Source: check-mk Section: admin Priority: optional Maintainer: Debian Nagios Maintainer Group Uploaders: Alexander Wirt , Jan Wagner , Thomas Bechtold , Ilya Rassadin , Matt Taggart Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), quilt Standards-Version: 3.9.8 Vcs-Git: Vcs-Browser: Package: check-mk-agent Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Suggests: xinetd, python Recommends: ethtool Description: general purpose monitoring plugin for retrieving data Check_mk adopts a new a approach for collecting data from operating systems and network components. It obsoletes NRPE, check_by_ssh, NSClient and check_snmp. It has many benefits, the most important of which are: . * Significant reduction of CPU usage on the monitoring host. * Automatic inventory of items to be checked on hosts. . This package contains the agent part of check-mk. Package: check-mk-agent-logwatch Architecture: all Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, check-mk-agent, python Description: general purpose monitoring plugin for retrieving data Check_mk adopts a new a approach for collecting data from operating systems and network components. It obsoletes NRPE, check_by_ssh, NSClient and check_snmp. It has many benefits, the most important of which are: . * Significant reduction of CPU usage on the monitoring host. * Automatic inventory of items to be checked on hosts. . This package contains the logwatch plugin for the agent. Package: check-mk-server Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, adduser, python, check-mk-config-icinga, debconf Recommends: check-mk-doc, snmp Description: general purpose monitoring plugin for retrieving data Check_mk adopts a new a approach for collecting data from operating systems and network components. It obsoletes NRPE, check_by_ssh, NSClient and check_snmp. It has many benefits, the most important of which are: . * Significant reduction of CPU usage on the monitoring host. * Automatic inventory of items to be checked on hosts. . This package contains the server part of check_mk Package: check-mk-config-icinga Conflicts: check-mk-config-nagios3 Architecture: any Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, adduser Description: general purpose monitoring plugin for retrieving data Check_mk adopts a new a approach for collecting data from operating systems and network components. It obsoletes NRPE, check_by_ssh, NSClient and check_snmp. It has many benefits, the most important of which are: . * Significant reduction of CPU usage on the Nagios host. * Automatic inventory of items to be checked on hosts. . This package contains the icinga specific part of check_mk Package: check-mk-livestatus Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} Suggests: xinetd Conflicts: ucspi-unix Recommends: check-mk-doc Description: general purpose monitoring plugin for retrieving data Check_mk adopts a new a approach for collecting data from operating systems and network components. It obsoletes NRPE, check_by_ssh, NSClient and check_snmp. It has many benefits, the most important of which are: . * Significant reduction of CPU usage on the Nagios host. * Automatic inventory of items to be checked on hosts. . This package contains livestatus Package: check-mk-multisite Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libapache2-mod-python, check-mk-config-icinga Recommends: sudo, check-mk-doc Suggests: check-mk-livestatus Description: general purpose monitoring plugin for retrieving data Check_mk adopts a new a approach for collecting data from operating systems and network components. It obsoletes NRPE, check_by_ssh, NSClient and check_snmp. It has many benefits, the most important of which are: . * Significant reduction of CPU usage on the Nagios host. * Automatic inventory of items to be checked on hosts. . This package contains the webfrontend of check_mk also known as "MK-Multisite" Package: check-mk-doc Architecture: all Section: doc Depends: ${misc:Depends} Suggests: check-mk-livestatus, check-mk-server, check-mk-multisite Description: general purpose monitoring plugin for retrieving data (documentation) Check_mk adopts a new a approach for collecting data from operating systems and network components. It obsoletes NRPE, check_by_ssh, NSClient and check_snmp. It has many benefits, the most important of which are: . * Significant reduction of CPU usage on the Nagios host. * Automatic inventory of items to be checked on hosts. . This package contains the check_mk documentation.