git-svn-id: 6952d904-891a-0410-993b-d76249ca496b
341 lines
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341 lines
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# - wrapper script for xpdf's pdftops utility to act as a CUPS filter
# ==============================================================================
# 1.00 - 2004-10-05/Bl
# Initial implementation
# 1.10 - 2006-09-27/Bl
# Alternatively, use Adobe Reader in place of Xpdf's pdftops
# 1.20 - 2007-12-03/Bl
# Safe temp file creation (fix gentoo bug # 201042)
# Copyright: Helge Blischke / SRZ Berlin 2004-2006
# This program is free seoftware and governed by the GNU Public License Version 2.
# Description:
# ------------
# This program wraps the pdftops utility from the xpdf 3.00 (and higher) suite
# to behave as a CUPS filter as a replacement for the original pdftops filter.
# As an alternative the Adobe Reader may be used.
# The main purpose of this approach is to keep the properties of a PDF to be
# printed as undesturbed as possible, especially with respect to page size,
# scaling, and positioning.
# The pdftops utility reads a configuration file 'pdftops.conf' or 'acroread.conf',
# respectively, in the CUPS_SERVERROOT directory, which must exist but may be empty.
# The sample configuration file accompanying this program sets the defaults which
# seem plausible to me with respect to high end production printers.
# To give the user highest possible flexibility, this program accepts and
# evaluates a set of job attributes special to this filter, which are
# described below:
# pdf-pages=<f>,<l>
# expands to the -f and -l options of pdftops
# or the -start and -end options of acroread, respectively
# to select a page range to process. This is independent
# of the page-ranges attribute and may significantly
# increase throughput when printing page ranges.
# Either of these numbers may be omitted.
# pdf-paper=<name>
# For pdftops, <name> may be one of "letter", "legal",
# "A4", "A3", or "match"; for acroread, the permetted values
# are "letter", "legal", "tabloid", "ledger", "executive",
# "a3", "a4", "a5", "b4", "b5", respectively (without the
# quotes; the names are treated case independent).
# In case of acroread, no paper specification is equivalent
# to pdsftops's "match".
# pdf-paper=<width>x<height>
# <name> may be one of letter, legal , A4, A3, or match;
# <width> and <height> are the paper width and height
# in printers points (1/72 inch). This expands to
# either the -paper or the -paperh and -paperw options
# of pdftops or the -size option of acroread.
# pdf-opw=<password>
# pdf-upw=<password>
# expand to the -opw and -upw options of pdftops,
# respectively and permit printing of password
# protected PDFs.
# pdf-<option> where <option> is one of
# level1, level1sep, level2, level2sep, level3, level3sep,
# opi, nocrop, expand, noshrink, nocenter.
# See the pdftops manpage for a detailed description of
# the respective options.
# In case of acroread, the options level1, level?sep, opi,
# nocrop, noshrink, and nocenter are silently ignored.
# All other pdftops commandline options are refused.
# The return code of the pdftops utility or acroread, if nonzero, is used as the exit code
# of this program; error messages of the pdftops utility are only visible
# if 'debug' is specified as LogLevel in cupsd.conf.
# -----
# This wrapper script has been initially designed to use the original pdftops utility
# as a CUPS filter and now extended to alternately use acroread.
# But there are situations where you need to be able to select either variant, thus it
# is possible to configure the wrapper to both programs but select one of them by default;
# the other one then may be selected by command line option:
# use-pdftops selects pdftops
# use-acroread selects acroread
# if both are configured (by defining the appropriate configuration file).
# Site specific parameters - modify as needed
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$pdftops_path = "/usr/bin/pdftops"; # path to the xpdf utility
$acroread_path = "/opt/bin/acroread"; # path to Adobe Reader
$default_app = 'use-pdftops'; # the default if both are configured
$use_pdftops = 1; # default on gentoo and highly recommended
$use_acroread = 0; # not supported/working on gentoo yet, use at your own risk
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
use File::Temp qw( tempfile );
# Check which app to use - pdftops or acroread
$rootdir = $ENV{CUPS_SERVERROOT} || die ("ERROR: CUPS server root directory undefined\n");
$use_both = $use_pdftops && $use_acroread;
# Check the arguments
die ("ERROR: wrong number of arguments\n") if (scalar @ARGV < 5);
$jobid = $username = $title = $copies = undef;
$jobid = shift; # Job ID
$username = shift; # Job requesting user name
$title = shift; # Job title
$copies = shift; # Number of requested copies
$options = shift; # Textual representation of job attributes
$pdffile = shift; # Pathname of PDF file to process
if (defined $use_both && $use_both)
my $optstr = " $options ";
my $to_use = '';
if ($optstr =~ /\s+(use-acroread|use-pdftops)\s+/)
$to_use = $1;
$to_use = $default_app;
if ($to_use eq 'use-acroread')
undef $use_pdftops;
elsif ($to_use eq 'use-pdftops')
undef $use_acroread;
die ("ERROR: cannot use both pdftops and acroread simultaneously\n");
if (defined $use_pdftops)
# If we are reading from STDIN, we must copy the input to a temporary file
# as the PDF consumer needs a seekable input.
if (! defined $pdffile)
my $template = "pdfinXXXXXX";
my $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR};
my ($bytes, $buffer);
my ($tmpfh, $tmpfile) = tempfile ($template, OPEN => 1, DIR => $tmpdir, UNLINK => 0, SUFFIX => '.tmp');
while (($bytes = read (STDIN, $buffer, 1024)) > 0)
print $tmpfh "$buffer";
if ($bytes < 0)
close ($tmpfh);
unlink $tmpfile;
die ("ERROR: pdftops wrapper: $tmpfile: $!\n");
close ($tmpfh);
$pdffile = $tmpfile;
$delete_input = 1; # for deleting the temp file after converting
# Check the options string for options to modify the bahaviour of the pdftops utility:
@optarr = split (/\s+/, $options);
if (defined $use_pdftops)
$cmdopt = ""; # do not pass the -cfg argument to the poppler pdftops util
# The following are the (parameterless) command line options that may be used to change the
# defaults defiend by pdftops.conf
$simple = 'level1|level1sep|level2|level2sep|level3|level3sep|opi|nocrop|expand|noshrink|nocenter';
%papernames = (
'letter' => '-paper letter',
'tabloid' => '-paperw 792 -paperh 1224',
'ledger' => '-paperw 1224 -paperh 792',
'legal' => '-paper legal',
'executive' => '-paperw 756 -paperh 522',
'a3' => '-paper A3',
'a4' => '-paper A4',
'a5' => '-paperw 421 -paperh 595',
'b4' => '-paperw 709 -paperh 1002',
'b5' => '-paperw 501 -paperh 709',
'match' => '-paper match'
open (CFG, "<$rootdir/acroread.conf") || die ("ERROR: acroread.conf: $!\n");
$cmdopt = '-toPostScript';
while (<CFG>)
next if (/^\s*#/); # skip comment lines
next if (/^\s*$/); # skip blank lines
s/^-\s*//; # discard leading '-' and white space, as it will be generated later
s/\s+$//; # discard trailing white space
$cmdopt .= " -$_";
close (CFG);
$simple = 'level1|level1sep|level2|level2sep|level3|level3sep|opi|nocrop|expand|noshrink|nocenter';
%papernames = (
'letter' => '-size letter',
'tabloid' => '-size tabloid',
'ledger' => '-size ledger',
'legal' => '-size legal',
'executive' => '-size executive',
'a3' => '-size a3',
'a4' => '-size a4',
'a5' => '-size a5',
'b4' => '-size b4',
'b5' => '-size b5',
'match' => '' # this is the default with acroread
foreach my $option (@optarr)
if ($option =~ /^pdf-(.+)$/)
{ # We assume this is an option to evaluate
my $optkey = $1; # possible pdftops option
if ($optkey =~ /^pages=(\d*),(\d*)$/)
# We do this hack here to avoid clashes with the page-ranges atrribute
# which is handled by the pstops filter. And we allow one of the numbers
# to be omitted.
my $first = $1;
my $lastp = $2;
if (defined $use_pdftops)
$cmdopt .= " -f $1" if ($1); # first page
$cmdopt .= " -l $2" if ($2); # last page
$cmdopt .= " -start $1" if ($1); # first page
$cmdopt .= " -end $2" if ($2); # last page
elsif ($optkey =~ /^paper=(letter|tabloid|ledger|legal|[Aa]3|[Aa]4|[Aa]5|[Bb]4|[Bb]5|match)$/)
# evaluate paper name
my $paper = $1;
$paper =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $value = $papernames{$paper};
$cmdopt .= " $value" if ($value);
elsif ($optkey =~ /^paper=(\d+)x(\d+)$/)
# evaluate paper dimensions
if (defined $use_pdftops)
$cmdopt .= " -paperw $1 -paperh $2";
$cmdopt .= " -size $1" . 'x' . "$2";
elsif ($optkey =~ /^(o|u)pw=(\S+)$/)
$cmdopt .= " $1" . 'pw ' . $2 if (defined $use_pdftops); # owner/user password
elsif ($optkey =~ /^($simple)$/)
my $thisopt = $1;
if (defined $use_pdftops)
$cmdopt .= ' -' . $1; # allowed simple options
$thisopt =~ s/sep$//; # ignore the ...sep suffix
if ($thisopt =~ /level1|opi|nocrop|nocenter/)
$thisopt = '';
elsif ($thisopt eq 'noshrink')
$thisopt = '';
$cmdopt =~ s/ -shrink//;
$cmdopt .= " -" . $thisopt if ($thisopt);
warn ("ERROR: pdftops wrapper: illegal attribute \"pdf-$optkey\"\n");
# All other attributes are processed elsewhere
# Complete the command
if (defined $use_pdftops)
warn ("ERROR: pdftops-options: $cmdopt\n");
warn ("ERROR: acroread-options: $cmdopt\n");
if (defined $use_pdftops)
$rc = system ("$pdftops_path $cmdopt $pdffile -");
if (defined $pdffile && $pdffile)
$rc = system ("$acroread_path $cmdopt < $pdffile")
$rc = system ("$acroread_path $cmdopt");
if ($rc)
$ir = $rc & 127;
$rc >>= 8;
my $temp = (defined $use_pdftops) ? $pdftops_path : $acroread_path;
warn ("ERROR: $temp exited with ", ($ir) ? "signal $ir, " : " exit code $rc", "\n");
exit $rc;
unlink ($pdffile) if (defined $delete_input); # Delete the temp file if any
exit 0;