geos_one f9dcf98e91 dev-lang/yasm: add patach for cython 0.14
(Portage version: 2.2.0_alpha10-r1/svn/Linux x86_64, RepoMan options: --force)

git-svn-id: 6952d904-891a-0410-993b-d76249ca496b
2010-12-26 18:24:20 +00:00

175 lines
5.4 KiB

# ChangeLog for dev-lang/yasm
# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/yasm/ChangeLog,v 1.43 2010/11/03 12:02:48 phajdan.jr Exp $
*yasm-1.1.0-r1 (26 Dec 2010)
26 Dec 2010; Mario Fetka <> -yasm-1.1.0.ebuild,
+yasm-1.1.0-r1.ebuild, +files/yasm-1.1.0-cython-0.14.patch:
add patach for cython 0.14
03 Nov 2010; Pawel Hajdan jr <> yasm-1.1.0.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt bug #343143
29 Oct 2010; Markos Chandras <> yasm-1.1.0.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #343143
*yasm-1.1.0 (20 Aug 2010)
20 Aug 2010; Samuli Suominen <> +yasm-1.1.0.ebuild,
Version bump.
12 Jul 2010; Christian Faulhammer <> yasm-1.0.1.ebuild:
stable x86, bug 325273
24 Jun 2010; Pacho Ramos <> yasm-1.0.1.ebuild:
stable amd64, bug 325273
*yasm-1.0.1 (03 Jun 2010)
03 Jun 2010; Lars Wendler <> +yasm-1.0.1.ebuild:
Version bump (bug #322655).
12 Apr 2010; Samuli Suominen <> yasm-1.0.0.ebuild:
LICENSE is all of Artistic, BSD, GPL-2 and LGPL-2.
*yasm-1.0.0 (12 Apr 2010)
12 Apr 2010; Samuli Suominen <> +yasm-1.0.0.ebuild:
Version bump.
02 Jan 2010; Christian Faulhammer <> yasm-0.8.0.ebuild:
Transfer Prefix keywords
10 Jun 2009; Markus Meier <> yasm-0.8.0.ebuild:
x86 stable, bug #273035
07 Jun 2009; Thomas Anderson <> yasm-0.8.0.ebuild:
stable amd64 as requested by Samuli Suominen to fix bug #273008. General QA
cleanup by myself and Samuli. Convert to EAPI 2 for simplicity.
19 Apr 2009; Markus Meier <> yasm-0.7.2:
x86 stable, bug #266057
14 Apr 2009; Thomas Anderson <> yasm-0.7.2.ebuild:
stable amd64, bug 266057
*yasm-0.8.0 (13 Apr 2009)
13 Apr 2009; Mike Frysinger <> +yasm-0.8.0.ebuild:
Version bump.
12 Oct 2008; Markus Meier <> yasm-0.7.1.ebuild:
amd64/x86 stable, bug #241188
11 Oct 2008; Markus Rothe <> yasm-0.6.2.ebuild,
yasm-0.7.0.ebuild, yasm-0.7.1.ebuild, yasm-0.7.2.ebuild:
Remove ~ppc64 keywords. This is useless on ppc64..
*yasm-0.7.2 (10 Oct 2008)
10 Oct 2008; Mike Frysinger <> +yasm-0.7.2.ebuild:
Version bump.
*yasm-0.7.1 (12 Aug 2008)
12 Aug 2008; Steve Dibb <> +yasm-0.7.1.ebuild:
Version bump, bug 234462
*yasm-0.7.0 (16 Apr 2008)
16 Apr 2008; Ben de Groot <> +yasm-0.7.0.ebuild:
Version bump.
09 Apr 2008; Alexis Ballier <> yasm-0.6.2.ebuild:
keyword ~x86-fbsd
05 Jan 2008; Brent Baude <> yasm-0.6.2.ebuild:
Marking yasm-0.6.2 ~ppc64 for bug 200993
26 Dec 2007; Markus Meier <> yasm-0.6.2.ebuild:
x86 stable, bug #200993
26 Dec 2007; Samuli Suominen <> yasm-0.6.2.ebuild:
amd64 stable wrt #200993
25 Dec 2007; Christian Heim <> metadata.xml:
Removing kugelfang from metadata.xml as per #46972.
22 Sep 2007; Christoph Mende <> yasm-0.6.1.ebuild:
Stable on amd64 wrt bug #193375
22 Sep 2007; Christian Faulhammer <> yasm-0.6.1.ebuild:
stable x86, bug 193375
*yasm-0.6.2 (22 Sep 2007)
22 Sep 2007; Mike Frysinger <> +yasm-0.6.2.ebuild:
Version bump.
*yasm-0.6.1 (24 Jul 2007)
24 Jul 2007; Mike Frysinger <> +yasm-0.6.1.ebuild:
Version bump.
13 Jul 2007; Steve Dibb <> yasm-0.5.0.ebuild,
amd64 stable
12 Jul 2007; Raúl Porcel <> yasm-0.6.0.ebuild:
x86 stable
22 Apr 2007; Danny van Dyk <> yasm-0.6.0.ebuild:
Remove macho object format tests in dev-lang/yasm-0.6.0 until fixed
upstream. See bug #174020.
*yasm-0.6.0 (20 Mar 2007)
20 Mar 2007; Danny van Dyk <> +yasm-0.6.0.ebuild:
Version bump.
22 Feb 2007; Piotr Jaroszyński <> ChangeLog:
Transition to Manifest2.
06 Jan 2007; Danny van Dyk <> -yasm-0.5.0_rc1.ebuild:
QA: Removed unused versions.
*yasm-0.5.0 (21 Dec 2006)
21 Dec 2006; <> +yasm-0.5.0.ebuild:
- version bump to upstream stable
02 Mar 2006; Joshua Jackson <> yasm-0.4.0.ebuild:
Stable on x86; bug #124567
01 Mar 2006; Danny van Dyk <> yasm-0.4.0.ebuild,
Added NLS USE flag to the ebuilds. Thanks to Diego Petteno.
*yasm-0.5.0_rc1 (01 Mar 2006)
01 Mar 2006; Danny van Dyk <> -yasm-0.3.0.ebuild,
yasm-0.4.0.ebuild, +yasm-0.5.0_rc1.ebuild:
Removed version 0.3.0. Marked version 0.4.0 stable on amd64. Added new
version 0.5.0.
26 May 2005; Sven Wegener <> metadata.xml:
Herd name is 'amd64' not ''
*yasm-0.4.0 (27 Mar 2005)
27 Mar 2005; Danny van Dyk <> +metadata.xml,
Taking over maintainership. Added metadata.xml. Version bump to yasm-0.4.0.
01 Jun 2004; Michael Sterrett <> yasm-0.3.0.ebuild:
fix depend; tidy
*yasm-0.3.0 (09 Feb 2004)
09 Feb 2004; <> yasm-0.3.0.ebuild:
New ebuild for yasm. Keyworded ~amd64 and ~x86. Ran tests that came with
package. All seems well. Needs testing with some real code.