# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ # By default this eclasses wants eapi 2 which might be redefinable to newer # versions. case ${EAPI:-0} in 2) : ;; *) die "No way! EAPI other than 2 is not supported for now." ;; esac inherit eutils linux-mod versionator DESCRIPTION="Modules for Vmware Programs" LICENSE="GPL-2" case ${PN} in vmware-modules) # vmware modules greater 208 (Workstation 6.5.* or Player 2.5.* or server 2.0.*) are GPL-2 # the MAJOR version number is from vmmon-only/include/iocontrols.h VMMON_VERSION # the MINOR version number is the SUBVERSION number of the wkst, player, or server package # (normally they match) put them into its own package # older modules are licensed VMware Confidental # we have to get them from the upstream package # !!! dont put them into its own package !!! # this check is a candidad for removal when the last old package is removed if [[ "$(get_major_version)" -ge "208" ]]; then VM_SRC_URI="http://ftp.mars.arge.at/vmware/${P}.tar.bz2" else LICENSE="vmware" fi HOMEPAGE="http://www.vmware.com/" ;; open-vm-modules) # the split into SRC and S is required for compile # the sources of the modules are spread across the package MY_DATE="$(get_version_component_range 3)" MY_BUILD="$(get_version_component_range 4)" MY_PN="${PN/modules/tools}" MY_PV="${MY_DATE:0:4}.${MY_DATE:4:2}.${MY_DATE:6:2}-${MY_BUILD}" MY_P="${MY_PN}-${MY_PV}" VM_SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/open-vm-tools/${MY_P}.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://open-vm-tools.sourceforge.net/" SRC="${WORKDIR}"/${MY_P} S="${SRC}/modules/linux" ;; *) eerror "unknown modules package" ;; esac # check if we need a pachset if [[ -n ${GENPATCHES_VER} ]]; then GEN_SRC_URI="http://ftp.mars.arge.at/vmware/${P}-genpatches-${GENPATCHES_VER}.tar.bz2" else GEN_SRC_URI="" fi SRC_URI="${VM_SRC_URI} ${GEN_SRC_URI}" SLOT="0" EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_setup src_unpack src_prepare src_compile src_install VMWARE_GROUP="vmware" vmware-mod-2_pkg_setup() { linux-mod_pkg_setup # standard build target BUILD_TARGETS="auto-build HEADER_DIR=${KERNEL_DIR}/include BUILD_DIR=${KV_OUT_DIR}" case ${PN} in vmware-modules) if [[ -n "${VM_MODULE_LIST}" ]]; then for mod in ${VM_MODULE_LIST}; do MODULE_NAMES="${MODULE_NAMES} ${mod}(vmware:${S}/${mod}-only)" done else eerror "Buggy package plz specify VM_MODULE_LIST" fi ;; open-vm-modules) # extend the build target for open-vm-modules BUILD_TARGETS="${BUILD_TARGETS} OVT_SOURCE_DIR=${SRC}" if [[ -n "${VM_MODULE_LIST}" ]]; then for mod in ${VM_MODULE_LIST}; do # modules should go into right directory # this should some day be extended for the fs modules vmblock & vmhgfs and pvscsi if [ "${mod}" == "vmxnet" -o "${mod}" == "vmxnet3" ]; then MODTARGET="net" else MODTARGET="openvmtools" fi MODULE_NAMES="${MODULE_NAMES} ${mod}(${MODTARGET}:${S}/${mod})" done else eerror "Buggy package plz specify VM_MODULE_LIST" fi ;; *) eerror "unknown modules package" ;; esac } vmware-mod-2_src_unpack() { case ${PN} in vmware-modules) unpack ${A} cd "${S}" for mod in ${VM_MODULE_LIST}; do unpack ./${mod}.tar done ;; open-vm-modules) unpack ${A} ;; *) eerror "unknown modules package" ;; esac } vmware-mod-2_src_prepare() { case ${PN} in vmware-modules) for mod in ${VM_MODULE_LIST}; do convert_to_m "${S}"/${mod}-only/Makefile done ;; open-vm-modules) for mod in ${VM_MODULE_LIST}; do convert_to_m "${S}"/${mod}/Makefile done ;; *) eerror "unknown modules package" ;; esac if [[ -e "${WORKDIR}/patches" ]]; then cd "${S}" EPATCH_FORCE="yes" EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" epatch "${WORKDIR}"/patches fi } vmware-mod-2_src_compile() { linux-mod_src_compile } vmware-mod-2_src_install() { case ${PN} in vmware-modules) dodir /etc/udev/rules.d for mod in ${VM_MODULE_LIST}; do echo 'KERNEL=="'$mod'*", GROUP="'$VMWARE_GROUP'" MODE=660' >> "${D}/etc/udev/rules.d/60-vmware.rules" || die done ;; open-vm-modules) einfo "no udev rules required" ;; *) eerror "unknown modules package" ;; esac linux-mod_src_install }