 0.5 echo -n . N=\$((N + 1)) if [ \$N -gt 20 ] ; then echo "PID file did not vanish." exit 1 fi done else # Remove the stale pidfile to have a clean state after this rm \$PIDFILE fi echo 'OK' fi ;; restart) \$0 stop && \$0 start ;; reload) echo -n 'Reloading mkeventd...' if [ -z "\$THE_PID" ] ; then echo 'Not running.' exit 1 else echo "killing \$THE_PID with SIGHUP..." kill -1 \$THE_PID fi ;; status) echo -n 'Checking status of mkeventd...' if [ -z "\$THE_PID" ] ; then echo "not running (PID file missing)" exit 1 elif ! kill -0 \$THE_PID ; then echo "not running (PID file orphaned)" exit 1 else echo "running" exit 0 fi ;; flush) if [ -n "\$THE_PID" ] && kill -0 \$THE_PID ; then echo -n "Flushing current state and history..." result=\$(echo "COMMAND FLUSH" | unixcat \$STATUS_SOCKET) if [ "\$result" = "None" ] ; then echo OK exit 0 else echo "ERROR: \$result" exit 1 fi else echo -n "Deleting status and history files..." rm -f \$VARDIR/{status,master_config,slave_status,history/*} echo OK exit 0 fi ;; *) echo "Usage: \$0 {start|stop|restart|reload|status|flush}" ;; esac EOF chmod 755 $DESTDIR/etc/init.d/mkeventd } create_sudo_configuration () { # sudo only possible if running as root if [ $UID != 0 ] ; then return fi sudolines="Defaults:$wwwuser !requiretty\n$wwwuser ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: $bindir/check_mk --automation *" if [ ! -e /etc/sudoers ] ; then echo "You do not have sudo installed. Please install sudo " echo "and add the following line to /etc/sudoers if you want" echo "to use WATO - the Check_MK Web Administration Tool" echo echo -e "$sudolines" echo echo return fi if fgrep -q 'check_mk --automation' /etc/sudoers 2>/dev/null then # already present. Do not touch. return fi echo >> /etc/sudoers echo "# Needed for WATO - the Check_MK Web Administration Tool" >> /etc/sudoers echo -e "$sudolines" >> /etc/sudoers } while true do if [ -z "$DESTDIR" -a -z "$YES" ] ; then read -p "Proceed with installation (y/n)? " JA else JA=yes fi case "$JA" in j|J|ja|Ja|JA|y|yes|Y|Yes|YES) # Save paths for later installation if [ -z "$DESTDIR" ] ; then echo "$DIRINFO" > $SETUPCONF ; fi if [ "$enable_livestatus" = yes ] then if [ -z "$YES" ] ; then echo -n "(Compiling MK Livestatus..." ; fi compile_livestatus 2>&1 | propeller > $SRCDIR/livestatus.log if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" = 0 ] then if [ -z "$OMD_ROOT" -a "$livestatus_in_nagioscfg" = False -a -n "$DESTDIR$nagios_config_file" ] then echo -e "# Load Livestatus Module\nbroker_module=$libdir/livestatus.o $livesock\nevent_broker_options=-1" \ >> $DESTDIR$nagios_config_file elif [ "$OMD_ROOT" ] ; then echo -e "# Load Livestatus Module\nbroker_module=$OMD_ROOT/local/lib/mk-livestatus/livestatus.o pnp_path=$OMD_ROOT/var/pnp4nagios/perfdata $livesock\nevent_broker_options=-1" \ >> $OMD_ROOT/etc/mk-livestatus/nagios-local.cfg ln -sfn ../../mk-livestatus/nagios-local.cfg $OMD_ROOT/etc/nagios/nagios.d/mk-livestatus.cfg fi else echo -e "\E[1;31;40m ERROR compiling livestatus! \E[0m.\nLogfile is in $SRCDIR/livestatus.log" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$YES" ] ; then echo ")" ; fi fi && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$sharedir && tar xzf $SRCDIR/share.tar.gz -C $DESTDIR$sharedir && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$sharedir/werks && tar xzf $SRCDIR/werks.tar.gz -C $DESTDIR$sharedir/werks && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$modulesdir && create_defaults > $DESTDIR$modulesdir/defaults && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$localedir && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$checksdir && tar xzf $SRCDIR/checks.tar.gz -C $DESTDIR$checksdir && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$notificationsdir && tar xzf $SRCDIR/notifications.tar.gz -C $DESTDIR$notificationsdir && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$inventorydir && tar xzf $SRCDIR/inventory.tar.gz -C $DESTDIR$inventorydir && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$web_dir && tar xzf $SRCDIR/web.tar.gz -C $DESTDIR$web_dir && cp $DESTDIR$modulesdir/defaults $DESTDIR$web_dir/htdocs/defaults.py && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$pnptemplates && tar xzf $SRCDIR/pnp-templates.tar.gz -C $DESTDIR$pnptemplates && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$modulesdir && rm -f $DESTDIR$modulesdir/check_mk{,_admin} && tar xzf $SRCDIR/modules.tar.gz -C $DESTDIR$modulesdir && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$docdir && tar xzf $SRCDIR/doc.tar.gz -C $DESTDIR$docdir && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$checkmandir && tar xzf $SRCDIR/checkman.tar.gz -C $DESTDIR$checkmandir && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$agentsdir && tar xzf $SRCDIR/agents.tar.gz -C $DESTDIR$agentsdir && for agent in $DESTDIR/$agentsdir/check_mk_*agent.* ; do sed -ri 's@^export MK_LIBDIR="(.*)"@export MK_LIBDIR="'"$agentslibdir"'"@' $agent sed -ri 's@^export MK_CONFDIR="(.*)"@export MK_CONFDIR="'"$agentsconfdir"'"@' $agent done && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$vardir/{autochecks,counters,precompiled,cache,logwatch,web,wato,notify,log} && if [ -z "$DESTDIR" ] && id "$nagiosuser" > /dev/null 2>&1 && [ $UID = 0 ] ; then chown -R $nagiosuser $DESTDIR$vardir/{counters,cache,logwatch,notify} chown $nagiosuser $DESTDIR$vardir/{web,log} fi && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$confdir/conf.d && if [ -z "$DESTDIR" ] ; then chgrp -R $wwwgroup $DESTDIR$vardir && chmod -R g+w $DESTDIR$vardir && chgrp -R $wwwgroup $DESTDIR$vardir/web && chmod -R g+w $DESTDIR$vardir/web && chgrp -R $wwwgroup $DESTDIR$vardir/log && chmod -R g+w $DESTDIR$vardir/log && chgrp -R $wwwgroup $DESTDIR$vardir/wato && chmod -R g+w $DESTDIR$vardir/wato mkdir -p $DESTDIR$vardir/tmp && chgrp -R $wwwgroup $DESTDIR$vardir/tmp && chmod g+w $DESTDIR$vardir/tmp && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$confdir/conf.d/wato && chmod -R g+w $DESTDIR$confdir/conf.d/wato && chgrp -R $wwwgroup $DESTDIR$confdir/conf.d/wato mkdir -p $DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.d/wato && chmod -R g+w $DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.d/wato && chgrp -R $wwwgroup $DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.d/wato touch $DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.d/sites.mk && chgrp $wwwgroup $DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.d/sites.mk && chmod 664 $DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.d/sites.mk && touch $DESTDIR$confdir/conf.d/distributed_wato.mk && chgrp $wwwgroup $DESTDIR$confdir/conf.d/distributed_wato.mk && chmod 664 $DESTDIR$confdir/conf.d/distributed_wato.mk fi && tar xzf $SRCDIR/conf.tar.gz -C $DESTDIR$confdir && if [ -e $DESTDIR$confdir/check_mk.cfg -a ! -e $DESTDIR$confdir/main.mk ] ; then mv -v $DESTDIR$confdir/check_mk.cfg $DESTDIR$confdir/main.mk echo "Renamed check_mk.cfg into main.mk." fi && for f in $DESTDIR$vardir/autochecks/*.cfg $DESTDIR$confdir/conf.d/*.cfg ; do if [ -e "$f" ] ; then mv -v $f ${f%.cfg}.mk fi done && if [ ! -e $DESTDIR$confdir/main.mk ] ; then cp $DESTDIR$confdir/main.mk-$VERSION $DESTDIR$confdir/main.mk fi && if [ ! -e $DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.mk ] ; then cp $DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.mk-$VERSION $DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.mk fi && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.d && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$confdir/conf.d && echo 'All files in this directory that end with .mk will be read in after main.mk' > $DESTDIR$confdir/conf.d/README && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$bindir && rm -f $DESTDIR$bindir/check_mk && echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nexec python $modulesdir/check_mk.py "'"$@"' > $DESTDIR$bindir/check_mk && chmod 755 $DESTDIR$bindir/check_mk && ln -snf check_mk $DESTDIR$bindir/cmk && echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nexec python $modulesdir/check_mk.py -P "'"$@"' > $DESTDIR$bindir/mkp && chmod 755 $DESTDIR$bindir/mkp && sed -i "s#@BINDIR@#$bindir#g" $DESTDIR$sharedir/check_mk_templates.cfg && sed -i "s#@VARDIR@#$vardir#g" $DESTDIR$sharedir/check_mk_templates.cfg && sed -i "s#@CHECK_ICMP@#$check_icmp_path#g" $DESTDIR$sharedir/check_mk_templates.cfg && sed -i "s#@CGIURL@#${url_prefix}nagios/cgi-bin/#g" $DESTDIR$sharedir/check_mk_templates.cfg && sed -i "s#@PNPURL@#${url_prefix}pnp4nagios/#g" $DESTDIR$sharedir/check_mk_templates.cfg && mkdir -p "$DESTDIR$nagconfdir" if [ ! -e $DESTDIR$nagconfdir/check_mk_templates.cfg ] ; then ln -s $sharedir/check_mk_templates.cfg $DESTDIR$nagconfdir 2>/dev/null fi if [ -n "$nagiosaddconf" -a -n "$DESTDIR$nagios_config_file" ] ; then echo "# added by setup.sh of check_mk " >> $DESTDIR$nagios_config_file echo "$nagiosaddconf" >> $DESTDIR$nagios_config_file fi && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$vardir/packages && install -m 644 $SRCDIR/package_info $DESTDIR$vardir/packages/check_mk && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$apache_config_dir && if [ ! -e $DESTDIR$apache_config_dir/$NAME -a ! -e $DESTDIR$apache_config_dir/zzz_$NAME.conf -a -z "$OMD_ROOT" ] then cat < $DESTDIR$apache_config_dir/zzz_$NAME.conf # Created by setup of check_mk version $VERSION # This file will *not* be overwritten at the next setup # of check_mk. You may edit it as needed. In order to get # a new version, please delete it and re-run setup.sh. # Note for RedHat 5.3 users (and probably other version: # this file must be loaded *after* python.conf, otherwise # does not trigger! For that # reason, it is installed as zzz_.... Sorry for the # inconveniance. Alias ${url_prefix}check_mk $web_dir/htdocs AddHandler mod_python .py PythonHandler index PythonDebug Off DirectoryIndex index.py # Need Nagios authentification. Please edit the # following: Set AuthName and AuthUserFile to the # same value that you use for your Nagios configuration! Order deny,allow allow from all AuthName "$nagios_auth_name" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile $htpasswd_file require valid-user ErrorDocument 403 "

Authentication Problem

\ Either you've entered an invalid password or the authentication
\ configuration of your check_mk web pages is incorrect.

\ Please make sure that you've edited the file
\ $apache_config_dir/$NAME and made it use the same
\ authentication settings as your Nagios web pages.
\ Restart Apache afterwards." ErrorDocument 500 "

Server or Configuration Problem

\ A Server problem occurred. You'll find details in the error log of \ Apache. One possible reason is, that the file $htpasswd_file \ is missing. You can create that file with htpasswd or \ htpasswd2. A better solution might be to use your existing \ htpasswd file from your Nagios installation. Please edit $apache_config_dir/$NAME \ and change the path there. Restart Apache afterwards."
# Automation is done without HTTP Auth Order allow,deny Allow from all Satisfy any # Trigger cron jobs. This is done without authentication Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from Satisfy any # Webservice for dynamic creation of PNP templates Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from Satisfy any
Alias ${url_prefix}check_mk $web_dir/htdocs Deny from all ErrorDocument 403 "

Check_mk: Incomplete Apache2 Installation

\ You need mod_python in order to run the web interface of check_mk.
\ Please install mod_python and restart Apache."
EOF elif [ "$OMD_ROOT" ] ; then ln -sfn ../../check_mk/apache-local.conf $OMD_ROOT/etc/apache/conf.d/check_mk.conf cat < $OMD_ROOT/etc/check_mk/apache-local.conf # Local Apache configuration file for Check_MK # This file has been created by a local ./setup.sh of Check_MK # within the OMD site $OMD_SITE # # This shares the check_mk agents delivered with the OMD # version via HTTP Alias /$OMD_SITE/check_mk/agents $OMD_ROOT/local/share/check_mk/agents Options +Indexes Order deny,allow allow from all Alias /$OMD_SITE/check_mk $OMD_ROOT/local/share/check_mk/web/htdocs AddHandler mod_python .py PythonHandler index PythonInterpreter $OMD_SITE DirectoryIndex index.py Order deny,allow allow from all ErrorDocument 403 "

Authentication Problem

Either you've entered an invalid password or the authentication
configuration of your check_mk web pages is incorrect.
" ErrorDocument 500 "

Server or Configuration Problem

A Server problem occurred. You'll find details in the error log of Apache. One possible reason is, that the file $OMD_ROOT/etc/htpasswd is missing. You can manage that file with htpasswd or htpasswd2."
# Automation is done without HTTP Auth Order allow,deny Allow from all Satisfy any
Alias /$OMD_SITE/check_mk $OMD_ROOT/local/share/check_mk/web/htdocs Deny from all ErrorDocument 403 "

Check_mk: Incomplete Apache2 Installation

You need mod_python in order to run the web interface of check_mk.
Please install mod_python and restart Apache."
EOF fi && for d in $DESTDIR$apache_config_dir/../*/*$NAME{,.conf} ; do if [ -e "$d" ] && ! grep -q "$web_dir/htdocs" $d ; then echo "Changing $web_dir to $web_dir/htdocs in $d" sed -i "s@$web_dir@$web_dir/htdocs@g" $d fi done && # make htpasswd writable by apache, since we need this for # WATO. Also create an empty and Apache-writable auth.serials serials_file=$DESTDIR${htpasswd_file%/*}/auth.serials && touch "$serials_file" && (chown $wwwuser "$serials_file" || true) && (chown $wwwuser "$htpasswd_file" || true) && create_sudo_configuration && if [ "$enable_mkeventd" = yes ] then if [ -z "$YES" ] ; then echo -n "(Compiling Event Console binaries..." ; fi compile_mkeventd 2>&1 | propeller > $SRCDIR/mkeventd.log if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" = 0 ] then pushd $SRCDIR/mkeventd.src > /dev/null && install -m 755 src/mkevent $DESTDIR$bindir && install -m 4754 src/mkeventd_open514 -g $wwwgroup $DESTDIR$bindir && install -m 644 checks/* $DESTDIR$checksdir && install -m 755 bin/* $DESTDIR$bindir && install -m 755 lib/* $DESTDIR${check_icmp_path%/*} && cp -r web/* $DESTDIR$web_dir && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$confdir/mkeventd.d/wato && chown $wwwuser.$wwwgroup $DESTDIR$confdir/mkeventd.d/wato && if [ ! -e "$DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.d/mkeventd.mk" ] ; then mkdir -p $DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.d && echo 'mkeventd_enabled = True' > $DESTDIR$confdir/multisite.d/mkeventd.mk fi && touch $DESTDIR$confdir/mkeventd.mk && mkeventdsocketdir=${livesock%/*}/mkeventd && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$mkeventdsocketdir && chown $nagiosuser.$wwwgroup $DESTDIR$mkeventdsocketdir && chmod 2755 $DESTDIR$mkeventdsocketdir && mkdir -p $DESTDIR$mkeventdstatedir && chown $nagiosuser $DESTDIR$mkeventdstatedir && create_mkeventd_startscript && popd > /dev/null else echo -e "\E[1;31;40m ERROR compiling Event Console binaries! \E[0m.\nLogfile is in $SRCDIR/mkeventd.log" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$YES" ] ; then echo ")" ; fi fi && if [ -z "$YES" ] ; then echo -e "Installation completed successfully.\nPlease restart Nagios and Apache in order to update/active check_mk's web pages." echo echo -e "You can access the new Multisite GUI at http://localhost${url_prefix}check_mk/" fi || echo "ERROR!" exit ;; n|N|no|No|Nein|nein) echo "Aborted." exit 1 ;; esac done