# ChangeLog for app-admin/mmc-web-base # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 05 Dec 2009; Mario Fetka +mmc-web-base-2.3.2_p642.ebuild, +files/mmc-web-base-2.3.2-gentoo-3.patch: use special pulse2 version *mmc-web-base-2.3.2-r2 (03 Sep 2009) 03 Sep 2009; Mario Fetka +mmc-web-base-2.3.2-r2.ebuild: add missing dependencies * mmc-web-base-2.3.2-r1 (17 Apr 2009) 17 Apr 2009; Mario Fetka mmc-web-base-2.3.2-r1: EAPI2 and test cleanup 16 Apr 2009; Mario Fetka mmc-web-base-2.3.2.ebuild: add die to do* 08 Apr 2009; Mario Fetka -mmc-web-base-2.3.1.ebuild, mmc-web-base-2.3.2.ebuild: correct KEYWORDS 07 Apr 2009; Mario Fetka -files/postinstall-en-2.3.txt: delete not reqired files 13 Mar 2009; Mario Fetka mmc-web-base-2.3.2.ebuild: new dependencies on gettext 17 Feb 2009; Mario Fetka +files/mmc-web-base-2.3.2-gentoo-2.patch, mmc-web-base-2.3.2.ebuild: disbale php_flag 17 Feb 2009; Mario Fetka mmc-web-base-2.3.2.ebuild: move apache mmc.conf after php.conf 17 Feb 2009; Mario Fetka ChangeLog: update to new system 17 Feb 2009; Mario Fetka +files/mmc-web-base-2.3.2-gentoo-1.patch, +metadata.xml, +mmc-web-base-2.3.2.ebuild: New design for mmc web packages