------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLATION Now, you must configure Apache to redirect the URL 'Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync' to the index.php file in the Z-Push directory. This can be done by adding the line Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync ${MY_INSTALLDIR}/index.php to your httpd.conf file. Make sure that you are adding the line to the correct part of your Apache configuration, taking care of virtual hosts and other Apache configurations. *WARNING* You CANNOT simply rename the z-push directory to Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync. This will cause Apache to send redirects to the PDA, which will definitely break your PDA synchronisation. Lastly, make sure that PHP has the following settings: php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off php_flag register_globals off php_flag magic_quotes_runtime off php_flag short_open_tag on You can set this in the httpd.conf, in php.ini or in an .htaccess file in the root of z-push. If you don't set this up correctly, you will not be able to login correctly via z-push. After doing this, you should be able to synchronize from your PDA. Finally you should be able to log in to Z-Push at http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync