diff -uNr vmware-server-distrib.orig/installer/services.sh vmware-server-distrib/installer/services.sh
--- vmware-server-distrib.orig/installer/services.sh	2006-07-01 03:14:16.000000000 +0000
+++ vmware-server-distrib/installer/services.sh	2006-07-14 11:59:28.000000000 +0000
@@ -606,8 +606,13 @@
       if [ -e "$vmware_etc_dir"/not_configured ]; then
          echo "`vmware_product_name`"' is installed, but it has not been (correctly) configured'
-         echo 'for the running kernel. To (re-)configure it, invoke the'
-         echo 'following command: '"$vmdb_answer_BINDIR"'/vmware-config.pl.'
+         echo 'for the running kernel.'
+         echo 
+         echo 'Please ensure that the modules have been compiled for this kernel:'
+         echo '  emerge --oneshot vmware-modules'
+         echo
+         echo 'Also ensure '"`vmware_product_name`"' has been configured:'
+         echo '  '"$vmdb_answer_BINDIR"'/vmware-config.pl'
          exit 1