# ChangeLog for app-emulation/vmware-workstation
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $

  30 May 2009; Mario Fetka <mario.fetka@gmail.com> ChangeLog:
  cleanup ebuild header

*vmware-workstation-5.5.9_p126128 (30 May 2009)

  30 May 2009; Mario Fetka <mario.fetka@gmail.com>
  +files/90vmware-workstation, +vmware-workstation-5.5.9_p126128.ebuild,
  +files/vmware-player.desktop, +files/vmware-workstation.desktop,
  +files/vmware-workstation.rc, +files/vmware-workstation.xml,
  initial checkin based on new eclass

  25 Mar 2009; Mike Auty <ikelos@gentoo.org>
  gtkmm's accessibility is now always enabled (see bug #247249)

  15 Jan 2009; Mike Auty <ikelos@gentoo.org>
  Stabilize vmware-workstation to match the main tree.