# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/vmware-vix/vmware-vix-,v 1.2 2009/08/26 17:31:46 mr_bones_ Exp $ # Unlike many other binary packages the user doesn't need to agree to a licence # to download VMWare. The agreeing to a licence is part of the configure step # which the user must run manually. EAPI="2" inherit eutils versionator MY_PV=$(replace_version_separator 3 '-' ) MY_PN="VMware-vix-${MY_PV}" DESCRIPTION="VMware VIX for Linux" HOMEPAGE="http://www.vmware.com/" SRC_URI=" x86? ( mirror://vmware/software/vmserver/${MY_PN}.i386.tar.gz ) amd64? ( mirror://vmware/software/vmserver/${MY_PN}.x86_64.tar.gz ) " LICENSE="vmware" IUSE="" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="-* ~x86 ~amd64" RESTRICT="strip" # vmware-server should not use virtual/libc as this is a # precompiled binary package thats linked to glibc. DEPEND=" >=dev-lang/perl-5 sys-apps/pciutils sys-apps/findutils >=sys-libs/glibc-2.3.5 x11-misc/shared-mime-info virtual/os-headers" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} dev-libs/glib dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/openssl net-misc/curl sys-libs/zlib !app-emulation/vmware-workstation " S=${WORKDIR}/vmware-vix-distrib pkg_setup() { if use x86; then MY_P="${MY_PN}.i386" elif use amd64; then MY_P="${MY_PN}.x86_64" fi } src_prepare() { VMWARE_GROUP=${VMWARE_GROUP:-vmware} VMWARE_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/${PN//-//} shortname="vix" product="vmware-vix" config_dir="/etc/vmware-vix" product_name="VMware VIX API" enewgroup ${VMWARE_GROUP} # EPATCH_SOURCE="${FILESDIR}"/${PV} EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" epatch sed -i -e "s:/sbin/lsmod:/bin/lsmod:" "${S}"/installer/services.sh || die "sed of services" # We won't want any perl scripts from VMware rm -f *.pl bin/*.pl rm -f etc/installer.sh } src_install() { # We loop through our directories and copy everything to our system. for x in api bin lib include do if [[ -e "${S}/vmware-vix/${x}" ]] then dodir "${VMWARE_INSTALL_DIR}"/${x} cp -pPR "${S}"/vmware-vix/${x}/* "${D}""${VMWARE_INSTALL_DIR}"/${x} \ || die "copying ${x}" fi done # If we have an /etc directory, we copy it. #if [[ -e "${S}/etc" ]] #then dodir "${config_dir}" # cp -pPR "${S}"/etc/* "${D}""${config_dir}" # fowners root:${VMWARE_GROUP} "${config_dir}" # fperms 770 "${config_dir}" #fi # If we have any helper files, we install them. First, we check for an # init script. if [[ -e "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.rc" ]] then newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.rc ${product} || die "newinitd" fi local ENVD="${T}/90${PN}" echo "PATH=${VMWARE_INSTALL_DIR}/bin" > "${ENVD}" echo "ROOTPATH=${VMWARE_INSTALL_DIR}/bin" >> "${ENVD}" doenvd "${ENVD}" || die "doenvd" # Last, we check for any mime files. if [[ -e "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.xml" ]] then insinto /usr/share/mime/packages doins "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.xml || die "mimetypes" fi # Blame bug #91191 for this one. if [[ -e doc/EULA ]] then insinto "${VMWARE_INSTALL_DIR}"/doc doins doc/EULA || die "copying EULA" fi # Now, we copy in our services.sh file #exeinto "${config_dir}"/init.d #newexe installer/services.sh ${product} || die "services.sh" dohtml -r doc/VMwareVix/* # Finally, we run the "questions" # Questions: einfo "Adding answers to ${config_dir}/locations" locations="${D}${config_dir}/locations" echo "answer BINDIR ${VMWARE_INSTALL_DIR}/bin" >> ${locations} echo "answer VIXLIBDIR ${VMWARE_INSTALL_DIR}/lib" >> ${locations} echo "answer LIBDIR ${VMWARE_INSTALL_DIR}/lib" >> ${locations} #echo "answer MANDIR ${VMWARE_INSTALL_DIR}/man" >> ${locations} echo "answer DOCDIR /usr/share/doc/${P}" >> ${locations} local VMWARECONFIG="${T}"/config if [[ -e ${ROOT}/etc/vmware/config ]] then cp -a "${ROOT}"/etc/vmware/config "${VMWARECONFIG}" sed -i -e "/vix.libdir/d" "${VMWARECONFIG}" fi echo "vix.libdir = \"${VMWARE_INSTALL_DIR}/lib\"" >> "${VMWARECONFIG}" insinto /etc/vmware/ doins "${VMWARECONFIG}" } pkg_preinst() { # This must be done after the install to get the mtimes on each file # right. #Note: it's a bit weird to use ${D} in a preinst script but it should work #(drobbins, 1 Feb 2002) einfo "Generating ${config_dir}/locations file." d=`echo ${D} | wc -c` for x in `find ${D}${VMWARE_INSTALL_DIR} ${D}${config_dir}` ; do x="`echo ${x} | cut -c ${d}-`" if [ -d "${D}/${x}" ] ; then echo "directory ${x}" >> "${D}${config_dir}"/locations else echo -n "file ${x}" >> "${D}${config_dir}"/locations if [ "${x}" == "${config_dir}/locations" ] ; then echo "" >> "${D}${config_dir}"/locations elif [ "${x}" == "${config_dir}/not_configured" ] ; then echo "" >> "${D}${config_dir}"/locations else echo -n " " >> "${D}${config_dir}"/locations find "${D}${x}" -printf %T@ >> "${D}${config_dir}"/locations echo "" >> "${D}${config_dir}"/locations fi fi done } pkg_postinst() { update-mime-database /usr/share/mime [[ -d "${config_dir}" ]] && chown -R root:${VMWARE_GROUP} ${config_dir} # This is to fix the problem where the not_configured file doesn't get # removed when the configuration is run. This doesn't remove the file # It just tells the vmware-config.pl script it can delete it. einfo "Updating ${config_dir}/locations" for x in "${config_dir}"/._cfg????_locations ; do if [ -f $x ] ; then cat $x >> "${config_dir}"/locations rm $x fi done ewarn "In order to run ${product_name}, you have to" ewarn "be in the '${VMWARE_GROUP}' group." } pkg_prerm() { sed -i -e "/vix.libdir/d" "${ROOT}"/etc/vmware/config } pkg_postrm() { if ! has_version app-emulation/${PN}; then ewarn "To remove all traces of ${producti_name} you will need to remove the files" ewarn "in ${config_dir} and /etc/init.d/${product}." ewarn "If the vmware-modules package is installed, you may no longer need it." fi }