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# ChangeLog for sci-geosciences/gpsd
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-geosciences/gpsd/ChangeLog,v 1.34 2008/08/06 17:56:52 ulm Exp $
08 Dec 2008; Mario Fetka <> ChangeLog:
delete - dir
06 Aug 2008; Ulrich Mueller <> metadata.xml:
Add USE flag description to metadata wrt GLEP 56.
27 Jun 2008; Ulrich Mueller <> gpsd-2.32.ebuild,
gpsd-2.33-r1.ebuild, gpsd-2.34-r1.ebuild, gpsd-2.36.ebuild,
Change dependency from virtual/motif to x11-libs/openmotif, bug 224749.
*gpsd-2.37 (02 Jun 2008)
02 Jun 2008; Hanno Boeck <> +gpsd-2.37.ebuild:
Version bump, removed autotools-calls, not needed when not patching
anything, removed flag-o-matic (not called anywhere), re-enable test
(works for me).
17 May 2008; Steve Arnold <> gpsd-2.34-r1.ebuild:
Applying updates from bug #211456 due to device breakage in 2.36 (no
response on bug).
01 Mar 2008; Steve Arnold <> gpsd-2.36.ebuild:
Cleaned up minimal use logic and updated for bug #211456; updated version
of 2.34-r1 waiting for user testing.
*gpsd-2.36 (23 Feb 2008)
23 Feb 2008; Steve Arnold <> +files/99-gpsd-usb.rules,
files/gpsd.conf, +gpsd-2.36.ebuild:
Updated to latest version and new udev rules (closes bug #210079). Note
the new rules supercede the older ones (but the older ones were not
installed by default anyway). The gpsd script is still installed
under /etc/hotplug but it only depends on udev now.
22 Jul 2007; Donnie Berkholz <>; gpsd-2.32.ebuild,
gpsd-2.33-r1.ebuild, gpsd-2.34-r1.ebuild:
Drop virtual/x11 references.
*gpsd-2.34-r1 (11 Jun 2007)
11 Jun 2007; Steve Arnold <> files/40-usb-serial.rules,
files/gpsd.init, -gpsd-2.34.ebuild, +gpsd-2.34-r1.ebuild:
updated dbus deps and init scripts for bugs 180348 and 181250
18 Jan 2007; Steve Arnold <> gpsd-2.34.ebuild:
Added missing include file (bug 162361) and fixed up einfo.
14 Jan 2007; Steve Arnold <> files/gpsd.conf,
Reverted to strict config setup, since gpsd requires the device parameter
when using the init script to start gpsd with an existing device (even a
usb device).
*gpsd-2.34 (14 Jan 2007)
14 Jan 2007; Steve Arnold <> files/gpsd.conf,
files/gpsd.init, +gpsd-2.34.ebuild:
Version bump with new devices and use flags, plus streamlined config and
minimal install option (disable other use flags and enable minimal).
08 Jan 2007; Danny van Dyk <> -gpsd-2.33.ebuild:
QA: Removed unused versions.
05 Nov 2006; Steve Arnold <> files/gpsd.conf:
Corrected path in config file (only affects non-usb usage).
24 Oct 2006; Steve Arnold <> files/gpsd.init,
Updated with USE flag for TNT hardware support (it's the only one that's
default disabled) and init script change (bugs 144059 and 150141).
31 Aug 2006; Matthias Schwarzott <> ChangeLog:
Fixed double-utf8 encoding, see bug #125288.
*gpsd-2.33-r1 (14 Aug 2006)
14 Aug 2006; Robin H. Johnson <>
+files/gpsd-2.33-hotplug-background-fix.patch, +gpsd-2.33-r1.ebuild:
Fix bug #132288 and also two other hotplug issues that I personally ran
into. The patches have been submitted upstream.
18 Jul 2006; Steve Arnold <> -gpsd-2.31.ebuild,
Stable bump, removed old version due to broken Garmin driver.
*gpsd-2.33 (08 Jul 2006)
08 Jul 2006; Steve Arnold <> +gpsd-2.33.ebuild:
updated to latest upstream release and added a couple USE flags
05 Jul 2006; Michael Sterrett <> -gpsd-2.30-r1.ebuild:
clean old dep-broken ebuild
23 June 2006; Tom Gall <> gpsd-2.31.ebuild:
stable on ppc64
*gpsd-2.32 (27 May 2006)
27 May 2006; Steve Arnold <> gpsd-2.30-r1.ebuild,
gpsd-2.31.ebuild, +gpsd-2.32.ebuild:
Stable bump for older versions, added latest version, and reverted
the socket dir change.
08 May 2006; Steve Arnold <> files/gpsd.conf,
files/gpsd.init, gpsd-2.30-r1.ebuild, gpsd-2.31.ebuild:
Updated with workaround for bug 132288
24 Feb 2006; Steve Arnold <> gpsd-2.31.ebuild:
updated dbus depend atom
20 Feb 2006; Steve Arnold <> gpsd-2.30-r1.ebuild,
updated SRC_URI until berlios fixes their dorked up downloads
*gpsd-2.31 (20 Feb 2006)
*gpsd-2.30-r1 (20 Feb 2006)
20 Feb 2006; Steve Arnold <> -gpsd-2.30.ebuild,
+gpsd-2.30-r1.ebuild, +gpsd-2.31.ebuild, -gpsd-2.29.ebuild:
Updated for modular X and added latest release (2.31 finally uses
newer dbus API). Closes bug #122512.
15 Jan 2006; Marcus D. Hanwell <> gpsd-2.29.ebuild,
Added RESTRICT test as the tests seem to be broken, closes bug 118585.
16 Dec 2005; Diego Pettenò <> gpsd-2.30.ebuild:
Remove --with-gnu-ld option, bug #108386.
*gpsd-2.30 (01 Oct 2005)
01 Oct 2005; Steve Arnold <>
-files/gpsd-2.25-SiRF.patch, -files/gpsd-2.25-y-format.patch,
-files/gpsd-2.26-dbus.patch, -files/gpsd-2.26-python.patch,
-gpsd-2.25-r1.ebuild, -gpsd-2.26.ebuild, gpsd-2.29.ebuild,
version bump, fix for bug #107147, and cleanup of old ebuilds
20 Sep 2005; Steve Arnold <> gpsd-2.25-r1.ebuild,
gpsd-2.26.ebuild, gpsd-2.29.ebuild:
added additional LDFLAGS to fix bug #106330 (fix submitted by Morgan
Collins <>)
*gpsd-2.29 (06 Sep 2005)
*gpsd-2.25-r1 (06 Sep 2005)
06 Sep 2005; Steve Arnold <>
+files/gpsd-2.25-SiRF.patch, -gpsd-2.25.ebuild, +gpsd-2.25-r1.ebuild,
gpsd-2.26.ebuild, +gpsd-2.29.ebuild:
fixed dbus depends and added new version
20 Aug 2005; Olivier Fisette <> gpsd-2.26.ebuild:
Depend on dbus version 0.23.4 or later (fixes bug #102049).
*gpsd-2.26 (08 Aug 2005)
08 Aug 2005; Steve Arnold <>
+files/gpsd-2.26-dbus.patch, +files/gpsd-2.26-python.patch,
slightly updated, but hotplug still doesn't quite work right
02 Jun 2005; Olivier Fisette <> gpsd-2.25.ebuild:
Use "virtual/motif" instead of "x11-libs/openmotif".
*gpsd-2.25 (28 May 2005)
28 May 2005; Steve Arnold <> +files/40-usb-serial.rules,
+files/gpsd-2.25-y-format.patch, +files/gpsd.conf, +files/gpsd.init,
+metadata.xml, +gpsd-2.25.ebuild:
added esr's patch for Y format messages, updated the einfo, and cleaned
up the arch stuff a bit
*gpsd-2.25 (28 May 2005)
28 May 2005; Steve Arnold <> +files/40-usb-serial.rules,
+files/gpsd.conf, +files/gpsd.init, +metadata.xml, +gpsd-2.25.ebuild:
adding current version of gpsd (most other gps daemons are dead now)