geos_one d1d32d7260 add vice
git-svn-id: 6952d904-891a-0410-993b-d76249ca496b
2010-11-07 18:47:50 +00:00

279 lines
9.2 KiB

# ChangeLog for app-emulation/vice
# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/vice/ChangeLog,v 1.72 2010/04/11 17:04:29 phajdan.jr Exp $
11 Apr 2010; Pawel Hajdan jr <> vice-2.2.ebuild:
x86 stable wrt bug #302506
08 Apr 2010; Michael Sterrett <> vice-2.2.ebuild:
patch location for files - sed patch from Marcin Deranek via bug #313741
24 Mar 2010; Samuli Suominen <>
Use upstream patch instead.
23 Mar 2010; Samuli Suominen <> vice-2.2.ebuild,
Fix bug 292508 in a different way since upstream mentioned wanting check.
*vice-2.2 (23 Mar 2010)
23 Mar 2010; Michael Sterrett <> +vice-2.2.ebuild,
version bump (bug #299870) with additions from via bug
08 Mar 2010; Samuli Suominen <> vice-2.1.ebuild:
Don't check for obsolete png_check_sig function (because vice will
silently start using it's bundled copy). Required for libpng14.
22 Jan 2010; Samuli Suominen <> vice-2.1.ebuild:
Require SLOT="0" of media-libs/jpeg for headers.
12 Nov 2009; Alfredo Tupone <> vice-2.1.ebuild,
Fix X_ShmAttach not declared. Bug #292508 by Cedric Godin
02 Nov 2009; Samuli Suominen <> vice-1.22.ebuild,
Remove obsolete aRts support.
24 Aug 2009; Michael Sterrett <> vice-2.1.ebuild:
don't try to actually run fc-cache (bug #280976)
11 May 2009; Samuli Suominen <> vice-2.1.ebuild,
Fix compile with GCC 4.4 wrt #269311, thanks to Martin Väth.
*vice-2.1 (25 Jan 2009)
25 Jan 2009; Michael Sterrett <> +vice-2.1.ebuild:
version bump
*vice-2.0 (11 Aug 2008)
11 Aug 2008; Michael Sterrett <>
+files/vice-2.0-gtk-bigendian-fix.patch, +vice-2.0.ebuild:
version bump - bug #234043 with patches and ebuild submitted by Karl Aloritias
28 Jul 2008; Doug Goldstein <> metadata.xml:
add GLEP 56 USE flag desc from use.local.desc
07 Nov 2007; Michael Sterrett <> vice-1.22.ebuild:
remove ffmpeg support for now (bug #187699)
30 Oct 2007; Michael Sterrett <>
-files/vice-1.21-fullscreen.patch, -files/vice-1.21-uicolor.patch,
-vice-1.20.ebuild, -vice-1.21-r1.ebuild:
clean out old, broken releases
30 Oct 2007; nixnut <> vice-1.22.ebuild:
Stable on ppc wrt bug 196608
29 Oct 2007; Ferris McCormick <> vice-1.22.ebuild:
Sparc stable --- Bug #196608 --- developer request.
24 Oct 2007; Markus Meier <> vice-1.22.ebuild:
x86 stable, bug #196608
21 Oct 2007; Michael Sterrett <> vice-1.22.ebuild:
dep on x11-libs/libXrandr as well (bug #196564)
*vice-1.22 (15 Oct 2007)
15 Oct 2007; Michael Sterrett <> +vice-1.22.ebuild:
version bump (bug #195970)
*vice-1.21-r1 (16 Jun 2007)
16 Jun 2007; Tristan Heaven <>
+files/vice-1.21-fullscreen.patch, +vice-1.21-r1.ebuild:
Patch from David Leverton for bug #179315
21 May 2007; Tristan Heaven <> vice-1.21.ebuild:
Add resid USE flag, bug #177102
03 May 2007; Mike Frysinger <> vice-1.21.ebuild:
Tweak @SYNC@ fix some more #176522.
03 May 2007; Jeroen Roovers <> +vice-1.20.ebuild,
Bring back 1.20 for sparc, rekeyword 1.21 as ~sparc (bug #176256).
26 Apr 2007; Tristan Heaven <> vice-1.21.ebuild:
Fix build failure when SYNC is set, bug #176155
*vice-1.21 (26 Apr 2007)
26 Apr 2007; Tristan Heaven <>
+files/vice-1.21-uicolor.patch, +vice-1.21.ebuild:
Version bump
24 Apr 2007; Gustavo Zacarias <> vice-1.20.ebuild:
Stable on sparc
13 Mar 2007; Raúl Porcel <> vice-1.20.ebuild:
x86 stable
21 Feb 2007; Piotr Jaroszyński <> ChangeLog:
Transition to Manifest2.
18 Nov 2006; Saleem Abdulrasool <> vice-1.20.ebuild:
add back gnome useflag errornously dropped on 1.20
17 Nov 2006; Saleem Abdulrasool <>
vice-1.17.ebuild, vice-1.19.ebuild, vice-1.20.ebuild:
Dropping gnome useflag for gnome-1.x removal
26 Oct 2006; Tristan Heaven <> vice-1.20.ebuild:
Add x11-apps/bdftopcf and x11-apps/mkfontdir to DEPEND, bug #152715
*vice-1.20 (12 Oct 2006)
12 Oct 2006; Tristan Heaven <> +vice-1.20.ebuild:
Version bump, bug #150767
16 Sep 2006; Tobias Scherbaum <> vice-1.19.ebuild:
ppc stable
30 Aug 2006; Gustavo Zacarias <> vice-1.19.ebuild:
Stable on sparc
25 Mar 2006; <> +files/vice-1.19-64bitfix.patch,
Fixing bug #116678 ffmpeg on amd64. Thanks to Andreas Arens
17 Mar 2006; Gustavo Zacarias <> vice-1.19.ebuild:
Keyworded ~sparc wrt #126147
25 Jan 2006; Chris Gianelloni <> vice-1.17.ebuild,
General *DEPEND cleanup.
25 Jan 2006; Chris Gianelloni <> vice-1.17.ebuild,
Added modular X dependencies and closing bug #120225.
*vice-1.19 (17 Jan 2006)
17 Jan 2006; Hanno Boeck <> +vice-1.19.ebuild:
Version bump.
*vice-1.18 (25 Dec 2005)
25 Dec 2005; Michael Sterrett <> +vice-1.18.ebuild:
version bump (bug #116657)
13 Nov 2005; Michael Hanselmann <> vice-1.17.ebuild:
Stable on ppc.
12 Nov 2005; Michael Sterrett <> vice-1.17.ebuild:
stable for x86
20 Oct 2005; Michael Sterrett <>
-files/vice_gcc4_patch.gz, -vice-1.16.ebuild:
clean old version
17 Oct 2005; Hanno Boeck <> vice-1.17.ebuild:
Added all USE-flags to IUSE and added missing ffmpeg-dep.
*vice-1.17 (11 Oct 2005)
11 Oct 2005; Michael Sterrett <> +vice-1.17.ebuild:
version bump
15 Aug 2005; Michael Sterrett <> vice-1.14-r1.ebuild,
disabled gnome support since it doesn't work. see bug #101901 and discussion.
04 May 2005; Hanno Boeck <> +files/vice_gcc4_patch.gz,
GCC 4 fix (from Debian, already applied by upstream devs).
24 Apr 2005; Michael Hanselmann <> vice-1.14-r1.ebuild:
Stable on ppc.
14 Feb 2005; Michael Sterrett <> vice-1.16.ebuild:
disabled ffmpeg support since ffmpeg isn't slotted and later versions aren't
compatible with the vice code (bug #81795)
*vice-1.16 (12 Feb 2005)
12 Feb 2005; Michael Sterrett <> +vice-1.16.ebuild:
version bump (bug #67601) - use flag diff from Christian Harms
22 Jan 2005; Chris Gianelloni <> vice-1.14-r1.ebuild:
Changed use_with gnome to use_enable gnome and closing bug #77836.
02 Aug 2004; David Holm <> vice-1.14-r1.ebuild:
Added to ~ppc.
14 Jun 2004; Michael Sterrett <> vice-1.14.ebuild:
removed older ebuild
*vice-1.14-r1 (14 Jun 2004)
14 Jun 2004; Michael Sterrett <> vice-1.14-r1.ebuild,
add patch to fix bug #53903 "monitor memory dump format string vulnerability"
Patch from upstream.
14 Apr 2004; Chris Gianelloni <> vice-1.14.ebuild:
Adding inherit eutils per discussion amongst games developers.
12 Apr 2004; Chris Gianelloni <> vice-1.14.ebuild:
Removing redundant inherit eutils.
29 Mar 2004; Michael Sterrett <> metadata.xml:
add metadata file
29 Mar 2004; Michael Sterrett <>
files/1.12-po-Makefile.patch, files/1.13-po-Makefile.patch:
remove unused patches
29 Mar 2004; Michael Sterrett <> vice-1.12-r1.ebuild,
remove older ebuilds
*vice-1.14 (07 Feb 2004)
07 Feb 2004; Mike Frysinger <> :
Version bump #40434 by Chris Aniszczyk.
*vice-1.13 (03 Oct 2003)
03 Nov 2003; Michael Sterrett <> vice-1.13.ebuild:
DESTDIR fix for bug 32544; add prepgamesdirs
03 Oct 2003; Michael Sterrett <> vice-1.13.ebuild,
version bump
*vice-1.12-r1 (13 Jul 2003)
13 Jul 2003; Mike Frysinger <> :
Fixed up nls support #24041, added optional arts support and added games.eclass support.
*vice-1.12 (24 Jun 2003)
24 Jun 2003; Hanno Boeck <> vice-1.12.ebuild:
Version bump.
*vice-1.11 (23 Mar 2003)
23 Mar 2003; Hanno Boeck <> vice-1.11.ebuild:
New version.
*vice-1.10 (08 Nov 2002)
08 Nov 2002; Hanno Boeck <> vice-1.10.ebuild :
New version.
Also fixed dependencies (no need to depend on full gnome).
*vice-1.9 (03 Aug 2002)
03 Aug 2002; Daniel Ahlberg <> vice-1.9.ebuild :
Initial import. Ebuild submitted by Matt Matthews <>.