# ChangeLog for x11-themes/plasma-themes # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 06 Oct 2008; plasma-themes-0.2.ebuild: update NEED_KDE to use slots instead of versions 22 Sep 2008; Tomáš Chvátal plasma-themes-0.2.ebuild: Fix little copy/paste typo in grep command *plasma-themes-0.2 (22 Sep 2008) 22 Sep 2008; Tomáš Chvátal -plasma-themes-0.1.ebuild, +plasma-themes-0.2.ebuild: Put fluffy-bunny theme to our themes :] 15 Sep 2008; Tomáš Chvátal plasma-themes-0.1.ebuild: Fix echecking for not allways availible dirs *plasma-themes-0.1 (15 Sep 2008) 15 Sep 2008; Tomáš Chvátal +metadata.xml, +plasma-themes-0.1.ebuild: Add plasma-themes-0.1